Exemplo n.º 1
 function display($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $this->params = $app->getParams();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $var['slideshow'] = JRequest::getVar('phocaslideshow', 0, '', 'int');
     $var['download'] = JRequest::getVar('phocadownload', 0, '', 'int');
     $uri =& JFactory::getURI();
     $this->tmpl['action'] = $uri->toString();
     $path = PhocaGalleryPath::getPath();
     $neededAccessLevels = PhocaGalleryAccess::getNeededAccessLevels();
     $access = PhocaGalleryAccess::isAccess($user->authorisedLevels(), $neededAccessLevels);
     // Information from the plugin - window is displayed after plugin action
     $get = array();
     $get['detail'] = JRequest::getVar('detail', '', 'get', 'string');
     $get['buttons'] = JRequest::getVar('buttons', '', 'get', 'string');
     $get['ratingimg'] = JRequest::getVar('ratingimg', '', 'get', 'string');
     $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_width_l'] = (int) $this->params->get('large_image_width', 640);
     $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_height_l'] = (int) $this->params->get('large_image_height', 480);
     $this->tmpl['enablecustomcss'] = $this->params->get('enable_custom_css', 0);
     $this->tmpl['customcss'] = $this->params->get('custom_css', '');
     $this->tmpl['enable_multibox'] = $this->params->get('enable_multibox', 0);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_height'] = (int) $this->params->get('multibox_height', 560);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_width'] = (int) $this->params->get('multibox_width', 980);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_map_height'] = (int) $this->params->get('multibox_map_height', 300);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_map_width'] = (int) $this->params->get('multibox_map_width', 280);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_height_overflow'] = (int) $this->tmpl['multibox_height'] - 10;
     $this->tmpl['multibox_left_bgcolor'] = $this->params->get('multibox_left_bgcolor', '#000000');
     $this->tmpl['multibox_right_bgcolor'] = $this->params->get('multibox_right_bgcolor', '#ffffff');
     $this->tmpl['multibox_comments_width'] = $this->params->get('multibox_comments_width', 300);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_comments_height'] = $this->params->get('multibox_comments_height', 600);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_thubms_box_width'] = $this->params->get('multibox_thubms_box_width', 300);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_thubms_count'] = $this->params->get('multibox_thubms_count', 4);
     $this->tmpl['large_image_width'] = $this->params->get('large_image_width', 640);
     $this->tmpl['large_image_height'] = $this->params->get('large_image_height', 640);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_fixed_cols'] = $this->params->get('multibox_fixed_cols', 1);
     $this->tmpl['display_multibox'] = $this->params->get('display_multibox', array(1, 2));
     // CSS
     if ($this->tmpl['enablecustomcss'] == 1) {
     // Plugin information
     $this->tmpl['detailwindow'] = $this->params->get('detail_window', 0);
     if (isset($get['detail']) && $get['detail'] != '') {
         $this->tmpl['detailwindow'] = $get['detail'];
     // Plugin information
     $this->tmpl['detailbuttons'] = $this->params->get('detail_buttons', 1);
     if (isset($get['buttons']) && $get['buttons'] != '') {
         $this->tmpl['detailbuttons'] = $get['buttons'];
     // Close and Reload links (for different window types)
     $close = PhocaGalleryRenderFront::renderCloseReloadDetail($this->tmpl['detailwindow']);
     $this->tmpl['detailwindowclose'] = $close['detailwindowclose'];
     $this->tmpl['detailwindowreload'] = $close['detailwindowreload'];
     $this->tmpl['displaydescriptiondetail'] = $this->params->get('display_description_detail', 0);
     $this->tmpl['displaytitleindescription'] = $this->params->get('display_title_description', 0);
     $this->tmpl['descriptiondetailheight'] = $this->params->get('description_detail_height', 16);
     $this->tmpl['fontsizedesc'] = $this->params->get('font_size_desc', 11);
     $this->tmpl['fontcolordesc'] = $this->params->get('font_color_desc', '#333333');
     $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] = $this->params->get('detail_window_background_color', '#ffffff');
     $this->tmpl['descriptionlightboxfontcolor'] = $this->params->get('description_lightbox_font_color', '#ffffff');
     $this->tmpl['descriptionlightboxbgcolor'] = $this->params->get('description_lightbox_bg_color', '#000000');
     $this->tmpl['descriptionlightboxfontsize'] = $this->params->get('description_lightbox_font_size', 12);
     $this->tmpl['displayratingimg'] = $this->params->get('display_rating_img', 0);
     $this->tmpl['displayicondownload'] = $this->params->get('display_icon_download', 0);
     $this->tmpl['externalcommentsystem'] = $this->params->get('external_comment_system', 0);
     $this->tmpl['largewidth'] = $this->params->get('large_image_width', 640);
     $this->tmpl['largeheight'] = $this->params->get('large_image_height', 480);
     $this->tmpl['boxlargewidth'] = $this->params->get('front_modal_box_width', 680);
     $this->tmpl['boxlargeheight'] = $this->params->get('front_modal_box_height', 560);
     $this->tmpl['slideshow_delay'] = $this->params->get('slideshow_delay', 3000);
     $this->tmpl['slideshow_pause'] = $this->params->get('slideshow_pause', 2500);
     $this->tmpl['slideshowrandom'] = $this->params->get('slideshow_random', 0);
     $this->tmpl['slideshow_description'] = $this->params->get('slideshow_description', 'peekaboo');
     $this->tmpl['gallerymetakey'] = $this->params->get('gallery_metakey', '');
     $this->tmpl['gallerymetadesc'] = $this->params->get('gallery_metadesc', '');
     $this->tmpl['altvalue'] = $this->params->get('alt_value', 1);
     $this->tmpl['enablecustomcss'] = $this->params->get('enable_custom_css', 0);
     $this->tmpl['customcss'] = $this->params->get('custom_css', '');
     $this->tmpl['display_tags_links'] = $this->params->get('display_tags_links', 0);
     $this->tmpl['ytb_display'] = $this->params->get('ytb_display', 0);
     $paramsFb = PhocaGalleryFbSystem::getCommentsParams($this->params->get('fb_comment_user_id', ''));
     // Facebook
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_app_id'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_app_id']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_app_id'] : '';
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_width'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_width']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_width'] : 550;
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_lang'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_lang']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_lang'] : 'en_US';
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_count'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_count']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_count'] : '';
     $oH = '';
     if ($this->tmpl['enable_multibox'] == 1) {
         $this->tmpl['fb_comment_width'] = $this->tmpl['multibox_comments_width'];
         $oH = 'overflow:hidden;';
     // CSS
     if ($this->tmpl['enablecustomcss'] == 1) {
         if ($this->tmpl['customcss'] != '') {
             $document->addCustomTag("\n <style type=\"text/css\"> \n" . $this->escape(strip_tags($this->tmpl['customcss'])) . "\n </style> \n");
     //Multibox displaying
     $this->tmpl['mb_title'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(1);
     $this->tmpl['mb_desc'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(2);
     $this->tmpl['mb_uploaded_by'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(3);
     $this->tmpl['mb_rating'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(4);
     $this->tmpl['mb_maps'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(5);
     $this->tmpl['mb_tags'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(6);
     $this->tmpl['mb_comments'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(7);
     $this->tmpl['mb_thumbs'] = PhocaGalleryUtils::isEnabledMultiboxFeature(8);
     // No bar in Detail View
     if ($this->tmpl['detailwindow'] == 7) {
     } else {
         $document->addCustomTag("<style type=\"text/css\"> \n" . " html, body, .contentpane, #all, #main {" . $oH . "background:" . $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] . ";padding:0px !important;margin:0px !important; width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important;} \n" . " center, table {background:" . $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] . ";} \n" . " #sbox-window {background-color:#fff;padding:5px} \n" . "body {min-width:100%} \n" . ".rt-container {width:100%} \n" . " </style> \n");
     // Download from the detail view which is not in the popupbox
     if ($var['download'] == 2) {
         $this->tmpl['displayicondownload'] = 2;
     // Plugin Information
     if (isset($get['ratingimg']) && $get['ratingimg'] != '') {
         $this->tmpl['displayratingimg'] = $get['ratingimg'];
     // Model
     $model =& $this->getModel();
     $item = $model->getData();
     //Multibox Thumbnails
     $this->tmpl['mb_thumbs_data'] = '';
     if ($this->tmpl['mb_thumbs'] == 1) {
         // if we get item variable, we have rights to load the thumbnails, this is why we checking it
         if (isset($item->id) && isset($item->catid) && (int) $item->id > 0 && (int) $item->catid > 0) {
             $this->tmpl['mb_thumbs_data'] = $model->getThumbnails((int) $item->id, (int) $item->catid, (int) $item->ordering);
     // User Avatar
     $this->tmpl['useravatarimg'] = '';
     $this->tmpl['useravatarmiddle'] = '';
     $userAvatar = PhocaGalleryUser::getUserAvatar($item->userid);
     if ($userAvatar) {
         $pathAvatarAbs = $path->avatar_abs . 'thumbs' . DS . 'phoca_thumb_s_' . $userAvatar->avatar;
         $pathAvatarRel = $path->avatar_rel . 'thumbs/phoca_thumb_s_' . $userAvatar->avatar;
         if (JFile::exists($pathAvatarAbs)) {
             $sIH = $this->params->get('small_image_height', 50);
             $sIHR = @getImageSize($pathAvatarAbs);
             if (isset($sIHR[1])) {
                 $sIH = $sIHR[1];
             if ((int) $sIH > 0) {
                 $this->tmpl['useravatarmiddle'] = (int) $sIH / 2 - 10;
             $this->tmpl['useravatarimg'] = '<img src="' . JURI::base(true) . '/' . $pathAvatarRel . '?imagesid=' . md5(uniqid(time())) . '" alt="" />';
     // Access check - don't display the image if you have no access to this image (if user add own url)
     // USER RIGHT - ACCESS - - - - - - - - - -
     $rightDisplay = 0;
     if (!empty($item)) {
         $rightDisplay = PhocaGalleryAccess::getUserRight('accessuserid', $item->cataccessuserid, $item->cataccess, $user->authorisedLevels(), $user->get('id', 0), 0);
     if ((int) $rightDisplay == 0) {
         echo $close['html'];
         //Some problem with cache - Joomla! return this message if there is no reason for do it.
         //$this->tmpl['pl']		= 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return='.base64_encode($uri->toString());
         //$app->redirect(JRoute::_($this->tmpl['pl'], false), JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_NOT_AUTHORISED_ACTION'));
     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     // Javascript Slideshow buttons
     $detailButton = new PhocaGalleryRenderDetailButton();
     if ($this->tmpl['enable_multibox'] == 1) {
     $item->reloadbutton = $detailButton->getReload($item->catslug, $item->slug);
     $item->closebutton = $detailButton->getClose($item->catslug, $item->slug);
     $item->closetext = $detailButton->getCloseText($item->catslug, $item->slug);
     $item->nextbutton = $detailButton->getNext((int) $item->catid, (int) $item->id, (int) $item->ordering);
     $item->nextbuttonhref = $detailButton->getNext((int) $item->catid, (int) $item->id, (int) $item->ordering, 1);
     $item->prevbutton = $detailButton->getPrevious((int) $item->catid, (int) $item->id, (int) $item->ordering);
     $slideshowData = $detailButton->getJsSlideshow((int) $item->catid, (int) $item->id, (int) $var['slideshow'], $item->catslug, $item->slug);
     $item->slideshowbutton = $slideshowData['icons'];
     $item->slideshowfiles = $slideshowData['files'];
     $item->slideshow = $var['slideshow'];
     $item->download = $var['download'];
     // ALT VALUE
     $altValue = PhocaGalleryRenderFront::getAltValue($this->tmpl['altvalue'], $item->title, $item->description, $item->metadesc);
     $item->altvalue = $altValue;
     // Get file thumbnail or No Image
     $item->filenameno = $item->filename;
     $item->filename = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($item->filename, 1);
     $item->filesize = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileSize($item->filenameno);
     $realImageSize = '';
     $extImage = PhocaGalleryImage::isExtImage($item->extid);
     if ($extImage) {
         $item->extl = $item->extl;
         $item->exto = $item->exto;
         $realImageSize = PhocaGalleryImage::getRealImageSize($item->extl, '', 1);
         $item->imagesize = PhocaGalleryImage::getImageSize($item->exto, 1, 1);
         if ($item->extw != '') {
             $extw = explode(',', $item->extw);
             $item->extw = $extw[0];
         $correctImageRes = PhocaGalleryPicasa::correctSizeWithRate($item->extw, $item->exth, $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_width_l'], $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_height_l']);
         $item->linkimage = JHtml::_('image', $item->extl, $item->altvalue, array('width' => $correctImageRes['width'], 'height' => $correctImageRes['height'], 'class' => 'pg-detail-image'));
         $item->realimagewidth = $correctImageRes['width'];
         $item->realimageheight = $correctImageRes['height'];
     } else {
         $item->linkthumbnailpath = PhocaGalleryImageFront::displayCategoryImageOrNoImage($item->filenameno, 'large');
         $item->linkimage = JHtml::_('image', $item->linkthumbnailpath, $item->altvalue, array('class' => 'pg-detail-image'));
         $realImageSize = PhocaGalleryImage::getRealImageSize($item->filenameno);
         $item->imagesize = PhocaGalleryImage::getImageSize($item->filenameno, 1);
         if (isset($realImageSize['w']) && isset($realImageSize['h'])) {
             $item->realimagewidth = $realImageSize['w'];
             $item->realimageheight = $realImageSize['h'];
         } else {
             $item->realimagewidth = $this->tmpl['largewidth'];
             $item->realimageheight = $this->tmpl['largeheight'];
     // Add Statistics
     $model->hit(JRequest::getVar('id', '', '', 'int'));
     // R A T I N G
     // Only registered (VOTES + COMMENTS)
     $this->tmpl['notregisteredimg'] = true;
     $this->tmpl['usernameimg'] = '';
     if ($access > 0) {
         $this->tmpl['notregisteredimg'] = false;
         $this->tmpl['usernameimg'] = $user->name;
     // VOTES Statistics Img
     if ((int) $this->tmpl['displayratingimg'] == 1 || $this->tmpl['mb_rating']) {
         $this->tmpl['votescountimg'] = 0;
         $this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = 0;
         $this->tmpl['voteswidthimg'] = 0;
         $votesStatistics = PhocaGalleryRateImage::getVotesStatistics((int) $item->id);
         if (!empty($votesStatistics->count)) {
             $this->tmpl['votescountimg'] = $votesStatistics->count;
         if (!empty($votesStatistics->average)) {
             $this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = $votesStatistics->average;
             if ($this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'] > 0) {
                 $this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = round((double) $this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'] / 0.5) * 0.5;
                 $this->tmpl['voteswidthimg'] = 22 * $this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'];
             } else {
                 $this->tmpl['votesaverageimg'] = (int) 0;
                 // not float displaying
         if ((int) $this->tmpl['votescountimg'] > 1) {
             $this->tmpl['votestextimg'] = 'COM_PHOCAGALLERY_VOTES';
         } else {
             $this->tmpl['votestextimg'] = 'COM_PHOCAGALLERY_VOTE';
         // Already rated?
         $this->tmpl['alreadyratedimg'] = PhocaGalleryRateImage::checkUserVote((int) $item->id, (int) $user->id);
     // Tags
     $this->tmpl['displaying_tags_output'] = '';
     if ($this->tmpl['display_tags_links'] == 1 || $this->tmpl['display_tags_links'] == 3 || $this->tmpl['mb_tags']) {
         if ($this->tmpl['detailwindow'] == 7) {
             $this->tmpl['displaying_tags_output'] = PhocaGalleryTag::displayTags($item->id);
         } else {
             $this->tmpl['displaying_tags_output'] = PhocaGalleryTag::displayTags($item->id, 1);
     // Back button
     $this->tmpl['backbutton'] = '';
     if ($this->tmpl['detailwindow'] == 7) {
         $formatIcon =& PhocaGalleryImage::getFormatIcon();
         $this->tmpl['backbutton'] = '<div><a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=' . $item->catslug . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int')) . '"' . ' title="' . JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_BACK_TO_CATEGORY') . '">' . JHtml::_('image', 'components/com_phocagallery/assets/images/icon-up-images.' . $formatIcon, JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_BACK_TO_CATEGORY')) . '</a></div>';
     // ASIGN
     $this->assignRef('tmpl', $this->tmpl);
     $this->assignRef('item', $item);
     if ($this->tmpl['enable_multibox'] == 1) {
         if ($item->download > 0) {
             if ($this->tmpl['displayicondownload'] == 2) {
                 $backLink = 'index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=' . $item->catslug . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int');
                 if (isset($item->exto) && $item->exto != '') {
                     PhocaGalleryFileDownload::download($item, $backLink, 1);
                 } else {
                     PhocaGalleryFileDownload::download($item, $backLink);
             } else {
         } else {
             if (isset($item->videocode) && $item->videocode != '' && $item->videocode != '0') {
                 $item->videocode = PhocaGalleryYoutube::displayVideo($item->videocode);
     } else {
         if (isset($item->videocode) && $item->videocode != '' && $item->videocode != '0') {
             $item->videocode = PhocaGalleryYoutube::displayVideo($item->videocode);
             if ($this->tmpl['detailwindow'] != 7 && $this->tmpl['ytb_display'] == 1) {
                 $document->addCustomTag("<style type=\"text/css\"> \n" . " html, body, .contentpane, div#all, div#main, div#system-message-container {padding: 0px !important;margin: 0px !important;} \n" . " div#sbox-window {background-color:#fff;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;} \n" . " </style> \n");
         } else {
             if ($item->slideshow == 1) {
             } else {
                 if ($item->download > 0) {
                     if ($this->tmpl['displayicondownload'] == 2) {
                         $backLink = 'index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=' . $item->catslug . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid', 0, '', 'int');
                         if (isset($item->exto) && $item->exto != '') {
                             PhocaGalleryFileDownload::download($item, $backLink, 1);
                         } else {
                             PhocaGalleryFileDownload::download($item, $backLink);
                     } else {
                 } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
 function store($data, $return)
     //If this file doesn't exists don't save it
     if (!PhocaGalleryFile::existsFileOriginal($data['filename'])) {
         $this->setError('File not exists');
         return false;
     $data['imgorigsize'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileSize($data['filename'], 0);
     //If there is no title and no alias, use filename as title and alias
     if (!isset($data['title']) || isset($data['title']) && $data['title'] == '') {
         $data['title'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($data['filename']);
     if (!isset($data['alias']) || isset($data['alias']) && $data['alias'] == '') {
         $data['alias'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($data['filename']);
     //clean alias name (no bad characters)
     //$data['alias'] = PhocaGalleryText::getAliasName($data['alias']);
     if (!isset($data['longitude']) || isset($data['longitude']) && $data['longitude'] == '' || (!isset($data['latitude']) || isset($data['latitude']) && $data['latitude'] == '')) {
         $coords = PhocaGalleryGeo::getGeoCoords($data['filename']);
         if (!isset($data['longitude']) || isset($data['longitude']) && $data['longitude'] == '') {
             $data['longitude'] = $coords['longitude'];
         if (!isset($data['latitude']) || isset($data['latitude']) && $data['latitude'] == '') {
             $data['latitude'] = $coords['latitude'];
         if ((!isset($data['zoom']) || isset($data['zoom']) && $data['zoom'] == '') && $data['longitude'] != '' && $data['latitude'] != '') {
             $data['zoom'] = PhocaGallerySettings::getAdvancedSettings('geozoom');
     $row =& $this->getTable('phocagallery', 'Table');
     // Bind the form fields to the Phoca gallery table
     if (!$row->bind($data)) {
         return false;
     // Create the timestamp for the date
     $row->date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // if new item, order last in appropriate group
     if (!$row->id) {
         $where = 'catid = ' . (int) $row->catid;
         $row->ordering = $row->getNextOrder($where);
     // Make sure the Phoca gallery table is valid
     if (!$row->check()) {
         return false;
     // Store the Phoca gallery table to the database
     if (!$row->store()) {
         return false;
     //Create thumbnail small, medium, large
     $returnFrontMessage = PhocaGalleryFileThumbnail::getOrCreateThumbnail($row->filename, $return, 1, 1, 1, 1);
     if ($returnFrontMessage == 'Success') {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function _addAllImagesFromFolder(&$existingImages, $category_id, $fullPath, $rel_path, $data = array())
     $count = 0;
     $fileList = JFolder::files($fullPath);
     // Iterate over the files if they exist
     //file - abc.img, file_no - folder/abc.img
     if ($fileList !== false) {
         foreach ($fileList as $filename) {
             $storedfilename = ltrim(str_replace(DS, '/', JPath::clean($rel_path . DS . $filename)), '/');
             $ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($filename));
             // Don't create thumbnails from defined files (don't save them into a database)...
             $dontCreateThumb = PhocaGalleryFileThumbnail::dontCreateThumb($filename);
             if ($dontCreateThumb == 1) {
                 $ext = '';
             if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'png' || $ext == 'gif' || $ext == 'jpeg') {
                 if (JFile::exists($fullPath . DS . $filename) && substr($filename, 0, 1) != '.' && strtolower($filename) !== 'index.html' && !$this->_ImageExist($existingImages, $storedfilename, $category_id)) {
                     $row = $this->getTable('phocagallery');
                     $datam = array();
                     $datam['published'] = $data['published'];
                     $datam['catid'] = $category_id;
                     $datam['filename'] = $storedfilename;
                     $datam['approved'] = $data['approved'];
                     $datam['language'] = $data['language'];
                     if ($data['title'] != '') {
                         $datam['title'] = $data['title'];
                     } else {
                         $datam['title'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($filename);
                     if ($data['alias'] != '') {
                         $datam['alias'] = $data['alias'];
                     } else {
                         $datam['alias'] = $datam['title'];
                     $datam['imgorigsize'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileSize($datam['filename'], 0);
                     $datam['format'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileFormat($datam['filename']);
                     // Geo
                     $coords = PhocaGalleryGeo::getGeoCoords($datam['filename']);
                     $datam['longitude'] = $coords['longitude'];
                     $datam['latitude'] = $coords['latitude'];
                     if ($datam['latitude'] != '' && $datam['longitude'] != '') {
                         $datam['zoom'] = PhocaGallerySettings::getAdvancedSettings('geozoom');
                     // Save
                     // Bind the form fields to the Phoca gallery table
                     if (!$row->bind($datam)) {
                         return false;
                     // Create the timestamp for the date
                     $row->date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     // if new item, order last in appropriate group
                     if (!$row->id) {
                         $where = 'catid = ' . (int) $row->catid;
                         $row->ordering = $row->getNextOrder($where);
                     // Make sure the Phoca gallery table is valid
                     if (!$row->check()) {
                         return false;
                     // Store the Phoca gallery table to the database
                     if (!$row->store()) {
                         return false;
                     if ($this->firstImageFolder == '') {
                     $image = new JObject();
                     $image->filename = $storedfilename;
                     $image->catid = $category_id;
                     $existingImages[] =& $image;
     //	$this->setImageCount($count);
     return $count;
Exemplo n.º 4
 function display($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $this->params = $app->getParams();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $uri = JFactory::getURI();
     $this->itemId = $app->input->get('Itemid', 0, 'int');
     $neededAccessLevels = PhocaGalleryAccess::getNeededAccessLevels();
     $access = PhocaGalleryAccess::isAccess($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels(), $neededAccessLevels);
     // PLUGIN WINDOW - we get information from plugin
     $get = '';
     $get['comment'] = $app->input->get('comment', '', 'string');
     $this->tmpl['id'] = $app->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     $this->tmpl['catid'] = $app->input->get('catid', '', 'string');
     $this->tmpl['maxcommentchar'] = $this->params->get('max_comment_char', 1000);
     $this->tmpl['displaycommentimg'] = $this->params->get('display_comment_img', 0);
     $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] = $this->params->get('detail_window_background_color', '#ffffff');
     $this->tmpl['commentwidth'] = $this->params->get('comment_width', 500);
     $this->tmpl['enable_multibox'] = $this->params->get('enable_multibox', 0);
     $this->tmpl['multibox_comments_width'] = $this->params->get('multibox_comments_width', 300);
     $this->tmpl['externalcommentsystem'] = $this->params->get('external_comment_system', 0);
     $this->tmpl['gallerymetakey'] = $this->params->get('gallery_metakey', '');
     $this->tmpl['gallerymetadesc'] = $this->params->get('gallery_metadesc', '');
     $this->tmpl['altvalue'] = $this->params->get('alt_value', 1);
     $this->tmpl['largewidth'] = $this->params->get('large_image_width', 640);
     $this->tmpl['largeheight'] = $this->params->get('large_image_height', 480);
     $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_width_l'] = (int) $this->params->get('large_image_width', 640);
     $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_height_l'] = (int) $this->params->get('large_image_height', 480);
     $paramsFb = PhocaGalleryFbSystem::getCommentsParams($this->params->get('fb_comment_user_id', ''));
     // Facebook
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_app_id'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_app_id']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_app_id'] : '';
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_width'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_width']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_width'] : 550;
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_lang'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_lang']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_lang'] : 'en_US';
     $this->tmpl['fb_comment_count'] = isset($paramsFb['fb_comment_count']) ? $paramsFb['fb_comment_count'] : '';
     $this->tmpl['display_comment_nopup'] = $this->params->get('display_comment_nopup', 0);
     $this->tmpl['enablecustomcss'] = $this->params->get('enable_custom_css', 0);
     $this->tmpl['customcss'] = $this->params->get('custom_css', '');
     // Multibox
     if ($this->tmpl['enable_multibox'] == 1) {
         $this->tmpl['commentwidth'] = (int) $this->tmpl['multibox_comments_width'] - 70;
         //padding - margin
     $get['commentsi'] = $app->input->get('commentsi', '', 'int');
     $this->tmpl['enable_multibox_iframe'] = 0;
     if ($get['commentsi'] == 1) {
         // Seems we are in iframe
         $this->tmpl['enable_multibox_iframe'] = 1;
     // CSS
     if ($this->tmpl['gallerymetakey'] != '') {
         $document->setMetaData('keywords', $this->tmpl['gallerymetakey']);
     if ($this->tmpl['gallerymetadesc'] != '') {
         $document->setMetaData('description', $this->tmpl['gallerymetadesc']);
     // PARAMS - Open window parameters - modal popup box or standard popup window
     $detail_window = $this->params->get('detail_window', 0);
     // Plugin information
     if (isset($get['comment']) && $get['comment'] != '') {
         $detail_window = $get['comment'];
     // Only registered (VOTES + COMMENTS)
     $this->tmpl['not_registered'] = true;
     $this->tmpl['name'] = '';
     if ($access) {
         $this->tmpl['not_registered'] = false;
         $this->tmpl['name'] = $user->name;
     $document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/media/com_phocagallery/js/comments.js');
     $document->addCustomTag(PhocaGalleryRenderFront::renderCommentJS((int) $this->tmpl['maxcommentchar']));
     $this->tmpl['already_commented'] = PhocaGalleryCommentImage::checkUserComment((int) $this->tmpl['id'], (int) $user->id);
     $commentItem = PhocaGalleryCommentImage::displayComment((int) $this->tmpl['id']);
     // PARAMS - Display Description in Detail window - set the font color
     $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] = $this->params->get('detail_window_background_color', '#ffffff');
     $this->tmpl['detailwindow'] = $this->params->get('detail_window', 0);
     $description_lightbox_font_color = $this->params->get('description_lightbox_font_color', '#ffffff');
     $description_lightbox_bg_color = $this->params->get('description_lightbox_bg_color', '#000000');
     $description_lightbox_font_size = $this->params->get('description_lightbox_font_size', 12);
     $document->addCustomTag("<style type=\"text/css\"> \n" . " html,body, .contentpane{background:" . $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] . ";text-align:left;} \n" . " center, table {background:" . $this->tmpl['detailwindowbackgroundcolor'] . ";} \n" . " #sbox-window {background-color:#fff;padding:5px} \n" . " </style> \n");
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $item = $model->getData();
     $this->tmpl['imgtitle'] = $item->title;
     // Back button
     $this->tmpl['backbutton'] = '';
     if ($this->tmpl['detailwindow'] == 7 || $this->tmpl['display_comment_nopup']) {
         // Display Image
         // Access check - don't display the image if you have no access to this image (if user add own url)
         // USER RIGHT - ACCESS - - - - - - - - - -
         $rightDisplay = 0;
         if (!empty($item)) {
             $rightDisplay = PhocaGalleryAccess::getUserRight('accessuserid', $item->cataccessuserid, $item->cataccess, $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels(), $user->get('id', 0), 0);
         if ($rightDisplay == 0) {
             $this->tmpl['pl'] = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($uri->toString());
             $app->redirect(JRoute::_($this->tmpl['pl'], false), JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_NOT_AUTHORISED_ACTION'));
         // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         $this->tmpl['backbutton'] = '<div><a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=' . $this->tmpl['catid'] . '&Itemid=' . $this->itemId) . '"' . ' title="' . JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_BACK_TO_CATEGORY') . '">' . JHtml::_('image', 'media/com_phocagallery/images/icon-up-images.png', JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_BACK_TO_CATEGORY')) . '</a></div>';
         // Get file thumbnail or No Image
         $item->filenameno = $item->filename;
         $item->filename = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($item->filename, 1);
         $item->filesize = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileSize($item->filenameno);
         $altValue = PhocaGalleryRenderFront::getAltValue($this->tmpl['altvalue'], $item->title, $item->description, $item->metadesc);
         $item->altvalue = $altValue;
         $realImageSize = '';
         $extImage = PhocaGalleryImage::isExtImage($item->extid);
         if ($extImage) {
             $item->extl = $item->extl;
             $item->exto = $item->exto;
             $realImageSize = PhocaGalleryImage::getRealImageSize($item->extl, '', 1);
             $item->imagesize = PhocaGalleryImage::getImageSize($item->exto, 1, 1);
             if ($item->extw != '') {
                 $extw = explode(',', $item->extw);
                 $item->extw = $extw[0];
             $correctImageRes = PhocaGalleryPicasa::correctSizeWithRate($item->extw, $item->exth, $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_width_l'], $this->tmpl['picasa_correct_height_l']);
             $item->linkimage = JHtml::_('image', $item->extl, $item->altvalue, array('width' => $correctImageRes['width'], 'height' => $correctImageRes['height']));
             $item->realimagewidth = $correctImageRes['width'];
             $item->realimageheight = $correctImageRes['height'];
         } else {
             $item->linkthumbnailpath = PhocaGalleryImageFront::displayCategoryImageOrNoImage($item->filenameno, 'large');
             $item->linkimage = JHtml::_('image', $item->linkthumbnailpath, $item->altvalue);
             $realImageSize = PhocaGalleryImage::getRealImageSize($item->filenameno);
             $item->imagesize = PhocaGalleryImage::getImageSize($item->filenameno, 1);
             if (isset($realImageSize['w']) && isset($realImageSize['h'])) {
                 $item->realimagewidth = $realImageSize['w'];
                 $item->realimageheight = $realImageSize['h'];
             } else {
                 $item->realimagewidth = $this->tmpl['largewidth'];
                 $item->realimageheight = $this->tmpl['largeheight'];
         $this->assignRef('item', $item);
     // ACTION
     $this->assignRef('item', $item);
     $this->tmpl['action'] = $uri->toString();
     $this->assignRef('commentitem', $commentItem);
Exemplo n.º 5
 function save($data)
     $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_phocagallery');
     $clean_thumbnails = $params->get('clean_thumbnails', 0);
     $fileOriginalNotExist = 0;
     if ((int) $data['extid'] > 0) {
         $data['imgorigsize'] = 0;
         if ($data['title'] == '') {
             $data['title'] = 'External Image';
     } else {
         //If this file doesn't exists don't save it
         if (!PhocaGalleryFile::existsFileOriginal($data['filename'])) {
             //$this->setError('Original File does not exist');
             //return false;
             $fileOriginalNotExist = 1;
             $errorMsg = JText::_('COM_PHOCAGALLERY_ORIGINAL_IMAGE_NOT_EXIST');
         $data['imgorigsize'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileSize($data['filename'], 0);
         $data['format'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getFileFormat($data['filename']);
         //If there is no title and no alias, use filename as title and alias
         if ($data['title'] == '') {
             $data['title'] = PhocaGalleryFile::getTitleFromFile($data['filename']);
     if ($data['extlink1link'] != '') {
         $extlink1 = str_replace('http://', '', $data['extlink1link']);
         $data['extlink1'] = $extlink1 . '|' . $data['extlink1title'] . '|' . $data['extlink1target'] . '|' . $data['extlink1icon'];
     } else {
         $data['extlink1'] = $data['extlink1link'] . '|' . $data['extlink1title'] . '|' . $data['extlink1target'] . '|' . $data['extlink1icon'];
     if ($data['extlink2link'] != '') {
         $extlink2 = str_replace('http://', '', $data['extlink2link']);
         $data['extlink2'] = $extlink2 . '|' . $data['extlink2title'] . '|' . $data['extlink2target'] . '|' . $data['extlink2icon'];
     } else {
         $data['extlink2'] = $data['extlink2link'] . '|' . $data['extlink2title'] . '|' . $data['extlink2target'] . '|' . $data['extlink2icon'];
     // Geo
     if ($data['longitude'] == '' || $data['latitude'] == '') {
         $coords = PhocaGalleryGeo::getGeoCoords($data['filename']);
         if ($data['longitude'] == '') {
             $data['longitude'] = $coords['longitude'];
         if ($data['latitude'] == '') {
             $data['latitude'] = $coords['latitude'];
         if ($data['latitude'] != '' && $data['longitude'] != '' && $data['zoom'] == '') {
             $data['zoom'] = PhocaGallerySettings::getAdvancedSettings('geozoom');
     if ($data['alias'] == '') {
         $data['alias'] = $data['title'];
     //clean alias name (no bad characters)
     //$data['alias'] = PhocaGalleryText::getAliasName($data['alias']);
     // if new item, order last in appropriate group
     //if (!$row->id) {
     //	$where = 'catid = ' . (int) $row->catid ;
     //	$row->ordering = $row->getNextOrder( $where );
     // = = = = = = = = = =
     // Initialise variables;
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $table = $this->getTable();
     $pk = !empty($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : (int) $this->getState($this->getName() . '.id');
     $isNew = true;
     // Include the content plugins for the on save events.
     // Load the row if saving an existing record.
     if ($pk > 0) {
         $isNew = false;
     // Bind the data.
     if (!$table->bind($data)) {
         return false;
     if (intval($table->date) == 0) {
         $table->date = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
     // Prepare the row for saving
     // Check the data.
     if (!$table->check()) {
         return false;
     // Trigger the onContentBeforeSave event.
     /*$result = $dispatcher->trigger($this->event_before_save, array($this->option.'.'.$this->name, $table, $isNew));
     		if (in_array(false, $result, true)) {
     			return false;
     // Store the data.
     if (!$table->store()) {
         return false;
     // Store to ref table
     if (!isset($data['tags'])) {
         $data['tags'] = array();
     if ((int) $table->id > 0) {
         PhocaGalleryTag::storeTags($data['tags'], (int) $table->id);
     // Clean the cache.
     $cache = JFactory::getCache($this->option);
     // Trigger the onContentAfterSave event.
     //$dispatcher->trigger($this->event_after_save, array($this->option.'.'.$this->name, $table, $isNew));
     $pkName = $table->getKeyName();
     if (isset($table->{$pkName})) {
         $this->setState($this->getName() . '.id', $table->{$pkName});
     $this->setState($this->getName() . '.new', $isNew);
     // = = = = = =
     $task = JRequest::getVar('task');
     if (isset($table->{$pkName})) {
         $id = $table->{$pkName};
     if ((int) $data['extid'] > 0 || $fileOriginalNotExist == 1) {
     } else {
         // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
         //Create thumbnail small, medium, large
         //file - abc.img, file_no - folder/abc.img
         //Get folder variables from Helper
         //Create thumbnails small, medium, large
         $refresh_url = 'index.php?option=com_phocagallery&task=phocagalleryimg.thumbs';
         $task = JRequest::getVar('task');
         if (isset($table->{$pkName}) && $task == 'apply') {
             $id = $table->{$pkName};
             $refresh_url = 'index.php?option=com_phocagallery&task=phocagalleryimg.edit&id=' . (int) $id;
         if ($task == 'save2new') {
             // Don't create automatically thumbnails in case, we are going to add new image
         } else {
             $file_thumb = PhocaGalleryFileThumbnail::getOrCreateThumbnail($data['filename'], $refresh_url, 1, 1, 1);
         //Clean Thumbs Folder if there are thumbnail files but not original file
         if ($clean_thumbnails == 1) {
         // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     return true;