Exemplo n.º 1
  * Called at end of form record save. Used for many-many join elements to save their data
  * @param   array  &$data  Form data
  * @since  3.1rc1
  * @return  void
 public function onFinalStoreRow(&$data)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $name = $this->getFullName(true, false);
     $rawName = $name . '_raw';
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo(true);
     $formData =& $this->getFormModel()->formDataWithTableName;
     $tagIds = (array) $formData[$rawName];
     if (!class_exists('TagsModelTag')) {
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_tags/models/tag.php';
     foreach ($tagIds as $tagKey => &$tagId) {
         if (empty($tagId)) {
         // New tag added
         if (strstr($tagId, '#fabrik#')) {
             $tagId = str_replace('#fabrik#', '', $tagId);
              * We need to use the J! com_tags model to save, so it can handle the nested set stuff
             $tagsTableName = $params->get('tags_dbname', '');
             $jTagsTableName = $db->getPrefix() . 'tags';
             if ($tagsTableName === '' || $tagsTableName === $jTagsTableName) {
                 JTable::addIncludePath(COM_FABRIK_BASE . '/administrator/components/com_tags/tables');
                 $tagModel = new TagsModelTag();
                  * JSONified list of form data from built in backed tag creation, from xdebug session
                  * Can get rid of this comment once we're sure the $data we set up has the required fields
                  * {"id":0,
                  * "hits":"0",
                  * "parent_id":"1",
                  * "title":"test102",
                  * "note":"",
                  * "description":"",
                  * "published":"1",
                  * "access":"1",
                  * "metadesc":"",
                  * "metakey":"",
                  * "alias":"",
                  * "created_user_id":"",
                  * "created_by_alias":"",
                  * "created_time":null,
                  * "modified_user_id":null,
                  * "modified_time":null,
                  * "language":"*",
                  * "version_note":"",
                  * "params":
                  *  {"tag_layout":"",
                  *      "tag_link_class":"label label-info"
                  * },
                  * "images":{
                  *  "image_intro":"",
                  *  "float_intro":"",
                  *  "image_intro_alt":"",
                  *  "image_intro_caption":"",
                  *  "image_fulltext":"",
                  *  "float_fulltext":"",
                  *  "image_fulltext_alt":"",
                  *  "image_fulltext_caption":""
                  * },
                  * "metadata":{
                  *  "author":"",
                  *  "robots":""
                  * },
                  * "tags":null}
                 $data = array('id' => '', 'level' => 1, 'published' => 1, 'parent_id' => 1, 'created_user_id' => (int) $this->user->get('id'), 'created_time' => $this->date->toSql(), 'language' => "*", 'version' => 1, 'path' => $tagId, 'title' => $tagId, 'alias' => $tagId);
                 $tagId = $tagModel->getState($tagModel->getName() . '.id');
             } else {
                  * For Jaanus's non J! tables, do it the "old" way
                 $tagId = $db->quote($tagId);
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->insert($this->getDbName())->set('level = 1, published = 1, parent_id = 1, created_user_id = ' . (int) $this->user->get('id'))->set('created_time = ' . $db->q($this->date->toSql()), ', language = "*", version = 1')->set('path = ' . $tagId . ', title = ' . $tagId . ', alias = ' . $tagId);
                 $tagId = $db->insertid();
     $formData[$name] = $tagIds;
     $formData[$rawName] = $tagIds;