Exemplo n.º 1
    $accountId = @$ogo->getLoginAccountId();
    if ($accountId == null) {
        print 'Cannot connect to groupware using provided credentials';
    print 'Retrieving enterprise...<br/>';
    $enterprise = $ogo->getObject(3049570, 32767);
    printf('Name: %s<br/>', $enterprise['name']);
    /* Change the division, this demonstrates using getSubkeyReference 
       A reference to the dictionary (keyed array) in _COMPANYVALUES
       with an "attribute" equal to "division" is returned.  Then its
       other components can be modified. */
    $cv =& $ogo->getSubkeyReference($enterprise, '_COMPANYVALUES', 'attribute', 'division');
    printf('Division: %s<br/>', $cv['value']);
    $cv['value'] = 'Test';
    $enterprise = $ogo->putObject($enterprise);
    $cv =& $ogo->getSubkeyReference($enterprise, '_COMPANYVALUES', 'attribute', 'division');
    printf('Division: %s<br/>', $cv['value']);
    $cv['value'] = 'MVP';
    $enterprise = $ogo->putObject($enterprise);
    $cv =& $ogo->getSubkeyReference($enterprise, '_COMPANYVALUES', 'attribute', 'division');
    printf('Division: %s<br/>', $cv['value']);
    /* Display the city from the ship address */
    $ship =& $ogo->getSubkeyReference($enterprise, '_ADDRESSES', 'type', 'ship');
    printf('City: %s<br/>', $ship['city']);
} else {
    print '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="zogiEnt.php">';
    print '</U>Provide username and password</U><BR/>';
    print 'Username: <INPUT SIZE=10 NAME="username"/><BR/>';
    print 'Password: <INPUT SIZE=10 NAME="password"/><BR/>';
    print '<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Login"/>';
Exemplo n.º 2
$notation2['entityName'] = 'note';
$notation2['objectId'] = 0;
$app = array();
$app['entityName'] = 'Appointment';
$app['objectId'] = '0';
$app['keywords'] = 'ZOGI';
$app['comment'] = 'COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT';
$app['start'] = '2007-02-18 13:00';
$app['end'] = '2007-02-18 15:00';
$app['title'] = 'My New 2007 Appointment';
$app['location'] = 'Sardinia';
$app['_FLAGS'] = 'ignoreConflicts';
$app['_NOTES'] = array($notation1);
$app['_PARTICIPANTS'] = array($participant1, $participant2);
print "<BR/>--Create--<BR/>";
$app = $ogo->putObject($app);
print "<BR/>--Put Note ---<BR/>";
/* This adds a second note, we preserve the first note */
$app['_NOTES'] = array($app['_NOTES'][0], $notation2);
$app['_FLAGS'] = 'ignoreConflicts';
$app = $ogo->putObject($app);
print "<BR/>--Update, updating note--<BR/>";
print "objectId: " . $app['objectId'];
$app['title'] = 'Modified Appointment';
$app['_FLAGS'] = 'ignoreConflicts';
/* We are dropping one of the participants */
$app['_PARTICIPANTS'] = array($participant2);
/* We are changing the content of one of the notes */
$app['_NOTES'][0]['title'] = 'Updated note title';