Exemplo n.º 1

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Header Styles", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Title Typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "header_title", "selector" => "header h1 a, header h1 a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Title on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "header_title_hover", "selector" => "header h1 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Sub-Title Typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "header_subtitle", "selector" => "header h2", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 2

$typography_defaults = array('color' => '', 'face' => '', 'size' => '', 'style' => '');
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Widget Styles", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Widget Titles", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_title_typography", "selector" => "aside h3", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Search Widget", "desc" => "These options will customize the sidebar search widget.", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Quick Search Widget  - label typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_search_label_typography", "selector" => "aside .pls-quick-search label", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Agent Widget", "desc" => "These options will customize the sidebar agent widget.", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Agent Widget  - agent name typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_agent_name_typography", "selector" => "aside .widget-pls-agent h5", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Agent Widget  - agent email typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_agent_email_typography", "selector" => "aside .widget-pls-agent span.email a", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Agent Widget  - agent phone typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_agent_phone_typography", "selector" => "aside .widget-pls-agent span.phone", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Widget", "desc" => "These options will customize the sidebar listings widget.", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listings Widget  - listings address typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_address_typography", "selector" => "aside .pls-listings h4 a", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listings Widget  - listings details typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_details_typography", "selector" => "aside .pls-listings .details", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listings Widget  - listings image border", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_image_border", "selector" => "aside .pls-listings .featured-image a img", "type" => "border"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listings Widget  - listings image background", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_image_background", "selector" => "aside .pls-listings .featured-image", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listings Widget  - Learn More link", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_learn_more_link", "selector" => "aside .pls-listings a.learn-more", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listings Widget  - Learn More link on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_learn_more_link_hover", "selector" => "aside .pls-listings a.learn-more:hover", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 3

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Options", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Titles", "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Main Page Title", "desc" => "Archive, Category, Tag.", "selector" => "body.archive h2, body.category h2, body.tag h2, body.page-template-page-template-blog-php #main_content h2", "id" => "blog_main_titles", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post Title", "desc" => "", "selector" => "article.post h3 a, article.post h3 a:visited, body.single-post article h2", "id" => "blog_post_title", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post Title on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_title_hover", "selector" => "article.post h3 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Main Blog Content", "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post text", "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_text", "selector" => "article.post .entry-summary p, body.single-post article.post p", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post links", "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_link", "selector" => "article.post a, article.post a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post links on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_link_hover", "selector" => "article.post a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post 'Continue Reading' link", "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_more_link", "selector" => "article.post .entry-meta a, article.post .entry-meta a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Blog Post 'Continue Reading' link on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_more_link_hover", "selector" => "article.post .entry-meta a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 4

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Styles", 'manchester'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("General Listing Styles", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Address Link", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address", "selector" => ".list-info h5 a, .list-info h5 a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Address link on hover", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address_hover", "selector" => ".list-info h5 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Details", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_details", "selector" => ".list-info .nrm-txt", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Styles", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Address", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_address", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details .property-title b", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Section Titles", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_section_titles", "selector" => "body.single-property h5", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Paragraph Text", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_paragraph_text", "selector" => "body.single-property .list-item p, body.single-property .list-item label, body.single-property .list-details", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 5

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Typography Options", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Paragraph Style Options", "desc" => "This is the base font style across your entire website.", "id" => "body.font", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Normal Link Styles", "desc" => "This is the base font style for links across your entire website.", "id" => "body.a", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Hover Link Styles", "desc" => "This is the base font style for links on hover across your entire website.", "id" => "body.a:hover", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Visited Link Styles", "desc" => "This is the base font style for visited links across your entire website.", "id" => "pls-visited-link-styles", "selector" => "body.a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 6

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Home Slideshow", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Test", "desc" => "Test Desc", "id" => "slideshow_1", "type" => "slideshow"));
Exemplo n.º 7

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Header Styles", 'tampa'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Site Title Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_title", "selector" => "header h1 a, header h1 a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Site Title on hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_title_hover", "selector" => "header h1 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Site Sub-Title Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_subtitle", "selector" => "header h2", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Header Email Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_email_typo", "selector" => "header #contact p.email a, header #contact p.email a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Header Phone Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_phone_typo", "selector" => "header #contact p.phone", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 8

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Header Styles", 'manchester'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Site Title Typography", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_title", "selector" => "header#lvl1 a h1, header#lvl1 a:visited h1", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Site Title on hover", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_title_hover", "selector" => "header#lvl1 a:hover h1", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Site Sub-Title Typography", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "header_subtitle", "selector" => "header#lvl1 #slogan", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 9

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Color Styles", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Background", "desc" => "Change the site's background.", "id" => "site_background", "selector" => "body", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Inner Background", "desc" => "Change the site's inner background.", "id" => "inner_background", "selector" => ".inner", "type" => "background"));
Exemplo n.º 10

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Custom CSS", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Custom CSS", "desc" => "Enter custom css styles here. Will override any theme styles as well as any theme options you've already set.", "id" => "pls-custom-css", "type" => "textarea"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Activate custom css options", "desc" => "Allows you to enter custom css directly. Will override theme defaults, as well as any options you've set", "id" => "pls-css-options", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox"));
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: post.php Projeto: russtx/tac

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Options", 'tampa'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Titles", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post Title", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "selector" => ".post-slot h4 a, .post-slot h4 a:visited", "id" => "blog_post_title", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post Title on hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_title_hover", "selector" => ".post-slot h4 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post Meta Data", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_meta", "selector" => ".post-slot .post-info", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post Text", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_text_1", "selector" => ".post-slot p, body.single-post article.post", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post Text Links", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_text_link", "selector" => ".post-slot a, .post-slot a:visited, body.single-post article.post a, body.single-post article.post a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post Links on hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_text_link_hover", "selector" => ".post-slot p a:hover, body.single-post article.post p a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post 'Continue Reading' link", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_more_link", "selector" => ".post-slot a.read-more, .post-slot a.read-more:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Blog Post 'Continue Reading' link on hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "blog_post_more_link_hover", "selector" => ".post-slot a.read-more:hover", "type" => "typography"));
Exemplo n.º 12

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Styles", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Pages' Typography", "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_item_typography", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li a", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Pages' Typography on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_item_typography_hover", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Pages on hover background", "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_item_hover_background", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li a:hover", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Current Page", "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_current_item_typography", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li.current_page_item", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Current Page Background", "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_current_item_background", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li.current_page_item", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Navigation Border", "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_border", "selector" => ".main-nav", "type" => "border"));
Exemplo n.º 13

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __('Color Styles', 'tampa'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __('Top Background', 'tampa'), "desc" => __('Change the site\'s top background.', 'tampa'), "id" => "top_background", "selector" => "#top-bg, footer #copyright", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __('Site Background', 'tampa'), "desc" => __('Change the site\'s background.', 'tampa'), "id" => "site_background", "selector" => "body, header #contact", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __('Minor Titles', 'tampa'), "desc" => __('Change the site\'s minor titles.', 'tampa'), "id" => "h3_titles", "selector" => "h3, .inner h2", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __('Inner Background', 'tampa'), "desc" => __('Change the site\'s inner background.', 'tampa'), "id" => "inner_background", "selector" => ".inner", "type" => "background"));
Exemplo n.º 14

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Widget Styles", 'tampa'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Sidebar Search and Contact Widgets' label typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_search_label_typography", "selector" => "aside .pls-quick-search label, aside .common-side-cont label", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Sidebar Search and Contact Widgets' background", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_search_background", "selector" => "aside .pls-quick-search #form-container, aside .common-side-cont", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Sidebar Buttons", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "aside_search_button", "selector" => "aside .pls-quick-search input#search, aside .placester_contact input[type='submit'], aside input#searchsubmit", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Sidebar Buttons' Background", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "aside_search_button_background", "selector" => "aside .pls-quick-search input#search, aside .placester_contact input[type='submit'], aside input#searchsubmit", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Sidebar Buttons' Border", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "aside_search_button_border", "selector" => "aside .pls-quick-search input#search, aside .placester_contact input[type='submit'], aside input#searchsubmit", "type" => "border"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Customize Placester Widget", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("These options will customize the sidebar agent widget.", 'tampa'), "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Widget Primary Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_primary_typography", "selector" => ".widget .featured-slot h4 a, .widget .featured-slot h4 a:visited, .widget .agent h4, .widget #map-widget p.address", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Widget Primary Typography Anchor Hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_primary_typography_on_hover", "selector" => ".widget .featured-slot h4 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Widget Secondary Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_secondary_typography", "selector" => ".widget .office, .widget .rent-label span, .widget .agent a, .widget .agent a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Widget Secondary Typography Anchor Hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_secondary_typography_on_hover", "selector" => ".widget .agent a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Widget Image Border", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "widget_listings_learn_more_link_hover", "selector" => ".widget .agent img, .widget .pls-listings img", "type" => "border"));
Exemplo n.º 15

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Styles", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "General Listing Styles", "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Address Link", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address", "selector" => ".listing-item h3 a, h3 a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Address link on hover", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address_hover", "selector" => ".listing-item h3 a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Details", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_details", "selector" => ".listing-item ul li, .listing-item .basic-details p", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Image", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_featured_image", "selector" => ".listing-item .listing-thumbnail img", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Image Border", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_image_border", "selector" => ".listing-item .listing-thumbnail img", "type" => "border"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Image Background", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_image_background", "selector" => ".listing-item .listing-thumbnail img", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing Description", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_description_text", "selector" => ".listing-item .listing-description", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Listing 'View Property Details' link", "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_view_details_link", "selector" => ".listing-item a.more-link", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Styles", "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Address", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_address", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details h2", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Main Image background", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_main_image_background", "selector" => "body.single-property .property-details-slideshow img", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Section Titles", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_section_titles", "selector" => "body.single-property .details-wrapper h3, body.single-property .amenities h3, body.single-property .map-wrapper h3", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Paragraph Text", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_paragraph_text", "selector" => "body.single-property .details-wrapper p, body.single-property .amenities p", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Details List", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_paragraph_details_list", "selector" => "body.single-property .details-wrapper ul li, body.single-property .amenities ul li", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Gallery Image Background", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_gallery_image_background", "selector" => "body.single-property .property-image-gallery img, body.single-property .map", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Single Property Gallery Image Border", "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_gallery_image_border", "selector" => "body.single-property .property-image-gallery img, body.single-property .map", "type" => "border"));
Exemplo n.º 16

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Styles", 'tampa'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("General Listing Styles", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Address Link", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address", "selector" => ".list-unit h4 a, .listing-item h4 a:visited, .list-unit .info-bt", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Address link on hover", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address_hover", "selector" => ".list-unit h4 a:hover, .list-unit .info-bt:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Address City/State", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_address_city_state", "selector" => ".list-unit p.area", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Image Border", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_image_border", "selector" => ".list-unit img", "type" => "border"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Price Typography", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_price_typography", "selector" => ".list-unit .lu-price p.price", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing Price Background", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_price_background", "selector" => ".list-unit .lu-price p.price", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing 'See Details' Button", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_see_details_button", "selector" => ".list-unit .details-bt", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing 'See Details' Button Background", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_see_details_button_background", "selector" => ".list-unit .details-bt", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Listing 'See Details' Button Border", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "listing_see_details_button_border", "selector" => ".list-unit .details-bt", "type" => "border"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Styles", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Address", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_address", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details p.state", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Main Image Caption Background", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_main_image_caption_bg", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details p.state", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Price", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_main_image_caption_price", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details p.state span.rent", "type" => "color"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Caption Details", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_main_image_caption_details", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details p.state span.details", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Description Text", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_paragraph_text", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details .user-generated p", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Amenities List", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_amenities_list", "selector" => "body.single-property article.property-details .user-generated ul li", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Single Property Gallery Image Border", 'tampa'), "desc" => "", "id" => "single_property_gallery_image_border", "selector" => "body.single-property aside #gallery img", "type" => "border"));
Exemplo n.º 17

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Navigation Styles", 'manchester'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Navigation Pages' Typography", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_item_typography", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li a", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Navigation Pages' Typography on hover", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_item_typography_hover", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li a:hover", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Navigation Pages on hover background", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_item_hover_background", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li a:hover", "type" => "background"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Navigation Current Page", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_current_item_typography", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li.current_page_item a", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Navigation Current Page Background", 'manchester'), "desc" => "", "id" => "navigation_current_item_background", "selector" => ".main-nav ul li.current_page_item a", "type" => "background"));
Exemplo n.º 18

 * Defines an array of options that will be used to generate the settings page and be saved in the database.
 * When creating the "id" fields, make sure to use all lowercase and no spaces.
// standard path.
$imagepath = trailingslashit(PLS_EXT_URL) . 'options-framework/images/';
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "General", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Title", "desc" => "Site title in header.", "id" => "pls-site-title", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Subtitle", "desc" => "Site subtitle in header.", "id" => "pls-site-subtitle", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Currency Symbol", "desc" => "The symbol displayed next to prices in search forms, search results, and property details pages", "id" => "pls-currency-symbol", "std" => "\$", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Logo", "desc" => "Upload your logo here. It will appear in the header and will override the title you've provided above.", "id" => "pls-site-logo", "type" => "upload"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Site Favicon", "desc" => "Upload your favicon here. It will appear in your visitors url and bookmark bar.", "id" => "pls-site-favicon", "type" => "upload"));
 * Load only when the plugin is active
if (function_exists('placester_activate')) {
    PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Slideshow Listings", "desc" => "", "id" => "slideshow-featured-listings", "type" => "featured_listing"));
    PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Featured Listings", "desc" => "Select your featured listings here that will display in your sidebar listings widget as well as on the home page's featured list.", "id" => "custom-featured-listings", "type" => "featured_listing"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Google Analytics Tracking Code", "desc" => "Add your google analytics tracking ID code here. It looks something like this: UA-XXXXXXX-X", "id" => "pls-google-analytics", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Mixpanel Analytics ID", "desc" => "Add your Mixpanel tracking ID code here.", "id" => "pls-mixpanel-id", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Display Theme Debug Messages", "desc" => "Display the theme debug panel at the bottom of all non-admin pages. Great for debugging issues with the themes.", "id" => "display-debug-messages", "std" => "0", "type" => "checkbox"));
Exemplo n.º 19

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Search Options", "type" => "heading"));
//What search filters are available?
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Visible Filters on Search Page", "desc" => "Use the checkboxes to indicate which filters are visible to searchers. Note that if you choose too many it might be overwhelming!", "id" => "listing-search-page", "selector" => "body", "options" => array('half_baths' => 'Half Baths', 'price' => 'Price', 'min_price' => 'Min Price', 'max_price' => 'Max Price', 'sqft' => 'Square Feet', 'bathrooms' => 'Baths', 'available_on' => 'Available On', 'bedrooms' => 'Beds', 'property_type' => 'Property Type', 'listing_types' => 'Listing Type', 'zoning_types' => 'Zonging Type', 'purchase_types' => 'Purchase Type', 'available_on' => 'Available On', 'cities' => 'City', 'states' => 'State', 'zips' => 'Zip Code', 'desc' => 'Description', 'lt_sz' => 'Lot Size', 'ngb_shop' => 'Local Shopping', 'ngb_hgwy' => 'Local Highway Access', 'grnt_tops' => 'Granite Counter Tops', 'ngb_med' => 'Local Medical Facilities', 'ngb_trails' => 'Local Walk/Jog Trails', 'cent_ht' => 'Central Heat', 'pk_spce' => 'Parking Spaces Included', 'air_cond' => 'Air Conditioning', 'price_unit' => 'Unit Price', 'lt_sz_unit' => 'Unit Lot Size', 'lse_trms' => 'Lease Terms', 'ngb_trans' => 'Local Public Transportation', 'off_den' => 'Office / Den', 'frnshed' => 'Furnished', 'refrig' => 'Refrigerator', 'deposit' => 'Deposit', 'ngb_pubsch' => 'Local Public Schools', 'beds_avail' => 'Beds Available', 'hide_all' => 'Hide All'), "type" => "multicheck"));
//What are the options in those filters?
//price range
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Price Range Options", "desc" => "Use the controls below to change what options are displayed when users click the bedrooms filer", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Min Search Price", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-price-min", "std" => "0", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Max Search Price", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-price-max", "std" => "1000000", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Price Increment", "desc" => "", "std" => "50000", "id" => "pls-option-price-inc", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Bedroom Options", "desc" => "Use the controls below to change what options are displayed when users click the bedrooms filter", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Bedroom Options Start", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-bed-min", "std" => "0", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Bedroom Options End", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-bed-max", "std" => "15", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Bathroom Options", "desc" => "Use the controls below to change what options are displayed when users click the bathrooms filter", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Bathroom Options Start", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-bath-min", "std" => "0", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Bathroom Options End", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-bath-max", "std" => "10", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Half Bath Options", "desc" => "Use the controls below to change what options are displayed when users click the bathrooms filter", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Half Bath Options Start", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-half-bath-min", "std" => "0", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Half Bath Options End", "desc" => "", "id" => "pls-option-half-bath-max", "std" => "5", "type" => "text"));
Exemplo n.º 20

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Typography Options", 'tampa'), "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Paragraph Style Options", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("All the controls apply to all text on the page across the entire site. Your settings here will be overrided by more specific options you make below. For example, if you set the text color to be red here but below you set all headers to be blue - then your headers will be blue, while the rest of the text on your site will be blue.", 'tampa'), "id" => "body.font", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Normal Link Styles", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("This is the base font style across your entire website.", 'tampa'), "id" => "body.a", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Visited Link Styles", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("This is the base font style across your entire website.", 'tampa'), "id" => "pls-visited-link-styles", "selector" => "body.a:visited", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("Hover Link Styles", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("This is the base font style across your entire website.", 'tampa'), "id" => "body.a:hover", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("H1 Styles", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("This style will apply to all the h1s", 'tampa'), "id" => "h1.styles", "selector" => "#logo h1 a", "std" => "", "type" => "typography"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => __("H3 Section Titles", 'tampa'), "desc" => __("Change the default background of the navigation bar. The default is orange.", 'tampa'), "id" => "nav_background", "std" => "", "selector" => "h3", "type" => "typography"));
// PLS_Style::add(array(
//     "name" => __("H2 Styles", 'tampa'),
//     "desc" => __("This style will apply to all the h1s", 'tampa'),
//     "id" => "h2.styles",
//     "selector" => "#logo h2",
//     "std" => "",
//     "type" => "typography"));
// PLS_Style::add(array(
//     "name" => __("H3 Styles", 'tampa'),
//     "desc" => __("This style will apply to all the h1s", 'tampa'),
//     "id" => "h3.styles",
//     "selector" => "h3",
//     "std" => "",
//     "type" => "typography"));
// PLS_Style::add(array(
//     "name" => __("H4 Styles", 'tampa'),
//     "desc" => __("This style will apply to all the h1s", 'tampa'),
//     "id" => "h4.styles",
//     "selector" => "h4",
//     "std" => "",
Exemplo n.º 21

PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "User Info", "type" => "heading"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Personal Info", "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Your First and Last Name", "desc" => "Add the name you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-user-name", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Your Email Address", "desc" => "Add the email address you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-user-email", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Your Phone Number", "desc" => "Add the phone you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-user-phone", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Your Bio", "desc" => "Add your bio that you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-user-description", "type" => "textarea"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Your Headshot", "desc" => "Add your headshot that you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-user-image", "type" => "upload"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Info", "desc" => "", "type" => "info"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Name", "desc" => "Add your company's name you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-name", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Phone", "desc" => "Add your company's phone number you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-phone", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Email", "desc" => "Add your company's email address you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-email", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Street Address", "desc" => "Add your company's street address you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-street", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company City / Locality", "desc" => "Add your company's city/locality location you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-locality", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company State / Region", "desc" => "Add your company's state/region location you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-region", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Postal Code", "desc" => "Add your company's postal code you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-postal", "type" => "text"));
PLS_Style::add(array("name" => "Company Description", "desc" => "Add your company's description you want to display on the site.", "id" => "pls-company-description", "type" => "textarea"));