  * Store a newly created person in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Person::$rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     return Redirect::route('people.index');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     // clear table
     $person = Person::create(['slug' => 'lincoln', 'alias' => "The Abraham Lincoln", 'url_slug' => 'abraham-lincoln', 'first_name' => 'Abraham', 'last_name' => 'Lincoln', 'url_slug' => 'abraham-lincoln', 'favorite_color' => 'White', 'meta_title' => 'Abraham Lincoln, the Ultimate Abolitionist', 'meta_description' => 'You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government,
         while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it.']);
     foreach (range(1, 5) as $index) {
         $alias = $faker->name;
         $person = Person::create(['slug' => substr(preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9 ]/", '', strtolower($faker->userName)), 0, 16), 'alias' => $alias, 'first_name' => $faker->firstName, 'last_name' => $faker->lastName, 'url_slug' => $faker->slug, 'favorite_color' => $faker->colorName, 'meta_title' => $alias . ' Details', 'meta_description' => $faker->paragraph]);
  * @covers \Ixudra\Portfolio\Repositories\Eloquent\EloquentCompanyRepository::search()
 public function testSearch()
     $company1 = Person::create(array('name' => 'Foo_first_name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://bar.com'));
     $company2 = Person::create(array('name' => 'Bar_first_name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://foo.com'));
     $company3 = Person::create(array('name' => 'Foz_first_name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://baz.com'));
     $company4 = Person::create(array('name' => 'Baz_first_name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://fow.com'));
     $company5 = Person::create(array('name' => 'Fow_first_name', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'url' => 'http://fow.com'));
     $filters = array('query' => 'Foo');
     $paginator = $this->companyRepository->search($filters, 50, true);
     $companies = $paginator->getCollection();
     $this->assertCount(5, $companies);
     $this->assertCollectionWithOnlyInstancesOf('\\Ixudra\\Portfolio\\Models\\Company', $companies);
     $this->assertCollectionContains(array($company1, $company2, $company5), $companies);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function testApiKeyErrorHandling()
     BlockScore::$apiKey = 'sk_test_11111111111111111111111111111111';
     try {
         Person::create(array('name_first' => 'Jane', 'name_last' => 'Doe', 'birth_day' => 1, 'birth_month' => 1, 'birth_year' => 1990, 'document_type' => 'ssn', 'document_value' => '0000', 'address_street1' => '123 Something Ave', 'address_city' => 'Newton Falls', 'address_subdivision' => 'OH', 'address_postal_code' => '44444', 'address_country_code' => 'US'));
         // Always fail
     } catch (Util\Exception $e) {
         $expected = 'invalid_request_error';
         $this->assertSame($expected, $e->type);
         $this->assertTrue($e instanceof Util\Exception);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function run()
      * Clearing table
      * Creating persons
     Person::create(array('prsn_name' => 'Max', 'prsn_ldap_id' => '1111', 'prsn_status' => 'kandidat', 'clb_id' => '1'));
     Person::create(array('prsn_name' => 'Otto', 'prsn_ldap_id' => '1222', 'prsn_status' => 'aktiv', 'clb_id' => '1'));
     Person::create(array('prsn_name' => 'Lena', 'prsn_ldap_id' => '1333', 'prsn_status' => 'veteran', 'clb_id' => '1'));
     Person::create(array('prsn_name' => 'THOR'));
      * reporting result to console
     $this->command->info('Four example persons created - members Max, Otto, Lena and a guest THOR.');
Exemplo n.º 6

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../ActiveRecord.php';
// initialize ActiveRecord
ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
    $cfg->set_model_directory(__DIR__ . '/models');
    $cfg->set_connections(array('development' => 'mysql://*****:*****@'));
    // you can change the default connection with the below
// create some people
$jax = new Person(array('name' => 'Jax', 'state' => 'CA'));
// compact way to create and save a model
$tito = Person::create(array('name' => 'Tito', 'state' => 'VA'));
// place orders. tax is automatically applied in a callback
// create_orders will automatically place the created model into $tito->orders
// even if it failed validation
$pokemon = $tito->create_orders(array('item_name' => 'Live Pokemon', 'price' => 6999.99));
$coal = $tito->create_orders(array('item_name' => 'Lump of Coal', 'price' => 100.0));
$freebie = $tito->create_orders(array('item_name' => 'Freebie', 'price' => -100.99));
if (count($freebie->errors) > 0) {
    echo "[FAILED] saving order {$freebie->item_name}: " . join(', ', $freebie->errors->full_messages()) . "\n\n";
// payments
$pokemon->create_payments(array('amount' => 1.99, 'person_id' => $tito->id));
$pokemon->create_payments(array('amount' => 4999.5, 'person_id' => $tito->id));
$pokemon->create_payments(array('amount' => 2.5, 'person_id' => $jax->id));
// reload since we don't want the freebie to show up (because it failed validation)
echo "{$tito->name} has " . count($tito->orders) . " orders for: " . join(', ', ActiveRecord\collect($tito->orders, 'item_name')) . "\n\n";
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function test_collection_and_back_json()
     $person = new Person();
     $p1 = $person->create(array('first_name' => 'Hansi', 'last_name' => 'Müller', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $p1->account->create(array('username' => 'hansi', 'password' => 'wilma'));
     $p2 = $person->create(array('first_name' => 'Friedrich', 'last_name' => 'Holz', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $p2->account->create(array('username' => 'hansi', 'password' => 'wilma'));
     $json = $person->toJson(array('collection' => array($p1, $p2), 'include' => 'account'));
     $people_reloaded = $person->fromJson($json);
     $this->assertEqual($p1->first_name, $people_reloaded[0]->first_name);
     $this->assertEqual($p2->first_name, $people_reloaded[1]->first_name);
     $this->assertEqual($p1->account->id, $people_reloaded[0]->account->id);
     $this->assertEqual($p2->account->id, $people_reloaded[1]->account->id);
 function processView()
     $this->_family = new Family();
     if (array_get($_REQUEST, 'new_family_submitted')) {
         // some initial checks
         $i = 0;
         $found_member = FALSE;
         while (isset($_POST['members_' . $i . '_first_name'])) {
             if (!empty($_POST['members_' . $i . '_first_name'])) {
                 $found_member = TRUE;
         if (!$found_member) {
             add_message('New family must have at least one member', 'failure');
             return FALSE;
         if ($GLOBALS['user_system']->havePerm(PERM_EDITNOTE)) {
             if (REQUIRE_INITIAL_NOTE && empty($_POST['initial_note_subject'])) {
                 add_message("A subject must be supplied for the initial family note", 'failure');
                 return FALSE;
         // Create the family record itself
         $success = $this->_family->create();
         if ($success) {
             // Add members
             $i = 0;
             $members = array();
             while (isset($_POST['members_' . $i . '_first_name'])) {
                 if (!empty($_POST['members_' . $i . '_first_name'])) {
                     $member = new Person();
                     $member->setValue('familyid', $this->_family->id);
                     $member->processForm('members_' . $i . '_');
                     if (!$member->create()) {
                         $success = FALSE;
                     $members[] =& $member;
         if ($success) {
             if ($GLOBALS['user_system']->havePerm(PERM_EDITNOTE)) {
                 if (REQUIRE_INITIAL_NOTE || !empty($_POST['initial_note_subject'])) {
                     // Add note
                     if (count($members) > 1) {
                         $note = new Family_Note();
                         $note->setValue('familyid', $this->_family->id);
                     } else {
                         $note = new Person_Note();
                         $note->setValue('personid', $members[0]->id);
                     $success = $note->create();
             if (!empty($_POST['execute_plan'])) {
                 foreach ($_POST['execute_plan'] as $planid) {
                     $plan = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('action_plan', $planid);
                     $plan->execute('family', $this->_family->id, process_widget('plan_reference_date', array('type' => 'date')));
         // Before committing, check for duplicates
         if (empty($_REQUEST['override_dup_check'])) {
             $this->_similar_families = $this->_family->findSimilarFamilies();
             if (!empty($this->_similar_families)) {
         if ($success) {
             add_message('Family Created');
             redirect('families', array('familyid' => $this->_family->id));
         } else {
             $this->_family->id = 0;
             add_message('Error during family creation, family not created', 'failure');
  * Adds new person to the schedule entry.
  * @param $entry
  * @return void
 private function onAdd($entry)
     if (Input::get('ldapId' . $entry->id) == '') {
         // If no LDAP id provided - create new GUEST person
         $person = new Person();
         // LDAP ID
         $person->prsn_ldap_id = null;
         // NAME
         $person->prsn_name = Input::get('userName' . $entry->id);
         // PERSON STATUS = empty for guests
     } else {
         // Find existing MEMBER person in DB
         $person = Person::where('prsn_ldap_id', '=', Input::get('ldapId' . $entry->id))->first();
         // If not found - create new person with data provided
         if (is_null($person)) {
             // LDAP ID - already in the DB for existing person, adding a new one for a new person
             $person = Person::create(array('prsn_ldap_id' => Input::get('ldapId' . $entry->id)));
             // NAME - already in the DB for existing person, adding a new one for a new person
             $person->prsn_name = Input::get('userName' . $entry->id);
             // PERSON STATUS
             $person->prsn_status = Session::get('userStatus');
         // If a person adds him/herself - update status from session to catch if it was changed in LDAP
         if ($person->prsn_ldap_id == Session::get('userId')) {
             $person->prsn_status = Session::get('userStatus');
             $person->prsn_name = Session::get('userName');
     // CLUB
     // If club input is empty setting clubId to '-' (clubId 1).
     // Else - look for a match in the Clubs DB and set person->clubId = matched club's id.
     // No match found - creating a new club with title from input.
     if (Input::get('club' . $entry->id) == '' or Input::get('club' . $entry->id) == '-') {
         $person->clb_id = '1';
     } else {
         $match = Club::firstOrCreate(array('clb_title' => Input::get('club' . $entry->id)));
         $person->clb_id = $match->id;
     // COMMENT
     // Change current comment to new comment
     $entry->entry_user_comment = Input::get('comment' . $entry->id);
     // Save changes to person and schedule entry
     $person->updated_at = Carbon\Carbon::now();
     $entry->prsn_id = $person->id;
Exemplo n.º 10
    $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
    $person = new Person;

    switch ($action){
        case 'read':
            echo $person->read($_POST);
        case 'create':
            echo $person->create($_POST);
        case 'update':
            echo $person->update($_POST);
        case 'destroy':
            echo $person->destroy($_POST['data']);
        case 'edit':
          echo $person->edit($_POST['id'],$_POST); 
    function processView()
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['done'])) {
            $this->_stage = 'done';
        } else {
            if (!empty($_POST['confirm_import'])) {
                ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
                ini_set('max_execution_time', 60 * 10);
                ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
                // read from session and create
                $group = $GLOBALS['system']->getDBObject('person_group', $_SESSION['import']['groupid']);
                $done = 0;
			<h1 style="position: absolute; text-align: center; top: 40%; color: #ccc; width: 100%">Importing...</h1>
			<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 50%; height: 30px; top: 50%; left: 25%; position: absolute"><div id="progress" style="background: blue; height: 30px; width: 2%; overflow: visible; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; color: white" /></div>
			<p style="text-align: center; color: #888">If this indicator stops making progress, your import may still be running in the background.<br />You should <a href="<?php 
                echo build_url(array('view' => 'persons__list_all'));
">check your system for the imported persons</a> before running the import again.</p>
                foreach ($_SESSION['import']['families'] as $familydata) {
                    $members = $familydata['members'];
                    $family = new Family();
                    $family->populate(0, $familydata);
                    if ($family->create()) {
                        foreach ($members as $persondata) {
                            $notetext = null;
                            if (!empty($persondata['note'])) {
                                $notetext = $persondata['note'];
                            $person = new Person();
                            $person->populate(0, $persondata);
                            $person->setValue('familyid', $family->id);
                            if ($person->create()) {
                                if ($notetext) {
                                    $note = new Person_Note();
                                    $note->setValue('subject', 'Import note');
                                    $note->setvalue('details', $notetext);
                                    $note->setValue('personid', $person->id);
                        if ($done % 20 == 0) {
<script>var d = document.getElementById('progress'); d.innerHTML = 'Importing family <?php 
                            echo $done . ' of ' . $_SESSION['import']['total_families'];
'; d.style.width = '<?php 
                            echo (int) ($done / $_SESSION['import']['total_families'] * 100);
                            echo str_repeat('    ', 1024 * 4);
                if ($errors = $this->_getErrors()) {
                    $msg = 'Errors during import - import aborted. <ul><li>' . implode('</li></li>', $errors) . '</li></ul>';
                    add_message($msg, 'failure', true);
                } else {
                    add_message('Import complete', 'success');
<script>document.location = '<?php 
                echo build_url(array());
            } else {
                if (!empty($_FILES['import'])) {
                    if (empty($_REQUEST['groupid'])) {
                        add_message("You must choose a group first", 'error');
                        $this->stage = 'begin';
                    if (empty($_FILES['import']) || empty($_FILES['import']['tmp_name'])) {
                        add_message("You must upload a file", 'error');
                    $this->_dummy_family = new Family();
                    $this->_dummy_person = new Person();
                    // read the csv and save to session
                    $fp = fopen($_FILES['import']['tmp_name'], 'r');
                    if (!$fp) {
                        add_message("There was a problem reading your CSV file.  Please try again.", 'error');
                        $this->stage = 'begin';
                    $map = fgetcsv($fp, 0, ",", '"');
                    $_SESSION['import']['groupid'] = (int) $_POST['groupid'];
                    $_SESSION['import']['families'] = array();
                    $_SESSION['import']['total_families'] = 0;
                    $_SESSION['import']['total_persons'] = 0;
                    $_SESSION['import']['total_notes'] = 0;
                    $row_errors = array();
                    $family = NULL;
                    $i = 1;
                    while ($rawrow = fgetcsv($fp, 0, ",", '"')) {
                        $row = array();
                        foreach ($map as $index => $fieldname) {
                            $row[$fieldname] = array_get($rawrow, $index);
                        if ($this->_isEmptyRow($row)) {
                            // Blank row = start a new family for the next row
                        if (!isset($family) || $this->_isNewFamily($row, $family)) {
                            // Add family
                            $this->_dummy_family->values = array();
                            $this->_dummy_family->setValue('status', 'current');
                            $familyrow = $row;
                            if ($errors = $this->_getErrors()) {
                                $row_errors[$i] = $errors;
                            } else {
                                $_SESSION['import']['families'][] = $this->_dummy_family->values;
                                $family =& $_SESSION['import']['families'][count($_SESSION['import']['families']) - 1];
                        } else {
                            // see if there's anything to update
                            // eg if the second family member has a home tel
                            foreach ($family as $fi => $fv) {
                                if ($family[$fi] === '' && $row[$fi] !== '') {
                                    $family[$fi] = $row[$fi];
                        // Add a person and note
                        $this->_dummy_person->values = array();
                        $this->_dummy_person->setValue('familyid', '-1');
                        if (!empty($row['congregation'])) {
                            $row['congregationid'] = Congregation::findByName($row['congregation']);
                        if ($errors = $this->_getErrors()) {
                            $row_errors[$i] = array_merge(array_get($row_errors, $i, array()), $errors);
                        } else {
                            $member = $this->_dummy_person->values + array('congregation' => $this->_dummy_person->getFormattedValue('congregationid'));
                            if (!empty($row['note'])) {
                                $member['note'] = $row['note'];
                            $family['members'][] = $member;
                    if (!empty($row_errors)) {
                        $msg = 'Your import file is not valid.  Please correct the following errors and try again:<ul>';
                        foreach ($row_errors as $line => $errors) {
                            $msg .= '<li>Row ' . ($line + 1) . ': ' . implode('; ', $errors) . '</li>';
                        $msg .= '</ul>';
                        add_message($msg, 'failure', true);
                        $this->_stage = 'begin';
                    } else {
                        $this->_stage = 'confirm';
Exemplo n.º 12
 private static function initPeople(Person $person)
     $data = array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Nelson', 'last_name' => 'Martell', 'genre_id' => 1);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected static function createTestPerson()
     return Person::create(self::$test_person);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function readFromFile()
     $marriageStack = array();
     $file = fopen('FAMTREE.TXT', 'r');
     while ($line = fgets($file)) {
         //				print $line . "\n";
         if (strstr($line, ':')) {
             // it's an attrib - parse it. add it.
             list($attrName, $attrValue) = $currentPerson->addAttribute($line);
             // SOME attributes pertain to the marriage, not the individual. detect this - apply as needed.
             if ($attrName == 'TREEHINT') {
                 if ($attrValue == 'SUPPRESS_INDIVIDUAL') {
                     $currentPerson->suppress = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($attrValue == 'SUPPRESS_UNION') {
                         $currentMarriage->suppress = 1;
                     } else {
                         echo "\n***ERROR: Unknown TREEHINT: " . $attrValue;
         if (strstr($line, '>')) {
             // print $line; // it's a person with lichauco blood
             $gen = strpos($line, '>');
             $ordinal = intval(ltrim(substr($line, 0, $gen)));
             $pLine = substr($line, $gen + 1);
             $currentPerson = Person::create($pLine);
             $currentPerson->isSpouseRecord = 0;
             $currentPerson->ordinal = $ordinal;
             $gen2 = ($gen - 2) / 6 + 1;
             //				print $gen . " " . $gen2 . " " . $currentPerson->id . " " . $currentPerson->name;
             // now set the union from which this guy came...
             if ($gen2 > 1) {
                 // we're >1st gen. let's set the parent union
                 $currentPerson->cameFromUnion = $marriageStack[$gen2 - 1];
             $this->personStack[$gen2] = $currentPerson;
         } else {
             // it's a person who married into the lichauco clan
             // create the person. then create the union....
             $gen = strpos($line, '^');
             $ordinal = ord(substr($line, $gen - 1, 1)) - ord('a') + 1;
             $pLine = substr($line, $gen + 1);
             $currentPerson = $person2 = Person::Create($pLine);
             $currentPerson->isSpouseRecord = 1;
             $currentPerson->ordinal = $ordinal;
             $gen2 = ($gen - 5) / 6 + 1;
             //				print $gen .  " " . $gen2 . " " . $person2->id . " " . $person2->name;
             $person1 = $this->personStack[$gen2];
             // check if person2 is a dupe
             if ($person2->id != Person::$theCount) {
                 // do any special processing for dupe here...
                 // TODO: find the marriage featuring person2->id and person1->id
                 $currentMarriage = Marriage::getExactMarriage($person1->id, $person2->id);
                 $person1->unions[] = $currentMarriage;
             } else {
                 //print "\nAdding Marrage between " . $person1->name . " and " . $person2->name . " gen2 = "  . $gen2;
                 $currentMarriage = Marriage::create($person1->id, $person2->id);
                 $marriageStack[$gen2] = $currentMarriage;
             // add the union to the lichauco blood person...
             $person1->unions[] = $currentMarriage;
Exemplo n.º 15
 private function addOrUpdatePeople($id, &$postedData){
     $rtnmsg = 'Error';
             $data = \Person::find($id);
         }catch (\ActiveRecord\RecordNotFound $ex) {
             $data = null;
         if($postedData->type !== Menu::ppl_type_customer
             && $postedData->type !== Menu::ppl_type_supplier
             && $postedData->type !== Menu::ppl_type_contractor
             ){//&& $postedData->type !== Menu::ppl_type_receiver
             $postedData->firstname = $data->name;
             $postedData->lastname = $data->name;                
             $postedData->mobile = "";
             $postedData->mail = "";
         $attributes = $this->getAttrForPeopleFromPost($data, $postedData);
             $data = \Person::create($attributes);
             $postedData->id = $id = $data->id;                
         $this->addOrUpdateLogins($id, $postedData);
         $this->addorupdateLcnsAndPrsnAddr($id, $postedData);
         $rtnmsg = 'Updated';
     catch (\Slim\Exception $ex) {
         $rtnmsg = "Error";
     catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $rtnmsg = 'Error';
     return $rtnmsg;