Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function doLock($wait)
     $conn = $this->conn;
     if (!$conn) {
         // Try to reuse a connection from the connection pool.
         $conn = array_pop(self::$pool);
     if (!$conn) {
         // NOTE: Using the 'repository' database somewhat arbitrarily, mostly
         // because the first client of locks is the repository daemons. We must
         // always use the same database for all locks, but don't access any
         // tables so we could use any valid database. We could build a
         // database-free connection instead, but that's kind of messy and we
         // might forget about it in the future if we vertically partition the
         // application.
         $dao = new PhabricatorRepository();
         // NOTE: Using "force_new" to make sure each lock is on its own
         // connection.
         $conn = $dao->establishConnection('w', $force_new = true);
         // NOTE: Since MySQL will disconnect us if we're idle for too long, we set
         // the wait_timeout to an enormous value, to allow us to hold the
         // connection open indefinitely (or, at least, for 24 days).
         $max_allowed_timeout = 2147483;
         queryfx($conn, 'SET wait_timeout = %d', $max_allowed_timeout);
     $result = queryfx_one($conn, 'SELECT GET_LOCK(%s, %f)', 'phabricator:' . $this->lockname, $wait);
     $ok = head($result);
     if (!$ok) {
         throw new PhutilLockException($this->getName());
     $this->conn = $conn;
 private function getRawDiff(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit, $use_log, $try_harder)
     $flags = array('-n1', '-M', '-C', '-B', '--raw', '-t', '--abbrev=40');
     if ($try_harder) {
         $flags[] = '--find-copies-harder';
     if ($use_log) {
         // This is the first commit so we need to use "log". We know it's not a
         // merge commit because it couldn't be merging anything, so this is safe.
         // NOTE: "--pretty=format: " is to disable diff output, we only want the
         // part we get from "--raw".
         $future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture('log %Ls --pretty=format: %s', $flags, $commit);
     } else {
         // Otherwise, we can use "diff", which will give us output for merges.
         // We diff against the first parent, as this is generally the expectation
         // and results in sensible behavior.
         $future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture('diff %Ls %s^1 %s', $flags, $commit, $commit);
     // Don't spend more than 30 seconds generating the slower output.
     if ($try_harder) {
     list($raw) = $future->resolvex();
     return $raw;
 protected function executeUpdate(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $local_path)
     // This is a local command, but needs credentials.
     $future = $repository->getRemoteCommandFuture('pull -u');
     try {
     } catch (CommandException $ex) {
         $err = $ex->getError();
         $stdout = $ex->getStdOut();
         // NOTE: Between versions 2.1 and 2.1.1, Mercurial changed the behavior
         // of "hg pull" to return 1 in case of a successful pull with no changes.
         // This behavior has been reverted, but users who updated between Feb 1,
         // 2012 and Mar 1, 2012 will have the erroring version. Do a dumb test
         // against stdout to check for this possibility.
         // See: https://github.com/facebook/phabricator/issues/101/
         // NOTE: Mercurial has translated versions, which translate this error
         // string. In a translated version, the string will be something else,
         // like "aucun changement trouve". There didn't seem to be an easy way
         // to handle this (there are hard ways but this is not a common problem
         // and only creates log spam, not application failures). Assume English.
         // TODO: Remove this once we're far enough in the future that deployment
         // of 2.1 is exceedingly rare?
         if ($err == 1 && preg_match('/no changes found/', $stdout)) {
         } else {
             throw $ex;
 protected function executeUpdate(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $local_path)
     // Run a bunch of sanity checks to detect people checking out repositories
     // inside other repositories, making empty directories, pointing the local
     // path at some random file or path, etc.
     list($err, $stdout) = $repository->execLocalCommand('rev-parse --show-toplevel');
     if ($err) {
         // Try to raise a more tailored error message in the more common case
         // of the user creating an empty directory. (We could try to remove it,
         // but might not be able to, and it's much simpler to raise a good
         // message than try to navigate those waters.)
         if (is_dir($local_path)) {
             $files = Filesystem::listDirectory($local_path, $include_hidden = true);
             if (!$files) {
                 throw new Exception("Expected to find a git repository at '{$local_path}', but there " . "is an empty directory there. Remove the directory: the daemon " . "will run 'git clone' for you.");
         throw new Exception("Expected to find a git repository at '{$local_path}', but there is " . "a non-repository directory (with other stuff in it) there. Move or " . "remove this directory (or reconfigure the repository to use a " . "different directory), and then either clone a repository yourself " . "or let the daemon do it.");
     } else {
         $repo_path = rtrim($stdout, "\n");
         if (empty($repo_path)) {
             throw new Exception("Expected to find a git repository at '{$local_path}', but " . "there was no result from `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`. " . "Something is misconfigured or broken. The git repository " . "may be inside a '.git/' directory.");
         if (!Filesystem::pathsAreEquivalent($repo_path, $local_path)) {
             throw new Exception("Expected to find repo at '{$local_path}', but the actual " . "git repository root for this directory is '{$repo_path}'. " . "Something is misconfigured. The repository's 'Local Path' should " . "be set to some place where the daemon can check out a working " . "copy, and should not be inside another git repository.");
     // This is a local command, but needs credentials.
     $future = $repository->getRemoteCommandFuture('fetch --all --prune');
 private static function loadPackagesForPaths(PhabricatorRepository $repository, array $paths, $limit = 0)
     $package = new PhabricatorOwnersPackage();
     $path = new PhabricatorOwnersPath();
     $conn = $package->establishConnection('r');
     $repository_clause = qsprintf($conn, 'AND p.repositoryPHID = %s', $repository->getPHID());
     $limit_clause = '';
     if (!empty($limit)) {
         $limit_clause = qsprintf($conn, 'LIMIT %d', $limit);
     $data = queryfx_all($conn, 'SELECT pkg.id FROM %T pkg JOIN %T p ON p.packageID = pkg.id
     WHERE p.path IN (%Ls) %Q ORDER BY LENGTH(p.path) DESC %Q', $package->getTableName(), $path->getTableName(), $paths, $repository_clause, $limit_clause);
     $ids = ipull($data, 'id');
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return array();
     $order = array();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if (empty($order[$id])) {
             $order[$id] = true;
     $packages = $package->loadAllWhere('id in (%Ld)', array_keys($order));
     $packages = array_select_keys($packages, array_keys($order));
     return $packages;
 protected function getCommitHashes(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit)
     list($stdout) = $repository->execxLocalCommand('log -n 1 --format=%s %s --', '%T', $commit->getCommitIdentifier());
     $commit_hash = $commit->getCommitIdentifier();
     $tree_hash = trim($stdout);
     return array(array(ArcanistDifferentialRevisionHash::HASH_GIT_COMMIT, $commit_hash), array(ArcanistDifferentialRevisionHash::HASH_GIT_TREE, $tree_hash));
 private function updateBranchStates(PhabricatorRepository $repository, array $branches)
     assert_instances_of($branches, 'DiffusionRepositoryRef');
     $all_cursors = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryRefCursorQuery())->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())->withRepositoryPHIDs(array($repository->getPHID()))->execute();
     $state_map = array();
     $type_branch = PhabricatorRepositoryRefCursor::TYPE_BRANCH;
     foreach ($all_cursors as $cursor) {
         if ($cursor->getRefType() !== $type_branch) {
         $raw_name = $cursor->getRefNameRaw();
         $hash = $cursor->getCommitIdentifier();
         $state_map[$raw_name][$hash] = $cursor;
     foreach ($branches as $branch) {
         $cursor = idx($state_map, $branch->getShortName(), array());
         $cursor = idx($cursor, $branch->getCommitIdentifier());
         if (!$cursor) {
         $fields = $branch->getRawFields();
         $cursor_state = (bool) $cursor->getIsClosed();
         $branch_state = (bool) idx($fields, 'closed');
         if ($cursor_state != $branch_state) {
             $cursor->setIsClosed((int) $branch_state)->save();
 private function checkIfRepositoryIsFullyImported(PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     // Check if the repository has the "Importing" flag set. We want to clear
     // the flag if we can.
     $importing = $repository->getDetail('importing');
     if (!$importing) {
         // This repository isn't marked as "Importing", so we're done.
     // Look for any commit which hasn't imported.
     $unparsed_commit = queryfx_one($repository->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE repositoryID = %d AND (importStatus & %d) != %d
     LIMIT 1', id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit())->getTableName(), $repository->getID(), PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_ALL, PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_ALL);
     if ($unparsed_commit) {
         // We found a commit which still needs to import, so we can't clear the
         // flag.
     // Clear the "importing" flag.
     $repository = $repository->reload();
     $repository->setDetail('importing', false);
 private function markReachable(PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     if (!$repository->isGit()) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Only Git repositories are supported, this repository ("%s") is ' . 'not a Git repository.', $repository->getDisplayName()));
     $viewer = $this->getViewer();
     $commits = id(new DiffusionCommitQuery())->setViewer($viewer)->withRepository($repository)->execute();
     $flag = PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_UNREACHABLE;
     $graph = new PhabricatorGitGraphStream($repository);
     foreach ($commits as $commit) {
         $identifier = $commit->getCommitIdentifier();
         try {
             $unreachable = false;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $unreachable = true;
         // The commit has proper reachability, so do nothing.
         if ($commit->isUnreachable() === $unreachable) {
         if ($unreachable) {
             echo tsprintf("%s: %s\n", $commit->getMonogram(), pht('Marking commit unreachable.'));
         } else {
             echo tsprintf("%s: %s\n", $commit->getMonogram(), pht('Marking commit reachable.'));
 protected function executeUpdate(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $local_path)
     // This is a local command, but needs credentials.
     $future = $repository->getRemoteCommandFuture('fetch --all');
 protected function executeChecks()
     if (phutil_is_windows()) {
         $bin_name = 'where';
     } else {
         $bin_name = 'which';
     if (!Filesystem::binaryExists($bin_name)) {
         $message = pht("Without '%s', Phabricator can not test for the availability " . "of other binaries.", $bin_name);
         $this->raiseWarning($bin_name, $message);
         // We need to return here if we can't find the 'which' / 'where' binary
         // because the other tests won't be valid.
     if (!Filesystem::binaryExists('diff')) {
         $message = pht("Without 'diff', Phabricator will not be able to generate or render " . "diffs in multiple applications.");
         $this->raiseWarning('diff', $message);
     } else {
         $tmp_a = new TempFile();
         $tmp_b = new TempFile();
         $tmp_c = new TempFile();
         Filesystem::writeFile($tmp_a, 'A');
         Filesystem::writeFile($tmp_b, 'A');
         Filesystem::writeFile($tmp_c, 'B');
         list($err) = exec_manual('diff %s %s', $tmp_a, $tmp_b);
         if ($err) {
             $this->newIssue('bin.diff.same')->setName(pht("Unexpected 'diff' Behavior"))->setMessage(pht("The 'diff' binary on this system has unexpected behavior: " . "it was expected to exit without an error code when passed " . "identical files, but exited with code %d.", $err));
         list($err) = exec_manual('diff %s %s', $tmp_a, $tmp_c);
         if (!$err) {
             $this->newIssue('bin.diff.diff')->setName(pht("Unexpected 'diff' Behavior"))->setMessage(pht("The 'diff' binary on this system has unexpected behavior: " . "it was expected to exit with a nonzero error code when passed " . "differing files, but did not."));
     $table = new PhabricatorRepository();
     $vcses = queryfx_all($table->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT DISTINCT versionControlSystem FROM %T', $table->getTableName());
     foreach ($vcses as $vcs) {
         switch ($vcs['versionControlSystem']) {
             case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
                 $binary = 'git';
             case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN:
                 $binary = 'svn';
             case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL:
                 $binary = 'hg';
                 $binary = null;
         if (!$binary) {
         if (!Filesystem::binaryExists($binary)) {
             $message = pht('You have at least one repository configured which uses this ' . 'version control system. It will not work without the VCS binary.');
             $this->raiseWarning($binary, $message);
 public function __construct(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit)
     $this->repository = $repository;
     $future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture('log --template %s --rev %s', '{rev}\\1{node}\\1{date}\\1{parents}\\2', hgsprintf('reverse(ancestors(%s))', $commit));
     $this->iterator = new LinesOfALargeExecFuture($future);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static final function linkCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit, $summary = '')
     $commit_name = $repository->formatCommitName($commit, $local = true);
     if (strlen($summary)) {
         $commit_name .= ': ' . $summary;
     return phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $repository->getCommitURI($commit)), $commit_name);
 public function __construct(PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     $this->repository = $repository;
     $future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture("log --template '{rev}{node}{date}{parents}'");
     $this->iterator = new LinesOfALargeExecFuture($future);
 private function getDefaultRefName(PhabricatorRepository $repository, DifferentialDiff $diff)
     $onto = $diff->loadTargetBranch();
     if ($onto !== null) {
         return $onto;
     return $repository->getDefaultBranch();
 public function __construct(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $start_commit)
     $this->repository = $repository;
     $future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture('log --format=%s %s --', '%H%x01%P%x01%ct', $start_commit);
     $this->iterator = new LinesOfALargeExecFuture($future);
 protected final function parseCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit)
     $viewer = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser();
     $refs_raw = DiffusionQuery::callConduitWithDiffusionRequest($viewer, DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary(array('repository' => $repository, 'user' => $viewer)), 'diffusion.querycommits', array('repositoryPHID' => $repository->getPHID(), 'phids' => array($commit->getPHID()), 'bypassCache' => true, 'needMessages' => true));
     if (empty($refs_raw['data'])) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Unable to retrieve details for commit "%s"!', $commit->getPHID()));
     $ref = DiffusionCommitRef::newFromConduitResult(head($refs_raw['data']));
     $this->parseCommitWithRef($repository, $commit, $ref);
 private function findGitHubRepo(PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     $repo_uri = $repository->getRemoteURIObject();
     $repo_path = $repo_uri->getPath();
     if (substr($repo_path, -4) == '.git') {
         $repo_path = substr($repo_path, 0, -4);
     $repo_path = ltrim($repo_path, '/');
     return $repo_path;
 public static function newHTTPAuthorization(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorUser $viewer, $operation)
     $lfs_user = self::HTTP_USERNAME;
     $lfs_pass = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(32);
     $lfs_hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($lfs_pass);
     $ttl = PhabricatorTime::getNow() + phutil_units('1 day in seconds');
     $token = id(new PhabricatorAuthTemporaryToken())->setTokenResource($repository->getPHID())->setTokenType(self::TOKENTYPE)->setTokenCode($lfs_hash)->setUserPHID($viewer->getPHID())->setTemporaryTokenProperty('lfs.operation', $operation)->setTokenExpires($ttl)->save();
     $authorization_header = base64_encode($lfs_user . ':' . $lfs_pass);
     return 'Basic ' . $authorization_header;
 public function createMenuItem(PhabricatorUser $viewer, DifferentialRevision $revision, PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     $vcs = $repository->getVersionControlSystem();
     if ($vcs !== PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL) {
     if (!$repository->isHosted()) {
     return $this->createActionView($revision, pht('Land to Hosted Repository'));
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected static final function initQueryObject($base_class, PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     $map = array(PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT => 'Git', PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL => 'Mercurial', PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN => 'Svn');
     $name = idx($map, $repository->getVersionControlSystem());
     if (!$name) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Unsupported VCS!'));
     $class = str_replace('Diffusion', 'Diffusion' . $name, $base_class);
     $obj = new $class();
     return $obj;
 private function triggerOwnerAudits(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit)
     if (!$repository->shouldPublish()) {
     $affected_paths = PhabricatorOwnerPathQuery::loadAffectedPaths($repository, $commit, PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser());
     $affected_packages = PhabricatorOwnersPackage::loadAffectedPackages($repository, $affected_paths);
     if (!$affected_packages) {
     $data = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData())->loadOneWhere('commitID = %d', $commit->getID());
     $author_phid = $data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID');
     $revision_id = $data->getCommitDetail('differential.revisionID');
     if ($revision_id) {
         $revision = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())->withIDs(array($revision_id))->needReviewerStatus(true)->executeOne();
     } else {
         $revision = null;
     $requests = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryAuditRequest())->loadAllWhere('commitPHID = %s', $commit->getPHID());
     $requests = mpull($requests, null, 'getAuditorPHID');
     foreach ($affected_packages as $package) {
         $request = idx($requests, $package->getPHID());
         if ($request) {
             // Don't update request if it exists already.
         if ($package->isArchived()) {
             // Don't trigger audits if the package is archived.
         if ($package->getAuditingEnabled()) {
             $reasons = $this->checkAuditReasons($commit, $package, $author_phid, $revision);
             if ($reasons) {
                 $audit_status = PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::AUDIT_REQUIRED;
             } else {
                 $audit_status = PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::AUDIT_NOT_REQUIRED;
         } else {
             $reasons = array();
             $audit_status = PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::NONE;
         $relationship = new PhabricatorRepositoryAuditRequest();
         $requests[$package->getPHID()] = $relationship;
 public function didParseCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit, PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData $data)
     $user = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID'));
     if (!$user) {
     $prefixes = array('resolves' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, 'fixes' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, 'wontfix' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_WONTFIX, 'wontfixes' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_WONTFIX, 'spite' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE, 'spites' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE, 'invalidate' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_INVALID, 'invaldiates' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_INVALID, 'close' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, 'closes' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, 'ref' => null, 'refs' => null, 'references' => null, 'cf.' => null);
     $suffixes = array('as resolved' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, 'as fixed' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, 'as wontfix' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_WONTFIX, 'as spite' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE, 'out of spite' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE, 'as invalid' => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_INVALID, '' => null);
     $prefix_regex = array();
     foreach ($prefixes as $prefix => $resolution) {
         $prefix_regex[] = preg_quote($prefix, '/');
     $prefix_regex = implode('|', $prefix_regex);
     $suffix_regex = array();
     foreach ($suffixes as $suffix => $resolution) {
         $suffix_regex[] = preg_quote($suffix, '/');
     $suffix_regex = implode('|', $suffix_regex);
     $matches = null;
     $ok = preg_match_all("/({$prefix_regex})\\s+T(\\d+)\\s*({$suffix_regex})/i", $this->renderValueForCommitMessage($is_edit = false), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     if (!$ok) {
     foreach ($matches as $set) {
         $prefix = strtolower($set[1]);
         $task_id = (int) $set[2];
         $suffix = strtolower($set[3]);
         $status = idx($suffixes, $suffix);
         if (!$status) {
             $status = idx($prefixes, $prefix);
         $tasks = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery())->withTaskIDs(array($task_id))->execute();
         $task = idx($tasks, $task_id);
         if (!$task) {
             // Task doesn't exist, or the user can't see it.
         id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor())->setUser($user)->addEdge($task->getPHID(), PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_TASK_HAS_COMMIT, $commit->getPHID())->save();
         if (!$status) {
             // Text like "Ref T123", don't change the task status.
         if ($task->getStatus() != ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN) {
             // Task is already closed.
         $commit_name = $repository->formatCommitName($commit->getCommitIdentifier());
         $call = new ConduitCall('maniphest.update', array('id' => $task->getID(), 'status' => $status, 'comments' => "Closed by commit {$commit_name}."));
 private function pushToHgRepository(PhabricatorRepository $proxy)
     $future = $proxy->getRemoteCommandFuture('push --verbose --rev tip -- %P', $proxy->getRemoteURIEnvelope());
     try {
     } catch (CommandException $ex) {
         if (preg_match('/no changes found/', $ex->getStdOut())) {
             // mercurial says nothing changed, but that's good
         } else {
             throw $ex;
 private static function lookupPaths(array $paths)
     $repository = new PhabricatorRepository();
     $conn_w = $repository->establishConnection('w');
     $result_map = array();
     foreach (array_chunk($paths, 128) as $path_chunk) {
         $chunk_map = queryfx_all($conn_w, 'SELECT path, id FROM %T WHERE path IN (%Ls)', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_PATH, $path_chunk);
         foreach ($chunk_map as $row) {
             $result_map[$row['path']] = $row['id'];
     return $result_map;
  * Verify that the "origin" remote exists, and points at the correct URI.
  * This catches or corrects some types of misconfiguration, and also repairs
  * an issue where Git 1.7.1 does not create an "origin" for `--bare` clones.
  * See T4041.
  * @param   PhabricatorRepository Repository to verify.
  * @return  void
 protected function verifyGitOrigin(PhabricatorRepository $repository)
     try {
         list($remotes) = $repository->execxLocalCommand('remote show -n origin');
     } catch (CommandException $ex) {
         throw new PhutilProxyException(pht('Expected to find a Git working copy at path "%s", but the ' . 'path exists and is not a valid working copy. If you remove ' . 'this directory, the daemons will automatically recreate it ' . 'correctly. Phabricator will not destroy the directory for you ' . 'because it can not be sure that it does not contain important ' . 'data.', $repository->getLocalPath()), $ex);
     $matches = null;
     if (!preg_match('/^\\s*Fetch URL:\\s*(.*?)\\s*$/m', $remotes, $matches)) {
         throw new Exception(pht("Expected '%s' in '%s'.", 'Fetch URL', 'git remote show -n origin'));
     $remote_uri = $matches[1];
     $expect_remote = $repository->getRemoteURI();
     if ($remote_uri == 'origin') {
         // If a remote does not exist, git pretends it does and prints out a
         // made up remote where the URI is the same as the remote name. This is
         // definitely not correct.
         // Possibly, we should use `git remote --verbose` instead, which does not
         // suffer from this problem (but is a little more complicated to parse).
         $valid = false;
         $exists = false;
     } else {
         $normal_type_git = PhabricatorRepositoryURINormalizer::TYPE_GIT;
         $remote_normal = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryURINormalizer($normal_type_git, $remote_uri))->getNormalizedPath();
         $expect_normal = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryURINormalizer($normal_type_git, $expect_remote))->getNormalizedPath();
         $valid = $remote_normal == $expect_normal;
         $exists = true;
     if (!$valid) {
         if (!$exists) {
             // If there's no "origin" remote, just create it regardless of how
             // strongly we own the working copy. There is almost no conceivable
             // scenario in which this could do damage.
             $this->log(pht('Remote "origin" does not exist. Creating "origin", with ' . 'URI "%s".', $expect_remote));
             $repository->execxLocalCommand('remote add origin %P', $repository->getRemoteURIEnvelope());
             // NOTE: This doesn't fetch the origin (it just creates it), so we won't
             // know about origin branches until the next "pull" happens. That's fine
             // for our purposes, but might impact things in the future.
         } else {
             if ($repository->canDestroyWorkingCopy()) {
                 // Bad remote, but we can try to repair it.
                 $this->log(pht('Remote "origin" exists, but is pointed at the wrong URI, "%s". ' . 'Resetting origin URI to "%s.', $remote_uri, $expect_remote));
                 $repository->execxLocalCommand('remote set-url origin %P', $repository->getRemoteURIEnvelope());
             } else {
                 // Bad remote and we aren't comfortable repairing it.
                 $message = pht('Working copy at "%s" has a mismatched origin URI, "%s". ' . 'The expected origin URI is "%s". Fix your configuration, or ' . 'set the remote URI correctly. To avoid breaking anything, ' . 'Phabricator will not automatically fix this.', $repository->getLocalPath(), $remote_uri, $expect_remote);
                 throw new Exception($message);
 private function pushToHgRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorRepositoryURI $mirror_uri)
     $argv = array('push --verbose --rev tip -- %P', $mirror_uri->getURIEnvelope());
     $future = $mirror_uri->newCommandEngine()->setArgv($argv)->newFuture();
     try {
     } catch (CommandException $ex) {
         if (preg_match('/no changes found/', $ex->getStdOut())) {
             // mercurial says nothing changed, but that's good
         } else {
             throw $ex;
  * Creates and/or cleans a workspace for the requested repo.
  * return ArcanistMercurialAPI
 public static function getCleanMercurialWorkspace(PhabricatorRepository $repo)
     $origin_path = $repo->getLocalPath();
     $path = rtrim($origin_path, '/');
     $path = $path . '__workspace';
     if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) {
         $repo->execxLocalCommand('clone -- file://%s %s', $origin_path, $path);
     $workspace = new ArcanistMercurialAPI($path);
     $workspace->execxLocal('update --clean default');
     return $workspace;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static final function nameCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit)
     switch ($repository->getVersionControlSystem()) {
         case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
         case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL:
             $commit_name = substr($commit, 0, 12);
             $commit_name = $commit;
     $callsign = $repository->getCallsign();
     return "r{$callsign}{$commit_name}";
 public function parseCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit)
     $uri = $repository->getDetail('remote-uri');
     $log = $this->getSVNLogXMLObject($uri, $commit->getCommitIdentifier(), $verbose = false);
     $entry = $log->logentry[0];
     $author = (string) $entry->author;
     $message = (string) $entry->msg;
     $this->updateCommitData($author, $message);
     if ($this->shouldQueueFollowupTasks()) {
         $task = new PhabricatorWorkerTask();
         $task->setData(array('commitID' => $commit->getID()));