Exemplo n.º 1

// 1:08pm - 1:42pm
$githubFeed = (object) array('name' => 'ZaneA', 'repo' => 'ProtoIRC', 'branch' => 'master');
require '../protoirc.php';
$irc = new ProtoIRC('Githubbot@', function ($irc) {
    $irc->send('#Bottest', 'Githubbot reportin\' in!');
$irc->msg('/^!name (.*)/', function ($irc, $nick, $channel, $name) use(&$githubFeed) {
    $irc->send($channel, "Setting name to \"{$name}\"..");
    $githubFeed->name = $name;
$irc->msg('/^!repo (.*)/', function ($irc, $nick, $channel, $repo) use(&$githubFeed) {
    $irc->send($channel, "Setting repository to \"{$repo}\"..");
    $githubFeed->repo = $repo;
$irc->msg('/^!branch (.*)/', function ($irc, $nick, $channel, $branch) use(&$githubFeed) {
    $irc->send($channel, "Setting branch to \"{$branch}\"..");
    $githubFeed->branch = $branch;
$irc->msg('/^!latest/', function ($irc, $nick, $channel) use($githubFeed) {
    $irc->send($channel, 'Please wait..');
    $irc->async(function ($irc) use($githubFeed, $channel) {
        $feed = @file_get_contents("https://github.com/api/v2/json/commits/list/{$githubFeed->name}/{$githubFeed->repo}/{$githubFeed->branch}");
        if (!empty($feed)) {
            $json = json_decode($feed);
            for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                if (isset($json->commits[$i])) {
                    $commit = $json->commits[$i];
                    $irc->send($channel, "{$commit->id}: {$commit->message}");
Exemplo n.º 2
// Sample ProtoIRC Client/Bot
// Author: Zane Ashby
require 'protoirc.php';
// Create IRC Class
$irc = new ProtoIRC('ProtoBot@', function ($irc) {
    $irc->notice('#Bottest :Hey there!')->send('#Bottest', "Hey there!");
// Include addons
foreach (glob('addons/*.php') as $addon) {
    include $addon;
// Send raw IRC data by typing "/quote SOME DATA TO SEND"
$irc->stdin('/^\\/(quote|raw) (.*)/', function ($irc, $command, $data) {
// Execute command by typing "/exec command" and send output to current channel
$irc->stdin('/^\\/exec (.*)/', function ($irc, $args) {
    exec($args, $output);
    $irc->send($irc->last, $output);
// Send to channel by typing "#channel, message"
$irc->stdin('/^([#\\-[:alnum:]]*), (.*)/', function ($irc, $channel, $msg) {
    $irc->send("{$channel}", $msg);
// Catch-all: Send to default channel
$irc->stdin('/(.*)/', function ($irc, $msg) {
    $irc->send($irc->last, $msg);
// Catch outgoing messages and print them