/** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Stand-alone version of the entry form
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
    function entry_form($return_form = FALSE, $captcha = '')
        global $TMPL, $LANG, $LOC, $OUT, $DB, $IN, $REGX, $FNS, $SESS, $PREFS, $EXT;
        $field_data = '';
        $catlist = '';
        $status = '';
        $title = '';
        $url_title = '';
        $dst_enabled = $SESS->userdata('daylight_savings');
        // No loggy? No looky...
        if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') == 0) {
            return '';
        if (!($weblog = $TMPL->fetch_param('weblog'))) {
            return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $LANG->line('weblog_not_specified'));
        // Fetch the action ID number.  Even though we don't need it until later
        // we'll grab it here.  If not found it means the action table doesn't
        // contain the ID, which means the user has not updated properly.  Ya know?
        if (!($insert_action = $FNS->fetch_action_id('Weblog', 'insert_new_entry'))) {
            return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $LANG->line('weblog_no_action_found'));
        // We need to first determine which weblog to post the entry into.
        $assigned_weblogs = $FNS->fetch_assigned_weblogs();
        $weblog_id = !$IN->GBL('weblog_id', 'POST') ? '' : $IN->GBL('weblog_id');
        if ($weblog_id == '') {
            $query = $DB->query("SELECT weblog_id from exp_weblogs WHERE site_id IN ('" . implode("','", $TMPL->site_ids) . "') AND blog_name = '" . $DB->escape_str($weblog) . "' AND is_user_blog = 'n'");
            if ($query->num_rows == 1) {
                $weblog_id = $query->row['weblog_id'];
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  Security check
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        if (!in_array($weblog_id, $assigned_weblogs)) {
            return $TMPL->no_results();
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  Fetch weblog preferences
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM  exp_weblogs WHERE weblog_id = '{$weblog_id}'");
        if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
            return "The weblog you have specified does not exist.";
        foreach ($query->row as $key => $val) {
            ${$key} = $val;
        if (!isset($_POST['weblog_id'])) {
            $title = $default_entry_title;
            $url_title = $url_title_prefix;
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_start' hook.
        //  - Rewrite the Stand Alone Entry Form completely
        $edata = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_start', $return_form, $captcha, $weblog_id);
        if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
        // -------------------------------------------
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Return the "no cache" version of the form
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        if ($return_form == FALSE) {
            $nc = '{{NOCACHE_WEBLOG_FORM ';
            if (count($TMPL->tagparams) > 0) {
                foreach ($TMPL->tagparams as $key => $val) {
                    $nc .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '" ';
            $nc .= '}}' . $TMPL->tagdata . '{{/NOCACHE_FORM}}';
            return $nc;
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  JavaScript For URL Title
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        $convert_ascii = $PREFS->ini('auto_convert_high_ascii') == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $word_separator = $PREFS->ini('word_separator') != "dash" ? '_' : '-';
        /** -------------------------------------
           	/**  Create Foreign Character Conversion JS
           	/** -------------------------------------*/
        /* -------------------------------------
        		/*  'foreign_character_conversion_array' hook.
        		/*  - Allows you to use your own foreign character conversion array
        		/*  - Added 1.6.0
        if (isset($EXT->extensions['foreign_character_conversion_array'])) {
            $foreign_characters = $EXT->call_extension('foreign_character_conversion_array');
        } else {
            $foreign_characters = array('223' => "ss", '224' => "a", '225' => "a", '226' => "a", '229' => "a", '227' => "ae", '230' => "ae", '228' => "ae", '231' => "c", '232' => "e", '233' => "e", '234' => "e", '235' => "e", '236' => "i", '237' => "i", '238' => "i", '239' => "i", '241' => "n", '242' => "o", '243' => "o", '244' => "o", '245' => "o", '246' => "oe", '249' => "u", '250' => "u", '251' => "u", '252' => "ue", '255' => "y", '257' => "aa", '269' => "ch", '275' => "ee", '291' => "gj", '299' => "ii", '311' => "kj", '316' => "lj", '326' => "nj", '353' => "sh", '363' => "uu", '382' => "zh", '256' => "aa", '268' => "ch", '274' => "ee", '290' => "gj", '298' => "ii", '310' => "kj", '315' => "lj", '325' => "nj", '352' => "sh", '362' => "uu", '381' => "zh");
        		/* -------------------------------------*/
        $foreign_replace = '';
        foreach ($foreign_characters as $old => $new) {
            $foreign_replace .= "if (c == '{$old}') {NewTextTemp += '{$new}'; continue;}\n\t\t\t\t";
        $default_entry_title = $REGX->form_prep($default_entry_title);
        $url_title_js = <<<EOT
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
        function liveUrlTitle()
\t\t\tvar defaultTitle = '{$default_entry_title}';
\t\t\tvar NewText = document.getElementById("title").value;
\t\t\tif (defaultTitle != '')
\t\t\t\tif (NewText.substr(0, defaultTitle.length) == defaultTitle)
\t\t\t\t\tNewText = NewText.substr(defaultTitle.length);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.toLowerCase();
\t\t\tvar separator = "{$word_separator}";
\t\t\t// Foreign Character Attempt
\t\t\tvar NewTextTemp = '';
\t\t\tfor(var pos=0; pos<NewText.length; pos++)
\t\t\t\tvar c = NewText.charCodeAt(pos);
\t\t\t\tif (c >= 32 && c < 128)
\t\t\t\t\tNewTextTemp += NewText.charAt(pos);
\t\t\tvar multiReg = new RegExp(separator + '{2,}', 'g');
\t\t\tNewText = NewTextTemp;
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace('/<(.*?)>/g', '');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/\\s+/g, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/\\//g, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/[^a-z0-9\\-\\._]/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/\\+/g, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(multiReg, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/-\$/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/_\$/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/^_/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/^-/g,'');
\t\t\tif (document.getElementById("url_title"))
\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById("url_title").value = "{$url_title_prefix}" + NewText;\t\t\t
\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['entryform'].elements['url_title'].value = "{$url_title_prefix}" + NewText; 

        function showhide_item(id)
\t\t\tif (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "block")
\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_urltitle_js' hook.
        //  - Rewrite the Stand Alone Entry Form's URL Title JavaScript
        if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_urltitle_js') === TRUE) {
            $url_title_js = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_urltitle_js', $url_title_js);
            if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
        // -------------------------------------------
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Compile form declaration and hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $RET = isset($_POST['RET']) ? $_POST['RET'] : $FNS->fetch_current_uri();
        $XID = !isset($_POST['XID']) ? '' : $_POST['XID'];
        $PRV = isset($_POST['PRV']) ? $_POST['PRV'] : '{PREVIEW_TEMPLATE}';
        $hidden_fields = array('ACT' => $insert_action, 'RET' => $RET, 'PRV' => $PRV, 'URI' => $IN->URI == '' ? 'index' : $IN->URI, 'XID' => $XID, 'return_url' => isset($_POST['return_url']) ? $_POST['return_url'] : $TMPL->fetch_param('return'), 'author_id' => $SESS->userdata('member_id'), 'weblog_id' => $weblog_id);
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add status to hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $status_id = !isset($_POST['status_id']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('status') : $_POST['status_id'];
        if ($status_id == 'Open' || $status_id == 'Closed') {
            $status_id = strtolower($status_id);
        $status_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_statuses WHERE group_id = '{$status_group}' order by status_order");
        if ($status_id != '') {
            $closed_flag = TRUE;
            if ($status_query->num_rows > 0) {
                foreach ($status_query->result as $row) {
                    if ($row['status'] == $status_id) {
                        $closed_flag = FALSE;
            $hidden_fields['status'] = $closed_flag == TRUE ? 'closed' : $status_id;
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add "allow" options
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $allow_cmts = !isset($_POST['allow_cmts']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('allow_comments') : $_POST['allow_cmts'];
        if ($allow_cmts != '' and $comment_system_enabled == 'y') {
            $hidden_fields['allow_comments'] = $allow_cmts == 'yes' ? 'y' : 'n';
        $allow_tbks = !isset($_POST['allow_tbks']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('allow_trackbacks') : $_POST['allow_tbks'];
        if ($allow_tbks != '') {
            $hidden_fields['allow_trackbacks'] = $allow_tbks == 'yes' ? 'y' : 'n';
        $sticky_entry = !isset($_POST['sticky_entry']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('sticky_entry') : $_POST['sticky_entry'];
        if ($sticky_entry != '') {
            $hidden_fields['sticky'] = $sticky_entry == 'yes' ? 'y' : 'n';
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add categories to hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        if ($category_id = $TMPL->fetch_param('category')) {
            if (isset($_POST['category'])) {
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                    if (strstr($key, 'category') and is_array($val)) {
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($val as $v) {
                            $hidden_fields['category[' . $i++ . ']'] = $v;
            } else {
                if (strpos($category_id, '|') === FALSE) {
                    $hidden_fields['category[]'] = $category_id;
                } else {
                    $category_id = trim($category_id, '|');
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach (explode("|", $category_id) as $val) {
                        $hidden_fields['category[' . $i++ . ']'] = $val;
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add pings to hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $hidden_pings = !isset($_POST['hidden_pings']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('hidden_pings') : $_POST['hidden_pings'];
        if ($hidden_pings == 'yes') {
            $hidden_fields['hidden_pings'] = 'yes';
            $ping_servers = $this->fetch_ping_servers('new');
            if (is_array($ping_servers) and count($ping_servers) > 0) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($ping_servers as $val) {
                    if ($val['1'] != '') {
                        $hidden_fields['ping[' . $i++ . ']'] = $val['0'];
        /** -------------------------------------
        		/**  Parse out the tag
        		/** -------------------------------------*/
        $tagdata = $TMPL->tagdata;
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  Upload and Smileys Link
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        $s = $PREFS->ini('admin_session_type') != 'c' ? $SESS->userdata['session_id'] : 0;
        $cp_url = $PREFS->ini('cp_url') . '?S=' . $s;
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_upload_url' hook.
        //  - Rewrite URL for Upload Link
        if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_upload_url') === TRUE) {
            $upload_url = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_upload_url', $weblog_id);
        } else {
            $upload_url = $cp_url . '&amp;C=publish&amp;M=file_upload_form&amp;field_group=' . $field_group . '&amp;Z=1';
        // -------------------------------------------
        $tagdata = str_replace('{upload_url}', $upload_url, $tagdata);
        $tagdata = str_replace('{smileys_url}', $cp_url . '&amp;C=publish&amp;M=emoticons&amp;field_group=' . $field_group . '&amp;Z=1', $tagdata);
        // Onward...
        $which = $IN->GBL('preview', 'POST') ? 'preview' : 'new';
        /** --------------------------------
        		/**  Fetch Custom Fields
        		/** --------------------------------*/
        if ($TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields') !== FALSE) {
            if (strncmp('not ', $TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields'), 4) == 0) {
                $these = "AND field_name NOT IN ('" . str_replace('|', "','", trim(substr($TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields'), 3))) . "') ";
            } else {
                $these = "AND field_name IN ('" . str_replace('|', "','", trim($TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields'))) . "') ";
        } else {
            $these = '';
        $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM  exp_weblog_fields WHERE group_id = '{$field_group}' {$these} ORDER BY field_order");
        $fields = array();
        $date_fields = array();
        $cond = array();
        if ($which == 'preview') {
            foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                $fields['field_id_' . $row['field_id']] = $row['field_name'];
                $cond[$row['field_name']] = '';
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'date') {
                    $date_fields[$row['field_name']] = $row['field_id'];
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Preview
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "preview" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "preview" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            if ($which != 'preview') {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            } else {
                /** ----------------------------------------
                				/**  Instantiate Typography class
                				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
                    require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
                $TYPE = new Typography();
                $TYPE->convert_curly = FALSE;
                $title = $TYPE->format_characters(stripslashes($IN->GBL('title', 'POST')));
                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'title' . RD, $title, $match['1']);
                // We need to grab each global array index and do a little formatting
                $str = '';
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                    if (!is_array($val)) {
                        if (strstr($key, 'field_id')) {
                            $expl = explode('field_id_', $key);
                            if (in_array($expl['1'], $date_fields)) {
                                $temp_date = $LOC->convert_human_date_to_gmt($_POST['field_id_' . $expl['1']]);
                                $temp = $_POST['field_id_' . $expl['1']];
                                $cond[$fields['field_id_' . $expl['1']]] = $temp_date;
                            } else {
                                $cond[$fields['field_id_' . $expl['1']]] = $_POST['field_id_' . $expl['1']];
                                $txt_fmt = !isset($_POST['field_ft_' . $expl['1']]) ? 'xhtml' : $_POST['field_ft_' . $expl['1']];
                                $temp = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes($val), array('text_format' => $txt_fmt, 'html_format' => $weblog_html_formatting, 'auto_links' => $weblog_allow_img_urls, 'allow_img_url' => $weblog_auto_link_urls));
                            if (isset($fields[$key])) {
                                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . $fields[$key] . RD, $temp, $match['1']);
                            $str .= $temp;
                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'display_custom_fields' . RD, $str, $match['1']);
                $match['1'] = $FNS->prep_conditionals($match['1'], $cond);
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** -------------------------------------
        		/**  Formatting buttons
        		/** -------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "formatting_buttons" . RD . "#s", $tagdata)) {
            if (!defined('BASE')) {
                $s = $PREFS->ini('admin_session_type') != 'c' ? $SESS->userdata['session_id'] : 0;
                define('BASE', $PREFS->ini('cp_url', FALSE) . '?S=' . $s);
            if (!class_exists('Display')) {
                require PATH_CP . 'cp.display' . EXT;
            global $DSP;
            $DSP = new Display();
            if (!class_exists('Publish')) {
                require PATH_CP . 'cp.publish' . EXT;
            $PUB = new Publish();
            $tagdata = str_replace(LD . 'formatting_buttons' . RD, str_replace('.entryform.', ".getElementById('entryform').", $PUB->html_formatting_buttons($SESS->userdata('member_id'), $field_group)), $tagdata);
        /** -------------------------------------
        		/**  Fetch the {custom_fields} chunk
        		/** -------------------------------------*/
        $custom_fields = '';
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "custom_fields" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "custom_fields" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            $custom_fields = trim($match['1']);
            $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], LD . 'temp_custom_fields' . RD, $tagdata);
        // If we have custom fields to show, generate them
        if ($custom_fields != '') {
            $field_array = array('textarea', 'textinput', 'pulldown', 'date', 'relationship');
            $textarea = '';
            $textinput = '';
            $pulldown = '';
            $date = '';
            $relationship = '';
            $rel_options = '';
            $pd_options = '';
            $required = '';
            foreach ($field_array as $val) {
                if (preg_match("#" . LD . "\\s*if\\s+" . $val . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "if" . RD . "#s", $custom_fields, $match)) {
                    ${$val} = $match['1'];
                    if ($val == 'pulldown') {
                        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "options" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "options" . RD . "#s", $pulldown, $pmatch)) {
                            $pd_options = $pmatch['1'];
                            $pulldown = str_replace($pmatch['0'], LD . 'temp_pd_options' . RD, $pulldown);
                    if ($val == 'relationship') {
                        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "options" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "options" . RD . "#s", $relationship, $pmatch)) {
                            $rel_options = $pmatch['1'];
                            $relationship = str_replace($pmatch['0'], LD . 'temp_rel_options' . RD, $relationship);
                    $custom_fields = str_replace($match['0'], LD . 'temp_' . $val . RD, $custom_fields);
            if (preg_match("#" . LD . "if\\s+required" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "if" . RD . "#s", $custom_fields, $match)) {
                $required = $match['1'];
                $custom_fields = str_replace($match['0'], LD . 'temp_required' . RD, $custom_fields);
            /** --------------------------------
            			/**  Parse Custom Fields
            			/** --------------------------------*/
            $build = '';
            foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                $temp_chunk = $custom_fields;
                $temp_field = '';
                switch ($which) {
                    case 'preview':
                        $field_data = !isset($_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']]) ? '' : $_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $field_fmt = !isset($_POST['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']]) ? $row['field_fmt'] : $_POST['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']];
                    case 'edit':
                        $field_data = !isset($result->row['field_id_' . $row['field_id']]) ? '' : $result->row['field_id_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $field_fmt = !isset($result->row['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']]) ? $row['field_fmt'] : $result->row['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $field_data = '';
                        $field_fmt = $row['field_fmt'];
                /** --------------------------------
                				/**  Textarea field types
                				/** --------------------------------*/
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'textarea' and $textarea != '') {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textarea' . RD, $textarea, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'text' and $textinput != '') {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textinput' . RD, $textinput, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'rel') {
                    if ($row['field_related_to'] == 'blog') {
                        $relto = 'exp_weblog_titles';
                        $relid = 'weblog_id';
                    } else {
                        $relto = 'exp_gallery_entries';
                        $relid = 'gallery_id';
                    if ($row['field_related_orderby'] == 'date') {
                        $row['field_related_orderby'] = 'entry_date';
                    $sql = "SELECT entry_id, title FROM " . $relto . " WHERE " . $relid . " = '" . $DB->escape_str($row['field_related_id']) . "' ";
                    $sql .= "ORDER BY " . $row['field_related_orderby'] . " " . $row['field_related_sort'];
                    if ($row['field_related_max'] > 0) {
                        $sql .= " LIMIT " . $row['field_related_max'];
                    $relquery = $DB->query($sql);
                    if ($relquery->num_rows > 0) {
                        $relentry_id = '';
                        if (!isset($_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']])) {
                            $relentry = $DB->query("SELECT rel_child_id FROM exp_relationships WHERE rel_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($field_data) . "'");
                            if ($relentry->num_rows == 1) {
                                $relentry_id = $relentry->row['rel_child_id'];
                        } else {
                            $relentry_id = $_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $temp_options = $rel_options;
                        $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, '--', $temp_options);
                        $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                        $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                        $pdo = $temp_options;
                        foreach ($relquery->result as $relrow) {
                            $temp_options = $rel_options;
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, $relrow['title'], $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, $relrow['entry_id'], $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, $relentry_id == $relrow['entry_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo .= $temp_options;
                        $temp_relationship = str_replace(LD . 'temp_rel_options' . RD, $pdo, $relationship);
                        $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_relationship' . RD, $temp_relationship, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'date' and $date != '') {
                    $temp_chunk = $custom_fields;
                    $date_field = 'field_id_' . $row['field_id'];
                    $date_local = 'field_dt_' . $row['field_id'];
                    $dtwhich = $which;
                    if (isset($_POST[$date_field])) {
                        $field_data = $_POST[$date_field];
                        $dtwhich = 'preview';
                    $custom_date = '';
                    $localize = FALSE;
                    if ($dtwhich != 'preview') {
                        $localize = TRUE;
                        if ($field_data != '' and isset($result->row['field_dt_' . $row['field_id']]) and $result->row['field_dt_' . $row['field_id']] != '') {
                            $field_data = $LOC->offset_entry_dst($field_data, $dst_enabled);
                            $field_data = $LOC->simpl_offset($field_data, $result->row['field_dt_' . $row['field_id']]);
                            $localize = FALSE;
                        if ($field_data != '') {
                            $custom_date = $LOC->set_human_time($field_data, $localize);
                        $cal_date = $LOC->set_localized_time($custom_date) * 1000;
                    } else {
                        $custom_date = $_POST[$date_field];
                        $cal_date = $custom_date != '' ? $LOC->set_localized_time($LOC->convert_human_date_to_gmt($custom_date)) * 1000 : $LOC->set_localized_time() * 1000;
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_date' . RD, $date, $temp_chunk);
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'date' . RD, $custom_date, $temp_chunk);
                } elseif ($row['field_type'] == 'select' and $pulldown != '') {
                    if ($row['field_pre_populate'] == 'n') {
                        $pdo = '';
                        if ($row['field_required'] == 'n') {
                            $temp_options = $pd_options;
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, '--', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo = $temp_options;
                        foreach (explode("\n", trim($row['field_list_items'])) as $v) {
                            $temp_options = $pd_options;
                            $v = trim($v);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, $v, $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, $v, $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, $v == $field_data ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo .= $temp_options;
                        $temp_pulldown = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pd_options' . RD, $pdo, $pulldown);
                        $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pulldown' . RD, $temp_pulldown, $temp_chunk);
                    } else {
                        // We need to pre-populate this menu from an another weblog custom field
                        $pop_query = $DB->query("SELECT field_id_" . $row['field_pre_field_id'] . " FROM exp_weblog_data WHERE weblog_id = " . $row['field_pre_blog_id'] . "");
                        if ($pop_query->num_rows > 0) {
                            $temp_options = $rel_options;
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, '--', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo = $temp_options;
                            foreach ($pop_query->result as $prow) {
                                $pretitle = substr($prow['field_id_' . $row['field_pre_field_id']], 0, 110);
                                $pretitle = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n|\t/", ' ', $pretitle);
                                $pretitle = $REGX->form_prep($pretitle);
                                $temp_options = $rel_options;
                                $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, $pretitle, $temp_options);
                                $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, $REGX->form_prep($prow['field_id_' . $row['field_pre_field_id']]), $temp_options);
                                $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, $prow['field_id_' . $row['field_pre_field_id']] == $field_data ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $temp_options);
                                $pdo .= $temp_options;
                            $temp_relationship = str_replace(LD . 'temp_rel_options' . RD, $pdo, $relationship);
                            $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_relationship' . RD, $temp_relationship, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_required'] == 'y') {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_required' . RD, $required, $temp_chunk);
                } else {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_required' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_data' . RD, $REGX->form_prep($field_data), $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_date' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textarea' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_relationship' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textinput' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pulldown' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pd_options' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'calendar_link' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'calendar_id' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'rows' . RD, !isset($row['field_ta_rows']) ? '10' : $row['field_ta_rows'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_label' . RD, $row['field_label'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_instructions' . RD, $row['field_instructions'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'text_direction' . RD, $row['field_text_direction'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'maxlength' . RD, $row['field_maxl'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_name' . RD, 'field_id_' . $row['field_id'], $temp_chunk);
                $hidden_fields['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']] = $field_fmt;
                // $temp_chunk .= "\n<input type='hidden' name='field_ft_".$row['field_id']."' value='".$field_fmt."' />\n";
                $build .= $temp_chunk;
            $tagdata = str_replace(LD . 'temp_custom_fields' . RD, stripslashes($build), $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Categories
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "category_menu" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "category_menu" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            // -------------------------------------------
            // 'weblog_standalone_form_category_menu' hook.
            //  - Rewrite the displaying of categories, if you dare!
            if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_category_menu') === TRUE) {
                $edata = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_category_menu', $cat_group, $which, $deft_category, $catlist);
                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'select_options' . RD, $edata, $match['1']);
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
                if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
            } else {
                $this->category_tree_form($cat_group, $which, $deft_category, $catlist);
                if (count($this->categories) == 0) {
                    $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
                } else {
                    $c = '';
                    foreach ($this->categories as $val) {
                        $c .= $val;
                    $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'select_options' . RD, $c, $match['1']);
                    $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
            // -------------------------------------------
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Ping Servers
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "ping_servers" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "ping_servers" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            $field = preg_match("#" . LD . "ping_row" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "ping_row" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match1) ? $match1['1'] : '';
            if (!isset($match1['0'])) {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            $ping_servers = $this->fetch_ping_servers($which);
            if (!is_array($ping_servers) or count($ping_servers) == 0) {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            } else {
                $ping_build = '';
                foreach ($ping_servers as $val) {
                    $temp = $field;
                    $temp = str_replace(LD . 'ping_value' . RD, $val['0'], $temp);
                    $temp = str_replace(LD . 'ping_checked' . RD, $val['1'], $temp);
                    $temp = str_replace(LD . 'ping_server_name' . RD, $val['2'], $temp);
                    $ping_build .= $temp;
                $match['1'] = str_replace($match1['0'], $ping_build, $match['1']);
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Status
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "status_menu" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "status_menu" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
                $deft_status = $_POST['status'];
            if ($deft_status == '') {
                $deft_status = 'open';
            if ($status == '') {
                $status = $deft_status;
            /** --------------------------------
            				/**  Fetch disallowed statuses
            				/** --------------------------------*/
            $no_status_access = array();
            if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1) {
                $query = $DB->query("SELECT status_id FROM exp_status_no_access WHERE member_group = '" . $SESS->userdata['group_id'] . "'");
                if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                    foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                        $no_status_access[] = $row['status_id'];
            /** --------------------------------
            				/**  Create status menu
            				/** --------------------------------*/
            $r = '';
            if ($status_query->num_rows == 0) {
                // if there is no status group assigned, only Super Admins can create 'open' entries
                if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] == 1) {
                    $selected = $status == 'open' ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                    $r .= "<option value='open'" . $selected . ">" . $LANG->line('open') . "</option>";
                $selected = $status == 'closed' ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                $r .= "<option value='closed'" . $selected . ">" . $LANG->line('closed') . "</option>";
            } else {
                $no_status_flag = TRUE;
                foreach ($status_query->result as $row) {
                    $selected = $status == $row['status'] ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                    if ($selected != 1) {
                        if (in_array($row['status_id'], $no_status_access)) {
                    $no_status_flag = FALSE;
                    $status_name = ($row['status'] == 'open' or $row['status'] == 'closed') ? $LANG->line($row['status']) : $row['status'];
                    $r .= "<option value='" . $REGX->form_prep($row['status']) . "'" . $selected . ">" . $REGX->form_prep($status_name) . "</option>\n";
                if ($no_status_flag == TRUE) {
                    $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'select_options' . RD, $r, $match['1']);
            $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Trackback field
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "if\\s+trackback" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "if" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            if ($show_trackback_field == 'n') {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            } else {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Parse single variables
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        foreach ($TMPL->var_single as $key => $val) {
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {title}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'title') {
                $title = !isset($_POST['title']) ? $title : stripslashes($_POST['title']);
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $REGX->form_prep($title), $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {allow_comments}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'allow_comments') {
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = !isset($_POST['allow_comments']) || $comment_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                } else {
                    $checked = $deft_comments == 'n' || $comment_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {allow_trackbacks}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'allow_trackbacks') {
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = !isset($_POST['allow_trackbacks']) || $trackback_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                } else {
                    $checked = $deft_trackbacks == 'n' || $trackback_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {dst_enabled}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'dst_enabled') {
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = isset($_POST['dst_enabled']) && $PREFS->ini('honor_entry_dst') == 'y' ? "checked='checked'" : '';
                } else {
                    $checked = $dst_enabled == 'y' ? "checked='checked'" : '';
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {sticky}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'sticky') {
                $checked = '';
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = !isset($_POST['sticky']) ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {url_title}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'url_title') {
                $url_title = !isset($_POST['url_title']) ? $url_title : $_POST['url_title'];
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $url_title, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {entry_date}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'entry_date') {
                $entry_date = !isset($_POST['entry_date']) ? $LOC->set_human_time($LOC->now) : $_POST['entry_date'];
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $entry_date, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {expiration_date}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'expiration_date') {
                $expiration_date = !isset($_POST['expiration_date']) ? '' : $_POST['expiration_date'];
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $expiration_date, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {comment_expiration_date}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'comment_expiration_date') {
                $comment_expiration_date = '';
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $comment_expiration_date = !isset($_POST['comment_expiration_date']) ? '' : $_POST['comment_expiration_date'];
                } else {
                    if ($comment_expiration > 0) {
                        $comment_expiration_date = $comment_expiration * 86400;
                        $comment_expiration_date = $comment_expiration_date + $LOC->now;
                        $comment_expiration_date = $LOC->set_human_time($comment_expiration_date);
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $comment_expiration_date, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {trackback_urls}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'trackback_urls') {
                $trackback_urls = !isset($_POST['trackback_urls']) ? '' : stripslashes($_POST['trackback_urls']);
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $trackback_urls, $tagdata);
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_end' hook.
        //  - Allows adding to end of submission form
        if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_end') === TRUE) {
            $tagdata = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_end', $tagdata);
        // -------------------------------------------
        // Build the form
        $data = array('hidden_fields' => $hidden_fields, 'action' => $RET, 'id' => 'entryform');
        $res = $FNS->form_declaration($data);
        if ($TMPL->fetch_param('use_live_url') != 'no') {
            $res .= $url_title_js;
        $res .= $tagdata;
        $res .= "</form>";
        return $res;