Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function addDoSelectWithI18n(&$script)
     $table = $this->getTable();
     $thisTableObjectBuilder = OMBuilder::getNewObjectBuilder($table);
     $className = $table->getPhpName();
     $pks = $table->getPrimaryKey();
     $pk = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($pks[0], $className);
     // get i18n table name and culture column name
     foreach ($table->getReferrers() as $fk) {
         $tblFK = $fk->getTable();
         if ($tblFK->getName() == $table->getAttribute('i18nTable')) {
             $i18nClassName = $tblFK->getPhpName();
             // FIXME
             $i18nPeerClassName = $i18nClassName . 'Peer';
             $i18nTable = $table->getDatabase()->getTable($tblFK->getName());
             $i18nTableObjectBuilder = OMBuilder::getNewObjectBuilder($i18nTable);
             $i18nTablePeerBuilder = OMBuilder::getNewPeerBuilder($i18nTable);
             $i18nPks = $i18nTable->getPrimaryKey();
             $i18nPk = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($i18nPks[0], $i18nClassName);
             $culturePhpName = '';
             $cultureColumnName = '';
             foreach ($tblFK->getColumns() as $col) {
                 if ("true" === strtolower($col->getAttribute('isCulture'))) {
                     $culturePhpName = $col->getPhpName();
                     $cultureColumnName = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($col, $i18nClassName);
     $script .= "\n\n  /**\n   * Selects a collection of {$className} objects pre-filled with their i18n objects.\n   *\n   * @return array Array of {$className} objects.\n   * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be\n   *     rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.\n   */\n  public static function doSelectWithI18n(Criteria \$c, \$culture = null, \$con = null)\n  {\n    if (\$culture === null)\n    {\n      \$culture = sfPropel::getDefaultCulture();\n    }\n";
     if (DataModelBuilder::getBuildProperty('builderAddBehaviors')) {
         $script .= "\n\n    foreach (sfMixer::getCallables('{$this->getClassname()}:doSelectJoin:doSelectJoin') as \$callable)\n    {\n      call_user_func(\$callable, '{$this->getClassname()}', \$c, \$con);\n    }\n\n";
     $script .= "\n    // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden\n    if (\$c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB())\n    {\n      \$c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);\n    }\n\n    " . $this->getPeerClassname() . "::addSelectColumns(\$c);\n    \$startcol = (" . $this->getPeerClassname() . "::NUM_COLUMNS - " . $this->getPeerClassname() . "::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS) + 1;\n\n    " . $i18nPeerClassName . "::addSelectColumns(\$c);\n\n    \$c->addJoin(" . $pk . ", " . $i18nPk . ");\n    \$c->add(" . $cultureColumnName . ", \$culture);\n\n    \$rs = " . $this->basePeerClassname . "::doSelect(\$c, \$con);\n    \$results = array();\n\n    while(\$rs->next()) {\n";
     if ($table->getChildrenColumn()) {
         $script .= "\n      \$omClass = " . $this->getPeerClassname() . "::getOMClass(\$rs, 1);\n";
     } else {
         $script .= "\n      \$omClass = " . $this->getPeerClassname() . "::getOMClass();\n";
     $script .= "\n      \$cls = Propel::import(\$omClass);\n      \$obj1 = new \$cls();\n      \$obj1->hydrate(\$rs);\n      \$obj1->setCulture(\$culture);\n";
     //            if ($i18nTable->getChildrenColumn()) {
     $script .= "\n      \$omClass = " . $i18nTablePeerBuilder->getPeerClassname() . "::getOMClass(\$rs, \$startcol);\n";
     //            } else {
     //              $script .= "
     //      \$omClass = ".$i18nTablePeerBuilder->getPeerClassname()."::getOMClass();
     //            }
     $script .= "\n      \$cls = Propel::import(\$omClass);\n      \$obj2 = new \$cls();\n      \$obj2->hydrate(\$rs, \$startcol);\n\n      \$obj1->set" . $i18nClassName . "ForCulture(\$obj2, \$culture);\n      \$obj2->set" . $className . "(\$obj1);\n\n      \$results[] = \$obj1;\n    }\n    return \$results;\n  }\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
	 * Gets the package for the [base] object classes.
	 * @return     string
	public function getPackage()
		return parent::getPackage() . ".om";
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Adds the complex OM methods to the base addSelectMethods() function.
  * @param      string &$script The script will be modified in this method.
  * @see        PeerBuilder::addSelectMethods()
 protected function addSelectMethods(&$script)
     $table = $this->getTable();
     $countFK = count($table->getForeignKeys());
     $includeJoinAll = true;
     foreach ($this->getTable()->getForeignKeys() as $fk) {
         $tblFK = $table->getDatabase()->getTable($fk->getForeignTableName());
         if ($tblFK->isForReferenceOnly()) {
             $includeJoinAll = false;
     if ($includeJoinAll) {
         if ($countFK > 0) {
         if ($countFK > 1) {
    protected function addI18nMethods(&$script)
        $table = $this->getTable();
        $pks = $table->getPrimaryKey();
        $pk = $pks[0]->getPhpName();
        foreach ($table->getReferrers() as $fk) {
            $tblFK = $fk->getTable();
            if ($tblFK->getName() == $table->getAttribute('i18nTable')) {
                $className = $tblFK->getPhpName();
                $culture = '';
                $culture_peername = '';
                foreach ($tblFK->getColumns() as $col) {
                    if ("true" === strtolower($col->getAttribute('isCulture'))) {
                        $culture = $col->getPhpName();
                        $culture_peername = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($col, $className);
                foreach ($tblFK->getColumns() as $col) {
                    if ($col->isPrimaryKey()) {
                    $script .= '
  public function get' . $col->getPhpName() . '()
    $obj = $this->getCurrent' . $className . '();

    return ($obj ? $obj->get' . $col->getPhpName() . '() : null);

  public function set' . $col->getPhpName() . '($value)
    $this->getCurrent' . $className . '()->set' . $col->getPhpName() . '($value);
                $script .= '
  protected $current_i18n = array();

  public function getCurrent' . $className . '()
    if (!isset($this->current_i18n[$this->culture]))
      $obj = ' . $className . 'Peer::retrieveByPK($this->get' . $pk . '(), $this->culture);
      if ($obj)
        $this->set' . $className . 'ForCulture($obj, $this->culture);
        $this->set' . $className . 'ForCulture(new ' . $className . '(), $this->culture);
        $this->current_i18n[$this->culture]->set' . $culture . '($this->culture);

    return $this->current_i18n[$this->culture];

  public function set' . $className . 'ForCulture($object, $culture)
    $this->current_i18n[$culture] = $object;
    $this->add' . $className . '($object);
Exemplo n.º 5
  protected function addDoSelectWithI18n(&$script)
    $table = $this->getTable();
    $thisTableObjectBuilder = OMBuilder::getNewObjectBuilder($table);
    $className = $table->getPhpName();
    $pks = $table->getPrimaryKey();
    $pk = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($pks[0], $className);

    // get i18n table name and culture column name
    foreach ($table->getReferrers() as $fk)
      $tblFK = $fk->getTable();
      if ($tblFK->getName() == $table->getAttribute('i18nTable'))
        $i18nClassName = $tblFK->getPhpName();

        // FIXME
        $i18nPeerClassName = $i18nClassName.'Peer';

        $i18nTable = $table->getDatabase()->getTable($tblFK->getName());
        $i18nTableObjectBuilder = OMBuilder::getNewObjectBuilder($i18nTable);
        $i18nTablePeerBuilder = OMBuilder::getNewPeerBuilder($i18nTable);
        $i18nPks = $i18nTable->getPrimaryKey();
        $i18nPk = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($i18nPks[0], $i18nClassName);

        $culturePhpName = '';
        $cultureColumnName = '';
        foreach ($tblFK->getColumns() as $col)
          if (('true' == trim(strtolower($col->getAttribute('isCulture')))))
            $culturePhpName = $col->getPhpName();
            $cultureColumnName = PeerBuilder::getColumnName($col, $i18nClassName);

    $script .= "

   * Selects a collection of $className objects pre-filled with their i18n objects.
   * @return array Array of $className objects.
   * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
   *     rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
  public static function doSelectWithI18n(Criteria \$c, \$culture = null, PropelPDO \$con = null)
    // we're going to modify criteria, so copy it first
    \$c = clone \$c;
    if (\$culture === null)
      \$culture = sfPropel::getDefaultCulture();

    if ($this->getBuildProperty('builderAddBehaviors'))
      $script .= "

    foreach (sfMixer::getCallables('{$this->getClassname()}:doSelectJoin:doSelectJoin') as \$callable)
      call_user_func(\$callable, '{$this->getClassname()}', \$c, \$con);


    $script .= "
    // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden
    if (\$c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB())

    \$startcol = (".$this->getPeerClassname()."::NUM_COLUMNS - ".$this->getPeerClassname()."::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);


    \$c->addJoin(".$pk.", ".$i18nPk.");
    \$c->add(".$cultureColumnName.", \$culture);

    \$stmt = ".$this->basePeerClassname."::doSelect(\$c, \$con);
    \$results = array();

    while(\$row = \$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
            if ($table->getChildrenColumn()) {
              $script .= "
      \$omClass = ".$this->getPeerClassname()."::getOMClass(\$row, \$startcol);
            } else {
              $script .= "
      \$omClass = ".$this->getPeerClassname()."::getOMClass();
            $script .= "
      \$cls = Propel::importClass(\$omClass);
      \$obj1 = new \$cls();
            if ($i18nTable->getChildrenColumn()) {
              $script .= "
      \$omClass = ".$i18nTablePeerBuilder->getPeerClassname()."::getOMClass(\$row, \$startcol);
            } else {
              $script .= "
      \$omClass = ".$i18nTablePeerBuilder->getPeerClassname()."::getOMClass();

            $script .= "
      \$cls = Propel::importClass(\$omClass);
      \$obj2 = new \$cls();
      \$obj2->hydrate(\$row, \$startcol);

      \$obj1->set".$i18nClassName."ForCulture(\$obj2, \$culture);

      \$results[] = \$obj1;
    return \$results;