Author: Phergie Development Team (
Inheritance: extends Phergie_Plugin_Abstract
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Performs a Google search to convert a value from one unit to another.
  * @param string $unit  Source metric 
  * @param string $to    Value to be converted
  * @param string $unit2 Destination metric 
  * @return void
 public function onCommandConvert($unit, $to, $unit2)
     $url = '' . urlencode($unit . ' ' . $to . ' ' . $unit2);
     $response = $this->http->get($url);
     $contents = $response->getContent();
     $event = $this->getEvent();
     $source = $event->getSource();
     $nick = $event->getNick();
     if (empty($contents)) {
         $this->doPrivmsg($target, $nick . ', sorry, I can\'t give you an answer right now.');
     $doc = new DomDocument();
     foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('h2') as $element) {
         if ($element->getAttribute('class') == 'r') {
             $children = $element->childNodes;
             $text = str_replace(array(chr(195), chr(151), chr(160)), array('x', '', ' '), $children->item(0)->nodeValue);
             if ($children->length >= 3) {
                 $text .= '^' . $children->item(1)->nodeValue . $children->item(2)->nodeValue;
     if (isset($text)) {
         $this->doPrivmsg($source, $nick . ': ' . $text);
     } else {
         $this->doPrivmsg($target, $nick . ', sorry I can\'t do that.');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Simple Scrobbler API function to get a formatted string of the most 
  * recent track played by a user.
  * @param string $user Username to look up
  * @param string $url  Base URL of the scrobbler service
  * @param string $key  Scrobbler service API key
  * @return string Formatted string of the most recent track played
 public function getScrobbled($user, $url, $key)
     $event = $this->getEvent();
     $user = $user ? $user : $event->getNick();
     $url = sprintf($url . $this->query, urlencode($user), urlencode($key));
     $response = $this->http->get($url);
     if ($response->isError()) {
         $this->doNotice($event->getNick(), 'Can\'t find status for ' . $user . ': HTTP ' . $response->getCode() . ' ' . $response->getMessage());
         return false;
     $xml = $response->getContent();
     if ($xml->error) {
         $this->doNotice($event->getNick(), 'Can\'t find status for ' . $user . ': API ' . $xml->error);
         return false;
     $recenttracks = $xml->recenttracks;
     $track = $recenttracks->track[0];
     // If the user exists but has not scrobbled anything, the result will
     // be empty.
     if (empty($track->name) && empty($track->artist)) {
         $this->doNotice($event->getNick(), 'Can\'t find track information for ' . $recenttracks['user']);
         return false;
     if (isset($track['nowplaying'])) {
         $msg = sprintf('%s is listening to %s by %s', $recenttracks['user'], $track->name, $track->artist);
     } else {
         $msg = sprintf('%s, %s was listening to %s by %s', date('j M Y, H:i', (int) $track->date['uts']), $recenttracks['user'], $track->name, $track->artist);
     if ($track->streamable == 1) {
         $msg .= ' - ' . $track->url;
     return $msg;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Simple Scrobbler API function to get a formatted string of the most 
  * recent track played by a user.
  * @param string $user Username to look up
  * @param string $url  Base URL of the scrobbler service
  * @param string $key  Scrobbler service API key
  * @return string Formatted string of the most recent track played
 public function getScrobbled($user, $url, $key)
     $event = $this->getEvent();
     $user = $user ? $user : $event->getNick();
     $url = sprintf($url . $this->query, urlencode($user), urlencode($key));
     $response = $this->http->get($url);
     if ($response->isError()) {
         $this->doNotice($event->getSource(), 'Can\'t find status for ' . $user . ': HTTP ' . $response->getCode() . ' ' . $response->getMessage());
         return false;
     $xml = $response->getContent();
     if ($xml->error) {
         $this->doNotice($event->getSource(), 'Can\'t find status for ' . $user . ': API ' . $xml->error);
         return false;
     $recenttracks = $xml->recenttracks;
     $track = $recenttracks->track[0];
     if (isset($track['nowplaying'])) {
         $msg = sprintf('%s is listening to %s by %s', $recenttracks['user'], $track->name, $track->artist);
     } else {
         $msg = sprintf('%s, %s was listening to %s by %s', $track->date, $recenttracks['user'], $track->name, $track->artist);
     if ($track->streamable == 1) {
         $msg .= ' - ' . $track->url;
     return $msg;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get the necessary content and returns the search result.
  * @param string $location Location term
  * @return string The search result
  * @todo Try to optimize pregs
 protected function getWeather($location)
     $url = $this->url . urlencode($location);
     $response = $this->http->get($url);
     $content = $response->getContent();
     preg_match_all("#<div><span class=\"small\">(.*?)<\\/span><\\/div>#im", $content, $matches);
     $location = $matches[1][0];
     if (!empty($location)) {
         preg_match_all("#<div class=\"large\" >(.*?)<br \\/>#im", $content, $matches);
         $temp_numb = $matches[1][0];
         preg_match_all("#<br \\/>(.*?)<\\/div><div  id=\"remark\"><br \\/>#im", $content, $matches);
         $temp_desc = $matches[1][0];
         preg_match_all("#<div  id=\"remark\"><br \\/>\n<span>(.*?)<\\/span><\\/div>#im", $content, $matches);
         $remark = $matches[1][0];
         $result = "{$location}: {$temp_numb} {$temp_desc} ({$remark})";
         $result = preg_replace('/</', ' <', $result);
         $result = strip_tags($result);
         return html_entity_decode($result);
     } else {
         return "I have no idea where is this f*****g location!";
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get the necessary content and returns the search result.
  * @param string $location Location term
  * @return string|bool Search result or FALSE if none is found
  * @todo Try to optimize pregs
 protected function getWeather($location)
     $url = $this->url . urlencode($location);
     $response = $this->http->get($url);
     $content = $response->getContent();
     preg_match_all('#<div><span class="small">(.*?)<\\/span><\\/div>#im', $content, $matches);
     $location = $matches[1][0];
     if (!empty($location)) {
         preg_match_all('#<div class="large" >(.*?)<br \\/>#im', $content, $matches);
         $temp_numb = (int) $matches[1][0];
         $temp_numb .= ' F / ' . round(($temp_numb - 32) / 1.8, 0) . ' C?!';
         preg_match_all('#<br \\/>(.*?)<\\/div><div  id="remark"><br \\/>#im', $content, $matches);
         $temp_desc = $matches[1][0];
         preg_match_all('#<div  id="remark"><br \\/>\\n<span>(.*?)<\\/span><\\/div>#im', $content, $matches);
         $remark = $matches[1][0];
         $result = "{$location}: {$temp_numb} {$temp_desc} ({$remark})";
         $result = preg_replace('/</', ' <', $result);
         $result = strip_tags($result);
         return html_entity_decode($result);
     } else {
         return 'No f*****g clue where that is.';
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Fetches a chayism.
  * @return string|bool Fetched chayism or FALSE if the operation failed 
 public function getChayism()
     return $this->http->get(self::URL)->getContent();
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Handles beerscore commands.
  * @param string $searchstring String to use in seaching for beer scores
  * @return void
 public function onCommandBeerscore($searchstring)
     $event = $this->getEvent();
     $target = $event->getNick();
     $source = $event->getSource();
     $apiurl = self::API_BASE_URL . rawurlencode($searchstring);
     $response = $this->http->get($apiurl);
     if ($response->isError()) {
         $this->doNotice($target, 'Score not found (or failed to contact API)');
     $result = $response->getContent();
     switch ($result->type) {
         case self::TYPE_SCORE:
             // small enough number to get scores
             foreach ($result->beer as $beer) {
                 if ($beer->score === -1) {
                     $score = '(not rated)';
                 } else {
                     $score = $beer->score;
                 $str = "{$target}: rating for {$beer->name}" . " = {$score} ({$beer->url})";
                 $this->doPrivmsg($source, $str);
         case self::TYPE_SEARCH:
             // only beer names, no scores
             $str = '';
             $found = 0;
             foreach ($result->beer as $beer) {
                 if (isset($beer->score)) {
                     if ($beer->score === -1) {
                         $score = '(not rated)';
                     } else {
                         $score = $beer->score;
                     $str = "{$target}: rating for {$beer->name}" . " = {$score} ({$beer->url})";
                     $this->doPrivmsg($source, $str);
                 } else {
                     $str .= "({$beer->name} -> {$beer->url}) ";
             $foundnum = $result->num - $found;
             $more = $found ? 'more ' : '';
             $str = "{$target}: {$foundnum} {$more}results... {$str}";
             $this->doPrivmsg($source, $str);
         case self::TYPE_REFINE:
             // Too many results; only output search URL
             if ($result->num < 100) {
                 $num = $result->num;
             } else {
                 $num = 'at least 100';
             $resultsword = $result->num > 1 ? 'results' : 'result';
             $str = "{$target}: {$num} {$resultsword}; {$result->searchurl}";
             $this->doPrivmsg($source, $str);