Exemplo n.º 1
 function list_objects()
     //alert("debugging. remove this line");ajx_current('empty'); return array() ; //TODO remove this line
     /* get query parameters */
     $filesPerPage = config_option('files_per_page');
     $start = array_var($_GET, 'start') ? (int) array_var($_GET, 'start') : 0;
     $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit') ? array_var($_GET, 'limit') : $filesPerPage;
     $order = array_var($_GET, 'sort');
     $ignore_context = (bool) array_var($_GET, 'ignore_context');
     if ($order == "dateUpdated") {
         $order = "updated_on";
     } elseif ($order == "dateArchived") {
         $order = "archived_on";
     } elseif ($order == "dateDeleted") {
         $order = "trashed_on";
     $orderdir = array_var($_GET, 'dir');
     $page = (int) ($start / $limit) + 1;
     $hide_private = !logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany();
     $typeCSV = array_var($_GET, 'type');
     $types = null;
     if ($typeCSV) {
         $types = explode(",", $typeCSV);
     $name_filter = mysql_escape_string(array_var($_GET, 'name'));
     $linked_obj_filter = array_var($_GET, 'linkedobject');
     $object_ids_filter = '';
     if (!is_null($linked_obj_filter)) {
         $linkedObject = Objects::findObject($linked_obj_filter);
         $objs = $linkedObject->getLinkedObjects();
         foreach ($objs as $obj) {
             $object_ids_filter .= ($object_ids_filter == '' ? '' : ',') . $obj->getId();
     $filters = array();
     if (!is_null($types)) {
         $filters['types'] = $types;
     if (!is_null($name_filter)) {
         $filters['name'] = $name_filter;
     if ($object_ids_filter != '') {
         $filters['object_ids'] = $object_ids_filter;
     $user = array_var($_GET, 'user');
     $trashed = array_var($_GET, 'trashed', false);
     $archived = array_var($_GET, 'archived', false);
     /* if there's an action to execute, do so */
     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete') {
         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
         $result = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("extra_conditions" => " AND o.id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ") ", "include_deleted" => true));
         $objects = $result->objects;
         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects);
         if ($err > 0) {
             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
         } else {
             Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $ids, $ignored);
             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
     } else {
         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'delete_permanently') {
             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
             //$result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), null, null, true, false, array('object_ids' => implode(",",$ids)));
             $objects = Objects::instance()->findAll(array("conditions" => "id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"));
             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
             if ($err > 0) {
                 flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
             if ($succ > 0) {
                 Hook::fire('after_object_delete_permanently', $ids, $ignored);
                 flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
         } else {
             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasread') {
                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, true);
             } else {
                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'markasunread') {
                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                     list($succ, $err) = $this->do_mark_as_read_unread_objects($ids, false);
                 } else {
                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'empty_trash_can') {
                         $result = Objects::getObjectsFromContext(active_context(), 'trashed_on', 'desc', true);
                         $objects = $result->objects;
                         list($succ, $err) = $this->do_delete_objects($objects, true);
                         if ($err > 0) {
                             flash_error(lang('error delete objects', $err));
                         if ($succ > 0) {
                             flash_success(lang('success delete objects', $succ));
                     } else {
                         if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'archive') {
                             $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                             list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'archive');
                             if ($err > 0) {
                                 flash_error(lang('error archive objects', $err));
                             } else {
                                 flash_success(lang('success archive objects', $succ));
                         } else {
                             if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unarchive') {
                                 $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                 list($succ, $err) = $this->do_archive_unarchive_objects($ids, 'unarchive');
                                 if ($err > 0) {
                                     flash_error(lang('error unarchive objects', $err));
                                 } else {
                                     flash_success(lang('success unarchive objects', $succ));
                             } else {
                                 if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'unclassify') {
                                     $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                     $err = 0;
                                     $succ = 0;
                                     foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                         $split = explode(":", $id);
                                         $type = $split[0];
                                         if (Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail') && $type == 'MailContents') {
                                             $email = MailContents::findById($split[1]);
                                             if (isset($email) && !$email->isDeleted() && $email->canEdit(logged_user())) {
                                                 if (MailController::do_unclassify($email)) {
                                                 } else {
                                             } else {
                                     if ($err > 0) {
                                         flash_error(lang('error unclassify emails', $err));
                                     } else {
                                         flash_success(lang('success unclassify emails', $succ));
                                 } else {
                                     if (array_var($_GET, 'action') == 'restore') {
                                         $errorMessage = null;
                                         $ids = explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'objects'));
                                         $success = 0;
                                         $error = 0;
                                         foreach ($ids as $id) {
                                             $obj = Objects::findObject($id);
                                             if ($obj->canDelete(logged_user())) {
                                                 try {
                                                     if ($obj->getObjectTypeId() == 11) {
                                                         $event = ProjectEvents::findById($obj->getId());
                                                         if ($event->getExtCalId() != "") {
                                                             $this->created_event_google_calendar($obj, $event);
                                                     ApplicationLogs::createLog($obj, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_UNTRASH);
                                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                             } else {
                                         if ($success > 0) {
                                             flash_success(lang("success untrash objects", $success));
                                         if ($error > 0) {
                                             $errorString = is_null($errorMessage) ? lang("error untrash objects", $error) : $errorMessage;
     $filterName = array_var($_GET, 'name');
     $result = null;
     $context = active_context();
     $obj_type_types = array('content_object', 'dimension_object');
     if (array_var($_GET, 'include_comments')) {
         $obj_type_types[] = 'comment';
     $type_condition = "";
     if ($types) {
         $type_condition = " AND name IN ('" . implode("','", $types) . "')";
     $res = DB::executeAll("SELECT id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types WHERE type IN ('" . implode("','", $obj_type_types) . "') AND name <> 'file revision' {$type_condition} ");
     $type_ids = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         if (ObjectTypes::isListableObjectType($row['id'])) {
             $types_ids[] = $row['id'];
     //Hook::fire('list_objects_type_ids', null, $types_ids);
     $type_ids_csv = implode(',', $types_ids);
     $extra_conditions = array();
     $extra_conditions[] = "object_type_id in ({$type_ids_csv})";
     if ($name_filter) {
         $extra_conditions[] = "name LIKE '%{$name_filter}%'";
     //$pagination = Objects::getObjects($context,$start,$limit,$order,$orderdir,$trashed,$archived, $filters,$start, $limit, $obj_type_types);
     $pagination = ContentDataObjects::listing(array("start" => $start, "limit" => $limit, "order" => $order, "order_dir" => $orderdir, "trashed" => $trashed, "archived" => $archived, "types" => $types, "count_results" => false, "extra_conditions" => " AND " . implode(" AND ", $extra_conditions), "ignore_context" => $ignore_context));
     $result = $pagination->objects;
     $total_items = $pagination->total;
     if (!$result) {
         $result = array();
     /* prepare response object */
     $info = array();
     foreach ($result as $obj) {
         $info_elem = $obj->getArrayInfo($trashed, $archived);
         $instance = Objects::instance()->findObject($info_elem['object_id']);
         $info_elem['url'] = $instance->getViewUrl();
         /* @var $instance Contact  */
         if ($instance instanceof Contact) {
             if ($instance->isCompany()) {
                 $info_elem['icon'] = 'ico-company';
                 $info_elem['type'] = 'company';
         } else {
             if ($instance instanceof ProjectFile) {
                 $info_elem['mimeType'] = $instance->getTypeString();
         $info_elem['isRead'] = $instance->getIsRead(logged_user()->getId());
         $info_elem['manager'] = get_class($instance->manager());
         $info_elem['memPath'] = json_encode($instance->getMembersToDisplayPath());
         $info[] = $info_elem;
     $listing = array("totalCount" => $total_items, "start" => $start, "objects" => $info);
     tpl_assign("listing", $listing);
     if (isset($reload) && $reload) {
     } else {
$genid = gen_id();
if (isset($linked_objects) && is_array($linked_objects) && count($linked_objects)) { ?>
	<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #CCCCCC;"><table style="width:100%"><tr><td>
	<strong><?php echo lang("linked main title") ?>:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
	<span id="bt<?php echo $genid?>">
	$amountOfObjects = user_config_option('amount_objects_to_show');
	$sorted_objects = array();
	$maxcount = 0;
	$maxkey = '';
	foreach ($linked_objects as $linked_object){

		if (ObjectTypes::isListableObjectType($linked_object->getObjectTypeId())) {
			if (!isset($sorted_objects[$linked_object->getObjectTypeName()]))
				$sorted_objects[$linked_object->getObjectTypeName()] = array($linked_object);
				$sorted_objects[$linked_object->getObjectTypeName()][] = $linked_object;
			if (count($sorted_objects[$linked_object->getObjectTypeName()]) > $maxcount){
				$maxcount = count($sorted_objects[$linked_object->getObjectTypeName()]);
				$maxkey = $linked_object->getObjectTypeName();
	foreach ($sorted_objects as $key => $object_group){ ?>
		<a href="#" style="<?php echo $key == $maxkey ? 'font-weight:bold' : 'font-weight:normal'?>;margin-right:10px" onclick="og.toggleSimpleTab('<?php echo $genid . $key ?>LO', 'hp<?php echo $genid ?>', 'bt<?php echo $genid ?>', this)">
		<?php echo lang("linked $key tab") ?><span style="font-size:80%"><?php echo ' (' . count($object_group) . ')' ?></span></a>