Exemplo n.º 1
     case 0x2:
         //	2 byte signed integer
         $value = self::_GetInt2d($this->_documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
     case 0x3:
         //	4 byte signed integer
         $value = self::_GetInt4d($this->_documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
     case 0x13:
         //	4 byte unsigned integer
         // not needed yet, fix later if necessary
     case 0x1e:
         //	null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
         $byteLength = self::_GetInt4d($this->_documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset);
         $value = substr($this->_documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 8 + $offset, $byteLength);
         $value = PHPExcel_Shared_String::ConvertEncoding($value, 'UTF-8', $codePage);
         $value = rtrim($value);
     case 0x40:
         //	Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
         // PHP-Time
         $value = PHPExcel_Shared_OLE::OLE2LocalDate(substr($this->_documentSummaryInformation, $secOffset + 4 + $offset, 8));
     case 0x47:
         //	Clipboard format
         // not needed yet, fix later if necessary
 switch ($id) {
     case 0x1:
         //	Code Page
         $codePage = PHPExcel_Shared_CodePage::NumberToName($value);
     case 0x2:
         //	Category
     case 0x3:
         //	Presentation Target
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0x4:
         //	Bytes
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0x5:
         //	Lines
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0x6:
         //	Paragraphs
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0x7:
         //	Slides
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0x8:
         //	Notes
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0x9:
         //	Hidden Slides
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0xa:
         //	MM Clips
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0xb:
         //	Scale Crop
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
     case 0xc:
         //	Heading Pairs
         //	Not supported by PHPExcel
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function generateadvchecklist($advlist)
     //Set column dimensions
     for ($i = 'B'; $i < 'Q'; $i++) {
     //Set Styles for cells
     //Set background for header cells
     //Set up top row (header) cells
     for ($y = 0, $fc = 'B', $lc = 'D'; $y < 5; $y++) {
         $advlist->mergeCells("{$fc}" . '1:' . "{$lc}" . '1');
         $advlist->getCell("{$fc}" . '2')->setValue("F");
         $advlist->getCell("{$fc}" . '2')->setValue("W");
         $advlist->getCell("{$fc}" . '2')->setValue("Sp");
     //Set text for row titles (Should be hard coded)
     $advlist->getCell("A14")->SetValue("The student has been released on BOSS or CICS screen 7R3.");
     $advlist->getCell("A1")->setValue("Put your initials in the appropriate cell when completed");
     $advlist->getCell("A3")->SetValue("The term, year, and grade of courses already taken have been updated on the check sheet.");
     //Style needed for EVERY (9) following rich text run
     $fontstyle = new PHPExcel_Style_Font();
     //Cell A4 -- A lot of code to make a single word green
     $text = new PHPExcel_RichText();
     $run1 = $text->createTextRun("The term and year of current (ongoing) courses have been highlighted in ");
     $run2 = $text->createTextRun("green");
     $run2->getFont()->setColor(new PHPExcel_Style_Color(PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_GREEN))->setName("Arial")->setSize(10)->setBold(true);
     $run3 = $text->createTextRun(" on the check sheet.");
     //Cell A5 -- A lot of code to make a single word yellow
     $text = new PHPExcel_RichText();
     $run1 = $text->createTextRun("The term and year of courses scheduled for the next term are highlighted in ");
     $run2 = $text->createTextRun("yellow");
     $run2->getFont()->setColor(new PHPExcel_Style_Color(PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_YELLOW))->setName('Arial')->setSize(10)->setBold(true);
     $run3 = $text->createTextRun(" on the check sheet.");
     //Cell A6 -- A lot of code to make a single word red
     $text = new PHPExcel_RichText();
     $run1 = $text->createTextRun("Problems have been highlighted in ");
     $run2 = $text->createTextRun("red");
     $run2->getFont()->setColor(new PHPExcel_Style_Color(PHPExcel_Style_Color::COLOR_RED))->setName('Arial')->setSize(10)->setBold(true);
     $run3 = $text->createTextRun(" on the check sheet and have been discussed with the student.");
     $advlist->getCell("A7")->SetValue("All course substitutions have been approved either in the system (BOSS/CICS) or by the Program Chair.");
     $advlist->getCell("A8")->SetValue("The student has taken all COES prerequisites (and earned a 'C' or better) for all COES courses on the advisement sheet.");
     $advlist->getCell("A9")->SetValue("The student was informed of the requirement for a minimum 2.0 GPA on all CSC courses, including all attempts.");
     $advlist->getCell("A10")->SetValue("The student was informed of the requirement for a minimum 2.0 GPA on the MATH 240 series, including all attempts.");
     $advlist->getCell("A11")->SetValue("A sanity check was done to ensure that the student doesn't get into trouble with once-a-year classes and is subsequently unduly delayed.");
     $advlist->getCell("A12")->SetValue("All deviances have been documented on a completed petition (one copy has been put in the Program Chair's box, and one copy has been sent to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies).");
     $advlist->getCell("A13")->SetValue("The check sheet has been uploaded/copied to the cloud space.");
     $advlist->getCell("A14")->SetValue("The student has been released on BOSS or CICS screen 7R3.");
     //Set row heights
     //  There's an issue with excel
     //	  A row can't have autosized height, so it must be hard coded
     $advlist->getRowDimension(3)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(4)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(5)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(6)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(7)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(8)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(9)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(10)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(11)->setRowHeight(14 * 2);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(12)->setRowHeight(14 * 3);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(13)->setRowHeight(14 * 1);
     $advlist->getRowDimension(14)->setRowHeight(14 * 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function setStyle($cellRange, $fontFamily = 'Arial', $fontSize = 10, $colorRGB = '00000000', $bold = false, $italic = false, $underline = false)
     require_once \GO::config()->root_path . 'go/vendor/PHPExcel/PHPExcel/Style.php';
     require_once \GO::config()->root_path . 'go/vendor/PHPExcel/PHPExcel/Style/Font.php';
     require_once \GO::config()->root_path . 'go/vendor/PHPExcel/PHPExcel/Style/Color.php';
     $colorObj = new \PHPExcel_Style_Color();
     $fontObj = new \PHPExcel_Style_Font();
     $styleObj = new \PHPExcel_Style();
     $this->getActiveSheet()->setSharedStyle($styleObj, $cellRange);