Exemplo n.º 1
 public function importSQL($file)
     require_once 'File.php';
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         return PHPWS_Error::get(BOOST_ERR_NO_INSTALLSQL, 'boost', 'importSQL', 'File: ' . $file);
     $sql = File::readAll($file);
     $db = new PHPWS_DB();
     $result = $db->import($sql);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
 * @version $Id$
function users_update(&$content, $currentVersion)
    $home_dir = PHPWS_Boost::getHomeDir();
    switch ($currentVersion) {
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.2.0', '<'):
            $content[] = 'This package does not update versions under 2.2.0';
            return false;
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.2.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '+ Fixed a bug causing conflicts between user and group permissions.';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.2.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '+ Set username to the same character size in both users table and user_authorization.';
            $content[] = '+ Fixed typo causing branch installation failure on Postgresql.';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.3.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>
2.3.0 changes
+ Added translate function calls in classes and my_page.php
+ my_page hides translation option if language defines disable selection
+ Added a unrestricted only parameter to Current_User\'s allow and
  authorize functions
+ Dropped references from some constructors
+ Added error check to setPermissions function: won\'t accept empty
  group id
+ Changed id default to zero.
+ Removed unneeded function parameter on getGroups
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.3.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/my_page/user_setting.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '
2.3.1 changes
+ Added ability for user to set editor preferences
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.3.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.3.2 changes';
            $files = array('img/users.png', 'templates/user_main.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '+ Added error check to login.
+ Changed user control panel icon.
+ Fixed template typo that broke IE login.
+ Removed fake French translation (delete mod/users/locale/fr_FR/ directory
+ Permissions are now ordered alphabetically.
+ isUser will now always return false if passed a zero id.
+ Added new function requireLogin that forwards a user to the login
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.0', '<'):
            if (!PHPWS_DB::isTable('users_pw_reset')) {
                $new_table = 'CREATE TABLE users_pw_reset (
user_id INT NOT NULL default 0,
authhash CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL default 0,
timeout INT NOT NULL default 0,
                if (!PHPWS_DB::import($new_table)) {
                    $content[] = 'Unable to create users_pw_reset table.';
                    return false;
                } else {
                    $content[] = 'Created new table: users_pw_reset';
            $files = array('templates/forms/reset_password.tpl', 'templates/forms/forgot.tpl', 'conf/config.php', 'templates/usermenus/top.tpl', 'templates/forms/settings.tpl', 'templates/my_page/user_setting.tpl');
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            userUpdatefiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/boost/changes/2_4_0.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('conf/languages.php');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '
2.4.1 changes
+ Default item id on permission check functions is now zero instead of
  null. This will make checking permissions a little easier on new items.
+ Bug #1690657 - Changed group select js property to onclick instead
  of onchange. Thanks singletrack.
+ Changed the language abbreviation for Danish
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/usermenus/Default.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/boost/changes/2_4_2.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.3', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/boost/changes/2_4_3.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $source_dir = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/javascript/';
            $dest_dir = $home_dir . 'javascript/modules/users/';
            if (PHPWS_File::copy_directory($source_dir, $dest_dir, true)) {
                $content[] = "--- Successfully copied {$source_dir} to {$dest_dir}";
            } else {
                $content[] = "--- Could not copy {$source_dir} to {$dest_dir}";
            $files = array('conf/error.php', 'templates/forms/permissions.tpl', 'templates/forms/permission_pop.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/boost/changes/2_4_4.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.5', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('conf/error.php', 'conf/languages.php', 'templates/forms/settings.tpl', 'templates/manager/groups.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/boost/changes/2_4_5.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.6', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/forms/forgot.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = '
2.4.6 changes
+ Added error check to permission menu.
+ Error for missing user groups now reports user id.
+ Forgot password will work if CAPTCHA is disabled.
+ Using new savePermissions function instead of save.
+ Current_User was calling giveItemPermissions incorrectly.';
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.7', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>
2.4.7 changes
+ Removed global authorization from change password check since it is not
  written yet.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.4.9', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            if (PHPWS_Core::isBranch() || PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $user_db = new PHPWS_DB('users');
                $user_db->addWhere('deity', 1);
                $user_ids = $user_db->select('col');
                if (!empty($user_ids) && !PHPWS_Error::logIfError($user_ids)) {
                    $group_db = new PHPWS_DB('users_groups');
                    foreach ($user_ids as $id => $username) {
                        $group_db->addWhere('user_id', $id);
                        $result = $group_db->select('row');
                        if (!$result) {
                            $group_db->addValue('active', 1);
                            $group_db->addValue('name', $username);
                            $group_db->addValue('user_id', $id);
                            if (!PHPWS_Error::logIfError($group_db->insert())) {
                                $content[] = '--- Created missing group for user: '******'2.4.9 changes
+ Raised sql character limit in default username, display_name, and
  group name installs.
+ Fixed bug with forbidden usernames
+ Added a function to group to remove its permissions upon deletion.
+ Bookmark won\'t return a user to a authkey page if their session dies.
+ Fixed bug #1850815 : unknown function itemIsAllowed in Permission.php
+ My Pages are unregistered on module removal.
+ My Page tab stays fixed.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.5.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/forms/memberlist.tpl', 'templates/forms/userForm.tpl', 'javascript/generate/head.js', 'templates/manager/groups.tpl', 'templates/manager/users.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '2.5.0 changes
+ Members\' names alphabetized
+ New user email notification added.
+ Fixed member listing  dropping names past 10.
+ Added random password generator on user edit form.
+ Removed reference from Action.php causing php notice.
+ Changed redundant static method call in Permission.
+ Added dash to allowed display name characters.
+ Added \\pL to display name characters.
+ Users will now query modules should a user get deleted.
+ Added an error check to Permissions.
+ Users will now look for remove_user.php in all modules\' inc/
  directory in order to run the remove_user function.
+ Using pager\'s addSortHeaders in user and group listing
+ Added display name to pager search.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            Users_Permission::registerPermissions('users', $content);
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('users_auth_scripts');
            $db->addWhere('filename', 'local.php');
            $auth_id = $db->select('one');
            PHPWS_Settings::set('users', 'local_script', $auth_id);
            $files = array('conf/languages.php', 'templates/my_page/user_setting.tpl', 'templates/usermenus/css.tpl', 'img/permission.png', 'templates/forms/userForm.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/users/boost/changes/2_6_0.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.6.1 changes
+ requireLogin now reroutes dependant on the user authorization
+ If the user\'s group is missing when they are updated, a new one is
  properly created. Prior to the fix, a new group was created without an
  assigned user id.
+ Added error message to my page if update goes bad.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/forms/settings.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '2.6.2 changes
+ Moved error file to inc/
+ Blank passwords forbidden.
+ Error check added to cosign authorization.
+ php fiveasized the classes.
+ Added some needed error logging to user creation problems
+ Added ability for default user groups to be set for admin created
  and newly joined users.
+ Fixed testing on addMembers. Previous code was nonsensical.
+ _user_group id gets set upon a user object save.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.3', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('img/deity.gif', 'img/delete.png', 'img/edit.png', 'img/man.gif', 'img/key.png', 'img/members.png', 'templates/forms/authorization.tpl', 'templates/forms/settings.tpl', 'templates/manager/users.tpl');
            userUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('users_auth_scripts');
            PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->addTableColumn('default_group', 'int not null default 0'));
            $content[] = '2.6.3 changes
+ Added icons for admin options under manage users and groups
+ Disabled active link in groups listing
+ Authorization scripts now have default group assignments. New
  members will assigned to a group based on their authorization
+ Removed default group by user or admin from settings.
+ Added ability to view users by whether or not they are in a
  particular group.
+ Added pager caching to group listing
+ Display name may now not be the same as another user\'s username
+ Extended user name error to include display name
+ Added empty password check to ldap script
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.4', '<'):
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('users_auth_scripts');
            PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->addTableColumn('default_group', 'int not null default 0'));
            $content[] = '<pre>2.6.4 changes
+ Added missing column to install.sql</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.5', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            userUpdateFiles(array('conf/languages.php'), $content);
            $content[] = '2.6.5 changes
+ Added missing column to install.sql</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.6.6', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            userUpdateFiles(array('templates/forms/userForm.tpl'), $content);
            $content[] = '2.6.6 changes
+ Graceful recovery from broken authentication scripts.
+ Authorization script made deity only
+ Fixed default groups on external authentication
+ Deleted auth scripts will update users under it to use local instead.
+ The user constructor was trying to load the authorization script on
  failed users. Thanks Verdon.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.0 changes
+ Usernames and passwords can not be changed on non local users
+ Added switch to settings to prevent admins from making new users
+ Site admin can be set by non-deities again
+ Fixed bug with users able to change password on alternate auth.
+ Fixed some bugs with user creation and editing with alternate authentication.
+ Hiding permissions and members in create group form
+ Icon class implemented.
+ Strict PHP 5 changes made.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.1 changes
+ Improved cosign script
+ Fixed errors getting dropped without logging.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.2 changes
+ Fixed multiple group member bug.
+ Cleaned up cosign authentication.
+ Current_User requireLogin to use login_link instead of login_url
+ New User form now properly respects the "settings" permission for showing
  user authentication script option.
+ User constuction allow username parameter.
+ Trim whitespace from user email addresses. Don\'t modify the member variable
  unless all the sanity checks passed.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.3', '<'):
            PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Action.php');
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.3 changes
+ Update permissions
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.4 changes
+ Fixed 500 error on My Page
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.5', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.5 changes
+ Loosened group name restrictions
+ User edit page shows group membership
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.7.6', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>2.7.6 changes
+ Updated icons to Font Awesome
+ Email addresses may now be used as user names.
+ Static method call fixed.
+ Added exception error for missing authorization file.
+ My Page no longer is using tabs as other modules use of My Page have been removed.
+ css.tpl template rewritten. Login now works closer with authentication script.
    - drop down no longer contains Home or Control Panel. Account link added - takes
        user to their account page to change their password.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.8.0', '<'):
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>2.8.0 changes
+ Added suggested bootstrap classes from TRF
+ Removed call to nonexistent method.
+ Moved icons to left and set admin-icons class to column.
+ Added FA icon here for mini admin
+ Changed to ensure users_auth_scripts table was created properly
+ Session timeouts are now tracked. Warning to user given before failure.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.8.1', '<'):
            \PHPWS_Settings::set('users', 'session_warning', 0);
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>2.8.1 changes
+ Changing default on user session to false. If you want it enabled, do so in settings.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '2.8.2', '<'):
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>2.8.2 changes
+ Bug Fix: Unstyled permission pop up.
    // End of switch statement
    return TRUE;
  * Imports a SQL dump file into the database.
  * This function can not be called statically.
 public static function importFile($filename, $report_errors = true)
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
         return PHPWS_Error::get(PHPWS_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 'core', 'PHPWS_DB::importFile');
     $data = file_get_contents($filename);
     return PHPWS_DB::import($data, $report_errors);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Creates an event and repeat table for the schedule
 public function createEventTable()
     $table = $this->getEventTable();
     $recurr = $this->getRecurrenceTable();
     if (empty($table) || empty($recurr)) {
         return PHPWS_Error::get(CAL_CANNOT_MAKE_EVENT_TABLE, 'calendar', 'Calendar_Schedule::createEventTable');
     $template['TABLE'] = $table;
     $template['RECURR_TABLE'] = $recurr;
     $template['INDEX_NAME'] = str_replace('_', '', $table) . '_idx';
     $template['RECURR_INDEX_NAME'] = str_replace('_', '', $recurr) . '_idx';
     $file = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/calendar/inc/event_table.sql';
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         return PHPWS_Error::get(PHPWS_FILE_NOT_FOUND, 'calendar', 'Calendar_Schedule::createEventTable', $file);
     $query = PHPWS_Template::process($template, 'calendar', $file, true);
     return PHPWS_DB::import($query);