function TargetEvent()
     global $resource;
     $iPlanetCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' AND `destruyed` = '0';");
     $iGalaxyPlace = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . "';");
     $senderUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';");
     $senderPlanet = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id'] . "';");
     $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
     $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']);
     $MaxPlanets = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($senderUser);
     if ($iGalaxyPlace != 0) {
         $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_notfree'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
     } elseif ($iPlanetCount >= $MaxPlanets) {
         $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_maxcolo'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''), $MaxPlanets);
     } elseif (PlayerUtil::allowPlanetPosition($this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $senderUser) == false) {
         $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_notech'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''), $MaxPlanets);
     } else {
         require_once 'includes/functions/CreateOnePlanetRecord.php';
         $NewOwnerPlanet = CreateOnePlanetRecord($this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], $LNG['fcp_colony'], false, $senderUser['authlevel']);
         if ($NewOwnerPlanet === false) {
             $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_badpos'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
         } else {
             $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] = $NewOwnerPlanet;
             $TheMessage = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_allisok'], GetTargetAdressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
             if ($this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] == 1) {
             } else {
                 $CurrentFleet = explode(";", $this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
                 $NewFleet = '';
                 foreach ($CurrentFleet as $Item => $Group) {
                     if (empty($Group)) {
                     $Class = explode(",", $Group);
                     if ($Class[0] == 208 && $Class[1] > 1) {
                         $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . ($Class[1] - 1) . ";";
                     } elseif ($Class[0] != 208 && $Class[1] > 0) {
                         $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . $Class[1] . ";";
                 $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleet);
                 $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] - 1);
                 $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', 0);
                 $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', 0);
                 $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', 0);
     SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 4, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from'], $LNG['sys_colo_mess_report'], $TheMessage);
Exemplo n.º 2
 function lotinfo()
     global $USER, $PLANET, $LNG, $UNI, $CONF, $resource, $pricelist;
     $lotID = HTTP::_GP('lotID', 0);
     $info = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT DISTINCT ps.*, p.field_current, p.field_max, p.id_luna FROM uni1_planetauction as ps \n\tINNER JOIN " . PLANETS . " as p ON = ps.planetID WHERE auctionID = " . $lotID . ";");
     $info = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($info);
     $iPlanetCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' AND `destruyed` = '0' AND universe = " . $UNI . ";");
     $MaxPlanets = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($USER);
     if ($iPlanetCount >= $MaxPlanets) {
         $this->printMessage("you can not buy additional planets as you have reached the max allowed planets / user!", true, array('game.php?page=Planeta', 2));
     } elseif ($USER['id'] == $info['selledID']) {
         $this->printMessage("you can not rebuy your old planets!", true, array('game.php?page=Planeta', 2));
     } else {
         $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array('lotID' => $lotID, 'type' => $info['type'], 'field_max' => $info['field_max'], 'id_luna' => $info['id_luna'], 'planetID' => $info['planetID'], 'time' => !empty($info['time']) && $info['time'] > TIMESTAMP ? $info['time'] - TIMESTAMP : 0, 'current_price' => round($info['price'] + $info['price'] / 100 * 1)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function show()
     global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $LNG, $CONF, $pricelist;
     $UserDeuterium = $PLANET['elyrium'];
     $planetID = HTTP::_GP('planetID', 0);
     $targetMission = HTTP::_GP('mission', 0);
     $galaxyC = HTTP::_GP('galaxyC', 0);
     $systemC = HTTP::_GP('systemC', 0);
     $planetC = HTTP::_GP('planetC', 0);
     if (IsVacationMode($USER)) {
         $this->sendData(620, $LNG['fa_vacation_mode_current']);
     $fleetArray = array();
     switch ($targetMission) {
         case 14:
             if (!isModulAvalible(MODULE_MISSION_SPY)) {
                 $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['sys_module_inactive']);
             if ($PLANET['teleport_portal'] == 0) {
                 $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_11']);
             $ships = min($USER['spio_anz'], $PLANET[$resource[210]]);
             if (empty($ships)) {
                 $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_22']);
             $fleetArray = array(210 => $ships);
             $this->returnData['ships'][210] = $PLANET[$resource[210]] - $ships;
         case 7:
             if (!isModulAvalible(MODULE_MISSION_COLONY)) {
                 $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['sys_module_inactive']);
             if ($PLANET['teleport_portal'] == 0) {
                 $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_11']);
             if ($PLANET[$resource[303]] < 10 || $PLANET[$resource[306]] < 100) {
                 $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_12'], $PLANET[$resource[303]], $PLANET[$resource[306]]));
             $fleetArray = array(303 => 10, 306 => 100);
             $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_22']);
     $fleetArray = array_filter($fleetArray);
     if (empty($fleetArray)) {
         $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_22']);
     $iPlanetCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' AND `destruyed` = '0';");
     $MaxPlanets = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($USER);
     if ($iPlanetCount >= $MaxPlanets && $targetMission == 7) {
         $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_14']);
     $targetData = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT planet.id_owner as id_owner, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ as id, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ as name, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.galaxy as galaxy, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.system as system, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.planet as planet,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.planet_type as planet_type, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.force_field_timer as force_field_timer, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tplanet.teleport_portal as teleport_portal, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttotal_points, onlinetime, forcefield_tech, urlaubs_modus, banaday, authattack, user_deleted, username\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PLANETS . " planet\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . USERS . " user ON planet.id_owner =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . STATPOINTS . " as stat ON stat.id_owner = AND stat.stat_type = '1' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE planet.galaxy = " . $galaxyC . " AND planet.system = " . $systemC . " AND planet.planet = " . $planetC . ";");
     $BuddyCheck = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM uni1_buddy WHERE (sender = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND owner = '" . $targetData['id_owner'] . "' AND state = '1') OR (owner = '" . $USER['id'] . "' AND sender = '" . $targetData['id_owner'] . "' AND state = '1');");
     if ($targetMission == 1 || $targetMission == 6 || $targetMission == 3 || $targetMission == 14 || $targetMission == 13) {
         $ipCheck = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT userID, secondID FROM uni1_ipblock WHERE userID = " . $USER['id'] . " OR secondID = '" . $USER['id'] . "';");
         if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($ipCheck) > 0) {
             while ($xb = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($ipCheck)) {
                 if ($targetData['id_owner'] == $xb['userID'] || $targetData['id_owner'] == $xb['secondID']) {
                     $this->sendData('rouge', '<span class=rouge>' . sprintf($LNG['fleet_multi_block'], $this->getUsername($targetData['id_owner'])) . '</span>');
         if ($GLOBALS['DATABASE']->numRows($BuddyCheck) >= 1) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_pact'], $this->getUsername($targetData['id_owner'])));
     if ($targetMission == 14) {
         if ($targetData['id_owner'] == $USER['id']) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_19']);
         if ($targetData['force_field_timer'] > TIMESTAMP && $USER['virus_tech'] < $targetData['forcefield_tech']) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_21'], $this->getUsername($targetData['id_owner'])));
         if ($targetData['teleport_portal'] == 0) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_18'], $targetData['name'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet']));
         if ($targetData['user_deleted'] == 1) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_3'], $targetData['username']));
         if ($targetData['banaday'] > TIMESTAMP) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_4'], $targetData['username']));
         if (Config::get('adm_attack') == 1 && $targetData['authattack'] > $USER['authlevel']) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fa_action_not_allowed']);
         if (IsVacationMode($targetData)) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_5'], $targetData['username']));
         $IsNoobProtec = CheckNoobProtec($USER, $targetData, $targetData);
         if ($IsNoobProtec['NoobPlayer']) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_6'], $targetData['username']));
         if ($IsNoobProtec['StrongPlayer']) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_7'], $targetData['username']));
         if ($USER['id'] == $targetData['id_owner']) {
             $this->sendData('rouge', $LNG['fleet_ajax_8']);
     if (connection_aborted()) {
     $SpeedFactor = FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor();
     $Distance = FleetFunctions::GetTargetDistance(array($PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet']), array($targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet']));
     $SpeedAllMin = FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($fleetArray, $USER);
     $Duration = 1;
     $consumption = 0;
     $fleetRessource = array(901 => 0, 902 => 0, 903 => 0, 904 => 0);
     $fleetPopulation = array(301 => 0, 302 => 0, 303 => 0, 304 => 0, 305 => 0, 306 => 0, 307 => 0, 309 => 0);
     if ($targetMission == 7) {
         $targetData = array('id' => 0, 'id_owner' => 0, 'planettype' => 1);
     $fleetStartTime = $Duration + TIMESTAMP;
     $fleetStayTime = $fleetStartTime;
     $fleetEndTime = $fleetStayTime + 1;
     $shipID = array_keys($fleetArray);
     if ($targetMission == 7) {
         FleetFunctions::sendFleet($fleetArray, $targetMission, $USER['id'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $PLANET['planet_type'], $targetData['id_owner'], 0, $galaxyC, $systemC, $planetC, 1, $fleetRessource, $fleetPopulation, $fleetStartTime, $fleetStayTime, $fleetEndTime);
     } else {
         FleetFunctions::sendFleet($fleetArray, $targetMission, $USER['id'], $PLANET['id'], $PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet'], $PLANET['planet_type'], $targetData['id_owner'], $targetData['id'], $targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'], $targetData['planet_type'], $fleetRessource, $fleetPopulation, $fleetStartTime, $fleetStayTime, $fleetEndTime);
     if ($targetMission == 7) {
         $finalMsg = sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_10'], $systemC, $planetC);
     } else {
         $finalMsg = sprintf($LNG['fleet_ajax_17'], $targetData['name'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet'], $this->getUsername($targetData['id_owner']));
     $this->sendData('vert', $finalMsg);
    function TargetEvent()
        $db = Database::get();
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE `id` = :userId;';
        $senderUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']));
        $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']);
        $checkPosition = PlayerUtil::checkPosition($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']);
        $isPositionFree = PlayerUtil::isPositionFree($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']);
        if (!$isPositionFree || !$checkPosition) {
            $message = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_notfree'], GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
        } else {
            $allowPlanetPosition = PlayerUtil::allowPlanetPosition($this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $senderUser);
            if (!$allowPlanetPosition) {
                $message = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_notech'], GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
            } else {
                $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as state
				WHERE `id_owner`	= :userId
				AND `planet_type`	= :type
				AND `destruyed`		= :destroyed;';
                $currentPlanetCount = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(':userId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], ':type' => 1, ':destroyed' => 0), 'state');
                $maxPlanetCount = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($senderUser);
                if ($currentPlanetCount >= $maxPlanetCount) {
                    $message = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_maxcolo'], GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''), $maxPlanetCount);
                } else {
                    $NewOwnerPlanet = PlayerUtil::createPlanet($this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], $LNG['fcp_colony'], false, $senderUser['authlevel']);
                    if ($NewOwnerPlanet === false) {
                        $message = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_badpos'], GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
                    } else {
                        $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] = $NewOwnerPlanet;
                        $message = sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_allisok'], GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''));
                        if ($this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] == 1) {
                        } else {
                            $CurrentFleet = explode(";", $this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
                            $NewFleet = '';
                            foreach ($CurrentFleet as $Group) {
                                if (empty($Group)) {
                                $Class = explode(",", $Group);
                                if ($Class[0] == 208 && $Class[1] > 1) {
                                    $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . ($Class[1] - 1) . ";";
                                } elseif ($Class[0] != 208 && $Class[1] > 0) {
                                    $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . $Class[1] . ";";
                            $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleet);
                            $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] - 1);
                            $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', 0);
                            $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', 0);
                            $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', 0);
        PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from'], 4, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_report'], $message, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
Exemplo n.º 5
    function TargetEvent()
        global $resource;
        $iPlanetCount = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id_owner` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "' AND `planet_type` = '1' AND `destruyed` = '0';");
        $iGalaxyPlace = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] . "';");
        $senderUser = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'] . "';");
        $senderPlanet = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT * FROM " . PLANETS . " WHERE `id` = '" . $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id'] . "';");
        $senderUser['factor'] = getFactors($senderUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
        $LNG = $this->getLanguage($senderUser['lang']);
        $MaxPlanets = PlayerUtil::maxPlanetCount($senderUser);
        if ($iGalaxyPlace != 0) {
            $TheMessage = '<div style="text-align : justify;">
        ' . sprintf($LNG['ls_fts_colo_1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $LNG['type_missionbis'][$this->_fleet['fleet_mission']]) . '
    <div class="citation">
        <div class="guillemet ouvrir">«</div>
        <div class="guillemet fermer">»</div>
        ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_2'] . ' :
        <ul style="text-align : left;">
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_3'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_4'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_5'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_6'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_7'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_8'] . '</li>
    <div class="explication_utilisateur">
        ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_9'] . '
            SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 7, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from_text1'], sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_mess_report1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $TheMessage);
        } elseif ($iPlanetCount >= $MaxPlanets) {
            $TheMessage = '<div style="text-align : justify;">
        ' . sprintf($LNG['ls_fts_colo_1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $LNG['type_missionbis'][$this->_fleet['fleet_mission']]) . '
    <div class="citation">
        <div class="guillemet ouvrir">«</div>
        <div class="guillemet fermer">»</div>
        ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_2'] . ' :
        <ul style="text-align : left;">
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_3'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_4'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_5'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_6'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_7'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_8'] . '</li>
    <div class="explication_utilisateur">
        ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_9'] . '
            SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 7, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from_text1'], sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_mess_report1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $TheMessage);
        } else {
            $bonus_iron = mt_rand(1, 40);
            $bonus_gold = mt_rand(1, 40);
            $bonus_crys = mt_rand(1, 40);
            $bonus_elyr = mt_rand(1, 40);
            $Color = 'vert';
            $Color1 = 'vert';
            $Color2 = 'vert';
            $Color3 = 'vert';
            $bonus_iron_perc = rand(1, 55);
            $bonus_gold_perc = rand(1, 55);
            $bonus_crys_perc = rand(1, 55);
            $bonus_elyr_perc = rand(1, 55);
            if ($bonus_iron_perc >= $bonus_iron) {
                $bonus_iron *= -1;
                $Color = 'rouge';
            if ($bonus_gold_perc >= $bonus_gold) {
                $bonus_gold *= -1;
                $Color1 = 'rouge';
            if ($bonus_crys_perc >= $bonus_crys) {
                $bonus_crys *= -1;
                $Color2 = 'rouge';
            if ($bonus_elyr_perc >= $bonus_elyr) {
                $bonus_elyr *= -1;
                $Color3 = 'rouge';
            require_once 'includes/functions/CreateOnePlanetRecord.php';
            $NewOwnerPlanet = CreateOnePlanetRecord($this->_fleet['fleet_end_galaxy'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'], $this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], $LNG['fcp_colony'], false, $senderUser['authlevel'], $bonus_iron, $bonus_gold, $bonus_crys, $bonus_elyr, $iPlanetCount);
            if ($NewOwnerPlanet === false) {
                $TheMessage = '<div style="text-align : justify;">
        ' . sprintf($LNG['ls_fts_colo_1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'], $LNG['type_missionbis'][$this->_fleet['fleet_mission']]) . '
    <div class="citation">
        <div class="guillemet ouvrir">«</div>
        <div class="guillemet fermer">»</div>
        ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_2'] . ' :
        <ul style="text-align : left;">
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_3'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_4'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_5'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_6'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_7'] . '</li>
            <li>' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_8'] . '</li>
    <div class="explication_utilisateur">
        ' . $LNG['ls_fts_colo_9'] . '
                SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 7, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from_text1'], sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_mess_report1'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $TheMessage);
            } else {
                $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'] = $NewOwnerPlanet;
                $TheMessage = '<div style="text-align : justify;">
       ' . $LNG['sys_col_1'] . ' [' . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'] . ':' . $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet'] . '].
         ' . $LNG['sys_col_2'] . ' :

	<div class="citation">
        <div class="guillemet ouvrir">«</div>
        <div class="guillemet fermer">»</div>
       ' . $LNG['sys_col_3'] . '
    <h3>' . $LNG['sys_col_4'] . ' : </h3>
    <div class="conteneur_item" style="margin-top : 5px;">
                <div class="element_item">
            <img src="/media/ingame/image/metal.jpg">
            ' . $LNG['sys_col_5'] . ' « ' . $LNG['tech'][901] . ' » : <span class="' . $Color . '">' . $bonus_iron . '%</span>
                <div class="element_item">
            <img src="/media/ingame/image/oro.jpg">
            ' . $LNG['sys_col_5'] . ' « ' . $LNG['tech'][902] . ' » : <span class="' . $Color1 . '">' . $bonus_gold . '%</span>
                <div class="element_item">
            <img src="/media/ingame/image/crystal.jpg">
            ' . $LNG['sys_col_5'] . ' « ' . $LNG['tech'][903] . ' » : <span class="' . $Color2 . '">' . $bonus_crys . '%</span>
                <div class="element_item">
            <img src="/media/ingame/image/elyrium.jpg">
            ' . $LNG['sys_col_5'] . ' « ' . $LNG['tech'][904] . ' » : <span class="' . $Color3 . '">' . $bonus_elyr . '%</span>
                if ($this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] == 1) {
                } else {
                    $CurrentFleet = explode(";", $this->_fleet['fleet_array']);
                    $NewFleet = '';
                    foreach ($CurrentFleet as $Item => $Group) {
                        if (empty($Group)) {
                        $Class = explode(",", $Group);
                        if ($Class[0] == 208 && $Class[1] > 1) {
                            $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . ($Class[1] - 1) . ";";
                        } elseif ($Class[0] != 208 && $Class[1] > 0) {
                            $NewFleet .= $Class[0] . "," . $Class[1] . ";";
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_array', $NewFleet);
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_amount', $this->_fleet['fleet_amount'] - 1);
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_metal', 0);
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_crystal', 0);
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_deuterium', 0);
                    $this->UpdateFleet('fleet_resource_elyrium', 0);
                SendSimpleMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], 7, $LNG['sys_colo_mess_from_text'], sprintf($LNG['sys_colo_mess_report2'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_system'], $this->_fleet['fleet_end_planet']), $TheMessage);