Exemplo n.º 1
 public function visitTypeAttributeEnter(PiBX_AST_Tree $tree)
     if ($tree->countChildren() == 0) {
         // base type attribute
         $attributeName = PiBX_Binding_Names::getAttributeName($tree->getName());
         $methodName = PiBX_Binding_Names::getCamelCasedName($tree->getName());
         $this->currentClassAttributes .= "\tprivate \$" . $attributeName . ";\n";
         $type = $tree->getType();
         $methods = "\tpublic function set" . $methodName . "(";
         if (!PiBX_ParseTree_BaseType::isBaseType($type)) {
             // complexTypes (i.e. classes) have to be type-hinted
             // in the method signature.
             $expectedType = PiBX_Binding_Names::createClassnameFor($type);
             $methods .= $expectedType . ' ';
         $methods .= "\$" . $attributeName . ") {\n";
         if ($this->doTypeChecks) {
             $methods .= $this->typeChecks->getTypeCheckFor($tree->getType(), $attributeName);
         $methods .= "\t\t\$this->" . $attributeName . " = \$" . $attributeName . ";\n" . "\t}\n" . "\tpublic function get" . $methodName . "() {\n" . "\t\treturn \$this->" . $attributeName . ";\n" . "\t}\n";
         $this->currentClassMethods .= $methods;
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the PHP code for a collection of arbitrary types.
  * @param PiBX_AST_Collection $ast
  * @return string 
 public function getListTypeCheckFor(PiBX_AST_Tree $ast, $attributeName)
     if (!$ast instanceof PiBX_AST_Collection && !$ast instanceof PiBX_AST_CollectionItem) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Not valid list AST given.');
     if ($ast instanceof PiBX_AST_CollectionItem) {
         $ast = $ast->getParent();
     $iterationVar = strtolower(substr($attributeName, 0, 1));
     $expectedType = $ast->getType();
     if ($ast->countChildren() == 1) {
         $childAst = $ast->get(0);
         $expectedType = $childAst->getType();
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('Currently not supported.');
     $code = "\t\tforeach (\$" . $attributeName . " as &\$" . $iterationVar . ") {\n";
     if (PiBX_ParseTree_BaseType::isBaseType($expectedType)) {
         $code .= "\t\t\tif (!is_" . $expectedType . "(\$" . $iterationVar . ")) {\n";
     } else {
         $expectedType = PiBX_Binding_Names::createClassnameFor($expectedType);
         $code .= "\t\t\tif (get_class(\$" . $iterationVar . ") !== '" . $expectedType . "') {\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\t\tthrow new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid list. " . "All containing elements have to be of type \"" . $expectedType . "\".');\n" . "\t\t\t}\n" . "\t\t}\n";
     return $code;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function visitTypeEnter(PiBX_AST_Tree $tree)
     // root types can define a default target namespace
     // which has to be included in the binding
     if ($tree->isRoot()) {
         $targetNamespace = $tree->getTargetNamespace();
         if ($targetNamespace != '') {
             $availableNamespaces = $tree->getNamespaces();
             $key = array_search($targetNamespace, $availableNamespaces);
             $this->xml .= '<namespace uri="' . $targetNamespace . '"';
             $this->xml .= ' default="elements"';
             if ($key !== false) {
                 $this->xml .= ' prefix="' . $key . '"';
             $this->xml .= '/>';
     $className = PiBX_Binding_Names::createClassnameFor($tree);
     $this->xml .= '<mapping class="' . $className . '"';
     if ($tree->isRoot()) {
         $this->xml .= ' name="' . $tree->getName() . '"';
     } else {
         $this->xml .= ' abstract="true"';
         $this->xml .= ' type-name="' . $tree->getName() . '"';
     $this->xml .= '>';
     return true;