Exemplo n.º 1
function graficoBarra($data, $archivo = "", $meta_data = array('titulo' => 'Sin Título', 'tituloX' => 'Eje X', 'tituloY' => 'Eje Y', 'color' => 'SkyBlue', 'width' => 800, 'height' => 600, 'angle' => 45), $legend = array("Datos"))
    # Objeto que crea el gráfico y su tama?o
    $plot = new PHPlot($meta_data['width'], $meta_data['height']);
    # Setea el archivo donde se guarda la imagen generada y no permite la visualización inmediata
    # Envio de datos
    # Tipo de gráfico y datos
    # Setiando el True type font
    $plot->SetDataColors(array($meta_data['color'], 'red', 'white'));
    $plot->SetLegendPixels(1, 1);
    # Etiquetas del eje Y:
    # Título principal del gráfico:
    # Etiquetas eje X:
    if (isset($meta_data['angle'])) {
    } else {
    # Método que dibuja el gráfico
Exemplo n.º 2

//Include the code
include "../phplot.php";
//Define the object and get background image 0cars.jpg
//////JPEG SUPPORT ENABLED. (Use a different file as a background
//////if you have png or gif enabled.
$graph = new PHPlot(500, 223, "", "0cars.jpg");
//Set some data
$example_data = array(array("55", 5), array("60", 10), array("65", 20), array("70", 30), array("75", 25), array("80", 10));
//Set up some nice formatting things
$graph->SetTitle("Speed Histogram");
$graph->SetXLabel("Miles per Hour");
$graph->SetYLabel("Percent of Cars");
$graph->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, 0, 6, 35);
//Make the margins nice for the background image
$graph->SetMarginsPixels(80, 35, 35, 70);
//Set up some color and printing options
$graph->background_done = 1;
//The image background we get from 0cars.jpg
//Plot Area background we get from the image
$graph->SetDataColors(array("white"), array("black"));
//Set Output format
//Draw it
Exemplo n.º 3

include "./data_date2.php";
include "../phplot.php";
$graph = new PHPlot(600, 400);
//Don't draw the image yet
//Must be called before SetDataValues
$graph->SetNewPlotAreaPixels(90, 40, 540, 190);
$graph->SetXTimeFormat("%b %y");
$graph->SetPlotAreaWorld(883634400, 1, 915095000, 140);
//Now do the second chart on the image
//Now draw the image
include "./data_date.php";
Exemplo n.º 4
$graph = new PHPlot(500, 250);
//Specify some data
$data = array(array('', 2000, 750), array('', 2010, 1700), array('', 2015, 2000), array('', 2020, 1800), array('', 2025, 1300), array('', 2030, 400));
//Specify plotting area details
$graph->SetTitle('Social Security trust fund asset estimates, in $ billions');
$graph->SetPlotAreaWorld(2000, 0, 2035, 2000);
$graph->SetDataColors(array('red'), array('black'));
//Define the X axis
//Define the Y axis
//Disable image output
//Draw the graph
//$pdf = new MEM_IMAGE();
Exemplo n.º 5
    $b = $a * rand(0, 1) / 10;
    $c = $a * rand(0, 1) / 10;
    $data[] = array("{$label[$i]}", $i + 1, $a, $b, $c);
//Define the data for error bars
//Must be first thing
//Set the Graph particulars
// 1 = true
$graph->SetImageArea(600, 400);
$graph->SetTitle("Stock Market Data");
$graph->SetDataColors(array("blue", "green", "yellow", "red"), array("black"));
Exemplo n.º 6
    $c = rand(0, 1);
    $data[] = array("{$label[$i]}", $i + 1, $a, $b, $c);
//Must be first thing
//Must be first thing
// 1 = true
$graph->SetImageArea($XSIZE_in, $YSIZE_in);
$graph->SetDataColors(array("blue", "green", "yellow", "red"), array("black"));
if ($maxy_in) {
    $graph->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, $miny_in, count($data), $maxy_in);