Exemplo n.º 1
  * 获取价格清单
 public function getlistAction()
     $fa = new Product_Model_Fa();
     $bomPrice = new Product_Model_BomPrice();
     $son = new Product_Model_Son();
     $catalog = new Product_Model_Catalog();
     $materiel = new Product_Model_Materiel();
     $request = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     $limit = $request['limit'];
     $start = $request['start'];
     $faName = $fa->getName();
     $priceName = $bomPrice->getName();
     $mName = $materiel->getName();
     $catalogName = $catalog->getName();
     $db = $fa->getAdapter();
     $whereSearch = "{$faName}.state != 'Obsolete'";
     foreach ($request as $k => $v) {
         if ($v) {
             if ($k == 'search_key') {
                 $whereSearch .= " and (ifnull({$faName}.remark,'') like '%{$v}%' or ifnull({$mName}.name,'') like '%{$v}%' or ifnull({$mName}.description,'') like '%{$v}%' or ifnull({$catalogName}.model_internal, '') like '%{$v}%')";
             } else {
                 if ("search_fa" == $k && $v) {
                     $whereSearch .= " and {$faName}.code like '%{$v}%'";
                 } else {
                     if ("search_archive_date_from" == $k && $v) {
                         $whereSearch .= " and {$faName}.bom_upd_time >= '" . str_replace('T', ' ', $v) . "'";
                     } else {
                         if ("search_archive_date_to" == $k && $v) {
                             $whereSearch .= " and v.bom_upd_time <= '" . str_replace('T00:00:00', ' 23:59:59', $v) . "'";
                         } else {
                             if ("search_son" == $k && $v) {
                                 $recordkey = "";
                                 $sonData = $db->query("select group_concat(recordkey) as recordkey from oa_product_bom_son where code like '%{$v}%'")->fetchObject();
                                 if ($sonData && $sonData->recordkey) {
                                     $recordkey = $sonData->recordkey;
                                 if (!$recordkey) {
                                     $recordkey = "0";
                                 $whereSearch .= " and {$faName}.recordkey in ({$recordkey})";
                             } else {
                                 if ("search_recordkey" == $k && $v) {
                                     $whereSearch .= " and {$faName}.recordkey = '{$v}'";
                                 } else {
                                     if ("explanded" == $k && $v) {
                                         $explanded = json_decode($v);
                                     } else {
                                         $col = str_replace('search_', '', $k);
                                         if ($col != $k) {
                                             // 查询条件
                                             $whereSearch .= " and ifnull({$faName}." . $col . ",'') like '%" . $v . "%'";
     $currencyrate = new Erp_Model_Setting_Currencyrate();
     $date = date('Y-m-d');
     $rateCny = $currencyrate->getRateByCode('CNY', $date);
     $rateUsd = $currencyrate->getRateByCode('USD', $date);
     $rate = round($rateCny / $rateUsd, 6);
     // 刷新价格
     $recordkeys = $this->getRequest()->getParam('recordkeys');
     if ($recordkeys) {
         $data = $fa->getJoinList('recordkey in (' . $recordkeys . ')');
         foreach ($data as $bom) {
             $this->updatePrice($bom, 'single', $rate);
     $user_session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('user');
     $user = $user_session->user_info['employee_id'];
     $sort = $this->getRequest()->getParam('sort');
     if ($sort) {
         $sort = json_decode($sort);
         $sort = $sort[0];
         $property = $sort->property;
         $direction = $sort->direction;
         if (in_array($property, array('code', 'ver', 'state', 'remark'))) {
             $order = array($faName . '.' . $property . ' ' . $direction);
         } else {
             if (in_array($property, array('low_cny', 'low_usd', 'high_cny', 'high_usd', 'average_cny', 'average_usd', 'update_time'))) {
                 $order = array($bomPrice->getName() . '.' . $property . ' ' . $direction);
             } else {
                 if (in_array($property, array('description', 'name'))) {
                     $order = array($mName . '.' . $property . ' ' . $direction);
     if (isset($order)) {
         $order[] = $faName . '.code';
     } else {
         $order = array($faName . '.code');
     // 获取物料数据
     $cjoin = array(array('type' => LEFTJONIN, 'table' => $catalog->getName(), 'condition' => $catalog->getName() . '.id = ' . $fa->getName() . '.project_no'), array('type' => INNERJOIN, 'table' => $bomPrice->getName(), 'condition' => $bomPrice->getName() . '.recordkey = ' . $fa->getName() . '.recordkey'), array('type' => INNERJOIN, 'table' => $materiel->getName(), 'condition' => $materiel->getName() . '.id = ' . $fa->getName() . '.id'));
     $join = array(array('type' => LEFTJONIN, 'table' => $catalog->getName(), 'condition' => $catalog->getName() . '.id = ' . $fa->getName() . '.project_no', 'cols' => array('project_no_name' => 'model_internal')), array('type' => INNERJOIN, 'table' => $bomPrice->getName(), 'condition' => $bomPrice->getName() . '.recordkey = ' . $fa->getName() . '.recordkey', 'cols' => array("low_cny", "low_usd", 'high_cny', 'high_usd', 'average_cny', 'average_usd', 'update_time', 'noprice')), array('type' => INNERJOIN, 'table' => $materiel->getName(), 'condition' => $materiel->getName() . '.id = ' . $fa->getName() . '.id', 'cols' => array("name", "description")));
     $data = $fa->getJoinList($whereSearch, $join, null, $order, $start, $limit);
     $totalCount = $fa->getJoinCount($whereSearch, $cjoin);
     $allData = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         $data[$i]['bom_upd_time'] = strtotime($data[$i]['bom_upd_time']);
         $data[$i]['update_time'] = strtotime($data[$i]['update_time']);
         // 对于每个BOM,递归计算每个下级物料或BOM的价格
         if (!$data[$i]['low_cny']) {
             $price = $bomPrice->calcBomPrice($data[$i]['recordkey'], 'CNY');
             $data[$i]['low_cny'] = $price['low'];
             $data[$i]['high_cny'] = $price['high'];
             $data[$i]['average_cny'] = $price['average'];
             $data[$i]['low_usd'] = round($data[$i]['low_cny'] * $rate, 4);
             $data[$i]['high_usd'] = round($data[$i]['high_cny'] * $rate, 4);
             $data[$i]['average_usd'] = round($data[$i]['average_cny'] * $rate, 4);
         $allData[] = $data[$i];
     $result = array("totalCount" => $totalCount, "topics" => $allData);
     // 转为json格式并输出
     echo Zend_Json::encode($result);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function getlistAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     $fa = new Product_Model_Fa();
     $fadev = new Product_Model_Fadev();
     $db = $fa->getAdapter();
     if (!isset($request['left_code']) || !isset($request['left_ver']) || !isset($request['right_code']) || !isset($request['right_ver']) || !$request['left_code'] || !$request['left_ver'] || !$request['right_code'] || !$request['right_ver']) {
         echo Zend_Json::encode("");
     $left_code = $request['left_code'];
     $left_ver = $request['left_ver'];
     $right_code = $request['right_code'];
     $right_ver = $request['right_ver'];
     $whereleft = "code='{$left_code}' and ver='{$left_ver}'";
     $whereright = "code='{$right_code}' and ver='{$right_ver}'";
     $left_recordkey = "";
     $right_recordkey = "";
     $left_type = "";
     $right_type = "";
     if ($fa->getJoinCount($whereleft) || $fadev->getJoinCount($whereleft)) {
         $left_fa = $fa->getJoinList($whereleft, array(), array('recordkey'));
         if ($left_fa && count($left_fa) > 0) {
             $left_recordkey = $left_fa[0]['recordkey'];
         } else {
             $left_fa = $fadev->getJoinList($whereleft, array(), array('recordkey'));
             if ($left_fa && count($left_fa) > 0) {
                 $left_recordkey = $left_fa[count($left_fa) - 1]['recordkey'];
                 $left_type = "dev";
     if ($fa->getJoinCount($whereright) || $fadev->getJoinCount($whereright)) {
         $right_fa = $fa->getJoinList($whereright, array(), array('recordkey'));
         if ($right_fa && count($right_fa) > 0) {
             $right_recordkey = $right_fa[0]['recordkey'];
         } else {
             $right_fa = $fadev->getJoinList($whereright, array(), array('recordkey'));
             if ($right_fa && count($right_fa) > 0) {
                 $right_recordkey = $right_fa[count($right_fa) - 1]['recordkey'];
                 $right_type = "dev";
     if ($left_recordkey && $right_recordkey) {
         if ($left_type == 'dev') {
             $son_left = new Product_Model_Sondev();
         } else {
             $son_left = new Product_Model_Son();
         if ($right_type == 'dev') {
             $son_right = new Product_Model_Sondev();
         } else {
             $son_right = new Product_Model_Son();
         $leftData = $son_left->getSon($left_recordkey);
         $rightData = $son_right->getSon($right_recordkey);
         if ($leftData && $rightData) {
             $leftCode = array();
             $rightCode = array();
             foreach ($rightData as $d) {
                 $rightCode[] = $d['code'];
             foreach ($leftData as $d) {
                 $leftCode[] = $d['code'];
             $result = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($rightData); $i++) {
                 $data = array();
                 $row = $rightData[$i];
                 $data['code'] = $row['code'];
                 $data['code2'] = $row['code'];
                 $data['name'] = $row['name'];
                 $data['description'] = $row['description'];
                 $data['qty2'] = $row['qty'];
                 $data['partposition2'] = $row['partposition'];
                 $data['replace2'] = $row['replace'];
                 $left = $this->getRowFromArrayByCode($leftData, $row['code']);
                 $leftData = $this->removeFromArray($leftData, $row['code']);
                 $data['code1'] = $left['code'];
                 $data['qty1'] = $left['qty'];
                 $data['partposition1'] = $left['partposition'];
                 $data['replace1'] = $left['replace'];
                 $result[] = $data;
             if (count($leftData) > 0) {
                 foreach ($leftData as $row) {
                     $data = array();
                     $data['code'] = $row['code'];
                     $data['code1'] = $row['code'];
                     $data['name'] = $row['name'];
                     $data['description'] = $row['description'];
                     $data['qty1'] = $row['qty'];
                     $data['partposition1'] = $row['partposition'];
                     $data['replace1'] = $row['replace'];
                     $data['code2'] = "";
                     $data['qty2'] = "";
                     $data['partposition2'] = "";
                     $data['replace2'] = "";
                     $result[] = $data;
             // 将类别数据转为json格式并输出
             echo Zend_Json::encode($result);
         } else {
             echo Zend_Json::encode($leftData);
     $msg = "BOM不存在";
     if (!$left_recordkey) {
         $msg = $left_code . " V" . $left_ver . "不存在";
     } else {
         if (!$right_recordkey) {
             $msg = $right_code . " V" . $right_ver . "不存在";
     echo Zend_Json::encode(array("msg" => $msg));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getbomforselAction()
     // 请求参数
     $request = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     $limit = $request['limit'];
     $start = $request['start'];
     $key = isset($request['search_key']) ? $request['search_key'] : '';
     $fa = new Product_Model_Fa();
     $materiel = new Product_Model_Materiel();
     $materielTable = $materiel->getName();
     $product = new Product_Model_Catalog();
     $productTable = $product->getName();
     // 查询条件
     /*$cols = array("code", "description");
       for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++) {
           $tmp = array();
           foreach($cols as $c) {
               $tmp[] = "ifnull($c,'')";
           $arr[$i] = "concat(".implode(',', $tmp).") like '%".$arr[$i]."%'";
     $where = $fa->getName() . ".state!='Obsolete' and (" . $fa->getName() . ".code like '%{$key}%' or " . $fa->getName() . ".code like '%{$key}%')";
     $join = array(array('type' => INNERJOIN, 'table' => $materielTable, 'condition' => $materielTable . '.code = ' . $fa->getName() . '.code', 'cols' => array('description')), array('type' => LEFTJONIN, 'table' => $productTable, 'condition' => $productTable . '.id = ' . $fa->getName() . '.project_no', 'cols' => array('model_internal')));
     $total = $fa->getJoinCount($where, $join);
     $data = array();
     if ($total > 0) {
         $data = $fa->getJoinList($where, $join, null, array($fa->getName() . '.code'));
     $resutl = array('total' => $total, 'rows' => $data);
     echo Zend_Json::encode($resutl);