Exemplo n.º 1
  * Display the specified resource.
  * GET /accountreceivables/{id}
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function show($id)
     $invoices = Invoice::with('invoicedetail')->find($id);
     if ($invoices->type === "to tenant") {
         $total = $invoices->invoicedetail->rent + $invoices->invoicedetail->water + $invoices->invoicedetail->electricity + $invoices->invoicedetail->security + $invoices->invoicedetail->service + $invoices->invoicedetail->garbage;
     } elseif ($invoices->type === "refund") {
         $total = $invoices->invoicedetail->rentD + $invoices->invoicedetail->waterD + $invoices->invoicedetail->electricityD + $invoices->invoicedetail->g_repairs + $invoices->invoicedetail->transport_cost + $invoices->invoicedetail->o_bills + $invoices->invoicedetail->storage_fees + $invoices->invoicedetail->fixed_unit;
     } elseif ($invoices->type === "deposits") {
         $total = $invoices->invoicedetail->rentD + $invoices->invoicedetail->waterD + $invoices->invoicedetail->electricityD + $invoices->invoicedetail->g_repairs + $invoices->invoicedetail->transport_cost + $invoices->invoicedetail->o_bills + $invoices->invoicedetail->storage_fees + $invoices->invoicedetail->fixed_unit + $invoices->invoicedetail->rent;
     $houseid = $invoices->id;
     $hid = $invoices->houseID;
     $housename = House::where('id', $hid)->pluck('name');
     $propertyid = House::where('id', $hid)->pluck('propertyID');
     $propertyname = Property::where('id', $propertyid)->pluck('name');
     $allbal = Invoice::where('houseID', $hid)->sum('balance');
     if ($invoices->amountpaid <= 0) {
         $outstandingbal = $allbal;
     } else {
         $outstandingbal = $allbal - $invoices->balance;
     $balance = $invoices->balance;
     if ($outstandingbal == $invoices->balance) {
         $amountdue = $invoices->balance;
     } else {
         $amountdue = $invoices->balance + $outstandingbal;
     $title = "Print Invoice";
     return View::make('backend.code.invoice.show', compact('invoices', 'housename', 'title', 'outstandingbal', 'propertyname', 'invoicedetails', 'total', 'balance', 'amountdue'));
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * POST /properties
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $input = Input::all();
     $v = Validator::make(Input::All(), array('name' => 'required|max:50|', 'description' => 'required|max:400|min:10', 'ownerID' => 'required'));
     if ($v->passes()) {
         $agent_id = Sentry::getUser()->id;
         $property = new Property();
         $property->name = Input::get('name');
         $property->description = Input::get('description');
         $property->ownerID = Input::get('ownerID');
         $property->agent_id = $agent_id;
         $newprop = Property::where('name', Input::get('name'))->first();
         $newprop_id = $newprop->id;
         foreach (Input::get('CBgroup1', array()) as $value) {
             $housedue = new Housedue();
             $housedue->propertyID = $newprop_id;
             $housedue->receivable = $value;
             $converted = strtolower(preg_replace("/[[:blank:]]+/", "_", $value));
             $housedue->db_name = $converted;
         return Redirect::intended('admin/property');
     return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($v)->with('message', 'There were validation errors');
  * Display the specified resource.
  * GET /accountreceivables/{id}
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function show($id)
     $housedues = Housedue::findOrFail($id);
     $houseduepid = $housedues->propertyID;
     $propetyName = Property::where('id', $houseduepid)->pluck('name');
     return View::make('backend.code.housedue.show', compact('housedues', 'propetyName'));
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * PUT /properties/{id}
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function update($id)
     $property = Property::where('id', $id)->update(Input::all());
     if ($property) {
         return ['status' => true, 'property' => $property];
     } else {
         return ['status' => false];
 public function main()
     $data['properties'] = Property::where('status', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
     View::share('page_title', 'Homepage');
     View::share('sliders', Property::where('status', 1)->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->limit(10)->get());
     View::share('sidebar', true);
     View::share('homepage', true);
     return View::make('public.home', $data);
 public static function got_property($id)
     $property = Property::where('location_id', '=', $id);
     if ($property->count() > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * POST /accountreceivables
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $input = Input::all();
     $v = Validator::make(Input::All(), array('invoiceID' => 'required|max:50|', 'houseID' => 'required', 'amount' => 'required|min:2', 'paymenttype' => 'required', 'amountpayed' => 'required', 'paymenttyperef' => 'required'));
     if ($v->passes()) {
         $findHouse = Input::get('houseID');
         $propertyId = House::where('name', $findHouse)->pluck('propertyID');
         $propertyName = Property::where('id', $propertyId)->pluck('name');
         $agent_id = Sentry::getUser()->id;
         $gamount = Input::get('amount');
         $gpayed = Input::get('amountpayed');
         $initpaid = Input::get('initpaid');
         $b = $gamount - $gpayed;
         $id = Input::get('invoiceID');
         $balance = $gamount - $gpayed;
         $invoice = Invoice::find($id);
         $invoiceid = $invoice->id;
         $invoice->balance = $gamount - $gpayed;
         $invoice->amountpaid = $gpayed + $initpaid;
         $reciept = new Receipt();
         $reciept->invoiceID = $invoice->id;
         $reciept->agent_id = $agent_id;
         $reciept->type = $invoice->type;
         $reciept->houseID = $invoice->houseID;
         $reciept->recipient = $invoice->recipient;
         $reciept->invoice_amt = $gpayed + $initpaid + $b;
         $reciept->amountpaid = $gpayed;
         $reciept->balance = $gamount - $gpayed;
         $reciept->duedate = $invoice->duedate;
         $findTenant = $invoice->recipient;
         $ftname = strtok($findTenant, " ");
         $tenants = Tenant::where('name', $ftname)->get();
         foreach ($tenants as $tenant) {
             $t_name = $tenant->name;
             $to = $tenant->phone;
         $payment = new Payment();
         $payment->invoiceID = Input::get('invoiceID');
         $payment->amount = Input::get('amount');
         $payment->amountpayed = Input::get('amountpayed');
         $payment->houseID = $findHouse;
         $payment->client = $invoice->recipient;
         $payment->property = $propertyName;
         $payment->balance = $gamount - $gpayed;
         $payment->paymenttype = Input::get('paymenttype');
         $payment->paymenttyperef = Input::get('paymenttyperef');
         #send an sms to the tenant
         $message = ' Hi ' . $t_name . ', Your payment of  Ksh. ' . number_format($gpayed, 2) . ' for invoice no. ' . $invoiceid . ' of ' . $findHouse . '   has been received successfully, due balance ' . number_format($balance, 2) . ', Thank you';
         Queue::push('SendSMS', array('message' => $message, 'number' => $to));
         return Redirect::route('show/receipts/index')->withFlashMessage('Payment received successfully');
     return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($v)->with('message', 'There were validation errors');
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function showReceipt($id)
     $receipts = Receipt::find($id);
     $hid = $receipts->houseID;
     $housename = $hid;
     $propertyid = House::where('name', $hid)->pluck('propertyID');
     $propertyname = Property::where('id', $propertyid)->pluck('name');
     $inid = $receipts->invoiceID;
     $allbal = Invoice::where('houseID', $hid)->sum('balance');
     $current_bal = Invoice::where('id', $inid)->pluck('balance');
     $outstandingbal = $allbal - $current_bal;
     $amountdue = $allbal;
     $balance = $receipts->balance;
     return View::make('backend.code.invoice.showr', compact('receipts', 'amountdue', 'housename', 'outstandingbal', 'propertyname', 'invoicedetails', 'total', 'balance', 'amountdue'));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function getPreview($template, $type = null)
     $prop = Property::where('brchead', 'exists', true)->where('brchead', '!=', '')->first()->toArray();
     //return View::make('print.brochure')->with('prop',$prop)->render();
     if (!is_null($type) && $type != 'pdf') {
         $content = View::make('brochuretmpl.' . $template)->with('prop', $prop)->render();
         return $content;
     } else {
         //return PDF::loadView('print.brochure',array('prop'=>$prop))
         //    ->stream('download.pdf');
         return PDF::loadView('brochuretmpl.' . $template, array('prop' => $prop))->setOption('margin-top', '0mm')->setOption('margin-left', '0mm')->setOption('margin-right', '0mm')->setOption('margin-bottom', '0mm')->setOption('dpi', 200)->setPaper('A4')->stream($prop['propertyId'] . '.pdf');
         //return PDF::html('print.brochure',array('prop' => $prop), 'download.pdf');
Exemplo n.º 10
        $sdata = array('sequence' => $nseq, 'propertyId' => Config::get('ia.property_id_prefix') . $nseq);
        if ($property->where('_id', '=', $_id)->update($sdata)) {
            print $p['_id'] . '->' . $sdata['propertyId'] . '<br />';
Route::get('tonumber', function () {
    $property = new Property();
    $props = $property->get()->toArray();
    $seq = new Sequence();
    foreach ($props as $p) {
        $_id = new MongoId($p['_id']);
        $price = new MongoInt32($p['listingPrice']);
        $fmv = new MongoInt32($p['FMV']);
        $sdata = array('listingPrice' => $price, 'FMV' => $fmv);
        if ($property->where('_id', '=', $_id)->update($sdata)) {
            print $p['_id'] . '->' . $sdata['listingPrice'] . '<br />';
Route::get('regeneratepic/{obj?}', function ($obj = null) {
    if (is_null($obj)) {
        $product = new Product();
    } else {
        switch ($obj) {
            case 'product':
                $product = new Product();
            case 'page':
                $product = new Page();
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * GET /accountreceivables/{id}/edit
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     $invoices = Invoice::find($id);
     $hid = $invoices->houseID;
     $housename = $hid;
     $propertyid = House::where('name', $hid)->pluck('propertyID');
     $propertyname = Property::where('id', $propertyid)->pluck('name');
     if (is_null($invoices)) {
         return Redirect::route('invoice.index');
     return View::make('backend.code.invoice.edit', compact('invoices', 'properties', 'housename', 'propertyid', 'propertyname'));
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * GET /properties
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $properties = Property::where('agent_id', '=', Sentry::getUser()->id)->get();
     return View::make('backend.code.property.index', compact('properties'))->with('message', 'Select a property to create Units');
Route::post('request_location', function () {
    if (Request::ajax()) {
        $location = strtolower(Input::get('location'));
        $all_types = Type::all();
        $all_developers = Developer::all();
        $response = array('count' => 0, 'types' => array(0 => 'Any'), 'developers' => array(0 => 'Any'));
        foreach ($all_types as $a) {
            $response['types'][$a->id] = ucwords($a->name);
        foreach ($all_developers as $a) {
            $response['developers'][$a->id] = ucwords($a->name);
        $properties = Property::where('location_id', $location)->get();
        $count = count($properties);
        if ($count > 0) {
            $response['count'] = 1;
            $response['types'] = array(0 => 'Any');
            $response['developers'] = array(0 => 'Any');
            foreach ($properties as $p) {
                if (!in_array($p->type->id, array_keys($response["types"]))) {
                    $response['types'][$p->type->id] = ucwords($p->type->name);
                if (!in_array($p->developer->id, array_keys($response["developers"]))) {
                    $response['developers'][$p->developer->id] = ucwords($p->developer->name);
Exemplo n.º 14
            return Redirect::to("Villa_General_Belgrano/Propiedad/{$id}/{$nombre}");
    Route::get('/Casas', array('as' => 'casas', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listCasas'));
    Route::get('/Locales', array('as' => 'locales', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listLocales'));
    Route::get('/Complejos', array('as' => 'complejos', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listComplejos'));
    Route::get('/Departamentos', array('as' => 'departamentos', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listDepartamentos'));
    Route::get('/Terrenos', array('as' => 'terrenos', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listTerrenos'));
    Route::get('/Fondos_de_Comercio', array('as' => 'fondos de comercio', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listFondosComercio'));
    Route::get('/Fondos de Comercio', array('as' => 'fondos de comercio2', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listFondosComercio'));
    Route::get('/Alquileres_Permanantes', array('as' => 'alquileres_permanentes', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listAlquileresPermanentes'));
    Route::get('/Alquileres_Temporarios', array('as' => 'alquileres_temporarios', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listAlquileresTemporarios'));
    Route::get('/Oportunidades', array('as' => 'oportunidades', 'uses' => 'PropertiesController@listOportunidades'));
Route::get('/', function () {
    $properties = Property::where('homepage', '=', 1)->get();
    return View::make('index2', array('properties' => $properties));
Route::get('/contacto', function () {
    return View::make('contacto');
Route::post('/contacto', function () {
    $rules = array('nombre' => 'required|min:3', 'telefono' => 'required|min:5', 'email' => 'required|email', 'consulta' => 'required|min:5');
    $messages = array('required' => 'El campo :attribute es obligatorio', 'email' => 'El email ingresado no es válido', 'min' => 'El campo :attribute debe tener al menos :min caracteres');
    $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
    if ($validator->fails()) {
        return Redirect::to("/contacto")->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
    } else {
        $input = Input::all();
        $input = array('nombre' => $input['nombre'], 'telefono' => $input['telefono'], 'email' => $input['email'], 'consulta' => $input['consulta']);
        Mail::send('emails.consulta', $input, function ($message) {
Exemplo n.º 15
        $invoicedetail->security = $security;
        $message = ' Hi ' . $t_name . ', this is to notify you that your invoice of Ksh ' . number_format($balance, 2) . ' for ' . $propname . ' unit ' . $houseName . '  is due on ' . $lastmonth . '.Thanks';
        Queue::push('SendSMS', array('message' => $message, 'number' => $to));
    return 'Semi-annually invoice(s) generated successfully';
Route::get('/cron/run/annualy/lvWVYpnQ7xqFLbjaoG1oDUlTHQ4GMlmx', function () {
    $startDate = time();
    $lastmonth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+5 day', $startDate));
    $houses = House::where('status', '=', 'booked')->where('frequency', '=', 4)->get();
    foreach ($houses as $house) {
        $hid = $house->id;
        $houseName = $house->name;
        $propid = $house->propertyID;
        $propname = Property::where('id', $propid)->pluck('name');
        $rent = $house->rent;
        $water = $house->water;
        $garbage = $house->garbage;
        $electricity = $house->electricity;
        $security = $house->security;
        $frequency = $house->frequency;
        $tenant_id = $house->tenant;
        $tenantnames = strtok($tenant_id, " ");
        $tenant = Tenant::where('name', $tenantnames)->first();
        $t_name = $tenant->name;
        $to = $tenant->phone;
        $t_agent = $tenant->agent_id;
        $balance = $rent + $water + $garbage + $electricity + $security;
        $invoice = new Invoice();
        $invoice->type = 'to tenant';
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function createProperty()
     $input = Input::all();
     $v = Validator::make(Input::All(), array('name' => 'required|max:50|', 'ownerID' => 'required', 'CBgroup1' => 'required', 'agent_id' => 'required'));
     if ($v->passes()) {
         $agent_id = Input::get('agent_id');
         $properties = Owner::where('agent_id', $agent_id)->get();
         if (!$properties->isEmpty()) {
             $property = new Property();
             $property->name = Input::get('name');
             $property->ownerID = Input::get('ownerID');
             $property->agent_id = $agent_id;
             $newprop = Property::where('name', Input::get('name'))->first();
             $newprop_id = $newprop->id;
             $payment = Input::get('CBgroup1');
             $fields = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $payment);
             $arrlength = count($fields);
             for ($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
                 $housedue = new Housedue();
                 $housedue->propertyID = $newprop_id;
                 $converted = ucfirst(preg_replace("/[[:blank:]]+/", " ", $fields[$x]));
                 $housedue->receivable = $converted;
                 $housedue->db_name = $fields[$x];
             $noteProperty2 = array('error' => false, 'message' => 'Property Created Successfully');
             return $noteProperty2;
         $noteProperty3 = array('error' => true, 'message' => 'Only owners are allowed to create properties');
         return $noteProperty3;
     $noteProperty4 = array('error' => true, 'message' => $v->messages());
     return $noteProperty4;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function showSpeReceipts($id)
     $invoices = Invoice::with('invoicedetail')->find($id);
     if ($invoices->type === "to tenant") {
         $total = $invoices->invoicedetail->rent + $invoices->invoicedetail->water + $invoices->invoicedetail->electricity + $invoices->invoicedetail->security + $invoices->invoicedetail->service + $invoices->invoicedetail->garbage;
     } elseif ($invoices->type === "refund") {
         $total = $invoices->invoicedetail->rentD + $invoices->invoicedetail->waterD + $invoices->invoicedetail->electricityD + $invoices->invoicedetail->g_repairs + $invoices->invoicedetail->transport_cost + $invoices->invoicedetail->o_bills + $invoices->invoicedetail->storage_fees + $invoices->invoicedetail->fixed_unit;
     } elseif ($invoices->type === "deposits") {
         $total = $invoices->invoicedetail->rentD + $invoices->invoicedetail->waterD + $invoices->invoicedetail->electricityD + $invoices->invoicedetail->g_repairs + $invoices->invoicedetail->transport_cost + $invoices->invoicedetail->o_bills + $invoices->invoicedetail->storage_fees + $invoices->invoicedetail->fixed_unit + $invoices->invoicedetail->rent;
     $houseid = $invoices->id;
     $hid = $invoices->houseID;
     $housename = House::where('id', $hid)->pluck('name');
     $tenantname = House::where('id', $hid)->pluck('tenant');
     $propertyid = House::where('id', $hid)->pluck('propertyID');
     $propertyname = Property::where('id', $propertyid)->pluck('name');
     $allbal = Invoice::where('houseID', $hid)->sum('balance');
     if ($invoices->amountpaid <= 0) {
         $outstandingbal = $allbal;
     } else {
         $outstandingbal = $allbal - $invoices->balance;
     $balance = $invoices->balance;
     if ($outstandingbal == $invoices->balance) {
         $amountdue = $invoices->balance;
     } else {
         $amountdue = $invoices->balance + $outstandingbal;
     $title = "Print Receipt";
         $emailcontent = array (
     				'propertyname'=>	$propertyname,
     				'housename'=>	$housename,
     				'tenant'=>	$tenantname,
     				'tfname'=> $invoices->recipient,
     				'invoiceid'=>	$invoices->id,
     				'created_at'=>	$invoices->created_at,
     				'invoicetype'=>	$invoices->type,
     				'rent'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->rent,
     				'water'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->water,
     				'electricity'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->electricity,
     				'security'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->security,
     				'service'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->service,
     				'garbage'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->garbage,
     				'rentD'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->rentD,
     				'rent'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->rent,
     				'waterD'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->waterD,
     				'electricityD'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->electricityD,
     				'garbage'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->garbage,
     				'transport_cost'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->transport_cost,
     				'g_repairs'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->g_repairs,
     				'o_bills'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->o_bills,
     				'storage_fees'=>	$invoices->invoicedetail->storage_fees,
     				'total'=>	$total,
     				'amountpaid'=>	$invoices->amountpaid,
     				'balance'=>	$balance,
     				'outstandingbal'=>	$outstandingbal,
     				'amountdue'=>	$amountdue,
     				'duedate'=>	$invoices->duedate
     	Mail::send('emails.receipts', $emailcontent, function($message)
     return View::make('backend.code.invoice.show', compact('invoices', 'title', 'housename', 'outstandingbal', 'propertyname', 'invoicedetails', 'total', 'balance', 'amountdue'));
Exemplo n.º 18

Event::listen('log.a', function ($class, $method, $actor, $result) {
    $data = array('timestamp' => new MongoDate(), 'class' => $class, 'method' => $method, 'actor' => $actor, 'result' => $result);
    return true;
Event::listen('cleanup', function () {
    $last = new MongoDate(time() - Config::get('ia.reserveTimeOut'));
    $props = Property::where('locked', '=', 1)->where('reservedAt', '<', $last)->get();
    foreach ($props as $property) {
        $property->propertyStatus = $property->propertyLastStatus;
        $property->reservedBy = '';
        $property->reservedAt = '';
        $property->lock = 0;
    return true;