Exemplo n.º 1
// 1st entry: the faq server itself
$sitemap .= buildSitemapNode(PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/sitemap.google.php'), PMF_Date::createISO8601Date($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], false), PMF_SITEMAP_GOOGLE_CHANGEFREQ_DAILY, PMF_SITEMAP_GOOGLE_PRIORITY_MAX);
// nth entry: each faq
foreach ($items as $item) {
    if ($visitsMax - $visitMin > 0) {
        $priority = sprintf('%.1f', PMF_SITEMAP_GOOGLE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT * (1 + ($item['visits'] - $visitMin) / ($visitsMax - $visitMin)));
    // a. We use plain PMF urls w/o any SEO schema
    $link = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/index.php', $item['url']);
    // b. We use SEO PMF urls
        if (isset($item['thema'])) {
            $oL = new PMF_Link($link);
            $oL->itemTitle = $item['thema'];
            $link = $oL->toString();
    $sitemap .= buildSitemapNode(PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/sitemap.google.php') . $link, PMF_Date::createISO8601Date($item['date']), PMF_SITEMAP_GOOGLE_CHANGEFREQ_DAILY, $priority);
$sitemap .= '</urlset>';
if (!is_null($getgezip) && 1 == $getgezip) {
    if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
        $sitemapGz = gzencode($sitemap);
        header('Content-Type: application/x-gzip');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . PMF_SITEMAP_GOOGLE_FILENAME_GZ . '"');
        header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($sitemapGz));
        print $sitemapGz;
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
     if ($faq->faqRecord['email'] != '') {
         $emailTo = $faq->faqRecord['email'];
     $_faqUrl = sprintf('%saction=artikel&amp;cat=%d&amp;id=%d&amp;artlang=%s', $sids, 0, $faq->faqRecord['id'], $faq->faqRecord['lang']);
     $oLink = new PMF_Link(PMF_Link::getSystemUri() . '?' . $_faqUrl);
     $oLink->itemTitle = $faq->faqRecord['title'];
     $urlToContent = $oLink->toString();
 } else {
     $oNews = new PMF_News();
     $news = $oNews->getNewsEntry($id);
     if ($news['authorEmail'] != '') {
         $emailTo = $news['authorEmail'];
     $oLink = new PMF_Link(PMF_Link::getSystemUri() . '?action=news&amp;newsid=' . $news['id'] . '&amp;newslang=' . $news['lang']);
     $oLink->itemTitle = $news['header'];
     $urlToContent = $oLink->toString();
 $commentMail = 'User: '******'username'] . ', mailto:' . $commentData['usermail'] . "\n" . 'New comment posted on: ' . $urlToContent . "\n\n" . wordwrap($comment, 72);
 $mail = new PMF_Mail();
 // Let the category owner get a copy of the message
 if ($emailTo != $faqconfig->get('main.administrationMail')) {
 $mail->subject = '%sitename%';
 $mail->message = strip_tags($commentMail);
 $result = $mail->send();
 $message = $PMF_LANG['msgCommentThanks'];
Exemplo n.º 3
  * The footer of the PDF file
  * @return void
 public function Footer()
     global $PMF_LANG;
     $faqconfig = PMF_Configuration::getInstance();
     $currentTextColor = $this->TextColor;
     $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     $this->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 10);
     $this->Cell(0, 10, $PMF_LANG['ad_gen_page'] . ' ' . $this->PageNo() . ' / ' . $this->getAliasNbPages(), 0, 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont('dejavusans', 'B', 8);
     $this->Cell(0, 10, "(c) " . date("Y") . " " . $faqconfig->get('main.metaPublisher') . " <" . $faqconfig->get('main.administrationMail') . ">", 0, 1, "C");
     if ($this->enableBookmarks == false) {
         $this->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 8);
         $baseUrl = '/index.php';
         if (is_array($this->faq) && !empty($this->faq)) {
             $baseUrl .= '?action=artikel&amp;cat=' . $this->categories[$this->category]['id'];
             $baseUrl .= '&amp;id=' . $this->faq['id'];
             $baseUrl .= '&amp;artlang=' . $this->faq['lang'];
         $url = PMF_Link::getSystemScheme() . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $baseUrl;
         $urlObj = new PMF_Link($url);
         $urlObj->itemTitle = $this->thema;
         $_url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $urlObj->toString());
         $this->Cell(0, 10, 'URL: ' . $_url, 0, 1, 'C', 0, $_url);
     $this->TextColor = $currentTextColor;
Exemplo n.º 4
$rss->startDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$rss->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
$rss->writeElement('title', $faqConfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . ' - ');
$rss->writeElement('description', html_entity_decode($faqConfig->get('main.metaDescription')));
$rss->writeElement('link', $faqConfig->get('main.referenceURL'));
if (is_array($records)) {
    foreach ($records as $item) {
        $link = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/index.php', $item['record_link']);
        if (PMF_RSS_USE_SEO) {
            if (isset($item['record_title'])) {
                $oLink = new PMF_Link($link, $faqConfig);
                $oLink->itemTitle = $item['record_title'];
                $link = $oLink->toString();
        $rss->writeElement('title', html_entity_decode($item['record_title'] . ' (' . $item['visits'] . ' ' . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ')', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
        $rss->writeElement('link', $faqConfig->get('main.referenceURL') . $link);
        $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['record_date'], true));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
Exemplo n.º 5
if (isset($linkArray['href'])) {
    foreach (array_unique($linkArray['href']) as $_url) {
        if (!(strpos($_url, 'index.php?action=artikel') === false)) {
            // Get the Faq link title
            $matches = array();
            preg_match('/id=([\\d]+)/ism', $_url, $matches);
            $_id = $matches[1];
            $_title = $faq->getRecordTitle($_id, false);
            $_link = substr($_url, 9);
            // Move the link to XHTML
            if (strpos($_url, '&amp;') === false) {
                $_link = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $_link);
            $oLink = new PMF_Link(PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri() . $_link);
            $oLink->itemTitle = $oLink->tooltip = $_title;
            $newFaqPath = $oLink->toString();
            $fixedContent = str_replace($_url, $newFaqPath, $fixedContent);
$content = $fixedContent;
// Check for the languages for a faq
$arrLanguage = PMF_Utils::languageAvailable($record_id);
$switchLanguage = '';
$check4Lang = '';
$num = count($arrLanguage);
if ($num > 1) {
    foreach ($arrLanguage as $language) {
        $check4Lang .= "<option value=\"" . $language . "\"";
        $check4Lang .= $lang == $language ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        $check4Lang .= ">" . $languageCodes[strtoupper($language)] . "</option>\n";
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Function for generating the HTML fro the current news
  * @param boolean $showArchive Show archived news
  * @param boolean $active      Show active news
  * @return string
 public function getNews($showArchive = false, $active = true)
     $output = '';
     $news = $this->getLatestData($showArchive, $active);
     foreach ($news as $item) {
         $url = sprintf('%s?action=news&amp;newsid=%d&amp;newslang=%s', PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri(), $item['id'], $item['lang']);
         $oLink = new PMF_Link($url);
         if (isset($item['header'])) {
             $oLink->itemTitle = $item['header'];
         $output .= sprintf('<h3><a name="news_%d" href="%s">%s <img class="goNews" src="images/more.gif" width="11" height="11" alt="%s" /></a></h3><div class="block">%s', $item['id'], $oLink->toString(), $item['header'], $item['header'], $item['content']);
         if (strlen($item['link']) > 1) {
             $output .= sprintf('<br />%s <a href="%s" target="_%s">%s</a>', $this->pmf_lang['msgInfo'], $item['link'], $item['target'], $item['linkTitle']);
         $output .= sprintf('</div><div class="date">%s</div>', PMF_Date::createIsoDate($item['date']));
     return '' == $output ? $this->pmf_lang['msgNoNews'] : $output;
Exemplo n.º 7
$rss->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
$rss->writeElement('title', $faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . ' - ' . $PMF_LANG['msgTopTen']);
$rss->writeElement('description', html_entity_decode($faqconfig->get('main.metaDescription')));
$rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php'));
if ($num > 0) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        // Get the url
        $link = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/index.php', $item['url']);
        if (PMF_RSS_USE_SEO) {
            if (isset($item['thema'])) {
                $oLink = new PMF_Link($link);
                $oLink->itemTitle = html_entity_decode($item['thema'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
                $link = html_entity_decode($oLink->toString(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        $rss->writeElement('title', PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(html_entity_decode($item['thema'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 8) . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")");
        $rss->writeCdata("[" . $i . ".] " . $item['thema'] . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")");
        $rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php') . $link);
        $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['last_visit'], false));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Render url for a given page
  * @param string  $url  url
  * @param integer $page page number
  * @return string
 protected function renderUrl($url, $page)
     $cleanedUrl = PMF_String::preg_replace(array('$&(amp;|)' . $this->pageParamName . '=(\\d+)$'), '', $url);
     $url = sprintf('%s&amp;%s=%d', $cleanedUrl, $this->pageParamName, $page);
     $link = new PMF_Link($url);
     $link->itemTitle = $this->seoName;
     return $link->toString();

            <!-- sidebar -->
            <div class="well span3">
                <!-- form actions -->
    if (0 !== $faqData['id'] && 'copyentry' !== $action) {
        $url = sprintf('%sindex.php?action=artikel&cat=%s&id=%d&artlang=%s', $faqConfig->get('main.referenceURL'), $categories[0]['category_id'], $faqData['id'], $faqData['lang']);
        $link = new PMF_Link($url, $faqConfig);
        $link->itemTitle = $faqData['title'];
                    <div class="control-group text-center">
                        <a class="btn btn-info" href="<?php 
        echo $link->toString();
        echo $PMF_LANG['msgSeeFAQinFrontend'];
                    <div class="control-group">
                        <label class="control-label" for="dateActualize"><?php 
    echo $PMF_LANG["ad_entry_date"];
Exemplo n.º 10
// Get all data from the news record
$news = $oNews->getNewsEntry($news_id);
$content = $news['content'];
$header = $news['header'];
// Add Glossary entries
$oGlossary = new PMF_Glossary();
$content = $oGlossary->insertItemsIntoContent($content);
$header = $oGlossary->insertItemsIntoContent($header);
// Add information link if existing
if (strlen($news['link']) > 0) {
    $content .= sprintf('</p><p>%s<a href="%s" target="%s">%s</a>', $PMF_LANG['msgInfo'], $news['link'], $news['target'], $news['linkTitle']);
// Show link to edit the news?
$editThisEntry = '';
if (isset($permission['editnews'])) {
    $editThisEntry = sprintf('<a href="%sadmin/index.php?action=news&amp;do=edit&amp;id=%d">%s</a>', PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri('index.php'), $news_id, $PMF_LANG['ad_menu_news_edit']);
// Is the news item expired?
$expired = date('YmdHis') > $news['dateEnd'];
// Does the user have the right to add a comment?
if (!$news['active'] || !$news['allowComments'] || $expired) {
    $commentMessage = $PMF_LANG['msgWriteNoComment'];
} else {
    $oLink = new PMF_Link($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . str_replace('&', '&amp;', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
    $oLink->itemTitle = $header;
    $commentHref = $oLink->toString() . '#comment';
    $commentMessage = sprintf('<a onclick="javascript:$(\'#comment\').show();" href="%s">%s</a>', $commentHref, $PMF_LANG['newsWriteComment']);
// Set the template variables
$tpl->processTemplate("writeContent", array('writeNewsHeader' => $writeNewsHeader, 'writeNewsRSS' => $writeNewsRSS, 'writeHeader' => $header, 'writeContent' => $content, 'writeDateMsg' => $news['active'] && !$expired ? $PMF_LANG['msgLastUpdateArticle'] . '<span id="newsLastUpd">' . $news['date'] . '</span>' : '', 'writeAuthor' => $news['active'] && !$expired ? $PMF_LANG['msgAuthor'] . ': ' . $news['authorName'] : '', 'editThisEntry' => $editThisEntry, 'writeCommentMsg' => $commentMessage, 'msgWriteComment' => $PMF_LANG['newsWriteComment'], 'writeSendAdress' => '?' . $sids . 'action=savecomment', 'newsId' => $news_id, 'newsLang' => $news['lang'], 'msgCommentHeader' => $PMF_LANG['msgCommentHeader'], 'msgNewContentName' => $PMF_LANG['msgNewContentName'], 'msgNewContentMail' => $PMF_LANG['msgNewContentMail'], 'defaultContentMail' => $user instanceof PMF_User_CurrentUser ? $user->getUserData('email') : '', 'defaultContentName' => $user instanceof PMF_User_CurrentUser ? $user->getUserData('display_name') : '', 'msgYourComment' => $PMF_LANG['msgYourComment'], 'msgNewContentSubmit' => $PMF_LANG['msgNewContentSubmit'], 'captchaFieldset' => PMF_Helper_Captcha::getInstance()->renderFieldset($PMF_LANG['msgCaptcha'], $captcha->printCaptcha('writecomment')), 'writeComments' => $comment->getComments($news_id, PMF_Comment::COMMENT_TYPE_NEWS)));
$tpl->includeTemplate('writeContent', 'index');
Exemplo n.º 11
$rss->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
$rss->writeElement('title', $faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . ' - ' . $PMF_LANG['msgTopTen']);
$rss->writeElement('description', html_entity_decode($faqconfig->get('main.metaDescription')));
$rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php'));
if ($num > 0) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        // Get the url
        $link = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/index.php', $item['url']);
        if (PMF_RSS_USE_SEO) {
            if (isset($item['thema'])) {
                $oLink = new PMF_Link($link);
                $oLink->itemTitle = $item['thema'];
                $link = html_entity_decode($oLink->toString());
        $rss->writeElement('title', PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(html_entity_decode($item['thema']), 8) . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")");
        $rss->writeCdata("[" . $i . ".] " . $item['thema'] . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")");
        $rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php') . $link);
        $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['last_visit'], false));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Returns the sticky records with URL and Title
  * @return array
 private function getStickyRecordsData()
     global $sids;
     if ($this->groupSupport) {
         $permPart = sprintf("AND\n                ( fdg.group_id IN (%s)\n            OR\n                (fdu.user_id = %d AND fdg.group_id IN (%s)))", implode(', ', $this->groups), $this->user, implode(', ', $this->groups));
     } else {
         $permPart = sprintf("AND\n                ( fdu.user_id = %d OR fdu.user_id = -1 )", $this->user);
     $now = date('YmdHis');
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                fd.id AS id,\n                fd.lang AS lang,\n                fd.thema AS thema,\n                fcr.category_id AS category_id\n            FROM\n                %sfaqdata fd\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqcategoryrelations fcr\n            ON\n                fd.id = fcr.record_id\n            AND\n                fd.lang = fcr.record_lang\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqdata_group AS fdg\n            ON\n                fd.id = fdg.record_id\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqdata_user AS fdu\n            ON\n                fd.id = fdu.record_id\n            WHERE\n                fd.lang = '%s'\n            AND \n                fd.date_start <= '%s'\n            AND \n                fd.date_end   >= '%s'\n            AND \n                fd.active = 'yes'\n            AND \n                fd.sticky = 1\n            %s", SQLPREFIX, SQLPREFIX, SQLPREFIX, SQLPREFIX, $this->language, $now, $now, $permPart);
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $sticky = array();
     $data = array();
     $oldId = 0;
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_object($result)) {
         if ($oldId != $row->id) {
             $data['thema'] = $row->thema;
             $title = $row->thema;
             $url = sprintf('%saction=artikel&amp;cat=%d&amp;id=%d&amp;artlang=%s', $sids, $row->category_id, $row->id, $row->lang);
             $oLink = new PMF_Link(PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri() . '?' . $url);
             $oLink->itemTitle = $row->thema;
             $oLink->tooltip = $title;
             $data['url'] = $oLink->toString();
             $sticky[] = $data;
         $oldId = $row->id;
     return $sticky;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * The footer of the PDF file
  * @return void
 public function Footer()
     global $PMF_LANG;
     $faqconfig = PMF_Configuration::getInstance();
     $footer = sprintf('(c) %d %s <%s> | %s', date('Y'), $faqconfig->get('main.metaPublisher'), $faqconfig->get('main.administrationMail'), PMF_Date::format(date('Y-m-d H:i')));
     $currentTextColor = $this->TextColor;
     $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     $this->SetFont($this->currentFont, '', 10);
     $this->Cell(0, 10, $PMF_LANG['ad_gen_page'] . ' ' . $this->getAliasNumPage() . ' / ' . $this->getAliasNbPages(), 0, 0, 'C');
     $this->SetFont($this->currentFont, 'B', 8);
     $this->Cell(0, 10, $footer, 0, 1, "C");
     if ($this->enableBookmarks == false) {
         $this->SetFont($this->currentFont, '', 8);
         $baseUrl = 'index.php';
         if (is_array($this->faq) && !empty($this->faq)) {
             $baseUrl .= '?action=artikel&amp;';
             if (array_key_exists($this->category, $this->categories)) {
                 $baseUrl .= 'cat=' . $this->categories[$this->category]['id'];
             } else {
                 $baseUrl .= 'cat=0';
             $baseUrl .= '&amp;id=' . $this->faq['id'];
             $baseUrl .= '&amp;artlang=' . $this->faq['lang'];
         $url = PMF_Link::getSystemUri('pdf.php') . $baseUrl;
         $urlObj = new PMF_Link($url);
         $urlObj->itemTitle = $this->question;
         $_url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $urlObj->toString());
         $this->Cell(0, 10, 'URL: ' . $_url, 0, 1, 'C', 0, $_url);
     $this->TextColor = $currentTextColor;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Returns the current "share on Twitter" URL
  * @return string
 public function getShareOnTwitterLink()
     $url = sprintf('%sindex.php?action=artikel&cat=%s&id=%d&artlang=%s', $this->_config->get('main.referenceURL'), $this->getCategoryId(), $this->getFaqId(), $this->getLanguage());
     $link = new PMF_Link($url, $this->_config);
     $link->itemTitle = $this->question;
     return sprintf('https://twitter.com/share?url=%s&text=%s', urlencode($link->toString()), $this->getQuestion() . urlencode(' | ' . $url));
  * Returns the sticky records with URL and Title
  * @return array
 private function getStickyRecordsData()
     global $sids;
     $now = date('YmdHis');
     $query = sprintf("\n            SELECT\n                fd.id AS id,\n                fd.lang AS lang,\n                fd.thema AS thema,\n                fcr.category_id AS category_id\n            FROM\n                %sfaqdata fd\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqcategoryrelations fcr\n            ON\n                fd.id = fcr.record_id\n            AND\n                fd.lang = fcr.record_lang\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqdata_group AS fdg\n            ON\n                fd.id = fdg.record_id\n            LEFT JOIN\n                %sfaqdata_user AS fdu\n            ON\n                fd.id = fdu.record_id\n            WHERE\n                fd.lang = '%s'\n            AND \n                fd.date_start <= '%s'\n            AND \n                fd.date_end   >= '%s'\n            AND \n                fd.active = 'yes'\n            AND \n                fd.sticky = 1\n            %s", PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), PMF_Db::getTablePrefix(), $this->_config->getLanguage()->getLanguage(), $now, $now, $this->queryPermission($this->groupSupport));
     $result = $this->_config->getDb()->query($query);
     $sticky = array();
     $data = array();
     $oldId = 0;
     while ($row = $this->_config->getDb()->fetchObject($result)) {
         if ($oldId != $row->id) {
             $data['thema'] = $row->thema;
             $title = $row->thema;
             $url = sprintf('%s?%saction=artikel&amp;cat=%d&amp;id=%d&amp;artlang=%s', PMF_Link::getSystemRelativeUri(), $sids, $row->category_id, $row->id, $row->lang);
             $oLink = new PMF_Link($url, $this->_config);
             $oLink->itemTitle = $row->thema;
             $oLink->tooltip = $title;
             $data['url'] = $oLink->toString();
             $sticky[] = $data;
         $oldId = $row->id;
     return $sticky;