Exemplo n.º 1

 * control-panel.php
 * Created with PhpStorm
 * User: Robin | Juraji
 * Date: 12 okt 2015
 * Time: 12:47
require_once 'AppLoader.class.php';
$session = new \PBPanel\Util\PanelSession();
$dataStore = new PBPanel\Util\DataStore();
$connection = new \PBPanel\Util\BotConnectionHandler($dataStore);
$functions = new \PBPanel\Util\FunctionLibrary($dataStore, $connection);
$templates = new \PBPanel\Util\ComponentTemplates();
if (\PBPanel\AppLoader::runInstall($dataStore)) {
    require_once 'install.php';
if (\PBPanel\AppLoader::updateAvailable($dataStore)) {
    require_once 'update.php';
$botSettings = $functions->getDbTableArray('settings');
$isBotOnline = $connection->testConnection()[2] == 52;
$hostHandlerActive = $functions->getDbTableValueByKey('modules.ini', 'hostHandler.js', true);
$subscribeHandlerActive = $functions->getDbTableValueByKey('modules.ini', 'subscribeHandler.js', true);
$musicPlayerCurrentSong = $functions->getOtherFile($dataStore->getVar('paths', 'youtubeCurrentSong'));
$NOHosts = -1;
Exemplo n.º 2

 * connect.php
 * Created with PhpStorm
 * User: Robin | Juraji
 * Date: 12 okt 2015
 * Time: 12:46
require_once '../../AppLoader.class.php';
$dataStore = new \PBPanel\Util\DataStore();
$connection = new \PBPanel\Util\BotConnectionHandler($dataStore);
$functions = new \PBPanel\Util\FunctionLibrary($dataStore, $connection);
$input = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST);
if (!array_key_exists('username', $input) || !array_key_exists('password', $input) || !$functions->isValidUser($input['username'], $input['password'])) {
    $functions->sendBackError('No login');
if (array_key_exists('action', $input) && $input['action'] != '') {
    $action = $input['action'];
    switch ($action) {
        case 'config':
        case 'getConfig':
        case 'command':
            if (array_key_exists('command', $input) && $input['username']) {
                echo json_encode($connection->send('!' . $input['command'], array_key_exists(strtolower($input['username']), $functions->getDbTableArray('visited')) ? $input['username'] : $dataStore->getVar('connector', 'channelOwner')));
Exemplo n.º 3
 * check-network.php
 * Created with PhpStorm
 * User: Robin | Juraji
 * Date: 1 feb 2016
 * Time: 21:47
require_once 'AppLoader.class.php';
if (!class_exists('SQLite3')) {
    $botIp = $botBasePort = 'Unknown (Settings could not be read by SQLite3)';
    $foundBot = false;
} else {
    $dataStore = new \PBPanel\Util\DataStore(true);
    $botConnection = new \PBPanel\Util\BotConnectionHandler($dataStore);
    $browser = new PBPanel\Util\Browser();
    $foundBot = $botConnection->testConnection();
    $botIp = $dataStore->getVar('connector', 'botIp', 'Unknown (Not Set)');
    $botBasePort = $dataStore->getVar('connector', 'botBasePort', 'Unknown (Not Set)');
$clientIp = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR') == '::1' ? 'localhost' : filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR');
$serverHasInternet = @file_get_contents('http://www.google.com');
$contentWriteable = is_writeable(\PBPanel\AppLoader::getBaseDir() . '/app/content');
function yesNoText($state)
    return $state ? '<span class="text-success">Yes</span>' : '<span class="text-danger">No</span>';
function validateIpAdress($botIp)
    $groups = explode('.', $botIp);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * raiders.php
 * Created with PhpStorm
 * User: Robin | Juraji
 * Date: 12 okt 2015
 * Time: 12:44
require_once '../../../AppLoader.class.php';
$session = new \PBPanel\Util\PanelSession();
if (!$session->checkSessionToken(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'token'))) {
    die('Invalid session token. Are you trying to hack me?!');
$dataStore = new \PBPanel\Util\DataStore();
$connection = new \PBPanel\Util\BotConnectionHandler($dataStore);
$functions = new \PBPanel\Util\Functions($dataStore, $connection);
$templates = new \PBPanel\Util\ComponentTemplates();
$botSettings = $functions->getIniArray('settings');
$pastRaiders = $functions->getIniArray('raiders');
$pastRaidersTableRows = '';
$doRaidCommandResponse = $functions->getIniValueByKey('command', 'doraid');
$firstTime = false;
$addCommandJsActive = $functions->getModuleStatus('addCommand.js');
$doRaidCommandForm = $templates->botCommandForm('doraid', 'Raid target', '[username]');
if ($addCommandJsActive == 1 && (!$doRaidCommandResponse || $doRaidCommandResponse == '')) {
    $connection->send('!addcom doraid Let\'s raid (1)! Go to http://twitch.tv/(1) and say "' . $dataStore->getVar('connector', 'channelOwner') . ' Raid!", throw them a follow and show the love! <3');
    $firstTime = true;
} elseif ($addCommandJsActive == '0') {
    $doRaidCommandForm = $templates->addTooltip($templates->botCommandForm('doraid', 'Raid target', '[username]', null, 'Send', true), 'Enable the addCommand.js module to use this form.' . $templates->botCommandButton('!module enable ./commands/addCommand.js', 'Enable addCommand.js Now', 'primary btn-block'));