/** * skip default validation (check if password is good enough) for old password */ protected function _inp_pass($field, $val) { if ($field == 'oldpass') { return true; } return parent::_inp_pass($field, $val); }
public function init($id) { $success = parent::init($id); if ($success) { if (count($this->struct['alias_domain']['options']) == 0 && $this->new) { $this->errormsg[] = Config::lang('pCreate_alias_domain_error4'); return false; } # TODO: check if target domains are available (in new and edit mode) } return $success; }
public function init($id) { if (!parent::init($id)) { return false; } if ($this->new) { $currentquota = 0; } else { $currentquota = $this->result['quotabytes']; # parent::init called ->view() } $this->updateMaxquota($this->domain, $currentquota); return true; # still here? good. }
public function getPagebrowser($condition, $searchmode = array()) { # only list aliases that do not belong to mailboxes # TODO: breaks if $condition is an array if ($condition != '') { $condition = " AND ( {$condition} ) "; } return parent::getPagebrowser("__mailbox_username IS NULL {$condition}", $searchmode); }