Exemplo n.º 1
    public function generate_order_report()
        $data_type = $_POST['type_of_data'];
        $duration = $_POST['duration'];
        $year = $_POST['year_from'];
        $report_type = $_POST['type_of_report'];
        $title = 'test';
        $report_name = "Order Report For" . $year;
        $facility_code = $this->session->userdata('news');
        $from_ordertbl = Ordertbl::get_facilitiy_orders($facility_code);
        $facility_name = Facilities::get_facility_name($facility_code);
        /**************************************set the style for the table****************************************/
        $html_data = '<style>table.data-table {border: 1px solid #DDD;margin: 10px auto;border-spacing: 0px;}
table.data-table th {border: none;color: #036;text-align: center;background-color: #F5F5F5;border: 1px solid #DDD;border-top: none;max-width: 450px;}
table.data-table td, table th {padding: 4px;}
table.data-table td {border: none;border-left: 1px solid #DDD;border-right: 1px solid #DDD;height: 30px;margin: 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD;}
        //create the report based on the request of the user
        /**********bug detected mpdf cannot print a report that has nesteded loops the solution is to create the html body before creating the mpdf object****/
        $html_data1 = '';
        // order analysis
        $html_data2 = '';
        // raw order details
        foreach ($from_ordertbl as $infor_array) {
            //setting up the variables
            $total_item_received = 0;
            $total_item_ordered = 0;
            $date = $infor_array->orderDate;
            $draw = $infor_array->drawing_rights;
            $total = $infor_array->orderTotal;
            $bal = number_format($draw - $total, 2, '.', ',');
            /*****************************setting up the report*******************************************/
            $html_data1 .= '<table class="data-table"><thead>
<tr><td colspan="16"><p style="font-weight: bold;">Facility Order No: ' . $infor_array->id . ' | KEMSA Order No: ' . $infor_array->kemsaOrderid . ' | Order Date:' . $date . ' | Order Total: ' . number_format($total, 2, '.', ',') . ' | Drawing rights: ' . number_format($draw, 2, '.', ',') . ' | 
Balance(Drawing rights - Order Total):' . $bal . ' </p></span></td></tr>
<tr> <th><strong>KEMSA Code</strong></th><th><strong>Description</strong></th><th><strong>Quantity Ordered</strong></th><th><strong>Unit Cost</strong></th><th class="col5" ><strong><b>Total Cost</b></strong></th>
<th><strong>Quantity Ordered</strong></th><th><strong>Quantity Received</strong></th><th class="col5" ><strong><b>Fill rate</b></strong></th>
<th><strong><b>Opening Balance</b></strong></th>
<th><strong><b>Total Receipts</b></strong></th>
<th><strong><b>Total Issues</b></strong></th>
<th><strong><b>Closing Stock</b></strong></th>
<th><strong><b>Days Out Of stock</b></strong></th>
</tr> </thead><tbody>';
            $html_data2 .= '<table class="data-table"><thead>
<tr><td colspan="16"><p style="font-weight: bold;">Facility Order No: ' . $infor_array->id . ' | KEMSA Order No: ' . $infor_array->kemsaOrderid . ' | Order Date:' . $date . ' | Order Total: ' . number_format($total, 2, '.', ',') . ' | Drawing rights: ' . number_format($draw, 2, '.', ',') . ' | 
Balance(Drawing rights - Order Total):' . $bal . ' </p></span></td></tr>
<tr> <th><b>KEMSA Code</b></th>
						<th><b>Order Unit Size</b></th>
						<th><b>Order Unit Cost</b></th>
						<th ><b>Opening Balance</b></th>
						<th ><b>Total Receipts</b></th>
					    <th><b>Total issues</b></th>
					    <th><b>Closing Stock</b></th>
					    <th><b>No days out of stock</b></th>
					    <th><b>Order Quantity</b></th>
					    <th><b>Order cost(Ksh)</b></th>	
					   <th><b>Comment(if any)</b></th>	
</tr> </thead><tbody>';
            /*****************************creating the rows **************************************/
            foreach ($infor_array->Ord as $Ord_array) {
                //setting the variables
                $o_q = $Ord_array->quantityOrdered;
                $total_item_ordered = $total_item_ordered + $o_q;
                $o_p = $Ord_array->price;
                $o_t = number_format($o_p * $o_q, 2, '.', ',');
                $o_qr = $Ord_array->quantityRecieved;
                $total_item_received = $total_item_received + $o_qr;
                $fill = $o_qr / $o_q * 100;
                /*******************************begin adding data to the report*****************************************/
                $html_data1 .= '<tr><td>' . $Ord_array->kemsa_code . '</td>';
                $html_data2 .= '<tr><td>' . $Ord_array->kemsa_code . '</td>';
                foreach ($Ord_array->Code as $d) {
                    $name = $d->Drug_Name;
                    $html_data1 .= '<td>' . $name . '</td>';
                    $html_data2 .= '<td>' . $name . '</td><td>' . $d->Unit_Size . '</td><td>' . $o_p . '</td>';
                $html_data1 .= '<td>' . $o_q . '</td>
							<td>' . $o_p . '</td>
							<td class="col5">' . $o_t . '</td>
							<td>' . $o_q . '</td>
							<td>' . $o_qr . '</td>
							<td class="col5">' . $fill . '%' . '</td>
							<td>' . $Ord_array->o_balance . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->t_receipts . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->t_issues . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->adjust . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->losses . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->c_stock . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->days . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->comment . '</td>
                $html_data2 .= '<td>' . $Ord_array->o_balance . '</td>
							<td>' . $Ord_array->t_receipts . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->t_issues . '</td>
							<td>' . $Ord_array->adjust . '</td>
							<td>' . $Ord_array->losses . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->c_stock . '</td>
							<td>' . $Ord_array->days . '</td>
							<td >' . $o_q . '</td>
							<td class="col5">' . $o_t . '</td>
							<td >' . $Ord_array->comment . '</td>
            if ($total_item_ordered == 0) {
                $total_item_ordered = 1;
            $order_fill_rate = $total_item_received / $total_item_ordered * 100;
            //close the table
            $html_data1 .= '<tr><td colspan="16"> <b>Total Items Received: ' . $total_item_received . ' | Total Items Ordered : ' . $total_item_ordered . '|    Order Fill Rate(Total items received/Total Items Ordered)*100 :' . $order_fill_rate . ' %</td></tr></tbody></table></b><hr /></br></br>';
            $html_data2 .= '</tbody></table></b><hr /></br></br>';
        if ($data_type == 'Order Analysis') {
            $html_data .= $html_data1;
        } else {
            if ($data_type == 'Raw Order Data') {
                $html_data .= $html_data2;
        /**************************finally generate the report***********************/
        $this->generate_pdf($report_name, $title, $html_data, $report_type);