$app->set('REPORT_ADMIN_EMAIL', "");
$app->set('TRACK_KDPWRAPPER', 'false');
$app->set('USAGE_TRACKING_OPTIN', 'false');
// set to replace passwords on first activiation if this installation is preinstalled
// allow ui conf tab only for CE installation
if (strcasecmp($app->get('KALTURA_VERSION_TYPE'), K_TM_TYPE) !== 0) {
// verify that the installation can continue
//if (!OsUtils::verifyRootUser()) {
//	installationFailed("Installation cannot continue, you must have root privileges to continue with the installation process.",
//					   null, null);
if (!OsUtils::verifyOS()) {
    installationFailed("Installation cannot continue, Kaltura platform can only be installed on Linux OS at this time.", null, null);
if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
    installationFailed("You must have PHP mysqli extension loaded to continue with the installation.", null, null);
// get the user input if needed
if ($user->isInputLoaded()) {
    logMessage(L_USER, "Skipping user input, previous installation input will be used.");
} else {
// get from kConf.php the latest versions of kmc , clipapp and HTML5
$kconf = file_get_contents("package/app/app/configurations/base.ini");
$latestVersions = array();
$latestVersions["KMC_VERSION"] = getVersionFromKconf($kconf, "kmc_version");