Exemplo n.º 1
 public function disableOption($option_id)
     $option = Options::find($option_id);
     $option->active = 0;
     return Redirect::back();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function showAction($question_id)
     $this->view->poll = Questions::findFirst($question_id);
     //$this->view->options = Options::findByQuestionId($question_id);
     $this->view->options = Options::find(array('question_id = ?0', 'bind' => array($question_id), 'order' => 'vote DESC'));
Exemplo n.º 3

 * Models Plugin Example
 * Add this to a view in your template
// Require the model file
require MODELS_PATH . 'Options.php';
// Find Example with cache (returns array of objects)
$all_opts = Options::find()->cache('cacheIdentifier')->all();
// Find Example with select
$three_opts = Options::find()->limit(3)->select(['option_id', 'option_name'])->orderBy('option_id DESC')->all();
// FindByPk Example (returns Object)
$opt1 = Options::findByPk(1);
// Print out the record with Pk = 1
echo '<h2>Row found by Primary Key</h2>';
echo "Primary Key 1: " . $opt1->option_name . " => " . $opt1->option_value . "<br>";
// Print out the three first rows in Options
echo '<h2>Three last rows with select</h2>';
foreach ($three_opts as $opt) {
    echo $opt->option_name . '<br>';
// Print all rows in Options (cached)
echo '<h2>All rows (Cached)</h2>';
foreach ($all_opts as $opt) {
    echo $opt->option_name . '<br>';