Exemplo n.º 1
  * tests a private link retrieval submission and send the link or sets an error
  * @return null
 private static function _process_retrieval()
      * we check a transient based on the user's IP; if the user tries more than 3 
      * times per day to get a private ID, they are blocked for 24 hours
     $max_tries = Participants_Db::current_user_has_plugin_role('admin', 'retrieve link') ? 10000 : 3;
     // give the plugin admin unlimited tries
     $transient = self::$prefix . 'retrieve-count-' . str_replace('.', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $count = get_transient($transient);
     if ($count === false) {
         set_transient($transient, 1, 60 * 60 * 24);
     if ($count > $max_tries) {
         // too many tries, come back tomorrow
         error_log('Participants Database Plugin: IP blocked for too many retrieval attempts from IP ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' in 24-hour period.');
     set_transient($transient, $count, 60 * 60 * 24);
     $column = self::plugin_setting('retrieve_link_identifier', 'email');
     if (!isset($_POST[$column]) || empty($_POST[$column])) {
         self::$validation_errors->add_error($column, 'empty');
     // a value was submitted, try to find a record with it
     //$match_id = self::_get_participant_id_by_term($column, $_POST[$column]);
     $match_id = self::find_record_match($column, $_POST);
     if (!is_object(self::$validation_errors)) {
         self::$validation_errors = new PDb_FormValidation();
     if ($match_id === false) {
         self::$validation_errors->add_error($column, 'identifier');
     } else {
         $participant_values = self::get_participant($match_id);
     $retrieve_link_email = new stdClass();
     $retrieve_link_email->body_template = self::set_filter('translate_string', self::plugin_setting('retrieve_link_email_body'));
     $retrieve_link_email->subject = self::set_filter('translate_string', self::plugin_setting('retrieve_link_email_subject'));
     $retrieve_link_email->recipient = $participant_values[self::plugin_setting('primary_email_address_field', 'email')];
      * @version 1.6
      * filter pdb-before_send_retrieve_link_email
     self::set_filter('before_send_retrieve_link_email', $retrieve_link_email);
     if (!empty($retrieve_link_email->recipient)) {
         $body = self::proc_tags($retrieve_link_email->body_template, $match_id);
         $sent = wp_mail($retrieve_link_email->recipient, self::proc_tags($retrieve_link_email->subject, $match_id), self::plugin_setting('html_email') ? self::process_rich_text($body) : $body, self::$email_headers);
         if (false === $sent) {
             error_log(__METHOD__ . ' sending returned false');
     } else {
         error_log(__METHOD__ . ' primary email address field undefined');
     if (self::plugin_setting_is_true('send_retrieve_link_notify_email')) {
         $body = self::proc_tags(self::plugin_setting('retrieve_link_notify_body'), $match_id);
         $sent = wp_mail(self::plugin_setting('email_signup_notify_addresses'), self::proc_tags(self::plugin_setting('retrieve_link_notify_subject'), $match_id, 'all'), self::plugin_setting('html_email') ? self::process_rich_text($body) : $body, self::$email_headers);
     //self::$validation_errors->add_error('', 'success');
     $_POST['action'] = 'success';
Exemplo n.º 2
  * tests a private link retrieval submission and send the link or sets an error
  * @return null
 private static function _process_retrieval()
      * we check a transient based on the user's IP; if the user tries more than 3 
      * times per day to get a private ID, they are blocked for 24 hours
     $transient = self::$prefix . 'retrieve-count-' . str_replace('.', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $count = get_transient($transient);
     $max_tries = current_user_can(Participants_Db::$plugin_options['plugin_admin_capability']) ? 100 : 3;
     // give the plugin admin unlimited tries
     if ($count > 0 and $count <= $max_tries) {
         // ok, they have a few more tries...
     } elseif ($count > $max_tries) {
         // too many tries, come back tomorrow
         error_log('Participants Database Plugin: IP blocked for too many retrieval attempts in 24-hour period: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     } else {
         // first time through...
         $count = 0;
     set_transient($transient, $count, 60 * 60 * 24);
     $column = self::get_column(self::$plugin_options['retrieve_link_identifier']);
     if (!isset($_POST[$column->name]) || empty($_POST[$column->name])) {
         self::$validation_errors->add_error($column->name, 'empty');
     // a value was submitted, try to find a record with it
     $participant_id = self::_get_participant_id_by_term($column->name, $_POST[$column->name]);
     if (!is_object(self::$validation_errors)) {
         self::$validation_errors = new PDb_FormValidation();
     if ($participant_id === false) {
         self::$validation_errors->add_error($column->name, 'identifier');
     } else {
         $participant_values = self::get_participant($participant_id);
     if (!empty(Participants_Db::$plugin_options['primary_email_address_field'])) {
         $body = self::proc_tags(self::$plugin_options['retrieve_link_email_body'], $participant_id);
         $sent = wp_mail($participant_values[Participants_Db::$plugin_options['primary_email_address_field']], self::proc_tags(self::$plugin_options['retrieve_link_email_subject'], $participant_id), Participants_Db::$plugin_options['html_email'] ? self::process_rich_text($body) : $body, self::$email_headers);
         if (false === $sent) {
             error_log(__METHOD__ . ' sending returned false');
     } else {
         error_log(__METHOD__ . ' primary email address field undefined');
     if (self::$plugin_options['send_retrieve_link_notify_email'] != 0) {
         $body = self::proc_tags(self::$plugin_options['retrieve_link_notify_body'], $participant_id);
         $sent = wp_mail(self::$plugin_options['email_signup_notify_addresses'], self::proc_tags(self::$plugin_options['retrieve_link_notify_subject'], $participant_id, 'all'), Participants_Db::$plugin_options['html_email'] ? self::process_rich_text($body) : $body, self::$email_headers);
     //self::$validation_errors->add_error('', 'success');
     $_POST['action'] = 'success';