Exemplo n.º 1
  * Step #1: Choose File
 public function index()
     $this->data['reimported_import'] = $import = new PMXI_Import_Record();
     $this->data['id'] = $id = $this->input->get('id');
     $this->data['parent_import'] = $parent_import = $this->input->get('parent_import', 0);
     $parent_import_record = new PMXI_Import_Record();
     $default = array('type' => 'upload', 'wizard_type' => 'new', 'custom_type' => 'post', 'show_hidden_cpt' => 0, 'feed_type' => '', 'url' => '', 'ftp' => array('url' => 'ftp://'), 'file' => '', 'reimport' => '', 'is_update_previous' => $id ? 1 : 0, 'update_previous' => $id, 'xpath' => '/', 'filepath' => '', 'root_element' => '', 'downloaded' => '', 'auto_generate' => 0, 'template' => false);
     if ($parent_import and !$parent_import_record->getById($parent_import)->isEmpty()) {
         $default['custom_type'] = $parent_import_record->options['custom_type'];
     if ($id) {
         // update requested but corresponding import is not found
         if ($import->getById($id)->isEmpty()) {
             if (!empty($_GET['deligate']) and $_GET['deligate'] == 'wpallexport') {
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg('pmxi_nt', array('error' => urlencode(__('The import associated with this export has been deleted.', 'wp_all_import_plugin')), 'updated' => urlencode(__('Please re-run your export by clicking Run Export on the All Export -> Manage Exports page. Then try your import again.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'))), remove_query_arg('id', $this->baseUrl)));
             } else {
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg('pmxi_nt', array('error' => urlencode(__('This import has been deleted.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'))), remove_query_arg('id', $this->baseUrl)));
         } else {
             $default['custom_type'] = $import->options['custom_type'];
     $this->data['post'] = $post = $this->input->post($default);
     if (!class_exists('DOMDocument') or !class_exists('XMLReader')) {
         $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Required PHP components are missing.<br/><br/>WP All Import requires DOMDocument, XMLReader, and XMLWriter PHP modules to be installed.<br/>These are standard features of PHP, and are necessary for WP All Import to read the files you are trying to import.<br/>Please contact your web hosting provider and ask them to install and activate the DOMDocument, XMLReader, and XMLWriter PHP modules.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
     if ($this->input->post('is_submitted') and !$this->errors->get_error_codes()) {
         check_admin_referer('choose-file', '_wpnonce_choose-file');
         if ('upload' == $this->input->post('type')) {
             $uploader = new PMXI_Upload($post['filepath'], $this->errors, rtrim(str_replace(basename($post['filepath']), '', $post['filepath']), '/'));
             $upload_result = $uploader->upload();
             if ($upload_result instanceof WP_Error) {
                 $this->errors = $upload_result;
             } else {
                 $source = $upload_result['source'];
                 $filePath = $upload_result['filePath'];
                 $post['template'] = $upload_result['template'];
                 PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv = $upload_result['is_csv'];
                 if (!empty($upload_result['root_element'])) {
                     $post['root_element'] = $upload_result['root_element'];
         } elseif ('url' == $this->input->post('type')) {
             if (!empty($post['downloaded'])) {
                 $downloaded = json_decode($post['downloaded'], true);
                 $source = $downloaded['source'];
                 $filePath = $downloaded['filePath'];
                 $post['template'] = $downloaded['template'];
                 PMXI_Plugin::$csv_path = $downloaded['csv_path'];
                 PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv = $downloaded['is_csv'];
                 if (!empty($downloaded['root_element'])) {
                     $post['root_element'] = $downloaded['root_element'];
                 $post['feed_type'] = $downloaded['feed_type'];
             } else {
                 $uploader = new PMXI_Upload($post['url'], $this->errors);
                 $upload_result = $uploader->url($post['feed_type']);
                 if ($upload_result instanceof WP_Error) {
                     $this->errors = $upload_result;
                 } else {
                     $source = $upload_result['source'];
                     $filePath = $upload_result['filePath'];
                     $post['template'] = $upload_result['template'];
                     PMXI_Plugin::$csv_path = $upload_result['csv_path'];
                     PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv = $upload_result['is_csv'];
                     if (!empty($upload_result['root_element'])) {
                         $post['root_element'] = $upload_result['root_element'];
                     $post['feed_type'] = $upload_result['feed_type'];
         } elseif ('file' == $this->input->post('type')) {
             $uploader = new PMXI_Upload($post['file'], $this->errors);
             $upload_result = $uploader->file();
             if ($upload_result instanceof WP_Error) {
                 $this->errors = $upload_result;
             } else {
                 $source = $upload_result['source'];
                 $filePath = $upload_result['filePath'];
                 $post['template'] = $upload_result['template'];
                 PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv = $upload_result['is_csv'];
                 if (!empty($upload_result['root_element'])) {
                     $post['root_element'] = $upload_result['root_element'];
         if ($this->input->post('is_submitted') and '' == $this->input->post('custom_type')) {
             $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Select an item type to import the data', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
         if ($post['is_update_previous'] and empty($post['update_previous'])) {
             $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Previous import for update must be selected to proceed with a new one', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
         $this->data['detection_feed_extension'] = false;
         $elements_cloud = array();
         $table = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . 'imports';
         $deligate = $this->input->get('deligate', false);
         $redirect_to_template = false;
         $importRecord = new PMXI_Import_Record();
         switch ($deligate) {
             case 'wpallexport':
                 global $wpdb;
                 $import_id = $this->input->get('id', 0);
                 if (!$importRecord->isEmpty() and !empty($importRecord->options['unique_key'])) {
                     $importRecord->set(array('path' => wp_all_import_get_relative_path($filePath), 'parent_import_id' => 0))->save();
                     $post['is_update_previous'] = 1;
                     $post['update_previous'] = $importRecord->id;
                     //$chunks = $importRecord->count;
                     $redirect_to_template = true;
                 if ($importRecord->isEmpty()) {
                     $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('File is no longer in the correct format', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
                 } elseif (empty($importRecord->options['unique_key'])) {
                     $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Certain columns are required to be present in your file to enable it to be re-imported with WP All Import. These columns are missing. Re-export your file using WP All Export, and don\'t delete any of the columns when editing it. Then, re-import will work correctly.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
                 } elseif ($importRecord->options['custom_type'] == 'import_users' && !class_exists('PMUI_Plugin')) {
                     $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('The import template you are using requires User Import Add-On.<br/><a href="http://www.wpallimport.com/add-ons/user-import/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=wpai-import-template&utm_campaign=free+wp+all+export+plugin" target="_blank">Purchase the User Import Add-On</a>', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
                 # code...
         $local_paths = !empty($local_paths) ? $local_paths : array($filePath);
         foreach ($local_paths as $key => $path) {
             if (@file_exists($path)) {
                 $file = new PMXI_Chunk($path, array('element' => $post['root_element'], 'get_cloud' => true));
                 if (!empty($file->options['element'])) {
                     $xpath = "/" . $file->options['element'];
                     $elements_cloud = $file->cloud;
                     if (!empty($elements_cloud) and class_exists('PMXE_Plugin') and !$importRecord->isEmpty()) {
                         $is_file_valid = apply_filters('wp_all_import_is_exported_file_valid', true, $importRecord->options['export_id'], $elements_cloud);
                         if (!$is_file_valid) {
                             $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Certain columns are required to be present in your file to enable it to be re-imported with WP All Import. These columns are missing. Re-export your file using WP All Export, and don\'t delete any of the columns when editing it. Then, re-import will work correctly.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
                     if (($redirect_to_template or $post['auto_generate']) and !$this->errors->get_error_codes()) {
                         // loop through the file until all lines are read
                         while ($xml = $file->read()) {
                             if (!empty($xml)) {
                                 $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" . "\n" . $xml;
                                 $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                                 $old = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
                                 $dxpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
                                 if ($elements = @$dxpath->query($xpath) and $elements->length) {
                                     $chunks += $elements->length;
                                     unset($dom, $dxpath, $elements);
             } else {
                 $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Unable to download feed resource.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
         if (!$this->errors->get_error_codes()) {
             // xml is valid
             $source['root_element'] = $file->options['element'];
             $source['first_import'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             $session_data = array('filePath' => $filePath, 'parent_import_id' => $parent_import, 'xpath' => !empty($xpath) ? $xpath : '', 'feed_type' => $post['feed_type'], 'wizard_type' => $post['wizard_type'], 'custom_type' => $post['custom_type'], 'source' => $source, 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'is_csv' => PMXI_Plugin::$is_csv, 'csv_path' => PMXI_Plugin::$csv_path, 'chunk_number' => 1, 'log' => '', 'processing' => 0, 'queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'count' => isset($chunks) ? $chunks : 0, 'warnings' => 0, 'errors' => 0, 'start_time' => 0, 'local_paths' => !empty($local_paths) ? $local_paths : array(), 'csv_paths' => array(PMXI_Plugin::$csv_path), 'action' => 'import', 'elements_cloud' => !empty($elements_cloud) ? $elements_cloud : array(), 'pointer' => 1, 'deligate' => $deligate);
             // apply options from WP All Export bundle
             if (!empty($post['template'])) {
                 $templates = json_decode($post['template'], true);
                 $template_options = maybe_unserialize($templates[0]['options']);
                 $template_options['type'] = $post['custom_type'] == 'page' ? 'page' : 'post';
                 $template_options['custom_type'] = $post['custom_type'];
                 $template_options['wizard_type'] = $post['wizard_type'];
                 if ($post['wizard_type'] == 'new') {
                     $template_options['create_new_records'] = 1;
                 $this->data['post'] = $template_options;
                 PMXI_Plugin::$session->set('options', $template_options);
             foreach ($session_data as $key => $value) {
                 PMXI_Plugin::$session->set($key, $value);
             $update_previous = new PMXI_Import_Record();
             if ($post['is_update_previous'] and !$update_previous->getById($post['update_previous'])->isEmpty()) {
                 PMXI_Plugin::$session->set('update_previous', $update_previous->id);
                 PMXI_Plugin::$session->set('xpath', $update_previous->xpath);
                 PMXI_Plugin::$session->set('options', $update_previous->options);
             } else {
                 PMXI_Plugin::$session->set('update_previous', '');
             $xml = $this->get_xml();
             if (empty($xml)) {
                 $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Please confirm you are importing a valid feed.<br/> Often, feed providers distribute feeds with invalid data, improperly wrapped HTML, line breaks where they should not be, faulty character encodings, syntax errors in the XML, and other issues.<br/><br/>WP All Import has checks in place to automatically fix some of the most common problems, but we can’t catch every single one.<br/><br/>It is also possible that there is a bug in WP All Import, and the problem is not with the feed.<br/><br/>If you need assistance, please contact support – <a href="mailto:support@wpallimport.com">support@wpallimport.com</a> – with your XML/CSV file. We will identify the problem and release a bug fix if necessary.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
             } elseif ($redirect_to_template) {
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg('action', 'template', $this->baseUrl));
             } elseif ($post['auto_generate']) {
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg('action', 'options', $this->baseUrl));
             } else {
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg('action', 'element', $this->baseUrl));
         } else {
             if ('url' == $this->input->post('type') and !empty($this->errors)) {
                 $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('WP All Import unable to detect file type.<br/><br/>WP All Import not able to determine what type of file you are importing. Make sure your file extension is correct for the file type you are importing.<br/> Please choose the correct file type from the dropdown below, or try adding &type=xml or &type=csv to the end of the URL, for example http://example.com/export-products.php?&type=xml', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
                 $this->data['detection_feed_extension'] = true;
             } else {
                 $this->errors->add('form-validation', __('Please confirm you are importing a valid feed.<br/> Often, feed providers distribute feeds with invalid data, improperly wrapped HTML, line breaks where they should not be, faulty character encodings, syntax errors in the XML, and other issues.<br/><br/>WP All Import has checks in place to automatically fix some of the most common problems, but we can’t catch every single one.<br/><br/>It is also possible that there is a bug in WP All Import, and the problem is not with the feed.<br/><br/>If you need assistance, please contact support – <a href="mailto:support@wpallimport.com">support@wpallimport.com</a> – with your XML/CSV file. We will identify the problem and release a bug fix if necessary.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'));
         do_action("pmxi_get_file", $filePath);
     if ($this->input->post('is_submitted') and $this->errors->get_error_codes()) {
Exemplo n.º 2
function pmxi_wp_loaded()
    @ini_set("max_input_time", PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('max_input_time'));
    @ini_set("max_execution_time", PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('max_execution_time'));
    $table = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . 'imports';
    global $wpdb;
    $imports = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`, `name`, `path` FROM {$table} WHERE `path` IS NULL", ARRAY_A);
    if (!empty($imports)) {
        $importRecord = new PMXI_Import_Record();
        foreach ($imports as $imp) {
            if (!$importRecord->isEmpty()) {
    /* Check if cron is manualy, then execute import */
    $cron_job_key = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_job_key');
    if (!empty($cron_job_key) and !empty($_GET['import_id']) and !empty($_GET['import_key']) and $_GET['import_key'] == $cron_job_key and !empty($_GET['action']) and in_array($_GET['action'], array('processing', 'trigger', 'pipe'))) {
        $logger = create_function('$m', 'echo "<p>$m</p>\\n";');
        $import = new PMXI_Import_Record();
        $ids = explode(',', $_GET['import_id']);
        if (!empty($ids) and is_array($ids)) {
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                if (empty($id)) {
                if (!$import->isEmpty()) {
                    if (!in_array($import->type, array('url', 'ftp', 'file'))) {
                        $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Scheduling update is not working with "upload" import type. Import #%s.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                    switch ($_GET['action']) {
                        case 'trigger':
                            if ((int) $import->executing) {
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s is currently in manually process. Request skipped.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                            } elseif (!$import->processing and !$import->triggered) {
                                $import->set(array('triggered' => 1, 'imported' => 0, 'created' => 0, 'updated' => 0, 'skipped' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'queue_chunk_number' => 0, 'last_activity' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')))->update();
                                $history_log = new PMXI_History_Record();
                                $history_log->set(array('import_id' => $import->id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'type' => 'trigger', 'summary' => __("triggered by cron", "wp_all_import_plugin")))->save();
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('#%s Cron job triggered.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                            } elseif ($import->processing and !$import->triggered) {
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s currently in process. Request skipped.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                            } elseif (!$import->processing and $import->triggered) {
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s already triggered. Request skipped.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                        case 'processing':
                            if ($import->processing == 1 and time() - strtotime($import->registered_on) > (PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_processing_time_limit') ? PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('cron_processing_time_limit') : 120)) {
                                // it means processor crashed, so it will reset processing to false, and terminate. Then next run it will work normally.
                                $import->set(array('processing' => 0))->update();
                            // start execution imports that is in the cron process
                            if (!(int) $import->triggered) {
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s is not triggered. Request skipped.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                            } elseif ((int) $import->executing) {
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s is currently in manually process. Request skipped.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                            } elseif ((int) $import->triggered and !(int) $import->processing) {
                                $log_storage = (int) PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getOption('log_storage');
                                // unlink previous logs
                                $by = array();
                                $by[] = array(array('import_id' => $id, 'type NOT LIKE' => 'trigger'), 'AND');
                                $historyLogs = new PMXI_History_List();
                                $historyLogs->setColumns('id', 'import_id', 'type', 'date')->getBy($by, 'id ASC');
                                if ($historyLogs->count() and $historyLogs->count() >= $log_storage) {
                                    $logsToRemove = $historyLogs->count() - $log_storage;
                                    foreach ($historyLogs as $i => $file) {
                                        $historyRecord = new PMXI_History_Record();
                                        $historyRecord->getBy('id', $file['id']);
                                        if (!$historyRecord->isEmpty()) {
                                        // unlink history file only
                                        if ($i == $logsToRemove) {
                                $history_log = new PMXI_History_Record();
                                $history_log->set(array('import_id' => $import->id, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'type' => 'processing', 'summary' => __("cron processing", "wp_all_import_plugin")))->save();
                                if ($log_storage) {
                                    $wp_uploads = wp_upload_dir();
                                    $log_file = wp_all_import_secure_file($wp_uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::LOGS_DIRECTORY, $history_log->id) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $history_log->id . '.html';
                                    if (@file_exists($log_file)) {
                                        wp_all_import_remove_source($log_file, false);
                                $import->set(array('canceled' => 0, 'failed' => 0))->execute($logger, true, $history_log->id);
                                $log_data = ob_get_clean();
                                if ($log_storage) {
                                    $log = @fopen($log_file, 'a+');
                                    @fwrite($log, $log_data);
                                if (!(int) $import->queue_chunk_number) {
                                    $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s complete', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $import->id));
                                } else {
                                    $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Records Count %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), (int) $import->count));
                                    $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Records Processed %s', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), (int) $import->queue_chunk_number));
                            } else {
                                $logger and call_user_func($logger, sprintf(__('Import #%s already processing. Request skipped.', 'wp_all_import_plugin'), $id));
                        case 'pipe':
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function cleanup()
     $removedFiles = 0;
     $wp_uploads = wp_upload_dir();
     $dir = $wp_uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::TEMP_DIRECTORY;
     $cacheDir = PMXI_Plugin::ROOT_DIR . '/libraries/cache';
     $files = array_diff(@scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
     $cacheFiles = @array_diff(@scandir($cacheDir), array('.', '..'));
     $msg = __('Files not found', 'wp_all_import_plugin');
     if (count($files) or count($cacheFiles)) {
         $msg = __('Clean Up has been successfully completed.', 'wp_all_import_plugin');
     // clean logs files
     $table = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . 'history';
     global $wpdb;
     $histories = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table}", ARRAY_A);
     if (!empty($histories)) {
         $importRecord = new PMXI_Import_Record();
         foreach ($histories as $history) {
             if ($importRecord->isEmpty()) {
                 $historyRecord = new PMXI_History_Record();
                 if (!$historyRecord->isEmpty()) {
     // clean uploads folder
     $table = PMXI_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix() . 'files';
     $files = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table}", ARRAY_A);
     $required_dirs = array();
     if (!empty($files)) {
         $importRecord = new PMXI_Import_Record();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($importRecord->isEmpty()) {
                 $fileRecord = new PMXI_File_Record();
                 if (!$fileRecord->isEmpty()) {
             } else {
                 $path_parts = pathinfo(wp_all_import_get_absolute_path($file['path']));
                 if (!empty($path_parts['dirname'])) {
                     $path_all_parts = explode('/', $path_parts['dirname']);
                     $dirname = array_pop($path_all_parts);
                     if (wp_all_import_isValidMd5($dirname)) {
                         $required_dirs[] = $path_parts['dirname'];
     $uploads_dir = $wp_uploads['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . PMXI_Plugin::UPLOADS_DIRECTORY;
     if (($dir = @opendir($uploads_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) !== false or ($dir = @opendir($uploads_dir)) !== false) {
         while (($file = @readdir($dir)) !== false) {
             $filePath = $uploads_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
             if (is_dir($filePath) and !in_array($filePath, $required_dirs) and !in_array($file, array('.', '..'))) {
     wp_redirect(add_query_arg('pmxi_nt', urlencode($msg), $this->baseUrl));