Exemplo n.º 1
  * Verify that not found speaker redirects and sets flash error message
  * @test
 public function speakerNotFoundHasFlashMessage()
     $speakerId = uniqid();
     // Override our mapper with the double
     $spot = m::mock('Spot\\Locator');
     $mapper = m::mock(\OpenCFP\Domain\Entity\Mapper\User::class);
     $this->app['spot'] = $spot;
     // Create a session object
     $this->app['session'] = new Session(new MockFileSessionStorage());
     // Use our pre-configured Application object
     // Create our Request object
     $req = m::mock('Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request');
     // Execute the controller and capture the output
     $controller = new \OpenCFP\Http\Controller\Admin\SpeakersController();
     $response = $controller->viewAction($req);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\RedirectResponse', $response);
     $this->assertContains('Could not find requested speaker', $this->app['session']->get('flash'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @test
 public function speaker_talks_comments_and_meta_should_be_removed_when_speaker_is_deleted()
     $spot = m::mock(\Spot\Locator::class);
     $speaker = m::mock(\OpenCFP\Domain\Entity\User::class);
     $talk = m::mock(\OpenCFP\Domain\Entity\Talk::class);
     $userMapper = m::mock(\Spot\Mapper::class);
     $talkMapper = m::mock(\Spot\Mapper::class);
     $talkCommentsMapper = m::mock(\Spot\Mapper::class);
     $talkMetaMapper = m::mock(\Spot\Mapper::class);
     // Create a session object
     $this->app['session'] = new Session(new MockFileSessionStorage());
     // Use our pre-configured Application object
     // We're deleting speaker numero uno
     $request = m::mock(Request::class);
     // We get the speaker from mapper
     // Speaker is handed off to `removeSpeakerTalks`
     // and we get all their talks in a collection
     // Note: this is the `talks` relation, but under the hood
     //       Spot actually calls the relation method on entity
     // That talk also has comments and meta information
     // Note: these actually return entities for comment and meta
     //       but in the interest of brevity are faked as strings
     $talk->shouldReceive('relation->execute')->times(2)->andReturn(['comment'], ['meta']);
     // We loop over each of those and delete them using mapper
     // Finally, we delete the talk itself
     // Once all those pesky talks are gone, we remove the speaker!
     // So lets wire all this into spot locator and replace
     // into the application instance
     // All of this stuff should be done in a transaction
     $this->app['spot'] = $spot;
     // Execute the controller and capture the output
     $controller = new \OpenCFP\Http\Controller\Admin\SpeakersController();
     $response = $controller->deleteAction($request);
     // Assert mock expectations.
     $this->assertInstanceOf(RedirectResponse::class, $response);