Exemplo n.º 1
//$menus = array(
//	array('label'=>$headText, 'url'=>array($headLink)),
$this->menu = array(array('label' => $headText, 'url' => $headLinkBreck));
$cmsFormater = new CmsFormatter();
$mBillTo = $mTransactions->rBillTo;
$mTransPropertyDetail = $mTransactions->rPropertyDetail;
$text1 = "Being co-broke commission due to us for services rendered in connection with the lease of the above-mentioned property.";
$InvoiceNumber = $model->invoice_number;
$InvoiceDate = $cmsFormater->formatDate($mTransactions->created_date);
//$Property = Listing::getViewDetailPropertyType($mTransactions->rListing);
// 9
//$PropertyName = $mTransactions->rPropertyDetail->rPropertyType?$mTransactions->rPropertyDetail->rPropertyType->name:'';
// hình như ko dùng cái $PropertyName bên trên
$PropertyName = ProTransactionsInvoice::getPropertyName($model) . " " . $mTransPropertyDetail->unit_no;
$LanlordName = ProTransactions::getInvoiceLanlordName($mTransactions);
$TenantName = ProTransactions::getInvoiceTenantName($mTransactions);
$TransactionNo = $mTransactions->transactions_no;
// 8
$ClientType = ProTransactions::$aClientSaleDetail[$mTransactions->client_type_id];
// 10
/** Oct 02, 2014 xu ly cho bill to solicitor is selected - hien tai moi lam invoice normal template 1 */
$VendorsName = '';
$SolicitorName = "";
$SolicitorAddress = '';
if ($mTransactions->invoice_bill_to == ProTransactions::BILL_TO_SOLICITOR) {
    $VendorsName = ProTransactionsVendorPurchaserDetail::getVendorNameForSolicitor($mTransactions);
    $SolicitorAddress = $mBillTo->billing_address;
    $SolicitorName = $mBillTo->attn_to;
/** Oct 02, 2014 xu ly cho bill to solicitor is selected - hien tai moi lam invoice normal template 1 */