function isUniqueUser($id)
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     $ph = array('id' => $id);
     $query = 'select from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as a, ' . $ppslf->getTable() . ' as b where a.pay_period_schedule_id = AND a.user_id = ? AND b.deleted=0';
     $user_id = $this->db->GetOne($query, $ph);
     Debug::Arr($user_id, 'Unique User ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($user_id === FALSE) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function getPayPeriodMaximumShiftTime($user_id, $maximum_shift_time = NULL)
     if (!is_numeric($maximum_shift_time)) {
         //Get pay period start/maximum shift time
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() == 1) {
             $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
             $maximum_shift_time = $pps_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();
             //Debug::Text(' aPay Period Schedule Maximum Shift Time: '. $maximum_shift_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
         } else {
             //Debug::Text(' bPay Period Schedule Not Found! Using 4hrs as default', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
             $maximum_shift_time = 3600 * 16;
     Debug::Text(' cPay Period Schedule Maximum Shift Time: ' . $maximum_shift_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return $maximum_shift_time;
 function postInstall()
     Debug::text('postInstall: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
     //New Pay Period Schedule format, update any current schedules.
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     Debug::text('Found Pay Period Schedules: ' . $ppslf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         foreach ($ppslf as $pps_obj) {
             if ($pps_obj->getType() == 10 or $pps_obj->getType() == 20) {
                 $pps_obj->setTransactionDate(floor((TTDate::strtotime($pps_obj->getColumn('primary_transaction_date')) - TTDate::strtotime($pps_obj->getColumn('primary_date'))) / 86400) + 1);
             } elseif ($pps_obj->getType() == 30) {
                 $pps_obj->setPrimaryDayOfMonth(TTDate::getDayOfMonth(TTDate::strtotime($pps_obj->getColumn('anchor_date'))) + 1);
                 if ($pps_obj->getColumn('primary_transaction_date_ldom') == 1) {
                 } else {
                 if ($pps_obj->getColumn('secondary_transaction_date_ldom') == 1) {
                 } else {
             } elseif ($pps_obj->getType() == 50) {
                 if ($pps_obj->getColumn('primary_transaction_date_ldom') == 1) {
                 } else {
             if ($pps_obj->getColumn('transaction_date_bd') == 1 or $pps_obj->getColumn('secondary_transaction_date_bd') == 1) {
             if ($pps_obj->isValid()) {
     return TRUE;
 function postInstall()
     global $cache;
     Debug::text('postInstall: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
     //Get all pay period schedules.
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         foreach ($ppslf as $pps_obj) {
             $user_ids = $pps_obj->getUser();
             if (is_array($user_ids)) {
                 $time_zone_arr = array();
                 foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
                     $uplf = new UserPreferenceListFactory();
                     if ($uplf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                         if (isset($time_zone_arr[$uplf->getCurrent()->getTimeZone()])) {
                         } else {
                             $time_zone_arr[$uplf->getCurrent()->getTimeZone()] = 1;
                 //Grab the first time zone, as it is most common
                 foreach ($time_zone_arr as $time_zone => $count) {
                 if ($time_zone != '') {
                     //Set pay period timezone to the timezone of the majority of the users are in.
                     if ($pps_obj->isValid()) {
     Debug::text('l: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 5
 function createPayPeriods($start_date = NULL)
     if ($start_date == '') {
         $start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch(TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch(time()) - 86400 * (7 * 6));
     $max_pay_periods = 192;
     //Make a lot of pay periods as we need to test 6 years worth of accruals for different milestones.
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $max_pay_periods; $i++) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 //$end_date = TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch( strtotime('01-Jan-07') );
                 $end_date = $start_date;
             } else {
                 $end_date = $end_date + 86400 * 14;
             Debug::Text('I: ' . $i . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $end_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $pps_obj->createNextPayPeriod($end_date, 86400 * 3600);
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function getROE($rlf = NULL, $show_background = TRUE)
     if (!is_object($rlf) and $this->getId() != '') {
         $rlf = new ROEListFactory();
     if (get_class($rlf) !== 'ROEListFactory') {
         return FALSE;
     $border = 0;
     if ($rlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $ppsf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         $pay_period_type_options = $ppsf->getOptions('type');
         $pdf = new TTPDF();
         $pdf->setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
         foreach ($rlf as $r_obj) {
             $pdf->SetFont('freesans', '', 12);
             //Get User information
             $ulf = new UserListFactory();
             $user_obj = $ulf->getById($r_obj->getUser())->getCurrent();
             $ulf = new UserListFactory();
             $created_user_obj = $ulf->getById($r_obj->getCreatedBy())->getCurrent();
             //Get company information
             $clf = new CompanyListFactory();
             $company_obj = $clf->getById($user_obj->getCompany())->getCurrent();
             if ($show_background == TRUE) {
                 $pdf->Image(Environment::getImagesPath() . 'roe-template.jpg', 0, 0, 210, 300);
             $pdf->setXY(10, 17);
             $pdf->Cell(55, 10, $r_obj->getSerial(), $border, 0, 'L');
             //Employer Info
             $pdf->setXY(10, 30);
             $pdf->Cell(120, 10, $company_obj->getName(), $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(10, 40);
             $pdf->Cell(120, 10, $company_obj->getAddress1() . ' ' . $company_obj->getAddress2(), $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(10, 50);
             $pdf->Cell(90, 10, $company_obj->getCity() . ', ' . $company_obj->getProvince(), $border, 0, 'L');
             $postal_code_a = substr($company_obj->getPostalCode(), 0, 3);
             $postal_code_b = substr($company_obj->getPostalCode(), 3, 6);
             $pdf->setXY(110, 50);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $postal_code_a, $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(122, 50);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $postal_code_b, $border, 0, 'L');
             //Business Number
             $pdf->setXY(138, 28);
             $pdf->Cell(120, 10, $company_obj->getBusinessNumber(), $border, 0, 'L');
             //Pay Period Type
             $pdf->setXY(138, 40);
             $pdf->Cell(50, 10, $pay_period_type_options[$r_obj->getPayPeriodType()], $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(138, 50);
             $pdf->Cell(50, 10, $user_obj->getSIN(), $border, 0, 'L');
             //Employee info
             $pdf->setXY(10, 75);
             $pdf->Cell(90, 5, $user_obj->getFullName(), $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(10, 80);
             $pdf->Cell(90, 5, $user_obj->getAddress1() . ' ' . $user_obj->getAddress2(), $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(10, 85);
             $pdf->Cell(90, 5, $user_obj->getCity() . ', ' . $user_obj->getProvince() . ' ' . $user_obj->getPostalCode(), $border, 0, 'L');
             //Employee Title
             if (is_object($user_obj->getTitleObject())) {
                 $title = $user_obj->getTitleObject()->getName();
             } else {
                 $title = NULL;
             $pdf->setXY(10, 100);
             $pdf->Cell(90, 10, $title, $border, 0, 'L');
             //First Day Worked
             $first_date = getdate($r_obj->getFirstDate());
             $pdf->setXY(175, 64);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $first_date['mday'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(185, 64);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $first_date['mon'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(196, 64);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $first_date['year'], $border, 0, 'C');
             //Last day paid
             $last_date = getdate($r_obj->getLastDate());
             $pdf->setXY(175, 75);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $last_date['mday'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(185, 75);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $last_date['mon'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(196, 75);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $last_date['year'], $border, 0, 'C');
             //Pay Period End Date
             $pay_period_end_date = getdate($r_obj->getPayPeriodEndDate());
             $pdf->setXY(175, 86);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $pay_period_end_date['mday'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(185, 86);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $pay_period_end_date['mon'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(196, 86);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $pay_period_end_date['year'], $border, 0, 'C');
             //Insurable Hours
             $pdf->setXY(75, 113);
             $pdf->Cell(25, 10, Misc::getBeforeDecimal($r_obj->getInsurableHours()), $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(101, 113);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, Misc::getAfterDecimal(Misc::MoneyFormat($r_obj->getInsurableHours(), FALSE)), $border, 0, 'L');
             //Enter Code
             $pdf->setXY(185, 113);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $r_obj->getCode(), $border, 0, 'C');
             //Further Information Contact Name
             $pdf->setXY(130, 126);
             $pdf->Cell(75, 5, $created_user_obj->getFullName(), $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(130, 132);
             $pdf->Cell(75, 10, $created_user_obj->getWorkPhone(), $border, 0, 'R');
             //Insurable Earnings
             $pdf->setXY(75, 131);
             $pdf->Cell(25, 10, Misc::getBeforeDecimal($r_obj->getInsurableEarnings()), $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(101, 131);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, Misc::getAfterDecimal(Misc::MoneyFormat($r_obj->getInsurableEarnings(), FALSE)), $border, 0, 'L');
             //Check to see if a pay period didn't have earnings.
             if ($r_obj->isPayPeriodWithNoEarnings() == TRUE) {
                 $pay_period_earnings = $r_obj->getInsurableEarningsByPayPeriod();
                 if (is_array($pay_period_earnings)) {
                     //Add additional entries for testing alignment purposes.
                     for( $y=0; $y < 14; $y++ ) {
                     	$pay_period_earnings[] = array('amount' => rand(1,10) );
                     $top_left_x = $x = Misc::AdjustXY(30, 0);
                     $top_left_y = $y = Misc::AdjustXY(157, 0);
                     $col = 1;
                     $i = 1;
                     foreach ($pay_period_earnings as $pay_period_earning) {
                         Debug::Text('I: ' . $i . ' X: ' . $x . ' Y: ' . $y . ' Col: ' . $col . ' Amount: ' . (double) $pay_period_earning['amount'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         $pdf->setXY($x, $y);
                         $pdf->Cell(6, 6, Misc::MoneyFormat((double) $pay_period_earning['amount'], FALSE), $border, 0, 'R');
                         if ($i > 0 and $i % 3 == 0) {
                             $x = $top_left_x;
                             $y += 7;
                         } else {
                             $x += 35;
             //Box 17A, Vacation pay in last pay period.
             $vacation_pay = $r_obj->getLastPayPeriodVacationEarnings();
             if ($vacation_pay > 0) {
                 $pdf->setXY(132, 155);
                 $pdf->Cell(10, 10, Misc::getBeforeDecimal(Misc::MoneyFormat($vacation_pay, FALSE)), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(10, 10, Misc::getAfterDecimal(Misc::MoneyFormat($vacation_pay, FALSE)), $border, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(115, 212);
             $pdf->MultiCell(85, 5, $r_obj->getComments(), $border, 'L');
             $pdf->setXY(8.5, 256.5);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, 'X', $border, 0, 'L');
             //ROE creator phone number
             $pdf->setXY(75, 258);
             $pdf->Cell(25, 10, $created_user_obj->getWorkPhone(), $border, 0, 'L');
             //ROE create name.
             $pdf->setXY(87, 273);
             $pdf->Cell(75, 10, $created_user_obj->getFullName(), $border, 0, 'C');
             //Create Date
             $created_date = getdate($r_obj->getCreatedDate());
             $pdf->setXY(175, 273);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $created_date['mday'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(185, 273);
             $pdf->Cell(8, 10, $created_date['mon'], $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(195, 273);
             $pdf->Cell(10, 10, $created_date['year'], $border, 0, 'C');
         $output = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
     if (isset($output)) {
         return $output;
     return FALSE;
         } else {
         if ($ppsf->isValid()) {
             Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'PayPeriodScheduleList.php'));
     if (isset($id)) {
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         $ppslf->GetByIdAndCompanyId($id, $current_company->getId());
         foreach ($ppslf as $pay_period_schedule) {
             //Debug::Arr($station,'Department', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
             $pay_period_schedule_data = array('id' => $pay_period_schedule->getId(), 'company_id' => $pay_period_schedule->getCompany(), 'name' => $pay_period_schedule->getName(), 'description' => $pay_period_schedule->getDescription(), 'type' => $pay_period_schedule->getType(), 'start_week_day_id' => $pay_period_schedule->getStartWeekDay(), 'start_day_of_week' => $pay_period_schedule->getStartDayOfWeek(), 'transaction_date' => $pay_period_schedule->getTransactionDate(), 'primary_day_of_month' => $pay_period_schedule->getPrimaryDayOfMonth(), 'secondary_day_of_month' => $pay_period_schedule->getSecondaryDayOfMonth(), 'primary_transaction_day_of_month' => $pay_period_schedule->getPrimaryTransactionDayOfMonth(), 'secondary_transaction_day_of_month' => $pay_period_schedule->getSecondaryTransactionDayOfMonth(), 'transaction_date_bd' => $pay_period_schedule->getTransactionDateBusinessDay(), 'anchor_date' => $pay_period_schedule->getAnchorDate(), 'annual_pay_periods' => $pay_period_schedule->getAnnualPayPeriods(), 'day_start_time' => $pay_period_schedule->getDayStartTime(), 'time_zone' => $pay_period_schedule->getTimeZone(), 'new_day_trigger_time' => $pay_period_schedule->getNewDayTriggerTime(), 'maximum_shift_time' => $pay_period_schedule->getMaximumShiftTime(), 'shift_assigned_day_id' => $pay_period_schedule->getShiftAssignedDay(), 'timesheet_verify_before_end_date' => (int) $pay_period_schedule->getTimeSheetVerifyBeforeEndDate(), 'timesheet_verify_before_transaction_date' => (int) $pay_period_schedule->getTimeSheetVerifyBeforeTransactionDate(), 'timesheet_verify_notice_before_transaction_date' => $pay_period_schedule->getTimeSheetVerifyNoticeBeforeTransactionDate(), 'timesheet_verify_notice_email' => $pay_period_schedule->getTimeSheetVerifyNoticeEmail(), 'user_ids' => $pay_period_schedule->getUser(), 'deleted' => $pay_period_schedule->getDeleted(), 'created_date' => $pay_period_schedule->getCreatedDate(), 'created_by' => $pay_period_schedule->getCreatedBy(), 'updated_date' => $pay_period_schedule->getUpdatedDate(), 'updated_by' => $pay_period_schedule->getUpdatedBy(), 'deleted_date' => $pay_period_schedule->getDeletedDate(), 'deleted_by' => $pay_period_schedule->getDeletedBy());
     } elseif ($action != 'submit') {
         $pay_period_schedule_data = array('anchor_date' => TTDate::getBeginMonthEpoch(time()), 'day_start_time' => 0, 'new_day_trigger_time' => 3600 * 4, 'maximum_shift_time' => 3600 * 16, 'time_zone' => $current_user_prefs->getTimeZone(), 'type' => 20, 'timesheet_verify_before_end_date' => 0, 'timesheet_verify_before_transaction_date' => 0, 'annual_pay_periods' => 0);
     //Select box options;
     $pay_period_schedule_data['type_options'] = $ppsf->getOptions('type');
     $pay_period_schedule_data['startweekday_options'] = $ppsf->getOptions('startweekday');
     $pay_period_schedule_data['shift_assigned_day_options'] = $ppsf->getOptions('shift_assigned_day');
     $pay_period_schedule_data['time_zone_options'] = $ppsf->getTimeZoneOptions();
     $pay_period_schedule_data['transaction_date_bd_options'] = $ppsf->getOptions('transaction_date_business_day');
     $pay_period_schedule_data['day_of_week_options'] = TTDate::getDayOfWeekArray();
 function setPayPeriodSchedule($id)
     $id = trim($id);
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($id == 0 or $this->Validator->isResultSetWithRows('pay_period_schedule_id', $ppslf->getByID($id), TTi18n::gettext('Pay Period schedule is invalid'))) {
         $this->data['pay_period_schedule_id'] = $id;
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 9
 function createPayPeriods()
     $max_pay_periods = 29;
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $max_pay_periods; $i++) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 //$end_date = TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch( strtotime('01-Jan-07') );
                 $end_date = TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch(time());
             } else {
                 $end_date = $end_date + 86400 * 14;
             Debug::Text('I: ' . $i . ' End Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $end_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $pps_obj->createNextPayPeriod($end_date, 86400 * 3600);
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * $Revision: 2116 $
 * $Id: AddPayPeriod.php 2116 2008-09-05 18:49:48Z ipso $
 * $Date: 2008-09-05 11:49:48 -0700 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008) $
 * Adds pay periods X hrs in advance, so schedules/shifts have something to attach to.
 * This file should/can be run as often as it needs to (once an hour)
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
//If offset is only 24hrs then adding user_date rows can happen before the pay period
//was added. Add pay periods 48hrs in advance now?
$offset = 86400 * 2;
$ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
$clf = new CompanyListFactory();
if ($clf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
    foreach ($clf as $c_obj) {
        if ($c_obj->getStatus() != 30) {
            //Get all pay period schedules.
            foreach ($ppslf as $pay_period_schedule) {
                $end_date = NULL;
                $pay_period_schedule->createNextPayPeriod($end_date, $offset);
Exemplo n.º 11
 function getPayStub($pslf = NULL, $hide_employer_rows = TRUE)
     if (!is_object($pslf) and $this->getId() != '') {
         $pslf = new PayStubListFactory();
     if (get_class($pslf) !== 'PayStubListFactory') {
         return FALSE;
     $border = 0;
     if ($pslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $pdf = new TTPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter');
         $pdf->setMargins(0, 0);
         //$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 30);
         $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 10);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($pslf as $pay_stub_obj) {
             $psealf = new PayStubEntryAccountListFactory();
             Debug::text($i . '. Pay Stub Transaction Date: ' . $pay_stub_obj->getTransactionDate(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             //Get Pay Period information
             $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
             $pay_period_obj = $pplf->getById($pay_stub_obj->getPayPeriod())->getCurrent();
             //Use Pay Stub dates, not Pay Period dates.
             $pp_start_date = $pay_stub_obj->getStartDate();
             $pp_end_date = $pay_stub_obj->getEndDate();
             $pp_transaction_date = $pay_stub_obj->getTransactionDate();
             //Get pay period numbers
             $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
             $pay_period_schedule_obj = $ppslf->getById($pay_period_obj->getPayPeriodSchedule())->getCurrent();
             //Get User information
             $ulf = new UserListFactory();
             $user_obj = $ulf->getById($pay_stub_obj->getUser())->getCurrent();
             //Get company information
             $clf = new CompanyListFactory();
             $company_obj = $clf->getById($user_obj->getCompany())->getCurrent();
             //Change locale to users own locale.
             // Pay Stub Header
             $adjust_x = 20;
             $adjust_y = 10;
             $pdf->Image($company_obj->getLogoFileName(), Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x + 0), Misc::AdjustXY(1, $adjust_y + 0), 50, 12, '', '', '', FALSE, 300, '', FALSE, FALSE, 0, TRUE);
             //Company name/address
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 14);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(50, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(75, 5, $company_obj->getName(), $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(50, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(5, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(75, 5, $company_obj->getAddress1() . ' ' . $company_obj->getAddress2(), $border, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(50, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(10, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(75, 5, $company_obj->getCity() . ', ' . $company_obj->getProvince() . ' ' . strtoupper($company_obj->getPostalCode()), $border, 0, 'C');
             //Pay Period info
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(125, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(30, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Pay Start Date:') . ' ', $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(125, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(5, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(30, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Pay End Date:') . ' ', $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(125, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(10, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(30, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Payment Date:') . ' ', $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(155, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pp_start_date), $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(155, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(5, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pp_end_date), $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(155, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(10, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pp_transaction_date), $border, 0, 'R');
             $pdf->Line(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(17, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(185, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(17, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 14);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(19, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(175, 5, TTi18n::gettext('STATEMENT OF EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS'), $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             $pdf->Line(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY(27, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(185, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(27, $adjust_y));
             //Get pay stub entries.
             $pself = new PayStubEntryListFactory();
             Debug::text('Pay Stub Entries: ' . $pself->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $prev_type = NULL;
             $description_subscript_counter = 1;
             foreach ($pself as $pay_stub_entry) {
                 Debug::text('Pay Stub Entry Account ID: ' . $pay_stub_entry->getPayStubEntryNameId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $description_subscript = NULL;
                 $pay_stub_entry_name_obj = $psealf->getById($pay_stub_entry->getPayStubEntryNameId())->getCurrent();
                 //Use this to put the total for each type at the end of the array.
                 if ($prev_type == 40 or $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getType() != 40) {
                     $type = $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getType();
                 //Debug::text('Pay Stub Entry Name ID: '. $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getId() .' Type ID: '. $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getType() .' Type: '. $type, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
                 if ($pay_stub_entry->getDescription() !== NULL and $pay_stub_entry->getDescription() !== FALSE and strlen($pay_stub_entry->getDescription()) > 0) {
                     $pay_stub_entry_descriptions[] = array('subscript' => $description_subscript_counter, 'description' => $pay_stub_entry->getDescription());
                     $description_subscript = $description_subscript_counter;
                 //If type if 40 (a total) and the amount is 0, skip it.
                 //This if the employee has no deductions at all, it won't be displayed
                 //on the pay stub.
                 if ($type != 40 or $type == 40 and $pay_stub_entry->getAmount() != 0) {
                     $pay_stub_entries[$type][] = array('id' => $pay_stub_entry->getId(), 'pay_stub_entry_name_id' => $pay_stub_entry->getPayStubEntryNameId(), 'type' => $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getType(), 'name' => $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getName(), 'display_name' => $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getName(), 'rate' => $pay_stub_entry->getRate(), 'units' => $pay_stub_entry->getUnits(), 'ytd_units' => $pay_stub_entry->getYTDUnits(), 'amount' => $pay_stub_entry->getAmount(), 'ytd_amount' => $pay_stub_entry->getYTDAmount(), 'description' => $pay_stub_entry->getDescription(), 'description_subscript' => $description_subscript, 'created_date' => $pay_stub_entry->getCreatedDate(), 'created_by' => $pay_stub_entry->getCreatedBy(), 'updated_date' => $pay_stub_entry->getUpdatedDate(), 'updated_by' => $pay_stub_entry->getUpdatedBy(), 'deleted_date' => $pay_stub_entry->getDeletedDate(), 'deleted_by' => $pay_stub_entry->getDeletedBy());
                 $prev_type = $pay_stub_entry_name_obj->getType();
             //There should always be pay stub entries for a pay stub.
             if (!isset($pay_stub_entries)) {
             //Debug::Arr($pay_stub_entries, 'Pay Stub Entries...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
             //$pay_period_number = $pay_period_schedule_obj->getCurrentPayPeriodNumber( $pay_period_obj->getTransactionDate(), $pay_period_obj->getEndDate() );
             $block_adjust_y = 30;
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[10])) {
                 //Earnings Header
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                 $pdf->Cell(90, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Earnings'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->Cell(17, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Rate'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(23, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Hrs/Units'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('YTD Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                 foreach ($pay_stub_entries[10] as $pay_stub_entry) {
                     if ($pay_stub_entry['type'] == 10) {
                         if ($pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] != '') {
                             $subscript = '[' . $pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] . ']';
                         } else {
                             $subscript = NULL;
                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                         $pdf->Cell(88, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'] . $subscript, $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(17, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['rate'], TRUE), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(23, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['units'], TRUE), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     } else {
                         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                         $pdf->line(Misc::AdjustXY(110, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(130, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
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                         $pdf->line(Misc::AdjustXY(151, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(175, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                         $pdf->Cell(90, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'], $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(17, 5, '', $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(23, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['units'], TRUE), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
             // Deductions
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[20])) {
                 $max_deductions = count($pay_stub_entries[20]);
                 //Deductions Header
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 if ($max_deductions > 2) {
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(40, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Deductions'), $border, 0, 'L');
                     $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('YTD Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(90, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(40, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Deductions'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 } else {
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(130, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Deductions'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('YTD Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
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                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                 $x = 0;
                 $max_block_adjust_y = 0;
                 foreach ($pay_stub_entries[20] as $pay_stub_entry) {
                     //Start with the right side.
                     if ($x < floor($max_deductions / 2)) {
                         $tmp_adjust_x = 90;
                     } else {
                         if ($tmp_block_adjust_y != 0) {
                             $block_adjust_y = $tmp_block_adjust_y;
                             $tmp_block_adjust_y = 0;
                         $tmp_adjust_x = 0;
                     if ($pay_stub_entry['type'] == 20) {
                         if ($pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] != '') {
                             $subscript = '[' . $pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] . ']';
                         } else {
                             $subscript = NULL;
                         if ($max_deductions > 2) {
                             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $tmp_adjust_x + $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                             $pdf->Cell(38, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'] . $subscript, $border, 0, 'L');
                         } else {
                             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                             $pdf->Cell(128, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'] . $subscript, $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     } else {
                         $block_adjust_y = $max_block_adjust_y + 0;
                         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                         $pdf->line(Misc::AdjustXY(130, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(150, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
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                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                         $pdf->Cell(130, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'], $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                     if ($block_adjust_y > $max_block_adjust_y) {
                         $max_block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y;
                 //Draw line to separate the two columns
                 if ($max_deductions > 2) {
                     $pdf->Line(Misc::AdjustXY(88, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($top_block_adjust_y - 5, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(88, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($max_block_adjust_y - 5, $adjust_y));
                 unset($x, $max_deductions, $tmp_adjust_x, $max_block_adjust_y, $tmp_block_adjust_y, $top_block_adjust_y);
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[40][0])) {
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 //Net Pay entry
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                 $pdf->Cell(130, 5, $pay_stub_entries[40][0]['name'], $border, 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entries[40][0]['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entries[40][0]['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
             //Employer Contributions
             //echo "Employee Ded: <br>\n";
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[30]) and $hide_employer_rows != TRUE) {
                 $max_deductions = count($pay_stub_entries[30]);
                 //echo "Max Employee Ded: ". $max_deductions ."<br>\n";
                 //Deductions Header
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 if ($max_deductions > 2) {
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(40, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Employer Contributions'), $border, 0, 'L');
                     $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('YTD Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(90, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(40, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Employer Contributions'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 } else {
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(130, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Employer Contributions'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('YTD Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
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                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                 $x = 0;
                 $max_block_adjust_y = 0;
                 foreach ($pay_stub_entries[30] as $pay_stub_entry) {
                     //Start with the right side.
                     if ($x < floor($max_deductions / 2)) {
                         $tmp_adjust_x = 90;
                     } else {
                         if ($tmp_block_adjust_y != 0) {
                             $block_adjust_y = $tmp_block_adjust_y;
                             $tmp_block_adjust_y = 0;
                         $tmp_adjust_x = 0;
                     if ($pay_stub_entry['type'] == 30) {
                         if ($pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] != '') {
                             $subscript = '[' . $pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] . ']';
                         } else {
                             $subscript = NULL;
                         if ($max_deductions > 2) {
                             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $tmp_adjust_x + $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                             $pdf->Cell(38, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'] . $subscript, $border, 0, 'L');
                         } else {
                             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                             $pdf->Cell(128, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'] . $subscript, $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     } else {
                         $block_adjust_y = $max_block_adjust_y + 0;
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                         $pdf->line(Misc::AdjustXY(130, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(150, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
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                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                         $pdf->Cell(130, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'], $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                     if ($block_adjust_y > $max_block_adjust_y) {
                         $max_block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y;
                 //Draw line to separate the two columns
                 if ($max_deductions > 2) {
                     $pdf->Line(Misc::AdjustXY(88, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($top_block_adjust_y - 5, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(88, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($max_block_adjust_y - 5, $adjust_y));
                 unset($x, $max_deductions, $tmp_adjust_x, $max_block_adjust_y, $tmp_block_adjust_y, $top_block_adjust_y);
             //Accruals PS accounts
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[50])) {
                 //Accrual Header
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                 $pdf->Cell(130, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Accruals'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Amount'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Balance'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                 foreach ($pay_stub_entries[50] as $pay_stub_entry) {
                     if ($pay_stub_entry['type'] == 50) {
                         if ($pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] != '') {
                             $subscript = '[' . $pay_stub_entry['description_subscript'] . ']';
                         } else {
                             $subscript = NULL;
                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                         $pdf->Cell(128, 5, $pay_stub_entry['name'] . $subscript, $border, 0, 'L');
                         $pdf->Cell(20, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                         $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber($pay_stub_entry['ytd_amount']), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
             //Accrual Policy Balances
             $ablf = new AccrualBalanceListFactory();
             $ablf->getByUserIdAndCompanyIdAndEnablePayStubBalanceDisplay($user_obj->getId(), $user_obj->getCompany(), TRUE);
             if ($ablf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 //Accrual Header
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(40, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
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                 $accrual_time_header_start_y = $pdf->getY();
                 $pdf->Cell(70, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Accrual Time Balances as of ') . TTDate::getDate('DATE', time()), $border, 0, 'L');
                 $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Balance (hrs)'), $border, 0, 'R');
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $box_height = 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
                 foreach ($ablf as $ab_obj) {
                     $balance = $ab_obj->getBalance();
                     if (!is_numeric($balance)) {
                         $balance = 0;
                     $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(40, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     $pdf->Cell(70, 5, $ab_obj->getColumn('name'), $border, 0, 'L');
                     $pdf->Cell(25, 5, TTi18n::formatNumber(TTDate::getHours($balance)), $border, 0, 'R');
                     $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                     $box_height = $box_height + 5;
                 $pdf->Rect($accrual_time_header_start_x, $accrual_time_header_start_y, 95, $box_height);
                 unset($accrual_time_header_start_x, $accrual_time_header_start_y, $box_height);
             if (isset($pay_stub_entry_descriptions) and count($pay_stub_entry_descriptions) > 0) {
                 //Description Header
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
                 $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                 $pdf->Cell(175, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Notes'), $border, 0, 'L');
                 $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
                 $pdf->SetFont('', '', 8);
                 $x = 0;
                 foreach ($pay_stub_entry_descriptions as $pay_stub_entry_description) {
                     if ($x % 2 == 0) {
                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(2, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     } else {
                         $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(90, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
                     //$pdf->Cell(173,5, '['.$pay_stub_entry_description['subscript'].'] '.$pay_stub_entry_description['description'], $border, 0, 'L');
                     $pdf->Cell(85, 5, '[' . $pay_stub_entry_description['subscript'] . '] ' . $pay_stub_entry_description['description'], $border, 0, 'L');
                     if ($x % 2 != 0) {
                         $block_adjust_y = $block_adjust_y + 5;
             unset($x, $pay_stub_entry_descriptions, $pay_stub_entry_description);
             // Pay Stub Footer
             $block_adjust_y = 215;
             $pdf->Line(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(185, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
             //Non Negotiable
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 14);
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             $pdf->Cell(175, 5, TTi18n::gettext('NON NEGOTIABLE'), $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             //Employee Address
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 12);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 9, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(60, 5, TTi18n::gettext('CONFIDENTIAL'), $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', 10);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 14, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(60, 5, $user_obj->getFullName(), $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 19, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(60, 5, $user_obj->getAddress1(), $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             $address2_adjust_y = 0;
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                 $address2_adjust_y = 5;
                 $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 24, $adjust_y));
                 $pdf->Cell(60, 5, $user_obj->getAddress2(), $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 24 + $address2_adjust_y, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(60, 5, $user_obj->getCity() . ', ' . $user_obj->getProvince() . ' ' . $user_obj->getPostalCode(), $border, 1, 'C', 0);
             //Pay Period - Balance - ID
             $net_pay_amount = 0;
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[40][0])) {
                 $net_pay_amount = $pay_stub_entries[40][0]['amount'];
             if (isset($pay_stub_entries[65]) and count($pay_stub_entries[65]) > 0) {
                 $net_pay_label = TTi18n::gettext('Balance');
             } else {
                 $net_pay_label = TTi18n::gettext('Net Pay');
             if ( $pay_period_schedule_obj->getType() != 5 AND $pay_period_number > 0 AND $pay_period_schedule_obj->getAnnualPayPeriods() > 0 ) {
             	$pdf->setXY( Misc::AdjustXY(125, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y+10, $adjust_y) );
             	$pdf->Cell(50, 5, TTi18n::gettext('Pay Period').' '. $pay_period_number .' '. TTi18n::gettext('of') .' '. $pay_period_schedule_obj->getAnnualPayPeriods(), $border, 1, 'L', 0);
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', 12);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(125, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 17, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $net_pay_label . ': ' . $pay_stub_obj->getCurrencyObject()->getSymbol() . $net_pay_amount . ' ' . $pay_stub_obj->getCurrencyObject()->getISOCode(), $border, 1, 'L', 0);
             if ($pay_stub_obj->getTainted() == TRUE) {
                 $tainted_flag = 'T';
             } else {
                 $tainted_flag = '';
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', 8);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(125, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 30, $adjust_y));
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             unset($net_pay_amount, $tainted_flag);
             $pdf->Line(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 35, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY(185, $adjust_y), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 35, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', 6);
             $pdf->setXY(Misc::AdjustXY(0, $adjust_x), Misc::AdjustXY($block_adjust_y + 38, $adjust_y));
             $pdf->Cell(175, 1, TTi18n::gettext('Pay Stub Generated by') . ' ' . APPLICATION_NAME, $border, 0, 'C', 0);
             unset($pay_period_schedule_obj, $pay_stub_entries, $pay_period_number);
         $output = $pdf->Output('', 'S');
     if (isset($output)) {
         return $output;
     return FALSE;
 function getPayPeriodScheduleObject()
     if (is_object($this->pay_period_schedule_obj)) {
         return $this->pay_period_schedule_obj;
     } else {
         if ($this->getUser() > 0) {
             $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
             if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() == 1) {
                 $this->pay_period_schedule_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
                 return $this->pay_period_schedule_obj;
         return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 13
 $wage_data['wage_group_options'] = $wglf->getArrayByListFactory($wglf->getByCompanyId($current_company->getId()), TRUE);
 $crlf = new CurrencyListFactory();
 $currency_options = $crlf->getArrayByListFactory($crlf, FALSE, TRUE);
 $ulf = new UserListFactory();
 $ulf->getByIdAndCompanyId($user_id, $current_company->getId());
 $user_data = $ulf->getCurrent();
 if (is_object($user_data->getCurrencyObject())) {
     $wage_data['currency_symbol'] = $user_data->getCurrencyObject()->getSymbol();
     $wage_data['iso_code'] = $user_data->getCurrencyObject()->getISOCode();
 //Get pay period boundary dates for this user.
 //Include user hire date in the list.
 $pay_period_boundary_dates[TTDate::getDate('DATE', $user_data->getHireDate())] = TTi18n::gettext('(Hire Date)') . ' ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $user_data->getHireDate());
 $pay_period_boundary_dates = Misc::prependArray(array(-1 => TTi18n::gettext('(Choose Date)')), $pay_period_boundary_dates);
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
     $pay_period_schedule_id = $ppslf->getCurrent()->getId();
     $pay_period_schedule_name = $ppslf->getCurrent()->getName();
     Debug::Text('Pay Period Schedule ID: ' . $pay_period_schedule_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
     $pplf->getByPayPeriodScheduleId($pay_period_schedule_id, 10, NULL, NULL, array('transaction_date' => 'desc'));
     $pay_period_dates = NULL;
     foreach ($pplf as $pay_period_obj) {
         //$pay_period_boundary_dates[TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pay_period_obj->getEndDate() )] = '('. $pay_period_schedule_name .') '.TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pay_period_obj->getEndDate() );
         if (!isset($pay_period_boundary_dates[TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pay_period_obj->getStartDate())])) {
             $pay_period_boundary_dates[TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pay_period_obj->getStartDate())] = '(' . $pay_period_schedule_name . ') ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pay_period_obj->getStartDate());
 } else {
Exemplo n.º 14
 function postSave()
     if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE and $this->getPermissionControl() !== FALSE) {
         Debug::text('Permission Group is set...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory();
         $pclf->getByCompanyIdAndUserID($this->getCompany(), $this->getId());
         if ($pclf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             Debug::text('Already assigned to a Permission Group...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $pc_obj = $pclf->getCurrent();
             if ($pc_obj->getId() == $this->getPermissionControl()) {
                 $add_permission_control = FALSE;
             } else {
                 Debug::text('Permission Group has changed...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 //Remove user from current schedule.
                 $pulf = new PermissionUserListFactory();
                 $pulf->getByPermissionControlIdAndUserID($pc_obj->getId(), $this->getId());
                 Debug::text('Record Count: ' . $pulf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 if ($pulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                     foreach ($pulf as $pu_obj) {
                         Debug::text('Deleteing from Permission Group: ' . $pu_obj->getPermissionControl(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $add_permission_control = TRUE;
         } else {
             Debug::text('NOT Already assigned to a Permission Group...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $add_permission_control = TRUE;
         if ($this->getPermissionControl() !== FALSE and $add_permission_control == TRUE) {
             Debug::text('Adding user to Permission Group...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             //Add to new permission group
             $puf = new PermissionUserFactory();
             if ($puf->isValid()) {
                 //Clear permission class for this employee.
                 $pf = new PermissionFactory();
                 $pf->clearCache($this->getID(), $this->getCompany());
     if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE and $this->getPayPeriodSchedule() !== FALSE) {
         Debug::text('Pay Period Schedule is set...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
             if ($this->getPayPeriodSchedule() == $pps_obj->getId()) {
                 Debug::text('Already assigned to this Pay Period Schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $add_pay_period_schedule = FALSE;
             } else {
                 Debug::text('Changing Pay Period Schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 //Remove user from current schedule.
                 $ppsulf = new PayPeriodScheduleUserListFactory();
                 $ppsulf->getByPayPeriodScheduleIdAndUserID($pps_obj->getId(), $this->getId());
                 Debug::text('Record Count: ' . $ppsulf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 if ($ppsulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                     foreach ($ppsulf as $ppsu_obj) {
                         Debug::text('Deleteing from Pay Period Schedule: ' . $ppsu_obj->getPayPeriodSchedule(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $add_pay_period_schedule = TRUE;
         } else {
             Debug::text('Not assigned to ANY Pay Period Schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $add_pay_period_schedule = TRUE;
         if ($this->getPayPeriodSchedule() !== FALSE and $add_pay_period_schedule == TRUE) {
             //Add to new pay period schedule
             $ppsuf = new PayPeriodScheduleUserFactory();
             if ($ppsuf->isValid()) {
     if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE and $this->getPolicyGroup() !== FALSE) {
         Debug::text('Policy Group is set...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         $pglf = new PolicyGroupListFactory();
         if ($pglf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             $pg_obj = $pglf->getCurrent();
             if ($this->getPolicyGroup() == $pg_obj->getId()) {
                 Debug::text('Already assigned to this Policy Group...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $add_policy_group = FALSE;
             } else {
                 Debug::text('Changing Policy Group...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 //Remove user from current schedule.
                 $pgulf = new PolicyGroupUserListFactory();
                 $pgulf->getByPolicyGroupIdAndUserId($pg_obj->getId(), $this->getId());
                 Debug::text('Record Count: ' . $pgulf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 if ($pgulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                     foreach ($pgulf as $pgu_obj) {
                         Debug::text('Deleteing from Policy Group: ' . $pgu_obj->getPolicyGroup(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $add_policy_group = TRUE;
         } else {
             Debug::text('Not assigned to ANY Policy Group...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $add_policy_group = TRUE;
         if ($this->getPolicyGroup() !== FALSE and $add_policy_group == TRUE) {
             //Add to new policy group
             $pguf = new PolicyGroupUserFactory();
             if ($pguf->isValid()) {
     if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE and $this->getHierarchyControl() !== FALSE) {
         Debug::text('Hierarchies are set...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         $hierarchy_control_data = array_unique(array_values((array) $this->getHierarchyControl()));
         //Debug::Arr($hierarchy_control_data, 'Setting hierarchy control data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         if (is_array($hierarchy_control_data)) {
             $hclf = new HierarchyControlListFactory();
             $hclf->getObjectTypeAppendedListByCompanyIDAndUserID($this->getCompany(), $this->getID());
             $existing_hierarchy_control_data = array_unique(array_values((array) $hclf->getArrayByListFactory($hclf, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)));
             //Debug::Arr($existing_hierarchy_control_data, 'Existing hierarchy control data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $hierarchy_control_delete_diff = array_diff($existing_hierarchy_control_data, $hierarchy_control_data);
             //Debug::Arr($hierarchy_control_delete_diff, 'Hierarchy control delete diff: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             //Remove user from existing hierarchy control
             if (is_array($hierarchy_control_delete_diff)) {
                 foreach ($hierarchy_control_delete_diff as $hierarchy_control_id) {
                     if ($hierarchy_control_id != 0) {
                         $hulf = new HierarchyUserListFactory();
                         $hulf->getByHierarchyControlAndUserID($hierarchy_control_id, $this->getID());
                         if ($hulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                             Debug::text('Deleting user from hierarchy control ID: ' . $hierarchy_control_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             unset($hierarchy_control_delete_diff, $hulf, $hclf, $hierarchy_control_id);
             $hierarchy_control_add_diff = array_diff($hierarchy_control_data, $existing_hierarchy_control_data);
             //Debug::Arr($hierarchy_control_add_diff, 'Hierarchy control add diff: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if (is_array($hierarchy_control_add_diff)) {
                 foreach ($hierarchy_control_add_diff as $hierarchy_control_id) {
                     Debug::text('Hierarchy data changed...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     if ($hierarchy_control_id != 0) {
                         $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
                         if ($huf->isValid()) {
                             Debug::text('Adding user to hierarchy control ID: ' . $hierarchy_control_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             unset($hierarchy_control_add, $huf, $hierarchy_control_id);
     if (isset($this->is_new) and $this->is_new == TRUE) {
         $udlf = new UserDefaultListFactory();
         if ($udlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             Debug::Text('Using User Defaults', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $udf_obj = $udlf->getCurrent();
             Debug::text('Inserting Default Deductions...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $company_deduction_ids = $udf_obj->getCompanyDeduction();
             if (is_array($company_deduction_ids) and count($company_deduction_ids) > 0) {
                 foreach ($company_deduction_ids as $company_deduction_id) {
                     $udf = new UserDeductionFactory();
                     if ($udf->isValid()) {
             unset($company_deduction_ids, $company_deduction_id, $udf);
             Debug::text('Inserting Default Prefs...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $upf = new UserPreferenceFactory();
             if ($upf->isValid()) {
     if ($this->getDeleted() == TRUE) {
         //Remove them from the authorization hierarchy, policy group, and pay period schedule.
         //Delete any accruals for them as well.
         //Pay Period Schedule
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
             //Remove user from current schedule.
             $ppsulf = new PayPeriodScheduleUserListFactory();
             $ppsulf->getByPayPeriodScheduleIdAndUserID($pps_obj->getId(), $this->getId());
             Debug::text('Record Count: ' . $ppsulf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if ($ppsulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 foreach ($ppsulf as $ppsu_obj) {
                     Debug::text('Deleteing from Pay Period Schedule: ' . $ppsu_obj->getPayPeriodSchedule(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         //Policy Group
         $pglf = new PolicyGroupListFactory();
         if ($pglf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             $pg_obj = $pglf->getCurrent();
             $pgulf = new PolicyGroupUserListFactory();
             $pgulf->getByPolicyGroupIdAndUserId($pg_obj->getId(), $this->getId());
             Debug::text('Record Count: ' . $pgulf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if ($pgulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 foreach ($pgulf as $pgu_obj) {
                     Debug::text('Deleteing from Policy Group: ' . $pgu_obj->getPolicyGroup(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         $hclf = new HierarchyControlListFactory();
         if ($hclf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             foreach ($hclf as $hc_obj) {
                 $hf = new HierarchyListFactory();
             $hf->removeCache(NULL, $hf->getTable(TRUE));
             //On delete we have to delete the entire group.
         //Accrual balances
         $alf = new AccrualListFactory();
         $alf->getByUserIdAndCompanyId($this->getId(), $this->getCompany());
         if ($alf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             foreach ($alf as $a_obj) {
                 if ($a_obj->isValid()) {
     return TRUE;
 function postInstall()
     Debug::text('postInstall: ' . $this->getVersion(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
     //Go through all pay period schedules and update the annual pay period column
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         foreach ($ppslf as $pps_obj) {
             if ($pps_obj->isValid()) {
     //Go through all employee wages and update HourlyRate to the accurate annual hourly rate.
     //**Handle this in 1034A postInstall() instead, as it needs to handle incorrect effective_dates properly.
     $uwlf = new UserWageListFactory();
     if ( $uwlf->getRecordCount() > 0 ) {
     	foreach( $uwlf as $uw_obj ) {
     		$uw_obj->setHourlyRate( $uw_obj->calcHourlyRate( time(), TRUE ) );
     		if ( $uw_obj->isValid() ) {
     //Upgrade to new hierarchy format.
     $clf = new CompanyListFactory();
     if ($clf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         foreach ($clf as $c_obj) {
             if ($c_obj->getStatus() != 30) {
                 					if ( !($c_obj->getId() == 1052) ) { //$c_obj->getId() == 1009 OR $c_obj->getId() == 1087 OR
                 $company_id = $c_obj->getId();
                 Debug::Text(' Company ID: ' . $company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $hclf = new HierarchyControlListFactory();
                 if ($hclf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                     foreach ($hclf as $hc_obj) {
                         $paths_to_root = array();
                         $hierarchy_id = $hc_obj->getId();
                         $hlf = new HierarchyListFactory();
                         $hierarchy_users = $hlf->getByCompanyIdAndHierarchyControlId($company_id, $hierarchy_id);
                         if (is_array($hierarchy_users) and count($hierarchy_users) > 0) {
                             $hotlf = new HierarchyObjectTypeListFactory();
                             if ($hotlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                                 foreach ($hotlf as $hot_obj) {
                                     $object_types[$hierarchy_id][] = $hot_obj->getObjectType();
                             foreach ($hierarchy_users as $hierarchy_user_arr) {
                                 Debug::Text(' Checking User ID: ' . $hierarchy_user_arr['id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                                 $id = $hierarchy_user_arr['id'];
                                 $tmp_id = $id;
                                 $i = 0;
                                 do {
                                     Debug::Text(' Iteration...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                                     $hlf_b = new HierarchyListFactory();
                                     $parents = $hlf_b->getParentLevelIdArrayByHierarchyControlIdAndUserId($hierarchy_id, $tmp_id);
                                     $level = $hlf_b->getFastTreeObject()->getLevel($tmp_id) - 1;
                                     if (is_array($parents) and count($parents) > 0) {
                                         $parent_users = array();
                                         foreach ($parents as $user_id) {
                                             $parent_users[] = $user_id;
                                         $parent_groups[$level] = $parent_users;
                                     if (isset($parents[0])) {
                                         $tmp_id = $parents[0];
                                 } while (is_array($parents) and count($parents) > 0 and $i < 100);
                                 if (isset($parent_groups)) {
                                     $serialized_path = serialize($parent_groups);
                                     $paths_to_root[$serialized_path][] = $id;
                                 unset($parent_groups, $parents);
                         Debug::Arr($paths_to_root, ' Paths To Root: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         //Decode path_to_root array
                         if (isset($paths_to_root) and count($paths_to_root) > 0) {
                             foreach ($paths_to_root as $serialized_path => $children) {
                                 $path_arr = unserialize($serialized_path);
                                 $decoded_paths[] = array('hierarchy_control_id' => $hierarchy_id, 'path' => $path_arr, 'children' => $children);
                             unset($path_arr, $children);
                             Debug::Arr($decoded_paths, ' Decoded Paths: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                             if (isset($decoded_paths) and is_array($decoded_paths)) {
                                 foreach ($decoded_paths as $decoded_path) {
                                     Debug::Text(' Company ID: ' . $company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                                     //Create new hierarchy_control
                                     $hcf = new HierarchyControlFactory();
                                     //Generate meaningful name
                                     $name = FALSE;
                                     if (isset($decoded_path['path']) and is_array($decoded_path['path'])) {
                                         //Sort by level.
                                         foreach ($decoded_path['path'] as $level => $superior_ids) {
                                             foreach ($superior_ids as $superior_id) {
                                                 $ulf = new UserListFactory();
                                                 if ($ulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                                                     $name[] = $level . '. ' . $ulf->getCurrent()->getFullName();
                                         unset($level, $superior_ids, $superior_id);
                                     if (isset($name)) {
                                         $name = $hc_obj->getName() . ' ' . implode(', ', $name) . ' (#' . rand(1000, 9999) . ')';
                                     } else {
                                         $name = $hc_obj->getName() . ' (#' . rand(1000, 9999) . ')';
                                     $hcf->setName(substr($name, 0, 249));
                                     $hcf->setDescription(TTi18n::getText('Automatically created by TimeTrex'));
                                     if ($hcf->isValid()) {
                                         $hc_id = $hcf->Save(FALSE);
                                         Debug::Text('Hierarchy Control ID: ' . $hc_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                                         if (isset($decoded_path['path']) and is_array($decoded_path['path'])) {
                                             foreach ($decoded_path['path'] as $level => $superior_ids) {
                                                 foreach ($superior_ids as $superior_id) {
                                                     $hlf = new HierarchyLevelFactory();
                                                     if ($hlf->isValid()) {
                                                         Debug::Text('Saving Level Row ID... User ID: ' . $superior_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                                             unset($level, $superior_ids, $superior_id);
                         //Delete existing hierarchy control.
                         if ($hc_obj->isValid() == TRUE) {
     //Go through each permission group, and enable break policies for anyone who can see meal policies
     $clf = new CompanyListFactory();
     if ($clf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         foreach ($clf as $c_obj) {
             Debug::text('Company: ' . $c_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
             if ($c_obj->getStatus() != 30) {
                 $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory();
                 if ($pclf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                     foreach ($pclf as $pc_obj) {
                         Debug::text('Permission Group: ' . $pc_obj->getName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
                         $plf = new PermissionListFactory();
                         $plf->getByCompanyIdAndPermissionControlIdAndSectionAndName($c_obj->getId(), $pc_obj->getId(), 'meal_policy', 'enabled');
                         if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                             Debug::text('Found permission group with meal policy enabled: ' . $plf->getCurrent()->getValue(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
                             $pc_obj->setPermission(array('break_policy' => array('enabled' => TRUE, 'view' => TRUE, 'add' => TRUE, 'edit' => TRUE, 'delete' => TRUE)));
                         } else {
                             Debug::text('Permission group does NOT have meal policy enabled...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 9);
     //Add MiscDaily cronjob to database.
     $cjf = new CronJobFactory();
     //Add MiscWeekly cronjob to database.
     $cjf = new CronJobFactory();
     //Sunday morning.
     return TRUE;
    case 'delete' or 'undelete':
        if (strtolower($action) == 'delete') {
            $delete = TRUE;
        } else {
            $delete = FALSE;
        $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $ppslf->GetByIdAndCompanyId($id, $current_company->getId());
            foreach ($ppslf as $pay_period_schedule) {
        Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'PayPeriodScheduleList.php'));
        $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
        $ppslf->getByCompanyId($current_company->getId(), $current_user_prefs->getItemsPerPage(), $page, NULL, array($sort_column => $sort_order));
        $pager = new Pager($ppslf);
        foreach ($ppslf as $pay_period_schedule) {
            $pay_period_schedules[] = array('id' => $pay_period_schedule->getId(), 'company_id' => $pay_period_schedule->getCompany(), 'name' => $pay_period_schedule->getName(), 'description' => $pay_period_schedule->getDescription(), 'type' => Option::getByKey($pay_period_schedule->getType(), $pay_period_schedule->getOptions('type')), 'deleted' => $pay_period_schedule->getDeleted());
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('pay_period_schedules', $pay_period_schedules);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_column', $sort_column);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_order', $sort_order);
        $smarty->assign_by_ref('paging_data', $pager->getPageVariables());
 static function smartReCalculate($user_id, $user_date_ids, $enable_exception = TRUE, $enable_premature_exceptions = FALSE, $enable_future_exceptions = TRUE)
     if ($user_id == '') {
         return FALSE;
     //Debug::Arr($user_date_ids, 'aUser Date IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if (!is_array($user_date_ids) and is_int($user_date_ids)) {
         $user_date_ids = array($user_date_ids);
     if (!is_array($user_date_ids)) {
         return FALSE;
     $user_date_ids = array_unique($user_date_ids);
     //Debug::Arr($user_date_ids, 'bUser Date IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $start_week_day_id = 0;
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() == 1) {
         $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
         $start_week_day_id = $pps_obj->getStartWeekDay();
     Debug::text('Start Week Day ID: ' . $start_week_day_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     //Get date stamps for all user_date_ids.
     $udlf = new UserDateListFactory();
     $udlf->getByIds($user_date_ids, NULL, array('date_stamp' => 'asc'));
     //Order by date asc
     if ($udlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         //Order them, and get the one or more sets of date ranges that need to be recalculated.
         //Need to consider re-calculating multiple weeks at once.
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($udlf as $ud_obj) {
             $start_week_epoch = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch($ud_obj->getDateStamp(), $start_week_day_id);
             $end_week_epoch = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch($ud_obj->getDateStamp(), $start_week_day_id);
             Debug::text('Current Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $ud_obj->getDateStamp()) . ' Start Week: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $start_week_epoch) . ' End Week: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $end_week_epoch), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $range_arr[$start_week_epoch] = array('start_date' => $ud_obj->getDateStamp(), 'end_date' => $end_week_epoch);
             } else {
                 //Loop through each range extending it if needed.
                 foreach ($range_arr as $tmp_start_week_epoch => $tmp_range) {
                     if ($ud_obj->getDateStamp() >= $tmp_range['start_date'] and $ud_obj->getDateStamp() <= $tmp_range['end_date']) {
                         //Date falls within already existing range
                     } elseif ($ud_obj->getDateStamp() < $tmp_range['start_date'] and $ud_obj->getDateStamp() >= $tmp_start_week_epoch) {
                         //Date falls within the same week, but before the current start date.
                         $range_arr[$tmp_start_week_epoch]['start_date'] = $ud_obj->getDateStamp();
                         Debug::text('Pushing Start Date back...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     } else {
                         //Outside current range. Check to make sure it isn't within another range.
                         if (isset($range_arr[$start_week_epoch])) {
                             //Within another existing week, check to see if we need to extend it.
                             if ($ud_obj->getDateStamp() < $range_arr[$start_week_epoch]['start_date']) {
                                 Debug::text('bPushing Start Date back...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                                 $range_arr[$start_week_epoch]['start_date'] = $ud_obj->getDateStamp();
                         } else {
                             //Not within another existing week
                             Debug::text('Adding new range...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                             $range_arr[$start_week_epoch] = array('start_date' => $ud_obj->getDateStamp(), 'end_date' => $end_week_epoch);
                 unset($tmp_range, $tmp_start_week_epoch);
         unset($start_week_epoch, $end_week_epoch, $udlf, $ud_obj);
         if (is_array($range_arr)) {
             //Sort range by start week, so recalculating goes in date order.
             //Debug::Arr($range_arr, 'Range Array: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             foreach ($range_arr as $week_range) {
                 $udlf = new UserDateListFactory();
                 $udlf->getByUserIdAndStartDateAndEndDate($user_id, $week_range['start_date'], $week_range['end_date']);
                 if ($udlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                     Debug::text('Found days to re-calculate: ' . $udlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     $z = 1;
                     $z_max = $udlf->getRecordCount();
                     foreach ($udlf as $ud_obj) {
                         //We only need to re-calculate exceptions on the exact days specified by user_date_ids.
                         //This was the case before we Over Weekly Time/Over Scheduled Weekly Time exceptions,
                         //Now we have to enable calculating exceptions for the entire week.
                         if ( in_array( $ud_obj->getId(), $user_date_ids ) ) {
                         	//Calculate exceptions
                         	Debug::text('Re-calculating day with exceptions: '. $ud_obj->getId() , __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         	UserDateTotalFactory::reCalculateDay( $ud_obj->getId(), $enable_exception, $enable_premature_exceptions, $enable_future_exceptions );
                         } else {
                         	//Don't calculate exceptions.
                         	UserDateTotalFactory::reCalculateDay( $ud_obj->getId() );
                         Debug::text('Re-calculating day with exceptions: ' . $ud_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         if ($z == $z_max) {
                             //Enable recalculating holidays at the end of each week.
                             UserDateTotalFactory::reCalculateDay($ud_obj->getId(), $enable_exception, $enable_premature_exceptions, $enable_future_exceptions, TRUE);
                         } else {
                             UserDateTotalFactory::reCalculateDay($ud_obj->getId(), $enable_exception, $enable_premature_exceptions, $enable_future_exceptions);
             return TRUE;
     Debug::text('Returning FALSE!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 18
         Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(array('id' => $data['pay_period_schedule_id']), 'PayPeriodList.php'));
     if (isset($id)) {
         $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
         $pplf->getByIdAndCompanyId($id, $current_company->getId());
         foreach ($pplf as $pp_obj) {
             //Debug::Arr($station,'Department', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
             $data = array('id' => $pp_obj->getId(), 'company_id' => $pp_obj->getCompany(), 'pay_period_schedule_id' => $pp_obj->getPayPeriodSchedule(), 'pay_period_schedule_type_id' => $pp_obj->getPayPeriodScheduleObject()->getType(), 'start_date' => $pp_obj->getStartDate(), 'end_date' => $pp_obj->getEndDate(), 'transaction_date' => $pp_obj->getTransactionDate(), 'advance_end_date' => $pp_obj->getAdvanceEndDate(), 'advance_transaction_date' => $pp_obj->getAdvanceTransactionDate(), 'deleted' => $pp_obj->getDeleted(), 'created_date' => $pp_obj->getCreatedDate(), 'created_by' => $pp_obj->getCreatedBy(), 'updated_date' => $pp_obj->getUpdatedDate(), 'updated_by' => $pp_obj->getUpdatedBy(), 'deleted_date' => $pp_obj->getDeletedDate(), 'deleted_by' => $pp_obj->getDeletedBy());
     } else {
         if (isset($pay_period_schedule_id) and $pay_period_schedule_id != '') {
             $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
             $ppslf->getByIdAndCompanyId($pay_period_schedule_id, $current_company->getId());
             if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 $data['pay_period_schedule_type_id'] = $ppslf->getCurrent()->getType();
             $data['pay_period_schedule_id'] = $pay_period_schedule_id;
             //Get end date of previous pay period, and default the start date of the new pay period to that.
             $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
             $pplf->getByPayPeriodScheduleId($pay_period_schedule_id, 1, NULL, NULL, array('start_date' => 'desc'));
             if ($pplf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 foreach ($pplf as $pp_obj) {
                     $data['start_date'] = $pp_obj->getEndDate() + 1;
                     $data['end_date'] = $pp_obj->getEndDate() + 86400;
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Adds a user_date row for every ACTIVE user, every day
 * This fixes a limitation when employees are switched from one pay period
 * schedule to another, then they click on a day without a user_date row.
 * TimeTrex doesn't know which pay period the day belongs too.
 * Run this twice a day. AFTER AddPayPeriod if possible.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'includes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
$clf = new CompanyListFactory();
if ($clf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
    foreach ($clf as $c_obj) {
        if ($c_obj->getStatus() != 30) {
            $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
            $ulf = new UserListFactory();
            if ($ulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($ulf as $u_obj) {
                    if ($u_obj->getStatus() != 10) {
                    Debug::text($i . '. User: ' . $u_obj->getUserName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                    //Find the pay period schedule for each user and change the timezone to that of the pay period schedule.
                    $ppslf->getByCompanyIdAndUserId($c_obj->getId(), $u_obj->getId());
                    if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                        $pps_obj = $ppslf->getCurrent();
                        //Insert user date row for TOMORROW.
Exemplo n.º 20
 function createPayPeriodSchedule($type, $start_dow, $transaction_dow, $primary_dom, $secondary_dom, $primary_transaction_dom, $secondary_transaction_dom, $transaction_bd, $day_start_time = '00:00')
     $ppsf = new PayPeriodScheduleFactory();
     Debug::text('zzzCompany ID: ' . $this->company_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $ppsf->setName('test_' . rand(1000, 99999));
     									20 	=> 'Bi-Weekly',
     									30  => 'Semi-Monthly',
     									40	=> 'Monthly + Advance'
     $day_start_time = TTDate::parseTimeUnit($day_start_time);
     Debug::text('parsed Day Start Time: ' . $day_start_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($type == 10 or $type == 20) {
     } elseif ($type == 30) {
     } elseif ($type == 50) {
     $ppsf->setTransactionDateBusinessDay((bool) $transaction_bd);
     if ($ppsf->isValid()) {
         $pp_schedule_id = $ppsf->Save();
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         $ret_obj = $ppslf->getById($pp_schedule_id)->getCurrent();
         return $ret_obj;
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 21
 if (isset($pay_period_obj) and is_object($pay_period_obj)) {
     Debug::text('Pay Period Object Found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $is_assigned_pay_period_schedule = TRUE;
     //Don't use assign_by_ref for these as that seems to trigger a fatal error in PHP v5.0.4
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_id', $pay_period_obj->getId());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_start_date', $pay_period_obj->getStartDate());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_end_date', $pay_period_obj->getEndDate());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_verify_window_start_date', $pay_period_obj->getTimeSheetVerifyWindowStartDate());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_verify_window_end_date', $pay_period_obj->getTimeSheetVerifyWindowEndDate());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_transaction_date', $pay_period_obj->getTransactionDate());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_is_locked', $pay_period_obj->getIsLocked());
     $smarty->assign('pay_period_status_id', $pay_period_obj->getStatus());
 } else {
     Debug::text('Pay Period Object NOT Found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     //Check to see if employee is even assigned to pay period schedule.
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     $ppslf->getByCompanyIdAndUserId($current_company->getId(), $user_id);
     if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         Debug::text('Pay Period Schedule Found!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         $is_assigned_pay_period_schedule = TRUE;
 $smarty->assign_by_ref('is_assigned_pay_period_schedule', $is_assigned_pay_period_schedule);
 $action_options = array('0' => TTi18n::gettext('-- Select Action --'), 'recalculate employee' => TTi18n::gettext('Recalculate Employee'), 'recalculate company' => TTi18n::gettext('Recalculate Company'));
 if ($permission->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'enabled') and ($permission->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'edit') or $permission->Check('pay_period_schedule', 'edit_own'))) {
     $action_options['recalculate pay stub'] = TTi18n::gettext('Recalculate Pay Stub');
 if (isset($pay_period_obj) and is_object($pay_period_obj) and $pay_period_obj->getStatus() == 30) {
     //Add a spacer so its less likely for someone to accidently hit "Recalc Pay Stub"
     //instead of calculate adjustment.
     $action_options['-1'] = '---';
 function getByCompanyIdArray($company_id, $include_blank = TRUE)
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     if ($include_blank == TRUE) {
         $list[0] = '--';
     foreach ($ppslf as $pps_obj) {
         $list[$pps_obj->getID()] = $pps_obj->getName();
     if (isset($list)) {
         return $list;
     return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 23
 //Get default branch list
 $blf = new BranchListFactory();
 $branch_options = $blf->getByCompanyIdArray($current_company->getId());
 $dlf = new DepartmentListFactory();
 $department_options = $dlf->getByCompanyIdArray($current_company->getId());
 $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory();
 $permission_control_options = $pclf->getArrayByListFactory($pclf, TRUE);
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 $pay_period_schedule_options = $ppslf->getByCompanyIDArray($current_company->getId());
 $pglf = new PolicyGroupListFactory();
 $policy_group_options = $pglf->getByCompanyIDArray($current_company->getId());
 $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory();
 $pclf->getByCompanyIdAndUserId($current_company->getId(), $filter_data['user_ids']);
 $permission_control_user_map = $pclf->getUserToPermissionControlMapArrayByListFactory($pclf);
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 $ppslf->getByCompanyIdAndUserId($current_company->getId(), $filter_data['user_ids']);
 $pay_period_schedule_user_map = $ppslf->getUserToPayPeriodScheduleMapArrayByListFactory($ppslf);
 $pglf = new PolicyGroupListFactory();
 $pglf->getByCompanyIdAndUserId($current_company->getId(), $filter_data['user_ids']);
 $policy_group_user_map = $pglf->getUserToPolicyGroupMapArrayByListFactory($pglf);
 $crlf = new CurrencyListFactory();
 $currency_options = $crlf->getArrayByListFactory($crlf, FALSE, TRUE);
 $upf = new UserPreferenceFactory();
 $language_options = TTi18n::getLanguageArray();
 $date_format_options = $upf->getOptions('date_format');
 $time_format_options = $upf->getOptions('time_format');
 $time_unit_format_options = $upf->getOptions('time_unit_format');
 $timesheet_view_options = $upf->getOptions('timesheet_view');
 $start_week_day_options = $upf->getOptions('start_week_day');
Exemplo n.º 24
 //Select box options;
 $user_data['branch_options'] = $branch_options;
 $user_data['department_options'] = $department_options;
 $user_data['currency_options'] = $currency_options;
 $cf = new CompanyFactory();
 $user_data['country_options'] = $cf->getOptions('country');
 $user_data['province_options'] = $cf->getOptions('province', $user_data['country']);
 $utlf = new UserTitleListFactory();
 $user_titles = $utlf->getByCompanyIdArray($current_company->getId());
 $user_data['title_options'] = $user_titles;
 //Get Permission Groups
 $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory();
 $user_data['permission_control_options'] = $pclf->getArrayByListFactory($pclf, FALSE);
 //Get pay period schedules
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 $pay_period_schedules = $ppslf->getByCompanyIDArray($current_company->getId());
 $user_data['pay_period_schedule_options'] = $pay_period_schedules;
 $pglf = new PolicyGroupListFactory();
 $policy_groups = $pglf->getByCompanyIDArray($current_company->getId());
 $user_data['policy_group_options'] = $policy_groups;
 $user_data['company'] = $current_company->getName();
 $user_data['language_options'] = TTi18n::getLanguageArray();
 $user_data['date_format_options'] = $upf->getOptions('date_format');
 $user_data['other_date_format_options'] = $upf->getOptions('other_date_format');
 $user_data['time_format_options'] = $upf->getOptions('time_format');
 $user_data['time_unit_format_options'] = $upf->getOptions('time_unit_format');
 $user_data['timesheet_view_options'] = $upf->getOptions('timesheet_view');
 $user_data['start_week_day_options'] = $upf->getOptions('start_week_day');
 $timezone_options = Misc::prependArray(array(-1 => '---'), $upf->getOptions('time_zone'));
 $user_data['time_zone_options'] = $timezone_options;
Exemplo n.º 25
 Debug::text($i . '. Pay Stub Transaction Date: ' . $pay_stub_obj->getTransactionDate(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
 //Get Pay Period information
 $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
 $pay_period_obj = $pplf->getById($pay_stub_obj->getPayPeriod())->getCurrent();
 if ($pay_stub_obj->getAdvance() == TRUE) {
     $pp_start_date = $pay_period_obj->getStartDate();
     $pp_end_date = $pay_period_obj->getAdvanceEndDate();
     $pp_transaction_date = $pay_period_obj->getAdvanceTransactionDate();
 } else {
     $pp_start_date = $pay_period_obj->getStartDate();
     $pp_end_date = $pay_period_obj->getEndDate();
     $pp_transaction_date = $pay_period_obj->getTransactionDate();
 //Get pay period numbers
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 $pay_period_schedule_obj = $ppslf->getById($pay_period_obj->getPayPeriodSchedule())->getCurrent();
 $pay_period_data = array('advance' => $pay_stub_obj->getAdvance(), 'start_date' => TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pp_start_date), 'end_date' => TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pp_end_date), 'transaction_date' => TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pp_transaction_date), 'annual_pay_periods' => $pay_period_schedule_obj->getAnnualPayPeriods());
 //Get User information
 $ulf = new UserListFactory();
 $user_obj = $ulf->getById($pay_stub_obj->getUser())->getCurrent();
 //Get company information
 $clf = new CompanyListFactory();
 $company_obj = $clf->getById($user_obj->getCompany())->getCurrent();
 //Figure out how much white space we need to fill the entire page.
 $max_rows = 29;
 //With borders you gotta drop this down to 28.
 $total_rows = floor($pself->getRecordCount() + $description_subscript_counter);
 if ($pay_stub_obj->getAdvance() === FALSE) {
     //$total_rows -= 1;
Exemplo n.º 26
 function getPayPeriodScheduleObject()
     if (is_object($this->pay_period_schedule_obj)) {
         return $this->pay_period_schedule_obj;
     } else {
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         $this->pay_period_schedule_obj = $ppslf->getById($this->getPayPeriodObject()->getPayPeriodSchedule())->getCurrent();
         return $this->pay_period_schedule_obj;
 function postSave()
     if ($this->getEnableInitialPayPeriods() == TRUE and $this->getCreateInitialPayPeriods() == TRUE) {
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         $pay_period_schedule_obj = $ppslf->getById($this->getId())->getCurrent();
         Debug::text('New Pay Period Schdule, creating pay periods start from (' . $pay_period_schedule_obj->getAnchorDate() . '): ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $pay_period_schedule_obj->getAnchorDate()), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         //Create pay periods up until now, at most 104.
         for ($i = 0; $i <= 104; $i++) {
             if ($pay_period_schedule_obj->createNextPayPeriod() == FALSE) {
                 Debug::text('createNextPayPeriod returned false, stopping loop.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 28
 $user_data['department_options'] = $department_options;
 $user_data['currency_options'] = $currency_options;
 $user_data['sex_options'] = $uf->getOptions('sex');
 $user_data['status_options'] = $uf->getOptions('status');
 $clf = new CompanyListFactory();
 $user_data['country_options'] = $clf->getOptions('country');
 $user_data['province_options'] = $clf->getOptions('province', $user_data['country']);
 $utlf = new UserTitleListFactory();
 $user_titles = $utlf->getByCompanyIdArray($company_id);
 $user_data['title_options'] = $user_titles;
 //Get Permission Groups
 $pclf = new PermissionControlListFactory();
 $user_data['permission_control_options'] = $pclf->getArrayByListFactory($pclf, FALSE);
 //Get pay period schedules
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 $pay_period_schedules = $ppslf->getByCompanyIDArray($company_id);
 $user_data['pay_period_schedule_options'] = $pay_period_schedules;
 $pglf = new PolicyGroupListFactory();
 $policy_groups = $pglf->getByCompanyIDArray($company_id);
 $user_data['policy_group_options'] = $policy_groups;
 $uglf = new UserGroupListFactory();
 $user_data['group_options'] = $uglf->getArrayByNodes(FastTree::FormatArray($uglf->getByCompanyIdArray($company_id), 'TEXT', TRUE));
 //Get other field names
 $oflf = new OtherFieldListFactory();
 $user_data['other_field_names'] = $oflf->getByCompanyIdAndTypeIdArray($company_id, 10);
 $user_data['hierarchy_object_type_options'] = $hierarchy_object_type_options;
 $user_data['hierarchy_control_options'] = $hierarchy_control_options;
 //Company list.
 if ($permission->Check('company', 'view')) {
     $user_data['company_options'] = CompanyListFactory::getAllArray();
Exemplo n.º 29
 //Get the last time cron ran this script.
 $cjlf = new CronJobListFactory();
 if ($cjlf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
     foreach ($cjlf as $cj_obj) {
         $tmp_start_date = $cj_obj->getLastRunDate();
         if ($tmp_start_date < $start_date) {
             $start_date = $tmp_start_date;
             Debug::text('  CRON Job hasnt run in more then 48hrs, reducing Start Date to: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $start_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 5);
 unset($cjlf, $cj_obj, $tmp_start_date);
 //Get maximum shift time for each pay period schedule, so we know how far back
 //we have to recalculate days at the minimum.
 $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
 if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
     foreach ($ppslf as $pps_obj) {
         $tmp_start_date = TTDate::getMiddleDayEpoch($execution_time) - $pps_obj->getMaximumShiftTime();
         if ($tmp_start_date < $start_date) {
             $start_date = $tmp_start_date;
             Debug::text('  Maximum Shift Time is greater then 48hrs, reducing Start Date to: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $start_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 5);
 unset($ppslf, $pps_obj, $tmp_start_date);
 //Get earliest pre_mature exception in a NON-closed pay period.
 $elf = new ExceptionListFactory();
 $elf->getByCompanyIDAndTypeAndPayPeriodStatus($c_obj->getId(), 5, array(10, 12, 15, 30), 1, NULL, NULL, array('b.date_stamp' => 'asc'));
 //Limit 1
Exemplo n.º 30
     $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
     foreach ($ids as $pay_period_id) {
         $pplf->GetByIdAndCompanyId($pay_period_id, $current_company->getId());
         foreach ($pplf as $pay_period) {
     Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(array('id' => $id), 'PayPeriodList.php'));
     $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
     $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
     //$pplf->GetByCompanyId($current_company->getId(), $current_user_prefs->getItemsPerPage(), $page, NULL, array($sort_column => $sort_order) );
     //$pplf->GetByPayPeriodScheduleId($id, $current_user_prefs->getItemsPerPage(), $page, NULL, array($sort_column => $sort_order) );
     $pplf->getByPayPeriodScheduleId($id, $current_user_prefs->getItemsPerPage(), $page, NULL, $sort_array);
     $pager = new Pager($pplf);
     if ($pplf->getRecordCount() >= 1) {
         if (is_numeric($projected_pay_periods)) {
             $max_projected_pay_periods = $projected_pay_periods;
         } else {
             $max_projected_pay_periods = 1;
     } else {
         $max_projected_pay_periods = 24;
     Debug::Text('Projected Pay Periods: ' . $max_projected_pay_periods, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     //Now project in to the future X pay periods...