require_once '../'; require_once 'plan.class.php'; //................ GET ACCESS ..................... $accessObj = FRW_access::GetAccess($_POST["MenuID"]); //................................................... require_once inc_dataGrid; require_once inc_component; if (empty($_REQUEST["PlanID"])) { die; } $PlanID = $_REQUEST["PlanID"]; $PlanObj = new PLN_plans($PlanID); $ExpertStatusDesc = ''; //----------------------------------------------------- $ScopeWhere = ""; $dt = PLN_experts::Get(" AND PlanID=? AND e.PersonID=?", array($PlanID, $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"])); if ($dt->rowCount() > 0) { $dt = $dt->fetch(); $User = "******"; $ScopeWhere = " AND InfoID=" . $dt["ScopeID"]; $ExpertStatusDesc = $dt["StatusDesc"]; } else { if (isset($_SESSION["USER"]["framework"])) { $User = "******"; } else { if ($_SESSION["USER"]["IsCustomer"] == "YES" && $PlanObj->PersonID == $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"]) { $User = "******"; } else { if ($_SESSION["USER"]["IsSupporter"] == "YES" && $PlanObj->SupportPersonID == $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"]) { $User = "******"; }
function SeeExpert() { $obj = new PLN_experts(); $obj->RowID = $_POST["RowID"]; $obj->IsSeen = "YES"; $obj->Edit(); Response::createObjectiveResponse(true, ""); die; }
$col->ellipsis = 50; $col = $dg->addColumn('', '', 'string'); $col->renderer = "PlanStartPage.SeeRender"; $col->width = 40; $col->align = "center"; $dg->emptyTextOfHiddenColumns = true; $dg->EnablePaging = false; $dg->height = 150; $dg->width = 790; $dg->EnablePaging = false; $dg->EnableSearch = false; $dg->autoExpandColumn = "fullname"; $grid = $dg->makeGrid_returnObjects(); //..................................................... $expertStr = ""; $dt = PLN_experts::Get(" AND e.PersonID=? AND StatusDesc='RAW'", array($_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"])); if ($dt->rowCount() > 0) { $dt = $dt->fetchAll(); foreach ($dt as $row) { $expertStr .= "<div class=arrow_left style=width:16px;height:16px;float:right></div>" . "طرح شماره " . "<a href=javascript:void(1); onclick='framework.OpenPage\r\n\t\t\t\t(\"../plan/plan/PlanInfo.php\", \"جداول اطلاعاتی طرح\",{PlanID : " . $row["PlanID"] . "});'>[ " . $row["PlanID"] . " ]</a> جهت کارشناسی " . $row["ScopeDesc"] . " برای شما ارسال شده است و مهلت کارشناسی " . DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($row["EndDate"]) . " می باشد." . "<br>"; } $expertStr .= "<br>"; } ?> <script> PlanStartPage.prototype = { TabID : '<?php echo $_REQUEST["ExtTabID"]; ?> ',