<?php namespace CB; //error_reporting(E_ALL); //ini_set('display_errors', 1); if (isset($_GET['state']) && isset($_GET['code'])) { require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/CB/Oauth2Utils.php'; $state = Oauth2Utils::decodeState($_GET['state']); if (isset($state['core']) && isset($state['state'])) { $_GET['core'] = $state['core']; $oauthMode = 1; $SESSION_NAME = str_replace(array('.casebox.org', '.', '-'), '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) . $state['core']; // set id of session, to prevent create new session id on redirect $_COOKIE[$SESSION_NAME] = $state['state']; require_once 'init.php'; $coreUrl = \CB\Config::get('core_url'); // $coreUrl = \CB\Config::get('server_name') . $state['core'] . '/'; $provider = Oauth2Utils::getGoogleProvider(); $encodedState = Oauth2Utils::getLocalState($provider, $_GET['state'], $_GET['code']); header('Location: ' . $coreUrl . 'login/auth/?state=' . $encodedState); } else { trigger_error('oauth2callback core on encoded state is not set ', E_USER_WARNING); } } else { trigger_error('oauth2callback wrong parameters ' . print_r($_GET, true), E_USER_WARNING); }
* * This script does first checks on submited values from login.php. * Uses the User class and calls Login method with passed params to check authentification validity. * If the user passes the authentification he's redirected to the index.php * where the CaseBox interface starts loading. * Otherwise, if the user do not pass authentification, it is redirected to login.php * and the corresponding message is displayed (from $_SESSION['message']). * * @package CaseBox * * */ namespace CB; require_once 'init.php'; if (Oauth2Utils::isOauth2Login()) { $Check = Oauth2Utils::checkLogined(); if ($Check['success']) { $r = User::setAsLoged($Check['user_id'], $Check['session_id']); if ($r['success'] == false) { $errors[] = L\get('Auth_fail'); } else { $cfg = User::getTSVConfig(); if (!empty($cfg['method'])) { $_SESSION['check_TSV'] = time(); $_SESSION['user']['TSV_checked'] = false; } else { $_SESSION['user']['TSV_checked'] = true; } } // header('Location: '.Config::get('core_url')); } else {
echo isset($_SESSION['message']) ? '<div class="alert alert-error">' . $_SESSION['message'] . '</div>' : ''; ?> <span class="icon-lock"></span> </label> <a style="margin-top: 30px;" class="pull-right" href="<?php echo '/' . $coreName; ?> /recover/forgot-password/"><?php echo L\get('ForgotPassword'); ?> </a> <?php $Oauth2Providers = Config::get('oauth2_providers', null); if (isset($Oauth2Providers) && in_array('google', explode(',', $Oauth2Providers))) { $googleProvider = Oauth2Utils::getGoogleProvider(); $googleAuthUrl = Oauth2Utils::getLoginUrl($googleProvider); if (isset($googleAuthUrl)) { echo "<a style='margin-top:25px;margin-right:25px;' class='pull-right' href='" . $googleAuthUrl . "'><img src='/css/i/gplus_signin_button.png' style='height:35px' /></a>"; } } ?> <input type="submit" name="s" id="s" value="<?php echo L\get('Login'); ?> " class="btn btn-info" style="margin-top: 26px;" disabled> <?php } else { ?> <label> <?php echo L\get('TSV');