Exemplo n.º 1
 function testLongBig()
     $o = PelConvert::BIG_ENDIAN;
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 0, $o), 0x0);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 1, $o), 0x1);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 2, $o), 0x123);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 3, $o), 0x12345);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 4, $o), 0x1234567);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 5, $o), 0x23456789);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 6, $o), 0x456789ab);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 7, $o), 0x6789abcd);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 8, $o), 0x89abcdef);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 9, $o), 0xabcdefff);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 10, $o), 0xcdefffff);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 11, $o), 0xefffffff);
     $this->assertEqual(PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->bytes, 12, $o), 0xffffffff);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Return an unsigned long read from the data.
  * @param
  *            int the offset into the data. An offset of zero will
  *            return the first long available in the current allowed window.
  *            The last valid offset is equal to {@link getSize()}-4. Invalid
  *            offsets will result in a {@link PelDataWindowOffsetException}
  *            being thrown.
  * @return int the unsigned long found at offset.
 public function getLong($o = 0)
      * Validate the offset+3 to see if we can safely get four bytes
      * --- this throws an exception if offset is out of range.
     $this->validateOffset($o + 3);
     /* Translate the offset into an offset into the data. */
     $o += $this->start;
     /* Return an unsigned long. */
     return PelConvert::bytesToLong($this->data, $o, $this->order);