Exemplo n.º 1
 public function __get($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'resource':
             return Plugins::filter('get_stackitem_resource', $this->resource, $this);
	 * Ouputs the default menu in the template footer, and runs the 'habmin_bar' plugin filter.
	 * You can add menu items via the filter. See the 'filter_habminbar' method for
	 * an example.
	public function action_template_footer()
		if ( User::identify()->loggedin ) {
			$bar = '<div id="habminbar"><div>';
			$bar.= '<div id="habminbar-name"><a href="' . Options::get('base_url') . '">' . Options::get('title') . '</a></div>';
			$bar.= '<ul>';

			$menu = array();
			$menu['dashboard']= array( 'Dashboard', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=dashboard' ), "view the admin dashboard" );
			$menu['write']= array( 'Write', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=publish' ), "create a new entry" );
			$menu['option']= array( 'Options', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=options' ), "configure site options" );
			$menu['comment']= array( 'Moderate', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=comments' ),"moderate comments" );
			$menu['user']= array( 'Users', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=users' ), "administer users" );
			$menu['plugin']= array( 'Plugins', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=plugins' ), "activate and configure plugins" );
			$menu['theme']= array( 'Themes', URL::get( 'admin', 'page=themes' ), "select a theme" );

			$menu = Plugins::filter( 'habminbar', $menu );

			$menu['logout']= array( 'Logout', URL::get( 'user', 'page=logout' ), "logout" );

			foreach ( $menu as $name => $item ) {
				list( $label, $url, $tooltip )= array_pad( $item, 3, "" );
				$bar.= "\n\t<li><a href=\"$url\" class=\"$name\"" .
				( ( $tooltip ) ? " title=\"$tooltip\"" : "" ) .">$label</a></li>";
			$bar.= '</ul><br style="clear:both;" /></div></div>';

			echo $bar;
Exemplo n.º 3
     * Serves the locale Javascript to translate javascript strings.
    public function locale_js()
        header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s ', time() + 432000) . 'GMT');
        header('content-type: text/javascript');
        $domain = HabariLocale::get_messages();
        $domain_json = json_encode($domain);
        $js = <<<TEEHEE
function _t() {
    var domain = {$domain_json};
    var s = arguments[0];

    if(domain[s] != undefined) {
        s = domain[s][1][0];

    for(var i = 1; i <= arguments.length; i++) {
        r = new RegExp('%' + (i) + '\\\\\$s', 'g');
        if(!s.match(r)) {
            r = new RegExp('%s');
        s = s.replace(r, arguments[i]);
    return s;
        echo Plugins::filter('locale_js', $js);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function test_format_priority()
     Format::apply(function ($v) {
         return $v . '7';
     }, 'test_filter_7');
     Format::apply(function ($v) {
         return $v . '8';
     }, 'test_filter');
     $result = Plugins::filter('test_filter', 'test');
     $this->assert_equal('test78', $result);
     Format::apply(function ($v, $c) {
         return $v . '7' . $c;
     }, 'test_filter2_7', 'a');
     Format::apply(function ($v, $c) {
         return $v . '8' . $c;
     }, 'test_filter2', 'b');
     $result = Plugins::filter('test_filter2', 'test');
     $this->assert_equal('test7a8b', $result);
     Format::apply_with_hook_params(function ($v, $h, $c) {
         return $v . '7' . $h . $c;
     }, 'test_filter3_7', 'a');
     Format::apply_with_hook_params(function ($v, $h, $c) {
         return $v . '8' . $h . $c;
     }, 'test_filter3', 'b');
     $result = Plugins::filter('test_filter3', 'test', 'h');
     $this->assert_equal('test7ha8hb', $result);
Exemplo n.º 5
     * Respond to the URL that was created
     * Determine the post that was supposed to be displayed, and show it in raw
     * @params array $handlervars An array of values passed in from the URL requested
    function action_plugin_act_plaintext($handlervars)
        $activetheme = Themes::create();
        $user_filters = array('fetch_fn' => 'get_row', 'limit' => 1);
        $page_key = array_search('page', $activetheme->valid_filters);
        $user_filters = Plugins::filter('template_user_filters', $user_filters);
        $user_filters = array_intersect_key($user_filters, array_flip($activetheme->valid_filters));
        $where_filters = Controller::get_handler()->handler_vars->filter_keys($activetheme->valid_filters);
        $where_filters = $where_filters->merge($user_filters);
        $where_filters = Plugins::filter('template_where_filters', $where_filters);
        $post = Posts::get($where_filters);
        $current_url = URL::get();
        $created_at = $post->pubdate->get();
        header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
        echo <<<HERE
# {$post->title}

  By {$post->author->displayname}
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function __get($name)
     // if there is a _ in the name, there is a filter at the end
     if (strpos($name, '_') !== false) {
         // pick off the last _'d piece
         preg_match('/^(.*)_([^_]+)$/', $name, $matches);
         list($junk, $name, $filter) = $matches;
         // so that we don't break every info value that has a _ in it, only _out is an acceptable filter name
         if ($filter != 'out') {
             // put it back together
             $name = $name . '_' . $filter;
             // turn off the filter
             $filter = false;
     } else {
         $filter = false;
     // get the value by calling our parent function directly
     $value = parent::__get($name);
     // apply the main filter so values can be altered regardless of any _filter
     $value = Plugins::filter("post_info_{$name}", $value);
     // if there is a filter, apply that specific one too
     if ($filter) {
         $value = Plugins::filter("post_info_{$name}_{$filter}", $value);
     return $value;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * When adding dashboard modules, the titles should remain as they're written in their providing plugin
  * This function adds a value for the title of the block that is the same as the name of the type of block.
  * The value is in _title because overwriting the main title value causes the block data to reload.
  * @param Block $block The block that has data stored for the title
  * @param Theme $theme The theme displaying this block
 public function action_block_content($block, $theme)
     static $available_modules;
     if (!isset($available_modules)) {
         $available_modules = Plugins::filter('dashboard_block_list', array());
     $block->_title = $available_modules[$block->type];
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Handles GET requests for the groups page.
 public function get_groups()
     // prepare the WSSE tokens
     $this->theme->wsse = Utils::WSSE();
     $groups = UserGroups::get_all();
     $this->theme->groups = Plugins::filter('admin_groups_visible', $groups);
Exemplo n.º 9
	 * Handles GET requests for the import page.
	public function get_import()
		// First check for troublesome plugins
		$bad_features = array(
		$troublemakers = array();
		$plugins = Plugins::list_active();
		foreach( $plugins as $plugin ) {
			$info = Plugins::load_info( $plugin );
			$provides = array();
			if( isset($info->provides ) ) {
				foreach( $info->provides->feature as $feature ) {
					$provides[] = $feature;
			$has_bad = array_intersect( $bad_features, $provides );
			if( count( $has_bad ) ) {
				$troublemakers[] = $info->name;
		if( count( $troublemakers ) ) {
			$troublemakers = implode( ', ', $troublemakers );
			$msg = _t( 'Plugins that conflict with importing are active. To prevent undesirable consequences, please de-activate the following plugins until the import is finished: ' ) . '<br>';
			$msg .= $troublemakers;
			$this->theme->conflicting_plugins = $msg;
			Session::error( $msg );

		// Now get on with creating the page
		$importer = isset( $_POST['importer'] ) ? $_POST['importer'] : '';
		$stage = isset( $_POST['stage'] ) ? $_POST['stage'] : '1';
		$step = isset( $_POST['step'] ) ? $_POST['step'] : '1';

		$this->theme->enctype = Plugins::filter( 'import_form_enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', $importer, $stage, $step );
		// filter to get registered importers
		$importers = Plugins::filter( 'import_names', array() );
		// fitler to get the output of the current importer, if one is running
		if ( $importer != '' ) {
			$output = Plugins::filter( 'import_stage', '', $importer, $stage, $step );
		else {
			$output = '';

		$this->theme->importer = $importer;
		$this->theme->stage = $stage;
		$this->theme->step = $step;
		$this->theme->importers = $importers;
		$this->theme->output = $output;
		$this->display( 'import' );

Exemplo n.º 10
  * Handles AJAX requests from the dashboard
 public function ajax_dashboard($handler_vars)
     $available_modules = Plugins::filter('dashboard_block_list', array());
     $user_id = User::identify()->id;
     $dashboard_area = 'dashboard_' . $user_id;
     switch ($handler_vars['action']) {
         case 'updateModules':
             $modules = $_POST['moduleOrder'];
             $order = 0;
             foreach ($modules as $module) {
                 DB::query('UPDATE {blocks_areas} SET display_order = :display_order WHERE block_id = :id AND area = :dashboardarea', array('display_order' => $order, 'id' => $module, 'dashboardarea' => $dashboard_area));
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Modules updated.'));
         case 'addModule':
             $type = $handler_vars['module_name'];
             $title = $available_modules[$type];
             $block = new Block(array('title' => $title, 'type' => $type));
             $max_display_order = DB::get_value('SELECT max(display_order) FROM {blocks_areas} WHERE area = :dashboardarea and scope_id = 0;', array('dashboardarea' => $dashboard_area));
             DB::query('INSERT INTO {blocks_areas} (block_id, area, scope_id, display_order) VALUES (:block_id, :dashboardarea, 0, :display_order)', array('block_id' => $block->id, 'display_order' => $max_display_order, 'dashboardarea' => $dashboard_area));
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Added module %s.', array($title)));
             $ar->html('modules', $this->theme->fetch('dashboard_modules'));
         case 'removeModule':
             $block_id = $handler_vars['moduleid'];
             DB::delete('{blocks}', array('id' => $block_id));
             DB::delete('{blocks_areas}', array('block_id' => $block_id));
             $ar = new AjaxResponse(200, _t('Removed module.'));
             $ar->html('modules', $this->theme->fetch('dashboard_modules'));
         case 'configModule':
             $block_id = $handler_vars['moduleid'];
             $block = DB::get_row('SELECT * FROM {blocks} b WHERE b.id = :id', array('id' => $block_id), 'Block');
             /** Block $block */
             $form = $block->get_form();
             $form->_ajax = true;
             $form->set_option('success_message', _t('Module Configuration Saved.') . '<script type="text/javascript">window.setTimeout(function(){$(".form_message").fadeOut();}, 2000);</script>');
             $control_id = new FormControlHidden('moduleid', 'null:null');
             $control_id->value = $block->id;
             $control_id->id = 'moduleid';
             $control_action = new FormControlHidden('action', 'null:null');
             $control_action->value = 'configModule';
             $control_action->id = 'action';
             $form_id = $form->name;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function __get($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case 'resource':
             return Plugins::filter('get_stackitem_resource', $this->resource, $this);
     trigger_error(_t('Requested property @name does not exist.', array('@name' => $name)), E_NOTICE);
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Test that plugins can register assets
 public function test_register_assets()
     Plugins::register(array($this, 'filter_register_simple_assets'), 'filter', 'pluggable_assets');
     $result = Plugins::filter('pluggable_assets', array());
     $expected = $this->simple_assets;
     $key = 'simple_assets';
     $this->assert_true(array_key_exists($key, $result), "Expected <em>{$key}</em> key to exist in <em>" . var_export($result, true) . "</em>");
     $this->assert_equal($expected[$key], $result[$key], "Expected <em>" . var_export($result[$key], true) . "</em> to equal <em>" . var_export($expected[$key], true) . "</em>");
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function __static()
     self::$whitelist_elements = Plugins::filter('inputfilter_whitelist_elements', self::$whitelist_elements);
     self::$whitelist_attributes = Plugins::filter('inputfilter_whitelist_attributes', self::$whitelist_attributes);
     self::$elements_empty = Plugins::filter('inputfilter_elements_empty', self::$elements_empty);
     self::$whitelist_protocols = Plugins::filter('inputfilter_whitelist_protocols', self::$whitelist_protocols);
     self::$character_entities = Plugins::filter('inputfilter_character_entities', self::$character_entities);
     self::$character_entities_re = Plugins::filter('inputfilter_character_entities_re', self::$character_entities_re);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function action_init()
     // gotta be an easier way of doing this
     $theme_dir = Plugins::filter('admin_theme_dir', Site::get_dir('admin_theme', TRUE));
     $theme = Themes::create('admin', 'RawPHPEngine', $theme_dir);
     if (!$theme->template_exists('admincontrol_select')) {
         $this->add_template('admincontrol_select', dirname(__FILE__) . '/admincontrol_select.php');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Returns the name of the active or previewed theme
  * @params boolean $nopreview If true, return the real active theme, not the preview
  * @return string the current theme or previewed theme's directory name
 public static function get_theme_dir($nopreview = false)
     if (!$nopreview && isset($_SESSION['user_theme_dir'])) {
         $theme_dir = $_SESSION['user_theme_dir'];
     } else {
         $theme_dir = Options::get('theme_dir');
     $theme_dir = Plugins::filter('get_theme_dir', $theme_dir);
     return $theme_dir;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Handles POST requests from the options admin page
 public function post_options()
     $option_items = array();
     $timezones = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
     $timezones = array_merge(array('' => ''), array_combine(array_values($timezones), array_values($timezones)));
     $option_items[_t('Name & Tagline')] = array('title' => array('label' => _t('Site Name'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'tagline' => array('label' => _t('Site Tagline'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'about' => array('label' => _t('About'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'helptext' => ''));
     $option_items[_t('Publishing')] = array('pagination' => array('label' => _t('Items per Page'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'atom_entries' => array('label' => _t('Entries to show in Atom feed'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'comments_require_id' => array('label' => _t('Require Comment Author Info'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'helptext' => ''), 'spam_percentage' => array('label' => _t('Comment SPAM Threshold'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('The likelihood a comment is considered SPAM, in percent.')));
     $option_items[_t('Time & Date')] = array('timezone' => array('label' => _t('Time Zone'), 'type' => 'select', 'selectarray' => $timezones, 'helptext' => _t('Current Date Time: %s', array(HabariDateTime::date_create()->format()))), 'dateformat' => array('label' => _t('Date Format'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('Current Date: %s', array(HabariDateTime::date_create()->date))), 'timeformat' => array('label' => _t('Time Format'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('Current Time: %s', array(HabariDateTime::date_create()->time))));
     $option_items[_t('Language')] = array('locale' => array('label' => _t('Locale'), 'type' => 'select', 'selectarray' => array_merge(array('' => 'default'), array_combine(HabariLocale::list_all(), HabariLocale::list_all())), 'helptext' => _t('International language code')), 'system_locale' => array('label' => _t('System Locale'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('The appropriate locale code for your server')));
     $option_items[_t('Troubleshooting')] = array('log_min_severity' => array('label' => _t('Minimum Severity'), 'type' => 'select', 'selectarray' => LogEntry::list_severities(), 'helptext' => _t('Only log entries with a this or higher severity.')), 'log_backtraces' => array('label' => _t('Log Backtraces'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'helptext' => _t('Logs error backtraces to the log table\'s data column. Can drastically increase log size!')));
     /*$option_items[_t('Presentation')] = array(
     		'encoding' => array(
     			'label' => _t('Encoding'),
     			'type' => 'select',
     			'selectarray' => array(
     				'UTF-8' => 'UTF-8'
     			'helptext' => '',
     $option_items = Plugins::filter('admin_option_items', $option_items);
     $form = new FormUI('Admin Options');
     $tab_index = 3;
     foreach ($option_items as $name => $option_fields) {
         $fieldset = $form->append('wrapper', Utils::slugify(_u($name)), $name);
         $fieldset->class = 'container settings';
         $fieldset->append('static', $name, '<h2>' . htmlentities($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</h2>');
         foreach ($option_fields as $option_name => $option) {
             $field = $fieldset->append($option['type'], $option_name, $option_name, $option['label']);
             $field->template = 'optionscontrol_' . $option['type'];
             $field->class = 'item clear';
             if ($option['type'] == 'select' && isset($option['selectarray'])) {
                 $field->options = $option['selectarray'];
             $field->tabindex = $tab_index;
             if (isset($option['helptext'])) {
                 $field->helptext = $option['helptext'];
             } else {
                 $field->helptext = '';
     /* @todo: filter for additional options from plugins
      * We could either use existing config forms and simply extract
      * the form controls, or we could create something different
     $submit = $form->append('submit', 'apply', _t('Apply'), 'admincontrol_submit');
     $submit->tabindex = $tab_index;
     $form->on_success(array($this, 'form_options_success'));
     $this->theme->form = $form->get();
     $this->theme->option_names = array_keys($option_items);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Add the Pingback header on single post/page requests
  * Not to the entire site.  Clever.
 public function action_add_template_vars()
     $action = Controller::get_action();
     $add_header = $action == 'display_post';
     $add_header = Plugins::filter('pingback_add_header', $add_header, $action);
     if ($add_header) {
         header('X-Pingback: ' . URL::get('xmlrpc'));
     } else {
         header('X-action: ' . $action);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * A function which outputs the result of a transposed
  * template to the output stream
  * @param template $ Name of template to display
 public function display($template)
     if ($this->template_exists($template)) {
         $template_file = isset($this->template_map[$template]) ? $this->template_map[$template] : null;
         $template_file = Plugins::filter('include_template_file', $template_file, $template, __CLASS__);
         $template_file = 'hi://' . $template_file;
         $fc = file_get_contents($template_file);
         eval('?>' . $fc);
         //include $template_file;  // stopped working properly in PHP 5.2.8
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Handles AJAX from /admin/tags
  * Used to delete and rename tags
 public function ajax_tags($handler_vars)
     $wsse = Utils::WSSE($handler_vars['nonce'], $handler_vars['timestamp']);
     if ($handler_vars['digest'] != $wsse['digest']) {
         Session::error(_t('WSSE authentication failed.'));
         echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
     $tag_names = array();
     $theme_dir = Plugins::filter('admin_theme_dir', Site::get_dir('admin_theme', true));
     $this->theme = Themes::create('admin', 'RawPHPEngine', $theme_dir);
     $action = $this->handler_vars['action'];
     switch ($action) {
         case 'delete':
             foreach ($_POST as $id => $delete) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not tag ids
                 if (preg_match('/^tag_\\d+/', $id) && $delete) {
                     $id = substr($id, 4);
                     $tag = Tags::get_by_id($id);
                     $tag_names[] = $tag->term_display;
             $msg_status = _n(_t('Tag %s has been deleted.', array(implode('', $tag_names))), _t('%d tags have been deleted.', array(count($tag_names))), count($tag_names));
         case 'rename':
             if (!isset($this->handler_vars['master'])) {
                 Session::error(_t('Error: New name not specified.'));
                 echo Session::messages_get(true, array('Format', 'json_messages'));
             $master = $this->handler_vars['master'];
             $tag_names = array();
             foreach ($_POST as $id => $rename) {
                 // skip POST elements which are not tag ids
                 if (preg_match('/^tag_\\d+/', $id) && $rename) {
                     $id = substr($id, 4);
                     $tag = Tags::get_by_id($id);
                     $tag_names[] = $tag->term_display;
             Tags::vocabulary()->merge($master, $tag_names);
             $msg_status = sprintf(_n('Tag %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.', 'Tags %1$s have been renamed to %2$s.', count($tag_names)), implode($tag_names, ', '), $master);
     $this->theme->tags = Tags::vocabulary()->get_tree();
     $this->theme->max = Tags::vocabulary()->max_count();
     echo json_encode(array('msg' => Session::messages_get(true, 'array'), 'tags' => $this->theme->fetch('tag_collection')));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function body_class()
     $classes = array();
     foreach (get_object_vars($this->request) as $key => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             $classes[$key] = $key;
     $classes[] = URL::get_matched_rule()->entire_match;
     $classes = array_unique(array_merge($classes, Stack::get_named_stack('body_class')));
     $classes = Plugins::filter('body_class', $classes, $this);
     echo implode(' ', $classes);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Return the active rewrite rules, both in the database and applied by plugins
  * @return array Array of RewriteRule objects for active rewrite rules
 public static function get_active()
     static $system_rules;
     if (!isset($system_rules)) {
         $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT rr.rule_id, rr.name, rr.parse_regex, rr.build_str, rr.handler, rr.action, rr.priority, rr.parameters\n\t\t\t\tFROM {rewrite_rules} AS rr\n\t\t\t\tWHERE rr.is_active= 1\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY rr.priority";
         $db_rules = DB::get_results($sql, array(), 'RewriteRule');
         $system_rules = self::add_system_rules($db_rules);
     $rewrite_rules = Plugins::filter('rewrite_rules', $system_rules);
     $rewrite_rules = self::sort_rules($rewrite_rules);
     $c = __CLASS__;
     return new $c($rewrite_rules);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function __construct()
     // Let's register the options page form so we can use it with ajax
     $self = $this;
     FormUI::register('admin_options', function ($form, $name, $extra_data) use($self) {
         $option_items = array();
         $timezones = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
         $timezones = array_merge(array('' => ''), array_combine(array_values($timezones), array_values($timezones)));
         $option_items[_t('Name & Tagline')] = array('title' => array('label' => _t('Site Name'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'tagline' => array('label' => _t('Site Tagline'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'about' => array('label' => _t('About'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'helptext' => ''));
         $option_items[_t('Publishing')] = array('pagination' => array('label' => _t('Items per Page'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'atom_entries' => array('label' => _t('Entries to show in Atom feed'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => ''), 'comments_require_id' => array('label' => _t('Require Comment Author Email'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'helptext' => ''), 'spam_percentage' => array('label' => _t('Comment SPAM Threshold'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('The likelihood a comment is considered SPAM, in percent.')));
         $option_items[_t('Time & Date')] = array('timezone' => array('label' => _t('Time Zone'), 'type' => 'select', 'selectarray' => $timezones, 'helptext' => _t('Current Date Time: %s', array(DateTime::create()->format()))), 'dateformat' => array('label' => _t('Date Format'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('Current Date: %s', array(DateTime::create()->date))), 'timeformat' => array('label' => _t('Time Format'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('Current Time: %s', array(DateTime::create()->time))));
         $option_items[_t('Language')] = array('locale' => array('label' => _t('Locale'), 'type' => 'select', 'selectarray' => array_merge(array('' => 'default'), array_combine(Locale::list_all(), Locale::list_all())), 'helptext' => Config::exists('locale') ? _t('International language code : This value is set in your config.php file, and cannot be changed here.') : _t('International language code'), 'disabled' => Config::exists('locale'), 'value' => Config::get('locale', Options::get('locale', 'en-us'))), 'system_locale' => array('label' => _t('System Locale'), 'type' => 'text', 'helptext' => _t('The appropriate locale code for your server')));
         $option_items[_t('Troubleshooting')] = array('log_min_severity' => array('label' => _t('Minimum Severity'), 'type' => 'select', 'selectarray' => LogEntry::list_severities(), 'helptext' => _t('Only log entries with a this or higher severity.')), 'log_backtraces' => array('label' => _t('Log Backtraces'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'helptext' => _t('Logs error backtraces to the log table\'s data column. Can drastically increase log size!')));
         $option_items = Plugins::filter('admin_option_items', $option_items);
         $tab_index = 3;
         foreach ($option_items as $name => $option_fields) {
             /** @var FormControlFieldset $fieldset  */
             $fieldset = $form->append(FormControlWrapper::create(Utils::slugify(_u($name)))->set_properties(array('class' => 'container main settings')));
             $fieldset->append(FormControlStatic::create($name)->set_static('<h2 class="lead">' . htmlentities($name, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</h2>'));
             foreach ($option_fields as $option_name => $option) {
                 /** @var FormControlLabel $label */
                 $label = $fieldset->append(FormControlLabel::create('label_for_' . $option_name, null)->set_label($option['label']));
                 /** @var FormControl $field */
                 $field = $label->append($option['type'], $option_name, $option_name);
                 if (isset($option['value'])) {
                 if (isset($option['disabled']) && $option['disabled'] == true) {
                     $field->set_properties(array('disabled' => 'disabled'));
                 if ($option['type'] == 'select' && isset($option['selectarray'])) {
                 $field->tabindex = $tab_index;
                 if (isset($option['helptext'])) {
         $buttons = $form->append(new FormControlWrapper('buttons', null, array('class' => 'container')));
         $buttons->append(FormControlSubmit::create('apply', null, array('tabindex' => $tab_index))->set_caption(_t('Apply')));
         $form->on_success(array($self, 'form_options_success'));
         $form = Plugins::filter('admin_options_form', $form);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function act_request()
      * @todo refactor this so we Posts::get() only those GUIDs requested:
      * 			array( ... 'info:any' => array( 'guid1', 'guid2', ... ) );
      * @todo potentially cache individual plugins seperately, or eliminate caching all together
      * @todo check against the versioin passed with guid, to only output updated version info.
     if (Cache::has('plugin_directory:plugins') && false) {
         $plugins = Cache::get('plugin_directory:plugins');
         $from_cache = true;
     } else {
         // get the entire list of plugins from our directory based on their custom content type
         $plugins = Posts::get(array('content_type' => 'plugin', 'nolimit' => true));
         $from_cache = false;
     // build the xml output
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<updates></updates>');
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         if (!$plugin->versions) {
         // create the beacon's node
         $beacon_node = $xml->addChild('beacon');
         $beacon_node->addAttribute('id', $plugin->info->guid);
         $beacon_node->addAttribute('name', $plugin->title);
         foreach ($plugin->versions as $version) {
             // create an update node for the beacon  with the status' message
             $update_node = $beacon_node->addChild('update', $version->description);
             $update_node->addAttribute('severity', $version->status);
             $update_node->addAttribute('version', $version->version);
             $update_node->addAttribute('habari_version', $version->habari_version);
             $update_node->addAttribute('url', $version->url);
     //Utils::debug($plugins, 'Plugins');
     // only cache this set of plugins if it wasn't already from the cache
     if ($from_cache == false) {
         Cache::set('plugin_directory:plugins', $plugins);
     $xml = Plugins::filter('plugin_directory_beacon_xml', $xml, $this->handler_vars);
     $xml = $xml->asXML();
     // @todo uncomment when we're actually outputting xml again
     header('Content-Type: application/xml');
     echo $xml;
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Return a test-based error description for a numeric error code
  * @param integer $code The error code to search for
  * @return string A localized text-based error message.
 private function get_message($code)
     switch ($code) {
         //Generic XMLRPC errors
         case -32700:
             return _t('parse error. not well formed');
         case -32701:
             return _t('parse error. unsupported encoding');
         case -32702:
             return _t('parse error. invalid character for encoding');
         case -32600:
             return _t('server error. invalid xml-rpc. not conforming to spec.');
         case -32601:
             return _t('server error. requested method not found');
         case -32602:
             return _t('server error. invalid method parameters');
         case -32603:
             return _t('server error. internal xml-rpc error');
         case -32500:
             return _t('application error');
         case -32400:
             return _t('system error');
         case -32300:
             return _t('transport error');
             // Pingback errors
         // Pingback errors
         case 16:
             return _t('The source URI does not exist.');
         case 17:
             return _t('The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI, and so cannot be used as a source.');
         case 32:
             return _t('The specified target URI does not exist.');
         case 33:
             return _t('The specified target URI cannot be used as a target.');
         case 48:
             return _t('The pingback has already been registered.');
         case 49:
             return _t('Access denied.');
         case 50:
             return _t('The server could not communicate with an upstream server, or received an error from an upstream server, and therefore could not complete the request.');
             // Additional standard errors
         // Additional standard errors
         case 1:
             return _t('This XMLRPC server only accepts POST requests.');
             return Plugins::filter('xmlrpcexception_get_message', _t('Unknown XMLRPC Exception'), $code);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function loginform_do_login($form)
     $name = $form->habari_username->value;
     $pass = $form->habari_password->value;
     if (null != $name || null != $pass) {
         $user = User::authenticate($name, $pass);
         if ($user instanceof User && $user != false) {
             $userinfo = $user->info;
             // if there's an unused password reset token, unset it to make sure there's no possibility of a compromise that way
             if (isset($userinfo->password_reset)) {
             /* Successfully authenticated. */
             // Timestamp last login date and time.
             $user->info->authenticate_time = DateTime::create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             // Remove left over expired session error message.
             if (Session::has_errors('expired_session')) {
             $login_session = Session::get_set('login');
             if (!empty($login_session)) {
                 /* Now that we know we're dealing with the same user, transfer the form data so he does not lose his request */
                 if (!empty($login_session['post_data'])) {
                     Session::add_to_set('last_form_data', $last_form_data['post'], 'post');
                 if (!empty($login_session['get_data'])) {
                     Session::add_to_set('last_form_data', $last_form_data['get'], 'get');
                 // don't bother parsing out the URL, we store the URI that was requested, so just append that to the hostname and we're done
                 $login_dest = Site::get_url('host') . $login_session['original'];
             } else {
                 $login_session = null;
                 $login_dest = Site::get_url('admin');
             // filter the destination
             $login_dest = Plugins::filter('login_redirect_dest', $login_dest, $user, $login_session);
             // finally, redirect to the destination
             return true;
         /* Authentication failed. */
         // Remove submitted password, see, we're secure!
         $form->habari_password->value = '';
         $this->handler_vars['error'] = _t('Bad credentials');
  * Serves the cache page or starts the output buffer. Ignore URLs matching
  * the ignore list, and ignores if there are session messages.
  * @see StaticCache_ob_end_flush()
 public function action_init()
      * Allows plugins to add to the ignore list. An array of all URLs to ignore
      * is passed to the filter.
      * @filter staticcache_ignore an array of URLs to ignore
     $ignore_array = Plugins::filter('staticcache_ignore', explode(',', Options::get('staticcache__ignore_list')));
     // sanitize the ignore list for preg_match
     $ignore_list = implode('|', array_map(create_function('$a', 'return preg_quote(trim($a), "@");'), $ignore_array));
     $request = Site::get_url('host') . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
     /* don't cache PUT or POST requests, pages matching ignore list keywords,
      * nor pages with session messages, nor loggedin users
     if ($request_method == 'PUT' || $request_method == 'POST' || preg_match("@.*({$ignore_list}).*@i", $request) || Session::has_messages() || User::identify()->loggedin) {
     $request_id = self::get_request_id();
     $query_id = self::get_query_id();
     if (Cache::has(array(self::GROUP_NAME, $request_id))) {
         $cache = Cache::get(array(self::GROUP_NAME, $request_id));
         if (isset($cache[$query_id])) {
             global $profile_start;
             // send the cached headers
             foreach ($cache[$query_id]['headers'] as $header) {
             // check for compression
             // @todo directly send compressed data to browser if webserver is not compressing.
             if (isset($cache[$query_id]['compressed']) && $cache[$query_id]['compressed'] == true) {
                 echo gzuncompress($cache[$query_id]['body']);
             } else {
                 echo $cache[$query_id]['body'];
             // record hit and profile data
             $this->record_stats('hit', $profile_start);
     // record miss
     // register hook
     Plugins::register(array('StaticCache', 'store_final_output'), 'filter', 'final_output', 16);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Return a URL to the author's Gravatar based on his e-mail address.
  * @param object $comment The Comment object to build a Gravatar URL from.
  * @return string URL to the author's Gravatar.
 public function filter_comment_gravatar($out, $comment)
     // The Gravar ID is an hexadecimal md5 hash of the author's e-mail address.
     $query_arguments = array('gravatar_id' => md5(strtolower(trim($comment->email))));
     // Retrieve the Gravatar options.
     $options = Options::get(array('gravatar__default', 'gravatar__size', 'gravatar__rating'));
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != '') {
             // We only want "default, size, rating".
             list($junk, $key) = explode('__', $key);
             $query_arguments[$key] = $value;
     // Ampersands need to be encoded to &amp; for HTML to validate.
     $query = http_build_query($query_arguments, '', '&amp;');
     $url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?" . $query;
     $url = Plugins::filter('gravatar_url', $url, $comment);
     return $url;
 public function save_mainmenu($form)
     $base_url = Site::get_url('habari', true);
     $start_url = $form->mainmenus->value;
     /* Strip out the base URL from the requested URL */
     /* but only if the base URL isn't / */
     if ('/' != $base_url) {
         $start_url = str_replace($base_url, '', $start_url);
     /* Trim off any leading or trailing slashes */
     $start_url = trim($start_url, '/');
     /* Remove the querystring from the URL */
     if (strpos($start_url, '?') !== FALSE) {
         list($start_url, $query_string) = explode('?', $start_url);
     /* Allow plugins to rewrite the stub before it's passed through the rules */
     $start_url = Plugins::filter('rewrite_request', $start_url);
     $stub = $start_url;
     /* Grab the URL filtering rules from DB */
     $matched_rule = URL::parse($stub);
     if ($matched_rule === FALSE) {
         print 'error, cant find rule';
         // error!!!!
     /* Return $_GET values to their proper place */
     $args = array();
     if (!empty($query_string)) {
         parse_str($query_string, $args);
     $rule = $matched_rule->name;
     $args = array_merge($matched_rule->named_arg_values, $args);
     if (User::identify()->can('super_user') && $form->affect_all->value == true) {
         foreach (Users::get_all() as $user) {
             $user->info->admindetour_real = array('rule' => $rule, 'args' => $args);
     } else {
         User::identify()->info->admindetour_real = array('rule' => $rule, 'args' => $args);
     $_POST[$form->mainmenus->field] = URL::get($rule, $args);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function action_ajax_tag_suggest($handler)
     if (!isset($handler->handler_vars['text'])) {
         $text = '';
     } else {
         $text = $handler->handler_vars['text'];
     $tags = array();
     $tags = $this->fetch_yahoo_tags($text);
     $tags = serialize($tags);
     $tags = Plugins::filter('tag_suggestions', $tags, $text);
     $tags = unserialize($tags);
     $count = count($tags);
     if ($count == 0) {
         $message = _t('No tag suggestions could be found');
     } else {
         $message = sprintf('%d tag ' . _n(_t('suggestion'), _t('suggestions'), $count) . ' could be found.', $count);
     echo json_encode(array('count' => $count, 'tags' => $tags, 'message' => $message));
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Handles GET requests for the import page.
 public function get_import()
     // First check for plugins that provide troublseome features
     $features_present = Plugins::provided();
     $troublemakers = array();
     $bad_features = array('ping', 'pingback', 'spamcheck');
     $unwanted_features = array_intersect_key($features_present, array_flip($bad_features));
     array_walk($unwanted_features, function ($item, $key) use(&$troublemakers) {
         foreach ($item as $current) {
             if (!in_array($current, $troublemakers)) {
                 $troublemakers[] = $current;
     if (count($troublemakers)) {
         $troublemakers = implode(', ', $troublemakers);
         $msg = _t('Plugins that conflict with importing are active. To prevent undesirable consequences, please de-activate the following plugins until the import is finished: ') . '<br>';
         $msg .= $troublemakers;
         $this->theme->conflicting_plugins = $msg;
     // Now get on with creating the page
     $importer = isset($_POST['importer']) ? $_POST['importer'] : '';
     $stage = isset($_POST['stage']) ? $_POST['stage'] : '1';
     $step = isset($_POST['step']) ? $_POST['step'] : '1';
     //		$this->theme->enctype = Plugins::filter( 'import_form_enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', $importer, $stage, $step );
     // filter to get registered importers
     $importers = Plugins::filter('import_names', array());
     // filter to get the output of the current importer, if one is running
     if ($importer == '') {
         $output = $this->get_form($importers, $importer);
     } else {
         $output = Plugins::filter('import_stage', '', $importer, $stage, $step);
     $this->theme->importer = $importer;
     $this->theme->stage = $stage;
     $this->theme->step = $step;
     $this->theme->importers = $importers;
     $this->theme->output = $output;