Exemplo n.º 1
  * bool insert(Patient $patient, History $historyP, History $historyF, int $idUser, string $login)
  * Inserts a new deleted patient into the database.
  * @param Patient $patient patient to insert
  * @param History $historyP patient's personal antecedents to insert
  * @param History $historyF patient's family antecedents to insert
  * @param int $idUser key of user that makes deletion
  * @param string $login login session of user that makes deletion
  * @return boolean returns false, if error occurs
  * @access public
 function insert($patient, $historyP, $historyF, $idUser, $login)
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->_table;
     $sql .= " (id_patient, nif, first_name, surname1, surname2, address, phone_contact, ";
     $sql .= "sex, race, birth_date, birth_place, decease_date, nts, nss, ";
     $sql .= "family_situation, labour_situation, education, insurance_company, ";
     $sql .= "id_member, collegiate_number, birth_growth, growth_sexuality, feed, habits, ";
     $sql .= "peristaltic_conditions, psychological, children_complaint, venereal_disease, ";
     $sql .= "accident_surgical_operation, medicinal_intolerance, mental_illness, ";
     $sql .= "parents_status_health, brothers_status_health, spouse_childs_status_health, ";
     $sql .= "family_illness, create_date, id_user, login) VALUES (";
     $sql .= "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ";
     $sql .= "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ";
     $sql .= "?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?);";
     $params = array($patient->getIdPatient(), urlencode($patient->getNIF()), urlencode($patient->getFirstName()), urlencode($patient->getSurname1()), urlencode($patient->getSurname2()), urlencode($patient->getAddress()), urlencode($patient->getPhone()), $patient->getSex(), urlencode($patient->getRace()), $patient->getBirthDate(), urlencode($patient->getBirthPlace()), $patient->getDeceaseDate(), urlencode($patient->getNTS()), urlencode($patient->getNSS()), urlencode($patient->getFamilySituation()), urlencode($patient->getLabourSituation()), urlencode($patient->getEducation()), urlencode($patient->getInsuranceCompany()), $patient->getIdMember(), urlencode($patient->getCollegiateNumber()), urlencode($historyP->getBirthGrowth()), urlencode($historyP->getGrowthSexuality()), urlencode($historyP->getFeed()), urlencode($historyP->getHabits()), urlencode($historyP->getPeristalticConditions()), urlencode($historyP->getPsychological()), urlencode($historyP->getChildrenComplaint()), urlencode($historyP->getVenerealDisease()), urlencode($historyP->getAccidentSurgicalOperation()), urlencode($historyP->getMedicinalIntolerance()), urlencode($historyP->getMentalIllness()), urlencode($historyF->getParentsStatusHealth()), urlencode($historyF->getBrothersStatusHealth()), urlencode($historyF->getSpouseChildsStatusHealth()), urlencode($historyF->getFamilyIllness()), intval($idUser), urlencode($login));
     return $this->exec($sql, $params);
Exemplo n.º 2
//$returnLocation = "../medical/patient_view.php?id_patient=" . $idPatient; // controlling var
$returnLocation = "../medical/patient_view.php";
// controlling var
 * Destroy form values and errors
 * Prevent user from aborting script
$oldAbort = ignore_user_abort(true);
 * Update patient
$patQ = new Query_Page_Patient();
if ($patQ->existName($pat->getFirstName(), $pat->getSurname1(), $pat->getSurname2(), $pat->getIdPatient())) {
    FlashMsg::add(sprintf(_("O nome do beneficiário, %s, está em uso. As mudanças não terão efeito."), $patName), OPEN_MSG_WARNING);
    header("Location: " . $returnLocation);
 * Record log process
$recordQ = new Query_Page_Record();
$recordQ->log("Query_Page_Patient", "UPDATE", array($idPatient));
Exemplo n.º 3
  * bool update(Patient $patient)
  * Update a patient in the database.
  * @param Patient $patient patient to update
  * @return boolean returns false, if error occurs
  * @access public
 function update($patient)
     if (!$patient instanceof Patient) {
         $this->_error = "Argument is an inappropriate object.";
         return false;
     /*if ($this->existName($patient->getFirstName(), $patient->getSurname1(), $patient->getSurname2(), $patient->getIdPatient()))
         $this->_isError = true;
         $this->_error = "Patient name, " . $patient->getFirstName();
         $this->_error .= " " . $patient->getSurname1();
         $this->_error .= " " . $patient->getSurname2() . ", is already in use.";
         return false;
     $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->_table . " SET " . "nif=?, " . "first_name=?, " . "surname1=?, " . "surname2=?, " . "address=?, " . "phone_contact=?, " . "sex=?, " . "race=?, " . "birth_date=?, " . "birth_place=?, " . "decease_date=?, " . "nts=?, " . "nss=?, " . "family_situation=?, " . "labour_situation=?, " . "education=?, " . "insurance_company=?, " . "id_member=? " . "WHERE id_patient=?;";
     $params = array(urlencode($patient->getNIF()), urlencode($patient->getFirstName()), urlencode($patient->getSurname1()), urlencode($patient->getSurname2()), urlencode($patient->getAddress()), urlencode($patient->getPhone()), $patient->getSex(), urlencode($patient->getRace()), $patient->getBirthDate(), urlencode($patient->getBirthPlace()), $patient->getDeceaseDate(), urlencode($patient->getNTS()), urlencode($patient->getNSS()), urlencode($patient->getFamilySituation()), urlencode($patient->getLabourSituation()), urlencode($patient->getEducation()), urlencode($patient->getInsuranceCompany()), $patient->getIdMember(), $patient->getIdPatient());
     return $this->exec($sql, $params);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Retrieving var (PGS)
$idPatient = Check::postGetSessionInt('id_patient');
$patient = new Patient($idPatient);
$patName = $patient->getName();
if ($patName == '') {
    FlashMsg::add(_("That patient does not exist."), OPEN_MSG_ERROR);
    header("Location: ../medical/patient_search_form.php");
 * Update session variables
require_once "../lib/LastViewedPatient.php";
LastViewedPatient::add($patient->getIdPatient(), $patName);
 * Show page
$title = $patName;
//_("Social Data");
require_once "../layout/header.php";
 * Breadcrumb
$links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $title => "");
echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient");
echo HTML::section(2, _("Dados Sociais"));
$relatedLinks = "";
if ($_SESSION['auth']['is_administrative']) {