public static function newPlanet($StarsystemID, $Name, $RX, $RY, $CourseRotation, $CourseDuration) { $P = new Planet(-1); $A = $P->newAttributes(); $A->PlanetStarsystemID = $StarsystemID; $A->PlanetName = $Name; $A->PlanetRX = $RX; $A->PlanetRY = $RY; $A->PlanetCourseRotation = $CourseRotation; $A->PlanetCourseDuration = $CourseDuration; $P->setA($A); $P->newMe(); }
/** * Creates a new fleet. * * @param int start planet id * @param int end planet id * @param array ships * @param int galaxy * @param int system * @param int planet * @param float metal * @param float crystal * @param float deuterium * @param float duration * @param int mission id * @param float time * @param int package id * @return FleetEditor */ public static function create($startPlanetID, $endPlanetID, $ships, $galaxy, $system, $planet, $metal, $crystal, $deuterium, $duration, $missionID, $time = null, $packageID = PACKAGE_ID) { if ($time === null) { $time = round(microtime(true), 2); } $startPlanet = Planet::getInstance($startPlanetID); $targetPlanet = Planet::getInstance($endPlanetID); // init vars FleetQueue::readCache(); $classPath = FleetQueue::$cache[$missionID]['classPath']; $ownerID = Planet::getInstance($startPlanetID)->id_owner; $ofiaraID = Planet::getInstance($endPlanetID)->id_owner; $impactTime = $time + $duration; $returnTime = $time + $duration * 2; // insert fleet $fleetID = self::insert($startPlanetID, $endPlanetID, $ownerID, $ofiaraID, $galaxy, $system, $planet, $metal, $crystal, $deuterium, $time, $impactTime, $returnTime, $missionID, $packageID); // create events $impactEvent = WOTEventEditor::create(1, $fleetID, array('state' => 0), $impactTime); $returnEvent = WOTEventEditor::create(1, $fleetID, array('state' => 1), $returnTime); // register events $fleetEditor = new FleetEditor($fleetID); $fleetEditor->update(array('impactEventID' => $impactEvent->eventID, 'returnEventID' => $returnEvent->eventID)); // inserts ships $fleetEditor->updateShips($ships); // add to log $fleet = Fleet::getInstance($fleetID); FleetLog::create($fleet); return $fleetEditor; }
/** * Creates new hex based on params. * @param array|string $data * @param boolean $hidden * @param string $owner player * @return Hex */ public static function create($data, $hidden = false, $owner = null) { $hex = new Hex(); if (is_array($data)) { $hex->setType(self::TYPE_SPACE); if (!empty($data['planets'])) { foreach ($data['planets'] as $name) { $hex->getPlanets()->add(Planet::create($name, $owner)); } } if (!empty($data['wormhole'])) { $hex->setWormhole($data['wormhole']); } } else { switch ($data) { case self::WORMHOLE_ALPHA: case self::WORMHOLE_BETA: $hex->setType(self::TYPE_SPACE); $hex->setWormhole($data); break; case self::TYPE_SPACE: case self::TYPE_NEBULA: case self::TYPE_ASTEROID: case self::TYPE_NOVA: $hex->setType($data); } } if ($hidden) { $hex->setHidden($hidden); } return $hex; }
public function testVenus() { // Now that VENUS has data attached we can use her public properties $venus = Planet::VENUS(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Planet', $venus); print sprintf('Venus is also a %s.', $venus->related) . PHP_EOL; }
/** * Returns the planet object of the end planet * * @return Planet instance of Planet */ public function getEndPlanet() { if ($this->endPlanet === null) { $planet = Planet::getInstance($this->endPlanetID); } else { $planet = $this->endPlanet; } return $planet; }
public static function __() { // Within this static initializer, we can attach data by doing a 'constructor' call (without the new keyword) // Let's attach the inhabitant's name and a related object/service that is identical to the planet's name Planet::MERCURY('Mercurian', 'Chemical element'); Planet::VENUS('Venusian', 'Roman goddess of love'); Planet::EARTH('Terrestrial', 'Soil we walk on'); // Note how static and/or self can also be used as they point to Planet. This ensures a robust enum definition withstanding any future name changes static::MARS('Martian', 'Well-known candy bar'); self::PLUTO('Plutonian', 'Fictional Disney character'); }
public function getView($planetId) { $planet = Planet::find($planetId); // Если такой планеты нет, то вернем пользователю ошибку 404 - Не найдено if (!$planet) { App::abort(404); } // Увеличим счетчик просмотров планеты $planet->views++; $planet->save(); return View::make('planets/view', array('planet' => $planet)); }
public static function getPlanets() { $Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue(); //get overview page html $overview = GlobalFunc::httpGet($Config['OVERVIEW_URL'], $Config['COOKIE_FILE']); $ov_dom = GlobalFunc::loadHtml($overview); $planet_list_dom = $ov_dom->getElementById("planetList"); $pList = $planet_list_dom; if (!is_object($pList)) { echo "Error occur, Planet List not found, return empty planet list.\n"; return array(); } //list 下 每個div都是一個星球 //每個div下都有兩個span //<span class="planet-name ">jones4</span> //<span class="planet-koords ">[1:83:6]</span> $planets_dom = $pList->getElementsByTagName('div'); //echo "There ". $planets_dom->length . " Planet(s)."; //存放月亮的起始編號(最後一顆星球之後就是月亮) $moon_num = $planets_dom->length + 1; //create planets $planets = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $planets_dom->length; $i++) { //get planet link $a_list = $planets_dom->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('a'); $a_dom = $a_list->item(0); //產生星球 $planet = Planet::createPlanetObj($a_dom, $planets_dom, $i); //將星球obj 加入list $planets[$i] = $planet; //確認是否有月球 $has_moon = false; $moon_href = ""; $moon_coord = array(); $a_count = $a_list->length; $moon_obj = array(); Planet::updateMoonInfo($a_list, $a_count, $planet, $has_moon, $moon_href, $moon_coord); if ($has_moon == true) { //有月亮則加到清單最後面 $moon_obj = new Planet("月亮", $moon_coord, null, $moon_href, $moon_num); //將月亮obj 加入list //idx為編號-1 $planets[$moon_num - 1] = $moon_obj; $moon_num++; //月亮編號+1 } } return $planets; }
public function createPlanets() { $numberOfPlanets = mt_rand(5, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfPlanets; $i++) { $CourseRadius = pow($i + 1, 1.5) * 50; $CourseDist = mt_rand(2, 8) / 10; $rx = $CourseRadius * $CourseDist; $ry = $CourseRadius - $rx; $rd = ($rx + $ry) / 2; #1209600 $CourseDuration = $CourseRadius * 12096; #echo $CourseDist."\n"; Planet::newPlanet($this->ID, "Planet " . ($i + 1), $rx, $ry, round(mt_rand(0, 360)), $CourseDuration); } }
/** * @see Page::readData */ public function readData() { global $user; parent::readData(); $features = unserialize(WCF::getUser()->diliziumFeatures); if (!isset($features['galaxyScans']) || $features['galaxyScans'] <= TIME_NOW) { message('Dir steht diese Funktion nicht zur Verfügung!'); } // get planet $this->planetObj = Planet::getInstance($this->planetID); $subject = 'Spionagebericht von ' . $this->planetObj; $this->reports = EspionageFleet::searchReports(WCF::getUser()->userID, $this->planetID); if (!count($this->reports)) { message('Kein Spionagebericht gefunden!'); } }
/** * Creates new planet based on params. * @param string $name * @param string $owner player * @return Planet */ public static function create($name, $owner = null) { if (empty(Planets::$data[$name])) { return null; } $data = Planets::$data[$name]; $planet = new Planet(); $planet->setName($data['name']); $planet->setResources($data['resources']); $planet->setInfluence($data['influence']); if (!empty($data['specialty'])) { $planet->setSpecialty($data['specialty']); } if (!empty($owner)) { $planet->setOwner($owner); } return $planet; }
/** * Buguser protection */ protected function checkQueue() { global $resource, $user; check_user(); // check $sql = "SELECT * FROM ugml_galactic_jump_queue\n\t\t\t\tWHERE userID = " . WCF::getUser()->userID; $result = WCF::getDB()->getResultList($sql); if (count($result) != 1 || $result[0]['time'] != $user['onlinetime'] || $result[0]['state'] != 3) { message('Bug-User-Schutz, bitte erneut losschicken!'); } $this->fleet = unserialize($result[0]['ships']); foreach ($this->fleet as $shipTypeID => $count) { if (LWCore::getPlanet()->{$resource[$shipTypeID]} < $count) { message('Zu viele Schiffe ausgewählt!'); } } $this->moonObj = Planet::getInstance($result[0]['endPlanetID']); // save $sql = "DELETE FROM ugml_galactic_jump_queue\n\t\t\t\tWHERE queueID = " . $result[0]['queueID']; WCF::getDB()->registerShutdownUpdate($sql); }
private function __construct() { require 'core/models/class.User.php'; require 'core/models/implement.Menu.php'; require 'core/models/class.Planet.php'; require 'core/models/implement.Topnav.php'; global $id_user, $id_planet; $lng = new Lang(); $menu = new Menu($id_user); $topnav = new Topnav($id_planet, $id_user); $user = new User($id_user); $planet = new Planet($id_planet); require 'core/functions/class.UpdateStats.php'; $update = new UpdateStats(); $db = new Connect(); $sql = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) id FROM usuarios;"); $total_rank = $db->recorrer($sql); $db->liberar($sql); $db->close(); $template = new Smarty(); $template->assign(array('usuario_email' => $user->UserEmail(), 'usuario_faccion' => $user->UserFaction(), 'usuario_puntos' => $user->UserPoints(), 'usuario_top' => $user->TopUser(), 'total_rank' => number_format($total_rank[0], '0', ',', '.'), 'campos' => $planet->PlanetFields(), 'diametro' => $planet->PlanetDiameter(), 'temperatura' => $planet->PlanetTemperature(), 'p' => $planet->PlanetOrbit(), 's' => $planet->PlanetSystem(), 'nombre_planeta' => $planet->PlanetName(), 'imagen_planeta' => $planet->PlanetImage())); $template->display('overview/overview.xnv'); }
/** * Updates the building ovent for a planet. * * @param int planet id */ public static function check($planetID) { $ovents = Ovent::getByConditions(array('planetID' => $planetID, 'oventTypeID' => self::OVENT_TYPE_ID)); $planet = Planet::getInstance($planetID); // event needed if ($planet->b_building > time()) { if (isset($ovents[0])) { if ($ovents[0]->time == $planet->b_building) { // no changes needed return; } // delete old ovent $ovents[0]->getEditor()->delete(); } // create new $data = self::getData($planet); $fields = array('userID' => $planet->id_owner, 'planetID' => $planetID); OventEditor::create(self::OVENT_TYPE_ID, $planet->b_building, null, $planetID, $fields, 0, $data); } else { foreach ($ovents as $ovent) { $ovent->getEditor()->delete(); } } }
require_once "FleetCommander.php"; date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Taipei'); //error_reporting(E_DEPRECATED); 連error都沒有 //error_reporting(E_ERROR); //error_reporting(-1); $Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue(); //結束時會取得一次overview page $loginManager = new LoginManager(); echo "\nThreaten Count: " . $Config['ThreatenCount'] . "\n"; //會取得一次overview page $PLANETS = Planet::getPlanets(); if ($PLANETS) { $loginManager->start(); $ResourceManager = new RecourseManager($PLANETS); $ResourceManager->start(); if (isset($PLANETS)) { echo "AttackDetector is Constructed, " . sizeof($PLANETS) . " planet(s) is protected.\n"; } else { echo "Failed to get planet list, login and get planet list again.\n"; $loginManager->newSessionGetOverview(); $PLANETS = Planet::getPlanets(); } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($PLANETS); $i++) { echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "Planet(" . $PLANETS[$i]->num . "): " . $PLANETS[$i]->name . "[" . $PLANETS[$i]->coord[0] . ":" . $PLANETS[$i]->coord[1] . ":" . $PLANETS[$i]->coord[2] . "](" . $PLANETS[$i]->coord[3] . ") is detected.\n"); $_defender = new Defender($PLANETS[$i]->coord, $Config['SHIELD'], $PLANETS[$i]->href, $PLANETS[$i]); $PLANETS[$i]->defender = $_defender; $PLANETS[$i]->defender->start(); } } else { die; }
} // check buildings $sql = "SELECT *\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM ugml_planets\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (b_building_id != 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\tOR b_tech_id != 0\r\n\t\t\t\t\tOR b_hangar_id != '')\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND id_owner = " . WCF::getUser()->userID; $planet = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql); if ($planet) { message('Du hast auf dem ' . Planet::getInstance(null, $planet) . ' noch etwas in Bau!'); } if (!$fleet && !$planet && !$user['urlaubs_modus']) { $urlaubs_modus = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2; } else { $urlaubs_modus = $user['urlaubs_modus']; } } else { if ($user['urlaubs_modus']) { // umode bug workaround $planets = Planet::getByUserID(WCF::getUser()->userID); foreach ($planets as $planet) { $planet->calculateResources(); } } if (TIME_NOW > $user['urlaubs_modus']) { $urlaubs_modus = 0; } else { $urlaubs_modus = $user['urlaubs_modus']; } } //Borrar cuenta if (isset($_POST["db_deaktjava"]) && $_POST["db_deaktjava"] == 'on') { $db_deaktjava = "1"; } else { $db_deaktjava = "0";
/** * Checks if the user requests a planet change. */ protected function checkPlanetChange() { if (!(isset($_GET['cp']) || isset($_POST['cp'])) || !(isset($_REQUEST['page']) || isset($_REQUEST['form']) || isset($_REQUEST['action']))) { return; } $planetID = isset($_GET['cp']) ? intval(@$_GET['cp']) : intval(@$_POST['cp']); $planets = Planet::getByUserID($this->userID); if (isset($planets[$planetID])) { $this->changePlanet($planetID, $planets[$planetID]->className); // now create new request without planet change (forwarding) unset($_REQUEST['cp']); if (isset($_REQUEST['re'])) { unset($_REQUEST['re']); } $location = LWUtil::getFileName() . '.php' . LWUtil::getArgsStr(); WCF::getDB()->deleteShutdownUpdates(); header('Location: ' . $location); exit; } }
<?php $fullData = false; $username = trim($_POST["identifiant"]); $password = trim($_POST["motdepasse"]); $email = trim($_POST["email"]); $nameMainPlanet = trim($_POST["PM"]); $id_language = (int) $_POST['Lang']; if (isset($username) && respectsLengthWord($username, ">=", 3) && isset($password) && respectsLengthWord($password, ">=", 3) && isset($email) && respectsLengthWord($email, ">=", 3) && isset($nameMainPlanet) && respectsLengthWord($nameMainPlanet, ">=", 3) && isset($id_language)) { $fullData = true; } //Toutes les informations sont complètes... if ($fullData) { if (!UtilisateurDAO::userExistByUsernameAndEmail($username, $email)) { //Création planète $p = new Planet(); $p->assignValueDefault(); //Création utilisateur $u = new User(); $u->id_language = $id_language; $u->username = $username; $u->hash_password = encodePassword($password); $u->email = $email; UtilisateurDAO::add($u); $message = $lang['sign_finish'] . "" . $username . "" . $lang['return_mail']; MessageSIWE::showAjaxMessage($message, $lang['title_sign'] . $lang['title_game'], null, MessageSIWE::MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { MessageSIWE::showAjaxMessage($lang['error_isset_user'], $lang['title_sign'], null, MessageSIWE::MESSAGE_ERROR); } } else { MessageSIWE::showAjaxMessage($lang['error_champs_empty'], $lang['title_sign'] . $lang['title_game'], null, MessageSIWE::MESSAGE_ERROR);
if ($debug) { error_reporting(E_ALL); } else { error_reporting(0); } include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/app/classes/Planet.class.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/app/lib/Cache.php'; //Load configuration if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/custom/config.yml')) { $conf = Spyc::YAMLLoad(dirname(__FILE__) . '/custom/config.yml'); $PlanetConfig = new PlanetConfig($conf); } else { die('Config file (custom/config.yml) is missing.'); } //Instantiate app $Planet = new Planet($PlanetConfig); $bench['codeloaded'] = microtime(true); //Load from cache $items = array(); if (0 < $Planet->loadOpml(dirname(__FILE__) . '/custom/people.opml')) { $Planet->loadFeeds(); $items = $Planet->getItems(); } $bench['contentloaded'] = microtime(true); //Prepare output cache Cache::$enabled = false; $cache_key = count($items) ? $items[0]->get_id() : ''; $last_modified = count($items) ? $items[0]->get_date() : ''; $cache_duration = $PlanetConfig->getOutputTimeout() * 60; Cache::setStore(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $conf['cachedir']); //Go display
function saveData(&$fleetData, $combatData, $report) { global $resource, $lang; /** * Apply defender ships and booty */ $ships = ""; foreach ($combatData['lastRoundData']['defenderData'] as $shipTypeID => $shipData) { $count = $shipData['count']; if (isset($combatData['recreatedDefense'][$shipTypeID])) { $count += $combatData['recreatedDefense'][$shipTypeID]; } if (isset($count)) { $ships .= $resource[$shipTypeID] . " = '" . $count . "', "; } } doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET\n\t\t" . $ships . "\n\t\tmetal = metal - '" . $combatData['booty']['metal'] . "',\n\t\tcrystal = crystal - '" . $combatData['booty']['crystal'] . "',\n\t\tdeuterium = deuterium - '" . $combatData['booty']['deuterium'] . "'\n\t\tWHERE id = '" . $fleetData['endPlanetID'] . "' LIMIT 1", 'planets'); $ships = ""; $attackerShipsCount = 0; foreach ($combatData['lastRoundData']['attackerData'] as $shipTypeID => $shipData) { $ships .= $shipTypeID . "," . $shipData['count'] . ";"; $attackerShipsCount += $shipData['count']; } /** * Update fleet of the attacker */ doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET\n\t\tfleet_amount = '" . $shipData['count'] . "',\n\t\tfleet_array = '" . $ships . "',\n\t\tfleet_resource_metal = fleet_resource_metal + '" . $combatData['booty']['metal'] . "',\n\t\tfleet_resource_crystal = fleet_resource_crystal + '" . $combatData['booty']['crystal'] . "',\n\t\tfleet_resource_deuterium = fleet_resource_deuterium + '" . $combatData['booty']['deuterium'] . "',\n\t\tfleet_mess = '1'\n\t\tWHERE fleet_id = '" . $fleetData['fleet_id'] . "' LIMIT 1", 'fleets'); $fleetData['fleet_amount'] = $combatData['count']; $fleetData['fleet_array'] = $ships; $fleetData['fleet_resource_metal'] = $combatData['booty']['metal']; $fleetData['fleet_resource_crystal'] = $combatData['booty']['crystal']; $fleetData['fleet_resource_deuterium'] = $combatData['booty']['deuterium']; $fleetData['fleet_mess'] = 1; /** * Apply debris */ /*if(WCF::getUser()->userID != 143) { doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET metal = metal + '".$combatData['debris']['metal']."', crystal = crystal + '".$combatData['debris']['crystal']."' WHERE galaxy = '".$fleetData['fleet_end_galaxy']."' AND system = '".$fleetData['fleet_end_system']."' AND planet = '".$fleetData['fleet_end_planet']."' LIMIT 1", 'galaxy'); } else {*/ require_once LW_DIR . 'lib/data/planet/Debris.class.php'; $debrisID = Debris::exists($fleetData['fleet_end_galaxy'], $fleetData['fleet_end_system'], $fleetData['fleet_end_planet']); if ($debrisID) { Planet::getInstance($debrisID)->addRessources($combatData['debris']['metal'], $combatData['debris']['crystal']); } else { Debris::create($fleetData['fleet_end_galaxy'], $fleetData['fleet_end_system'], $fleetData['fleet_end_planet'], $combatData['debris']['metal'], $combatData['debris']['crystal']); } //} /** * Delete fleet of the attacker if it have been destroyed */ if ($combatData['winner'] == 'defender') { doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_id=" . $fleetData["fleet_id"], 'fleets'); } /** * Insert moon */ if ($combatData['moon']['size'] !== null) { $fields = floor(pow($combatData['moon']['size'] / 1000, 2)); $sql = "INSERT INTO ugml" . LW_N . "_planets\n\t\t\t\tSET name = 'Mond',\n\t\t\t\t\tid_owner = '" . $combatData['defender'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tgalaxy = '" . $fleetData['fleet_end_galaxy'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tsystem = '" . $fleetData['fleet_end_system'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tplanet = '" . $fleetData['fleet_end_planet'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tlast_update = '" . $fleetData['fleet_start_time'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\timage = 'mond',\n\t\t\t\t\tdiameter = '" . $combatData['moon']['size'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_max = '" . $fields . "',\n\t\t\t\t\ttemp_min = '" . ($combatData['moon']['temp'] - 40) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\ttemp_max = '" . $combatData['moon']['temp'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tclassName = 'UserMoon',\n\t\t\t\t\tplanet_type = '3'"; WCF::getDB()->registerShutdownUpdate($sql); $sql = "UPDATE ugml" . LW_N . "_planets\n\t\t\t\tSET moon = '1'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = '" . $fleetData['endPlanetID'] . "'"; WCF::getDB()->registerShutdownUpdate($sql); } /** * Save report */ $rid = md5($report); if ($combatData['winner'] == 'defender' && $combatData['rounds'] == 1) { $firstRoundDestroyedAttacker = true; } else { $firstRoundDestroyedAttacker = false; } doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\n\t\ttime = '" . $fleetData['fleet_start_time'] . "',\n\t\tid_owner1 = '" . $fleetData['fleet_owner'] . "',\n\t\tid_owner2 = '" . $combatData['defender'] . "',\n\t\trid = '" . $rid . "',\n\t\ta_zestrzelona = '" . $firstRoundDestroyedAttacker . "',\n\t\traport = '" . mysql_escape_string($report) . "'", 'rw'); $message = "<a class=\"thickbox\" href=\"rw.php?raport=" . $rid . "&keepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=400&width=500\"><font color=\"red\">" . $lang['combat_report'] . " [" . $fleetData['fleet_end_galaxy'] . ":" . $fleetData['fleet_end_system'] . ":" . $fleetData['fleet_end_planet'] . "] (V:" . $combatData['units']['defender'] . "), A:(" . $combatData['units']['attacker'] . ")</font></a>"; doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\n\t\tmessage_owner = '" . $fleetData['fleet_owner'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_sender = '',\n\t\tmessage_time = '" . $fleetData['fleet_start_time'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_type = '3',\n\t\tmessage_from = '" . $lang['combat_report_sender'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_subject = '" . $lang['combat_report_subject'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_text = '" . $message . "'", 'messages'); doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET new_message = new_message + 1 WHERE id = '" . $fleetData['fleet_owner'] . "'", 'users'); doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\n\t\tmessage_owner = '" . $combatData['defender'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_sender = '',\n\t\tmessage_time = '" . $fleetData['fleet_start_time'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_type = '3',\n\t\tmessage_from = '" . $lang['combat_report_sender'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_subject = '" . $lang['combat_report_subject'] . "',\n\t\tmessage_text = '" . $message . "'", 'messages'); doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET new_message = new_message + 1 WHERE id = '" . $combatData['defender'] . "'", 'users'); }
/** * Creates a new debris * * @param int galaxy * @param int system * @param int planet * @param float metal * @param float crystal * * @return Debris created Object */ public static function create($galaxy, $system, $planet, $metal = 0.0, $crystal = 0.0) { $time = self::getDeletionTime(); $sql = "INSERT INTO ugml" . LW_N . "_planets\r\n\t\t\t\tSET name = 'Trümmerfeld',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tid_owner = '0',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgalaxy = '" . $galaxy . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsystem = '" . $system . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tplanet = '" . $planet . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tlast_update = '" . $time . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\timage = 'debris',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tdiameter = '0',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfield_max = '0',\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttemp_min = '-140',\r\n\t\t\t\t\ttemp_max = '-100',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tclassName = 'Debris',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tplanet_type = '2',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tmetal = metal + '" . $metal . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcrystal = crystal + '" . $crystal . "'"; WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql); $row = array('id' => WCF::getDB()->getInsertID(), 'name' => 'Trümmerfeld', 'id_owner' => 0, 'galaxy' => $galaxy, 'system' => $system, 'planet' => $planet, 'last_update' => $time, 'image' => 'debris', 'diameter' => 0, 'field_max' => 0, 'temp_min' => -140, 'temp_max' => -100, 'className' => 'Debris', 'planet_type' => 2, 'metal' => $metal, 'crystal' => $crystal); $planet = Planet::getInstance(null, $row); // register self::$createdDebris[$galaxy][$system][$planet->planet] = $planet->planetID; return $planet; }
/** * Returns the attached moon. */ public function getMoon() { if ($this->moonID == 0) { $sql = "SELECT *\r\n\t \t\t\tFROM ugml_planets\r\n\t \t\t\tWHERE galaxy = " . $this->galaxy . " AND system = " . $this->system . " AND planet = " . $this->planet . " AND planetKind = 3"; $row = WCF::getDB()->getFirstRow($sql); if (!$row) { $this->moonID = -1; return null; } $moon = Planet::getInstance(null, $row); $this->moonID = $moon->planetID; return $moon; } else { if ($this->moonID == -1) { return null; } } return Planet::getInstance($this->moonID); }
while ($testtmp = mysql_fetch_array($tmp)) { if ($_SESSION["Id"] != $testtmp["besitzer"]) { $betray = true; } } if ($betray && $testid > 0) { echo 'Du bist nicht eingeloggt oder du versucht auf fremde Accounts zuzugreifen...'; } else { //CHEATSCHUTZ ENDE $besitzer = $_SESSION["Id"]; $pid = $_GET["pid"]; $modul = "orbit"; $modul .= $_GET["modul"]; $modulid = $_GET["modul"]; $sub = $_POST["sub"]; $aktPlanet = new Planet(); $aktPlanet->getData($pid); if ($sub == 1) { //ausbauen $abfrage = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$modul}` WHERE pid='{$pid}'"); while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_array($abfrage)) { $getmodul = $tmp["modultyp"]; $aktbau = $tmp["bauzeit"]; } //if(bezahlbar('rohA',$pid,$stufe)) if ($getmodul == "") { $stufe = 1; } else { if ($getmodul[6] == '') { $stufe = $getmodul[5] + 1; } else {
/** * Cleans the cache */ public static function clean() { self::$planets = array(); }
/** * Returns the target planet. * * @return Planet */ public function getTargetPlanet() { return Planet::getInstance($this->endPlanetID); }
/** * Returns all planets of a user. * * @param int user id * @param int planet kind (optional) * @param boolean ordered * @return array Planets */ public static function getByUserID($userID, $planetKind = null, $ordered = false) { $planets = array(); $sql = "SELECT *\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM ugml_planets\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_owner = " . $userID . ($planetKind !== null ? " AND planetKind = " . $planetKind : "") . ($ordered ? " ORDER BY sortID" : ""); $result = WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql); while ($row = WCF::getDB()->fetchArray($result)) { $planets[$row['id']] = Planet::getInstance(null, $row); } return $planets; }
public function __construct($id_planet, $id_user) { $planet = new Planet($id_planet, $id_user); $lng = new Lang(); $metal = $planet->ProdResources()['metal'] == 0 ? '<span style=\'color: red;\'>' . number_format($planet->PlanetMetal(), '0', ',', '.') . '</span>' : number_format($planet->PlanetMetal(), '0', ',', '.'); $cristal = $planet->ProdResources()['cristal'] == 0 ? '<span style=\'color: red;\'>' . number_format($planet->PlanetCristal(), '0', ',', '.') . '</span>' : number_format($planet->PlanetCristal(), '0', ',', '.'); $tritio = $planet->ProdResources()['tritio'] == 0 ? '<span style=\'color: red;\'>' . number_format($planet->PlanetTritio(), '0', ',', '.') . '</span>' : number_format($planet->PlanetTritio(), '0', ',', '.'); $energia_sobrante = $planet->EnergiaSobrante() < 0 ? '<span style=\'color: red;\'>' . number_format($planet->EnergiaSobrante(), '0', ',', '.') . '</span>' : number_format($planet->EnergiaSobrante(), '0', ',', '.'); $template = new Smarty(); $template->assign(array('m_general' => $lng->m_general, 'm_abastecimiento' => $lng->m_abastecimiento, 'm_infraestructura' => $lng->m_infraestructura, 'm_comerciante' => $lng->m_comerciante, 'm_tecnologia' => $lng->m_tecnologia, 'm_hangar' => $lng->m_hangar, 'm_defensas' => $lng->m_defensas, 'x_metal' => $lng->x_metal, 'metal' => $metal, 'x_cristal' => $lng->x_cristal, 'cristal' => $cristal, 'x_tritio' => $lng->x_tritio, 'tritio' => $tritio, 'x_energia' => $lng->x_energia, 'energia_total' => number_format($planet->EnergiaTotal(), '0', ',', '.'), 'energia_consumo' => number_format($planet->EnergiaConsumo(), '0', ',', '.'), 'energia_sobrante' => $energia_sobrante, 'x_materia' => $lng->x_materia, 'x_mo' => $lng->x_mo, 'materia' => number_format($planet->PlanetDarkMatter(), '0', ',', '.'), 'p' => $planet->PlanetOrbit(), 's' => $planet->PlanetSystem(), 'nombre_planeta' => $planet->PlanetName(), 'imagen_planeta' => $planet->PlanetImage(), 'x_actual' => $lng->x_actual, 'x_capacidad' => $lng->x_capacidad, 'x_produccion' => $lng->x_produccion, 'x_consumo' => $lng->x_consumo, 'almacen_cristal' => number_format($planet->AlmacenCristal(), 0, ',', '.'), 'almacen_metal' => number_format($planet->AlmacenMetal(), 0, ',', '.'), 'almacen_tritio' => number_format($planet->AlmacenTritio(), 0, ',', '.'), 'almacen_materia' => $lng->x_infinito)); $template->display('overall/topnav.xnv'); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../app/app.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/inc/'; //Load configuration $config_file = __DIR__ . '/../custom/config.yml'; if (is_file($config_file)) { $conf = Spyc::YAMLLoad($config_file); $PlanetConfig = new PlanetConfig($conf); } else { die('Config file (custom/config.yml) is missing.'); } //Instantiate app $Planet = new Planet($PlanetConfig); //Load if (0 < $Planet->loadOpml(__DIR__ . '/../custom/people.opml')) { $Planet->loadFeeds(); $items = $Planet->getItems(); } $everyone = $Planet->getPeople(); $count_feeds = count($everyone); $page_id = 'admin-feed'; $footer_extra = <<<FRAGMENT <script> var allCheckboxes = function(status){ var form = document.getElementById('feedmanage'); var selectboxes = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i=0; i<selectboxes.length; i++){ if ('checkbox' == selectboxes[i].type){ selectboxes[i].checked = status; }
<?php require_once 'inc/shortcuts.php'; require_once 'models/User.php'; require_once 'models/Planet.php'; require_once 'models/SessionManager.php'; if (array_key_exists('id', $_GET)) { $user_id = (int) $_GET['id']; $user = User::find_one(['__pk__' => $user_id]); if ($user) { $self = $user->id === SessionManager::current_user()->id; $planets = Planet::find(['added_by' => $user]); render('user', ['user' => $user, 'planets' => $planets, 'self' => $self]); exit; } } $last_users = User::find(['__order_by__' => '-id'], 20); render('users', ['last_users' => $last_users]);
/** * Creates a new planet. */ protected function createPlanet() { list($galaxy, $system, $planet) = $this->findCoordinates(); $planetObj = Planet::create($galaxy, $system, $planet, 'Heimatplanet', $this->data['userid']); $sql = "UPDATE ugml_users\r\n\t\t\t\tSET current_planet = " . $planetObj->planetID . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\tid_planet = " . $planetObj->planetID . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgalaxy = " . $galaxy . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\tsystem = " . $system . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\tplanet = " . $planet . "\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id = " . $this->data['userid']; WCF::getDB()->sendQuery($sql); }