  * Get the path of the current file
  * @return string Full path
 public function getPath()
     // Get the query string and remove the ordering
     $url = Path::pretty(Request::get('path'));
     // Remove the 'page' if it's a page.md
     $url = Pattern::endsWith($url, 'page') ? URL::popLastSegment($url) : $url;
     // Get the content
     $content = Content::get($url);
     // Path is inside the content
     return ltrim($content['_local_path'], '/');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function get_listings()
     $listings = array();
     $finder = new Finder();
     $files = $finder->files()->in(Config::getContentRoot())->name('fields.yaml')->followLinks();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $slug = Path::trimSlashes(Path::makeRelative($file->getPath(), Config::getContentRoot()));
         $meta = array('slug' => $slug, 'title' => ucwords(ltrim(Path::pretty('/' . $slug), '/')));
         $item = self::yamlize_content(BASE_PATH . '/' . $file->getPath() . '/page.' . Config::getContentType());
         $listings[] = is_array($item) ? array_merge($meta, $item) : $meta;
     // Sort by Title
     uasort($listings, function ($a, $b) {
         return strcmp($a['title'], $b['title']);
     return $listings;
Exemplo n.º 3
 array_set($data, 'fields:content', $content_defaults);
 $data['full_slug'] = Path::tidy($data['full_slug']);
 | Status bar message
 | Gawd this is awful. Can't wait to refactor this spaghetti.
 if ($data['type'] === 'none' || $data['type'] === 'none' && $original_slug !== 'page') {
     $data['status_message'] = isset($new) ? Localization::fetch('editing_page') : Localization::fetch('edit_page');
     $data['identifier'] = $data['page'] === 'page' ? Path::pretty($data['folder']) : Path::pretty($data['full_slug']);
 } else {
     $data['status_message'] = isset($new) ? Localization::fetch('new_entry') : Localization::fetch('editing_entry');
     $data['identifier'] = isset($new) ? Path::pretty($folder . '/') : Path::pretty($data['full_slug']);
 if ($new) {
     $data['status_message'] .= ' ' . Localization::fetch('in', null, true);
 // Set the return URL
 if ($custom_return = Request::get('return')) {
     $data['return'] = $app->request()->getRootUri() . $custom_return;
 } else {
     $data['return'] = $data['type'] == 'none' ? $app->urlFor('pages') . "?path=" . Path::addStartingSlash($folder) : $app->urlFor('entries') . "?path=" . Path::addStartingSlash($folder);
 $data['templates'] = Theme::getTemplates();
 $data['layouts'] = Theme::getLayouts();
 $template_list = array("publish");