Exemplo n.º 1
 function _GetPropertyValueIndex(&$el, $propertyName)
     // example: $propertyName = "Image.URL": get $el's property "Image.URL" and return index of value (in DBValues array) linked to it
     if (!$propertyName || !$el || empty($el['Properties'])) {
         return -1;
     $property = OEDynUtils::_FindInArray($el['Properties'], $propertyName);
     if ($property === null) {
         return -1;
     return intval($property);
     // index in DBValues array
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function _connect($params)
     //echo 'Connecting start:';var_dump($this);
     if (!$this->sqliteOk || !isset($params['dbname'])) {
         $this->_sqliteerrorexit('SQLite engine not initialized');
         return false;
     // make sure directory for the database file exists:
     global $dynManager;
     $relPath = isset($dynManager->JSData['PageRelPath']) ? $dynManager->JSData['PageRelPath'] : '';
     if (!$this->_handleDBFolder($relPath, $params['dbname'])) {
         return false;
     if ($this->sqliteVers >= 3) {
         if (!defined('SQLITE3_INTEGER')) {
             // sometimes these constants are not defined
             define('SQLITE3_INTEGER', 1);
             define('SQLITE3_FLOAT', 2);
             define('SQLITE3_TEXT', 3);
             define('SQLITE3_BLOB', 4);
         if (!$this->modePDO) {
             // direct SQLite
             try {
                 $this->sqlConn = new SQLite3($relPath . $params['dbname']);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $message = 'SQLite database creation error : cannot create database. It may happen if the full path to your project contains accented characters or other non-basic symbols. Please copy your project folder to another place, ex. C:\\OEProjects\\MySite(1), and try again<br/><br/>' . 'SQLite - erreur de creation de base de donnees: impossible de creer la base. Ca peut arriver si le chemin complet vers votre projet contient des caracteres accentes (speciaux) ou d\'autres symboles non-basiques. Veuillez copier le dossier de votre projet a un autre emplacement, par exemple C:\\OEProjects\\MonSite(1), et re-essayez<br/><br/>';
                 // stop PHP
             $this->typeCorrespondence['s'] = SQLITE3_TEXT;
             $this->typeCorrespondence['i'] = SQLITE3_INTEGER;
             $this->typeCorrespondence['d'] = SQLITE3_FLOAT;
         } else {
             // PDO mode
             $this->sqlConn = new PDO('sqlite:' . $relPath . $params['dbname']);
             $this->sqlConn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
             // check
             $this->typeCorrespondence['s'] = defined('PDO::PARAM_STR') ? PDO::PARAM_STR : PDO_PARAM_STR;
             $this->typeCorrespondence['i'] = defined('PDO::PARAM_INT') ? PDO::PARAM_INT : PDO_PARAM_INT;
             $this->typeCorrespondence['d'] = $this->typeCorrespondence['s'];
             //echo 'Connecting PDO SQLite:';var_dump($this->sqlConn);echo ' db:'.$relPath.$params['dbname'].'<br>';
         if (!$this->sqlConn) {
             $this->_sqliteerrorexit('SQLite engine not initialized');
         return !!$this->sqlConn;
     } else {
         $this->_sqliteerrorexit('SQLite engine not initialized');
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function __SplitCodeIntoColumns($st, &$allDBValues)
     /*	Split inner iterator code into "output columns" - synchronous parts, normally corresponding to <td> tags. 
     				If there is no split, code is considered to be 1 column
     				"Output column" is, for example, a column of DBGrid (html table showing query results)
     				Main reason to split is that a column may have rows with ROWSPANS, if data is grouped 
     				(ex. several values in column B corresponding to 1 value in column A)
     			* * * */
     //echo "Entering __SplitCodeIntoColumns()<br/>";var_dump($st);
     $arCodeParts = array();
     $arCodeParts[]['code'] = '';
     $arCodeParts[0]['codeNoSubIt'] = '';
     $arCodeParts[0]['usedDBValues'] = array();
     if ($st === null || $st === '' || strpos($st, '</td>') === false) {
         // no parts
         return $this->__AddAllCodeAsOnePart($st, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
         // a single part, no html columns
     // go through all <td> that are not in subiterators:
     $currLen = 0;
     // part of string currently processed or already processed
     $lastPartEnd = -1;
     // pos of last character of code already added to $arCodeParts
     $posAfterLastIterator = 0;
     // pos of first character after last-found subiterator
     $inTD = false;
     // currently inside <td>
     $posTD = -1;
     // position of last-found <td> tag in $st
     $partInd = -1;
     // part counter, modified in __AddAndAnalyseCodePart()
     while (true) {
         // process till next subiterator or till end of code string:
         $posIterator = strpos($st, $this->ITSTART, $posAfterLastIterator);
         // find next <!--__OEITSTART
         $stBeforeIterator = $posIterator !== false ? substr($st, $posAfterLastIterator, $posIterator - $posAfterLastIterator) : substr($st, $posAfterLastIterator);
         $currLen = $posAfterLastIterator + strlen($stBeforeIterator);
         //echo "\$stBeforeIterator:<br/>";var_dump($stBeforeIterator);
         // the following loop applies to substring before/between/after subiterator block(s):
         // in the currently processed substring, process <td></td> as well as html outside them
         // (note that beginning of <td> may be before last subiterator, i.e. in one of previous substrings, not in $stBeforeIterator)
         while (true) {
             if ($inTD) {
                 // currently inside <td>
                 // find </td> nd see if it's inside $stBeforeIterator (before next subiterator):
                 $pos = OEDynUtils::FindEndBlock($st, $posTD + 1, '<td', '</td>');
                 // find closing </td>, consider possible sub-tables inside <td>
                 if ($pos === false || $pos < $posTD) {
                     echo '<br/><br/>!!!!!!!!!!!!IT ERR 1<br/>$st<br/>';
                     return $this->__AddAllCodeAsOnePart($st, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
                 // error - <td> tag is not closed
                 $pos += strlen('</td>') - 1;
                 // pos of last character of code part
                 if ($pos >= $currLen) {
                 // </td> is after subiterator, not in current substring; process in next WHILE iteration
                 // add and analyse new code part corresponding to <td>..</td>:
                 $this->__AddAndAnalyseCodePart($st, $posTD, $pos, $partInd, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
                 // ex ....[<td....</td>]....
                 $lastPartEnd = $pos;
                 $inTD = false;
                 // quitting <td>
                 //echo "outTD<br/>";
             $endReached = $lastPartEnd + 1 === strlen($st);
             // true if no more code left
             if ($endReached) {
                 return $arCodeParts;
             // all processed
             if (!$inTD) {
                 // currently outside <td>
                 $pos = strpos($st, '<td', $lastPartEnd + 1);
                 if ($pos === false) {
                     // no more <td>, but some code remains at the end - add as last part and exit:
                     $this->__AddAndAnalyseCodePart($st, $lastPartEnd + 1, strlen($st), $partInd, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
                     // ex ....</td>[</tr>]
                     return $arCodeParts;
                 if ($pos >= $currLen) {
                 // <td> is after subiterator, not in current substring; process in next WHILE iteration
                 // new <td> found:
                 //echo "inTD<br/>";
                 $posTD = $pos;
                 $inTD = true;
                 // now we are inside <td>
                 // if there's any code before this <td> (ex. <tr> at beginning of iterator) not yet added as a part, add new part:
                 if ($posTD - ($lastPartEnd + 1) > 0) {
                     $this->__AddAndAnalyseCodePart($st, $lastPartEnd + 1, $posTD - 1, $partInd, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
                     // ex [<tr>]<td>....
                     $lastPartEnd = $posTD - 1;
             if (!$inTD) {
             // no more parts
         if ($posIterator === false) {
             echo '<br/><br/>!!!!!!!!!!!!IT ERR 0<br/>$st<br/>';
             // error, normally should never happen
             return $this->__AddAllCodeAsOnePart($st, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
         // Bypass subiterator:
         // find substring corresponding to iterator:
         $posAfterLastIterator = OEDynUtils::FindEndBlock($st, $posIterator + 1, $this->ITSTART, $this->ITEND);
         if ($posAfterLastIterator < 0) {
             echo '<br/><br/>!!!!!!!!!!!!IT ERR 2<br/>$st<br/>';
             // error, missing end of subiterator
             return $this->__AddAllCodeAsOnePart($st, $arCodeParts, $allDBValues);
         $posAfterLastIterator += strlen($this->ITEND);
         // position just after the iterator
     return $arCodeParts;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function RemoveBlocksFromString($st, $tagStartBlock, $tagEndBlock, $posStart = 0)
     // Remove all blocks/substrings starting with $tagStartBlock and ending with $tagEndBlock, ex. "<div" and "</div>" removes all divs from html code
     if (empty($st)) {
         return $st;
     $r = "";
     $posLastEnd = $posStart;
     while (true) {
         // find bounds of next block:
         $posBlock = strpos($st, $tagStartBlock, $posLastEnd);
         $addstr = $posBlock !== false ? substr($st, $posLastEnd, $posBlock - $posLastEnd) : substr($st, $posLastEnd);
         $r .= $addstr;
         // add to result the substring before block (starts from 0 or from end of last block) or remaining part after all blocks
         if ($posBlock === false) {
         // no more blocks
         $posLastEnd = OEDynUtils::FindEndBlock($st, $posBlock + 1, $tagStartBlock, $tagEndBlock);
         // end of this block
         if ($posLastEnd < 0) {
             return $st;
         // error, non-terminated block
         $posLastEnd += strlen($tagEndBlock);
         // first character after this block
     return $r;
     // = $st with all blocks removed
Exemplo n.º 5
 function GetContainerTypeByInd($ind)
     $containerName = $this->GetContainerNameByInd($ind);
     if (!$containerName) {
         return null;
     // Special containers:
     switch ($containerName) {
         case 'FormInputs':
         case 'ConstVals':
             return "Special";
         case 'FormattedItems':
             return "FI";
     // see if container is one of the actions' result, in which case return action type:
     $actions = $this->Manager->JSData['DynActions'];
     if (!$actions) {
     // all action of this page
     $action = OEDynUtils::_FindByName($actions, $containerName);
     if ($action && !empty($action['Type'])) {
         return $action['Type'];
         // action's type, ex. 'DBGet' for result of db SELECT queries
     return $containerName;