Exemplo n.º 1
  * Handle console input and produce the appropriate report requested
  * @return void
  * @throws PHP_CompatInfo_Exception If report is not available.
 public static function main()
     $input = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'phpcompatinfo', 'description' => 'PHP_CompatInfo (cli) by Laurent Laville.', 'version' => self::getVersion()));
     // common options to all sub-commands
     $input->addOption('xmlFile', array('long_name' => '--configuration', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Read configuration from XML file'));
     $input->addOption('noConfiguration', array('long_name' => '--no-configuration', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'Ignore default configuration file ' . '(phpcompatinfo.xml)'));
     $input->addOption('iniSet', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--ini-set', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'Sets a php.ini directive value'));
     $input->addOption('verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--verbose', 'action' => 'Counter', 'description' => 'Output more verbose information'));
     // options relatives and common to sub-commands
     $referenceOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('reference', array('long_name' => '--reference', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The name of the reference to use', 'choices' => array('PHP5', 'ALL', 'DYN')));
     $reportOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('report', array('long_name' => '--report', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'Type of report', 'choices' => array('full', 'summary', 'source', 'xml', 'token', 'extension', 'namespace', 'trait', 'interface', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'condition')));
     $helpReferenceOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('helpReference', array('long_name' => '--help-reference', 'action' => 'List', 'description' => 'List of reference available', 'action_params' => array('list' => array('PHP5', 'ALL', 'DYN'))));
     $helpReportOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('helpReport', array('long_name' => '--help-report', 'action' => 'List', 'description' => 'List of report available', 'action_params' => array('list' => array('full', 'summary', 'source', 'xml', 'token', 'extension', 'namespace', 'trait', 'interface', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'condition'))));
     $reportFileOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('reportFile', array('long_name' => '--report-file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Write the report to the specified file path'));
     $excludeIDOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('excludeID', array('long_name' => '--exclude-pattern', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Exclude components' . ' from list referenced by ID provided'));
     $recursiveOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('recursive', array('short_name' => '-R', 'long_name' => '--recursive', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'Includes the contents of subdirectories'));
     $fileExtensionsOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('fileExtensions', array('long_name' => '--file-extensions', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'A comma separated list of file extensions to check'));
     // options relatives to print sub-command
     $filterVersionOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('filterVersion', array('long_name' => '--filter-version', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The version to compare with each element found'));
     $filterOperatorOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('filterOperator', array('long_name' => '--filter-operator', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The version test relationship', 'choices' => array('lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne')));
     // argument common to all list sub-commands except to list and list-references
     $referenceArgument = new Console_CommandLine_Argument('reference', array('description' => '(optional) Limit output only to this reference', 'optional' => true));
     // clear-cache sub-command
     $clearcacheCmd = $input->addCommand('clear-cache', array('description' => 'Clear Parser Cache'));
     $clearcacheCmd->addArgument('sourceFile', array('description' => 'The source file in cache entries to delete.', 'optional' => true));
     // print sub-command
     $printCmd = $input->addCommand('print', array('description' => 'Print a report of data source parsed.'));
     $printCmd->addArgument('sourcePath', array('description' => 'The data source to scan (file or directory).'));
     // list-references sub-command
     $listReferencesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-references', array('description' => 'List all extensions supported.'));
     // list sub-command
     $listCmd = $input->addCommand('list', array('description' => 'List all "elements" referenced in the data base.'));
     $listCmd->addArgument('element', array('description' => 'May be either ' . '"extensions", ' . '"interfaces", "classes", ' . '"functions" or "constants"', 'choices' => array('extensions', 'interfaces', 'classes', 'functions', 'constants'), 'multiple' => true));
     // list-extensions sub-command
     $listExtensionsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-extensions', array('description' => 'List all extensions referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-interfaces sub-command
     $listInterfacesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-interfaces', array('description' => 'List all interfaces referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-classes sub-command
     $listClassesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-classes', array('description' => 'List all classes referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-functions sub-command
     $listFunctionsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-functions', array('description' => 'List all functions referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-constants sub-command
     $listConstantsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-constants', array('description' => 'List all constants referenced in the data base.'));
     try {
         $result = $input->parse();
         $command = $result->command_name;
         if (empty($command)) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $warnings = array();
     // Loads the default or custom configuration (if available)
     $options = array('reference' => '', 'verbose' => false, 'listeners' => array());
     $reports = array();
     $consoleProgress = true;
     $reportFileAppend = false;
     if ($result->options['noConfiguration'] !== true) {
         if (!isset($result->options['xmlFile'])) {
             // use default configuration
             $dir = '@cfg_dir@' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'PHP_CompatInfo';
             if (strpos($dir, '@') === false) {
                 // PEAR installer was used to install the package
             } else {
                 // manual install
                 $dir = getcwd();
             $filename = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpcompatinfo.xml';
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $config = $filename;
             } elseif (file_exists($filename . '.dist')) {
                 $config = $filename . '.dist';
             } else {
                 $config = false;
         } else {
             $filename = $result->options['xmlFile'];
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $config = realpath($filename);
             } else {
                 $config = false;
         if ($config && is_file($config)) {
             // try to load the configuration file contents
             $configuration = PHP_CompatInfo_Configuration::getInstance($config);
             // check if components should be excluded
             if (isset($result->command->options['excludeID'])) {
                 $patternID = $result->command->options['excludeID'];
                 $excludes = $configuration->getExcludeConfiguration($patternID);
                 if (count($excludes) == 0) {
                     $warnings[] = "Exclude pattern ID '{$patternID}'" . " does not exist, or is empty";
                 } else {
                     $haystack = array('extension', 'interface', 'trait', 'function', 'constant');
                     foreach ($excludes as $key => $values) {
                         if (in_array($key, $haystack)) {
                             $options['exclude'][$key . 's'] = $values;
                         } elseif ('class' == $key) {
                             $options['exclude']['classes'] = $values;
                         } else {
                             foreach ($values as $value) {
                                 $options['exclude']['files'][] = $value;
             // set main options
             $phpcompatinfo = $configuration->getMainConfiguration();
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reference'])) {
                 $options['reference'] = $phpcompatinfo['reference'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['report'])) {
                 $reports = $phpcompatinfo['report'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reportFile'])) {
                 $reportFile = $phpcompatinfo['reportFile'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reportFileAppend'])) {
                 $reportFileAppend = $phpcompatinfo['reportFileAppend'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['cacheDriver'])) {
                 $options['cacheDriver'] = $phpcompatinfo['cacheDriver'];
             } else {
                 $options['cacheDriver'] = 'null';
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['consoleProgress'])) {
                 $consoleProgress = $phpcompatinfo['consoleProgress'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['verbose'])) {
                 $options['verbose'] = $phpcompatinfo['verbose'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['recursive'])) {
                 $options['recursive'] = $phpcompatinfo['recursive'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['fileExtensions'])) {
                 $options['fileExtensions'] = $phpcompatinfo['fileExtensions'];
             // sets cache options
             $options['cacheOptions'] = $configuration->getCacheConfiguration($options['cacheDriver']);
             // sets extension references limit
             $extensions = $configuration->getReferenceConfiguration();
             if (count($extensions) > 0) {
                 $options['extensions'] = $extensions;
             // sets php.ini directives
             $ini = $configuration->getPHPConfiguration();
             foreach ($ini as $name => $value) {
                 ini_set($name, $value);
             // sets listeners instances
             $listeners = $configuration->getListenerConfiguration();
             foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
                 if (!class_exists($listener['class'], false) && $listener['file'] !== '') {
                     include_once $listener['file'];
                 if (class_exists($listener['class'], true)) {
                     if (count($listener['arguments']) == 0) {
                         $listener = new $listener['class']();
                     } else {
                         $listenerClass = new ReflectionClass($listener['class']);
                         $listener = $listenerClass->newInstanceArgs($listener['arguments']);
                     if ($listener instanceof PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Console && $consoleProgress === false) {
                             Do not add the console listener
                             if consoleProgress directive is off
                     } else {
                         if ($listener instanceof SplObserver) {
                             $options['listeners'][] = $listener;
             // sets plugins system
             $plugins = $configuration->getPluginConfiguration();
             foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                 if (!class_exists($plugin['class'], false) && $plugin['file'] !== '') {
                     include_once $plugin['file'];
                 if (class_exists($plugin['class'], true)) {
                     $pluginClass = new ReflectionClass($plugin['class']);
                     $reference = $pluginClass->newInstanceArgs($plugin['args']);
                     if (!$reference instanceof PHP_CompatInfo_Reference_PluginsAbstract) {
                         $warnings[] = "Plugin '" . $plugin['class'] . "' is not valid";
             if (count($plugins) > 0) {
                 $options['referencePlugins'] = $plugins;
         } elseif (isset($result->options['verbose'])) {
             $warnings[] = 'File "' . $filename . '" does not exist';
     if ($consoleProgress === true) {
         $options['listeners'][] = new PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Console();
     if (isset($result->command->options['reference'])) {
         $options['reference'] = $result->command->options['reference'];
     if (empty($options['reference']) && !in_array($command, array('list-references', 'clear-cache'))) {
         $input->displayError('You must supply at least a reference');
     if (isset($result->options['iniSet'])) {
         foreach ($result->options['iniSet'] as $iniSet) {
             $ini = explode('=', $iniSet);
             if (isset($ini[0])) {
                 if (isset($ini[1])) {
                     ini_set($ini[0], $ini[1]);
                 } else {
                     ini_set($ini[0], true);
     if (isset($result->command->options['report'])) {
         $reports = $result->command->options['report'];
     if (empty($reports)) {
         // default report
         $reports = array('summary');
     if (in_array('full', $reports)) {
         // when 'full' alias report is specified, ignored all others
         $reports = array();
         $reportFileAppend = true;
         $fullReport = true;
     $reportChilds = $reports;
     if (isset($result->command->options['reportFile'])) {
         $reportFile = $result->command->options['reportFile'];
     if (isset($reportFile)) {
         if (is_dir($reportFile) || !file_exists(dirname($reportFile))) {
             $warnings[] = 'Report file: "' . $reportFile . '" is invalid';
         } else {
             $options['reportFile'] = $reportFile;
             if ($reportFileAppend === true) {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = FILE_APPEND;
             } else {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = 0;
     if (isset($result->command->options['filterVersion'])) {
         $options['filterVersion'] = $result->command->options['filterVersion'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['filterOperator'])) {
         $options['filterOperator'] = $result->command->options['filterOperator'];
     if ('print' == $command) {
         if (count($reports) == 0 && !isset($fullReport)) {
             $input->displayError('You must supply at least a type of report');
         $source = $result->command->args['sourcePath'];
         $report = 'full';
     } elseif ('list' == $command) {
         $elements = $result->command->args['element'];
         $source = array_shift($elements);
         $report = 'reference';
         $options['filterReference'] = null;
     } elseif ('list' == substr($command, 0, 4)) {
         list(, $source) = explode('-', $command);
         if ($source == 'references') {
             $report = 'database';
         } else {
             $report = 'reference';
             $elements = array();
         $options['filterReference'] = $result->command->args['reference'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['recursive'])) {
         $options['recursive'] = $result->command->options['recursive'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['fileExtensions'])) {
         $fileExtensions = explode(',', $result->command->options['fileExtensions']);
         $options['fileExtensions'] = array_map('trim', $fileExtensions);
     if (isset($result->options['verbose'])) {
         $options['verbose'] = $result->options['verbose'];
     if ('clear-cache' == $command) {
         $defaultOptions = PHP_CompatInfo::getDefaultOptions();
         $driver = isset($options['cacheDriver']) ? $options['cacheDriver'] : $defaultOptions['cacheDriver'];
         $source = $result->command->args['sourceFile'];
         $cache = PHP_CompatInfo_Cache::getInstance($driver, $defaultOptions);
         $count = $cache->deleteCache($source);
         printf('%d cache entries cleared%s', $count, PHP_EOL);
     } else {
         try {
             self::factory($report, $source, $options, $warnings, $reportChilds);
             if ($report == 'reference') {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = FILE_APPEND;
                 while (count($elements) > 0) {
                     $source = array_shift($elements);
                     self::factory($report, $source, $options, $warnings, null);
         } catch (PHP_CompatInfo_Exception $e) {
             print $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
  * Sets up the fixture.
  * @return void
 protected function setUp()
     $this->conf = PHP_CompatInfo_Configuration::getInstance(TEST_FILES_PATH . 'phpcompatinfo.xml');