Exemplo n.º 1
 public function run()
     // Since we added the origfilename column in 5.0.0b1 we need to populate it
     $bl = new LibraryFileBlockController();
     // install the new block types made available
     // rename external form
     $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('custom_form');
     $db = Loader::db();
     $tables = $db->MetaTables('TABLES');
     if (isset($tables['btCustomForm']) && !isset($tables['btExternalForm'])) {
         $db->Execute("alter table btCustomForm rename btExternalForm");
     if (is_object($bt)) {
         BlockType::installBlockType('external_form', $bt->getBlockTypeID());
     // add new theme
     $th = PageTheme::getByHandle('greensalad');
     if (!is_object($th)) {
Exemplo n.º 2
	public function run() {
		$db = Loader::db();
		//  we backup the custom styles table
		// upgrade blocks that differ between versions
		// Migrate data from the custom styles tables to the new approach
		// add the dark chocolate theme 						
		$pt = PageTheme::getByHandle('dark_chocolate');
		if (!is_object($pt)) {
			$chocolate = PageTheme::add('dark_chocolate');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function install($data = array())
     $pkg = parent::install();
     // Set Theme
     // check for active themes
     $active_theme = PageTheme::getSiteTheme();
     // strcmp($active_theme->getThemeHandle(), $themeHandle) == 0
     if (is_object($active_theme) && $active_theme->getThemeHandle() !== 'elemental') {
         // Theme::setThemeHandle($themeHandle);
         // $pt = PageTheme::getByID($pThemeID);
         $pt = PageTheme::getByHandle('elemental');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function run()
     if (!Config::get('SITE_INSTALLED_APP_VERSION')) {
         Config::save('SITE_INSTALLED_APP_VERSION', Config::get('SITE_APP_VERSION'));
     $th = PageTheme::getByHandle('greek_yogurt');
     if (!is_object($th)) {
     $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('core_scrapbook_display');
     if (is_object($bt)) {
     $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('search');
     if (is_object($bt)) {
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/users/group_sets');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d11 = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/users/group_sets');
         $d11->update(array('cName' => t('Group Sets')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/system/seo/bulk_seo_tool');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/system/seo/bulk_seo_tool');
         $d1a->update(array('cName' => t('Bulk SEO Updater')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/system/permissions/users');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/system/permissions/users');
         $d1a->update(array('cName' => t('User Permissions')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/blocks/permissions');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/blocks/permissions');
         $d1a->update(array('cName' => t('Block & Stack Permissions')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/system/permissions/advanced');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1b = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/system/permissions/advanced');
         $d1b->update(array('cName' => t('Advanced Permissions')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/workflow');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/workflow');
         $d1a->update(array('cName' => t('Workflow')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/workflow/list');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/workflow/list');
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/workflow/me');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/workflow/me');
         $d1a->update(array('cName' => t('Waiting for Me')));
     $sp = Page::getByPath('/dashboard/system/environment/proxy');
     if ($sp->isError()) {
         $d1a = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/system/environment/proxy');
         $d1a->update(array('cName' => t('Proxy Server')));
     // update meta keywords
     $pageKeywords = array('/dashboard/composer' => t('blog, blogging'), '/dashboard/composer/write' => t('new blog, write blog, blogging'), '/dashboard/composer/drafts' => t('blog drafts, composer'), '/dashboard/sitemap' => t('pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias'), '/dashboard/sitemap/full' => t('pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias'), '/dashboard/sitemap/explore' => t('pages, add page, delete page, copy, move, alias, bulk'), '/dashboard/sitemap/search' => t('find page, search page, search, find, pages, sitemap'), '/dashboard/files/search' => t('add file, delete file, copy, move, alias, resize, crop, rename, images, title, attribute'), '/dashboard/files/attributes' => t('file, file attributes, title, attribute, description, rename'), '/dashboard/files/sets' => t('files, category, categories'), '/dashboard/files/add_set' => t('new file set'), '/dashboard/users' => t('users, groups, people, find, delete user, remove user, change password, password'), '/dashboard/users/search' => t('find, search, people, delete user, remove user, change password, password'), '/dashboard/users/groups' => t('user, group, people, permissions, access, expire'), '/dashboard/users/attributes' => t('user attributes, user data, gather data, registration data'), '/dashboard/users/add' => t('new user, create'), '/dashboard/users/add_group' => t('new user group, new group, group, create'), '/dashboard/users/group_sets' => t('group set'), '/dashboard/reports' => t('forms, log, error, email, mysql, exception, survey'), '/dashboard/reports/statistics' => t('hits, pageviews, visitors, activity'), '/dashboard/reports/forms' => t('forms, questions, response, data'), '/dashboard/reports/surveys' => t('questions, quiz, response'), '/dashboard/reports/logs' => t('forms, log, error, email, mysql, exception, survey, history'), '/dashboard/pages/themes' => t('new theme, theme, active theme, change theme, template, css'), '/dashboard/pages/themes/add' => t('theme'), '/dashboard/pages/themes/inspect' => t('page types'), '/dashboard/pages/themes/customize' => t('custom theme, change theme, custom css, css'), '/dashboard/pages/types' => t('page type defaults, global block, global area, starter, template'), '/dashboard/pages/attributes' => t('page attributes, custom'), '/dashboard/pages/single' => t('single, page, custom, application'), '/dashboard/workflow' => t('add workflow, remove workflow'), '/dashboard/blocks/stacks' => t('stacks, reusable content, scrapbook, copy, paste, paste block, copy block, site name, logo'), '/dashboard/blocks/stacks/list' => t('edit stacks, view stacks, all stacks'), '/dashboard/blocks/types' => t('block, refresh, custom'), '/dashboard/extend' => t('add-on, addon, add on, package, applications, ecommerce, discussions, forums, themes, templates, blocks'), '/dashboard/extend/install' => t('add-on, addon, ecommerce, install, discussions, forums, themes, templates, blocks'), '/dashboard/extend/update' => t('update, upgrade'), '/dashboard/extend/connect' => t('concrete5.org, my account, marketplace'), '/dashboard/extend/themes' => t('buy theme, new theme, marketplace, template'), '/dashboard/extend/add-ons' => t('buy addon, buy add on, buy add-on, purchase addon, purchase add on, purchase add-on, find addon, new addon, marketplace'), '/dashboard/system' => t('dashboard, configuration'), '/dashboard/system/basics/site_name' => t('website name, title'), '/dashboard/system/basics/icons' => t('logo, favicon, iphone, icon, bookmark'), '/dashboard/system/basics/editor' => t('tinymce, content block, fonts, editor, content, overlay'), '/dashboard/system/basics/multilingual' => t('translate, translation, internationalization, multilingual'), '/dashboard/system/basics/timezone' => t('timezone, profile, locale'), '/dashboard/system/basics/interface' => t('interface, quick nav, dashboard background, background image'), '/dashboard/system/seo/urls' => t('vanity, pretty url, seo, pageview, view'), '/dashboard/system/seo/bulk_seo_tool' => t('bulk, seo, change keywords, engine, optimization, search'), '/dashboard/system/seo/tracking_codes' => t('traffic, statistics, google analytics, quant, pageviews, hits'), '/dashboard/system/seo/statistics' => t('turn off statistics, tracking, statistics, pageviews, hits'), '/dashboard/system/seo/search_index' => t('configure search, site search, search option'), '/dashboard/system/optimization/cache' => t('cache option, change cache, override, turn on cache, turn off cache, no cache, page cache, caching'), '/dashboard/system/optimization/clear_cache' => t('cache option, turn off cache, no cache, page cache, caching'), '/dashboard/system/optimization/jobs' => t('index search, reindex search, build sitemap, sitemap.xml, clear old versions, page versions, remove old'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/site' => t('editors, hide site, offline, private, public, access'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/files' => t('file options, file manager, upload, modify'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/file_types' => t('security, files, media, extension, manager, upload'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/tasks' => t('security, actions, administrator, admin, package, marketplace, search'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/ip_blacklist' => t('security, lock ip, lock out, block ip, address, restrict, access'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/captcha' => t('security, registration'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/antispam' => t('antispam, block spam, security'), '/dashboard/system/permissions/maintenance_mode' => t('lock site, under construction, hide, hidden'), '/dashboard/system/registration/postlogin' => t('profile, login, redirect, specific, dashboard, administrators'), '/dashboard/system/registration/profiles' => t('member profile, member page, community, forums, social, avatar'), '/dashboard/system/registration/public_registration' => t('signup, new user, community'), '/dashboard/system/mail' => t('smtp, mail settings'), '/dashboard/system/mail/method' => t('email server, mail settings, mail configuration, external, internal'), '/dashboard/system/mail/importers' => t('email server, mail settings, mail configuration, private message, message system, import, email, message'), '/dashboard/system/attributes' => t('attribute configuration'), '/dashboard/system/attributes/sets' => t('attributes, sets'), '/dashboard/system/attributes/types' => t('attributes, types'), '/dashboard/system/environment/info' => t('overrides, system info, debug, support, help'), '/dashboard/system/environment/debug' => t('errors, exceptions, develop, support, help'), '/dashboard/system/environment/logging' => t('email, logging, logs, smtp, pop, errors, mysql, log'), '/dashboard/system/environment/file_storage_locations' => t('security, alternate storage, hide files'), '/dashboard/system/environment/proxy' => t('network, proxy server'), '/dashboard/system/backup_restore' => t('export, backup, database, sql, mysql, encryption, restore'), '/dashboard/system/backup_restore/update' => t('upgrade, new version, update'), '/dashboard/system/backup_restore/database' => t('export, database, xml, starting, points, schema, refresh, custom, tables'), '/dashboard/system/seo/search_index' => t('configure search, site search, search option'), '/dashboard/system/optimization/cache' => t('cache option, change cache, override, turn on cache, turn off cache, no cache, page cache, caching'));
     foreach ($pageKeywords as $page => $keywords) {
         $p = Page::getByPath($page, 'ACTIVE');
         $ak = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('meta_keywords');
         if (is_object($p) && !$p->isError() && $ak instanceof AttributeKey) {
             $p->setAttribute('meta_keywords', $keywords);
     // install the permissions from permissions.xml
Exemplo n.º 5

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$co = Request::get();
$v = View::getInstance();
$au = $co->getAuxiliaryData();
if (isset($au->theme) && isset($au->file)) {
    $pt = PageTheme::getByHandle($au->theme);
    $val = Cache::get('preview_theme_style', $pt->getThemeID(), false, true);
    header("Content-Type: text/css");
    if (is_array($val)) {
        $values = $pt->mergeStylesFromPost($val);
    $pt->outputStyleSheet($au->file, $values);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * used by the theme_paths and site_theme_paths files in config/ to hard coded certain paths to various themes
  * @access public
  * @param $path string
  * @param $theme object, if null site theme is default
  * @return void
 public function setThemeByPath($path, $theme = NULL)
     if ($theme != VIEW_CORE_THEME && $theme != 'dashboard') {
         // this is a hack until we figure this code out.
         if (is_string($theme)) {
             $pageTheme = PageTheme::getByHandle($theme);
             if (is_object($pageTheme) && $pageTheme->getThemeHandle() == $theme) {
                 // is it the theme that's been requested?
                 $theme = $pageTheme;
     $this->themePaths[$path] = $theme;
Exemplo n.º 7
foreach ($jobs as $j) {
    $jb = Job::getByHandle($j);
    if (is_object($jb)) {
        echo "Job {$j} had been installed; skip intalling. <br/>";
    } else {
        #Job::installByPackage($j, $pkg);
        echo "Job {$j} newly installed. <br/>";
// Apply full_stack_style as the site theme
echo '<br/>';
echo 'Applying full_stack_style as site theme...';
$pt = PageTheme::getByHandle('full_stack_style');
echo 'Done.<br/>';
// Install event extends here
#Events::extend('on_start', 'FSENLocalization', 'setupInterfaceLocalization4Request', 'models/fsen_localization.php');
#Events::extend('on_before_render', 'FSENLocalization', 'setupInterfaceLocalization4Page', 'models/fsen_localization.php');
// Apply page type for HOME page
echo '<br/>';
echo '<br/>';
echo 'Applying page type for HOME...';
$home_page = Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
$home_type = CollectionType::getByHandle('home');
$home_page->update(array('ctID' => $home_type->getCollectionTypeID()));
echo 'Done. <br/>';
// disable full page cache for HOME page
// $home_page->update (array ('cCacheFullPageContent' => 0));
Exemplo n.º 8
	protected function importThemes(SimpleXMLElement $sx) {
		if (isset($sx->themes)) {
			foreach($sx->themes->theme as $th) {
				$pkg = ContentImporter::getPackageObject($th['package']);
				$ptHandle = (string) $th['handle'];
				$pt = PageTheme::getByHandle($ptHandle);
				if (!is_object($pt)) {
					$pt = PageTheme::add($ptHandle, $pkg);
				if ($th['activated'] == '1') {
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Convenience getters, mostly for grabbing model properties from views. If
  * the data takes a non-trivial time to fetch, store as an object property
  * of the same name, so it will be served from that.
  * Apart from caching, there must be no side effects.
 public function __get($name)
     /* One big switch for all the get names */
     switch ($name) {
         case 'crumbs':
             // @return Array of Page objects, from highest level parent to walk page
             $this->crumbs = Loader::helper('navigation')->getTrailToCollection($this->page);
             return $this->crumbs;
         case 'teamPictures':
             // @return Array<Array> of members
             $theme = \PageTheme::getByHandle('janeswalk');
             $this->teamPictures = array_map(function ($mem) use($theme) {
                 // TODO: deprecate this special-casing around the member 'you'
                 if ($mem['type'] === 'you') {
                     if ($mem['role'] === 'walk-organizer' || $mem['role'] === 'Walk Organizer') {
                         $mem['type'] = 'organizer';
                     } else {
                         $mem['type'] = 'leader';
                 switch ($mem['type']) {
                     case 'leader':
                         $mem['image'] = $theme->getThemeURL() . '/img/walk-leader.png';
                         $mem['title'] = 'Walk Leader';
                     case 'organizer':
                         $mem['image'] = $theme->getThemeURL() . '/img/walk-organizer.png';
                         $mem['title'] = 'Walk Organizer';
                     case 'community':
                         $mem['image'] = $theme->getThemeURL() . '/img/community-voice.png';
                         $mem['title'] = 'Community Voice';
                     case 'volunteer':
                         $mem['image'] = $theme->getThemeURL() . '/img/volunteers.png';
                         $mem['title'] = 'Volunteer';
                 if ($mem['user_id'] > 0) {
                     if ($avatar = Loader::helper('concrete/avatar')->getImagePath(\UserInfo::getByID($mem['user_id']))) {
                         $mem['avatar'] = $avatar;
                 return $mem;
             }, (array) $this->team);
             return $this->teamPictures;
         case 'walkLeaders':
             // @return Array of team members who are walk leaders
             return array_filter((array) $this->team, function ($mem) {
                 return strpos($mem['role'], 'leader') !== false || $mem['type'] === 'leader';
         case 'city':
             // @return City of walk's city
             $this->city = new City(Page::getByID($this->page->getCollectionParentID()));
             return $this->city;
         case 'meetingPlace':
             // @return Array<title, description> for first stop on walking route
             foreach ((array) $this->map['markers'] as $marker) {
                 $this->meetingPlace = ['title' => $marker['title'], 'description' => $marker['description']];
                 return $this->meetingPlace;
         case 'initiatives':
             // Initiatives
             $this->initiatives = [];
             $initiativeObjects = $this->page->getAttribute('walk_initiatives');
             if ($initiativeObjects !== false) {
                 foreach ($initiativeObjects->getOptions() as $initiative) {
                     $this->initiatives[] = ['id' => $initiative->ID, 'name' => $initiative->value];
             return $this->initiatives;
Exemplo n.º 10

$valt = Loader::helper('validation/token');
$theme = PageTheme::getByHandle("janeswalk");
$turl = $theme->getThemeUrl();
<html id="tool">
<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.1.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo $turl . '/css/screen.css';
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo $turl . '/css/main.css';
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<body style="margin:0;padding:0;">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
/files/importers/quick" class="ccm-file-manager-submit-single">
      <div class="fileupload fileupload-new" data-provides="fileupload">
        <div class="upload-image">
          <div class="upload-item text-center">
            <span class="btn-file">
            <div class="fileupload-preview thumbnail" style="width: 200px; height: 170px;"><br><br><i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-5x"></i></div>
            <span class="fileupload-new"><?php 
echo t('Click to upload an image');