public static function userStatus($iProfileId) { $oUserModel = new \PH7\UserCoreModel(); echo '<div class="user_status">'; if ($oUserModel->isOnline($iProfileId, Framework\Mvc\Model\DbConfig::getSetting('userTimeout'))) { echo '<img src="', PH7_URL_TPL, PH7_TPL_NAME, PH7_SH, PH7_IMG, 'icon/online.png" alt="', t('Online'), '" title="', t('Is Online!'), '" />'; } else { $iStatus = $oUserModel->getUserStatus($iProfileId); $sImgName = $iStatus == 2 ? 'busy' : ($iStatus == 3 ? 'away' : 'offline'); $sTxt = $iStatus == 2 ? t('Busy') : ($iStatus == 3 ? t('Away') : t('Offline')); echo '<img src="', PH7_URL_TPL, PH7_TPL_NAME, PH7_SH, PH7_IMG, 'icon/', $sImgName, '.png" alt="', $sTxt, '" title="', $sTxt, '" />'; } echo '</div>'; unset($oUserModel); }
/** * Get the User Avatar. * * @param string $sUername * @param string $sSex * @param integer $iSize * @return void Html contents. URL avatar default 150px or the user avatar. */ public function getUserAvatar($sUsername, $sSex = '', $iSize = '') { $oCache = (new \PH7\Framework\Cache\Cache())->start(self::CACHE_AVATAR_GROUP . $sUsername, $sSex . $iSize, 60 * 24 * 30); if (!($sUrl = $oCache->get())) { $oUserModel = new \PH7\UserCoreModel(); $iProfileId = $oUserModel->getId(null, $sUsername); $oGetAvatar = $oUserModel->getAvatar($iProfileId); $sSize = $iSize == '32' || $iSize == '64' || $iSize == '100' || $iSize == '150' || $iSize == '200' || $iSize == '400' ? '-' . $iSize : ''; $sAvatar = @$oGetAvatar->pic; $sExt = PH7_DOT . (new File())->getFileExt($sAvatar); $sDir = 'user/avatar/img/' . $sUsername . PH7_SH; $sPath = PH7_PATH_PUBLIC_DATA_SYS_MOD . $sDir . $sAvatar; $sUrl = PH7_URL_DATA_SYS_MOD . $sDir . str_replace($sExt, $sSize . $sExt, $sAvatar); $bIsModerate = Registry::getInstance()->module === PH7_ADMIN_MOD; if (!is_file($sPath) || $oGetAvatar->approvedAvatar == '0') { /* If sex is empty, it is recovered in the database using information from member */ $sSex = !empty($sSex) ? $sSex : $oUserModel->getSex(null, $sUsername, 'Members'); $sSex = $this->oStr->lower($sSex); $sIcon = $sSex == 'male' || $sSex == 'female' || $sSex == 'couple' || $sSex == PH7_ADMIN_USERNAME ? $sSex : 'visitor'; $sUrlTplName = defined('PH7_TPL_NAME') ? PH7_TPL_NAME : PH7_DEFAULT_THEME; /*** If the user does not have an avatar ***/ if (!is_file($sPath)) { // The user has no avatar, we try to get her Gravatar. // Get the User Email. $sEmail = $oUserModel->getEmail($iProfileId); $bSecureGravatar = \PH7\Framework\Http\Http::isSsl(); $sUrl = $this->getGravatarUrl($sEmail, '404', $iSize, 'g', $bSecureGravatar); if (!(new \PH7\Framework\Security\Validate\Validate())->url($sUrl, true)) { // Our Default Image $sUrl = PH7_URL_TPL . $sUrlTplName . PH7_SH . PH7_IMG . 'icon/' . $sIcon . '_no_picture' . $sSize . '.jpg'; } } elseif (!$bIsModerate) { $sUrl = PH7_URL_TPL . $sUrlTplName . PH7_SH . PH7_IMG . 'icon/pending' . $sSize . '.jpg'; } } unset($oUserModel); $oCache->put($sUrl); } unset($oCache); echo $sUrl; }