Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: tar.php Projeto: Romua1d/core
 public function setUp()
     if (OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('tar archives are not supported on windows');
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function setUp()
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] tar archives are not supported on Windows');
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function setUp()
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] ');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Remove all entries from the files map table
  * @param string $dataDir
 protected static function tearDownAfterClassCleanFileMapper($dataDir)
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $mapper = new \OC\Files\Mapper($dataDir);
         $mapper->removePath($dataDir, true, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
	 * Tests that the root path matches the data dir
	public function testRoot() {
		if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
			// Windows removes trailing slashes when returning paths
			$this->assertEquals(rtrim($this->tmpDir, '/'), $this->instance->getLocalFolder(''));
		} else {
			$this->assertEquals($this->tmpDir, $this->instance->getLocalFolder(''));
Exemplo n.º 6
 function testGetStringMimeType()
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] Strings have mimetype application/octet-stream on Windows');
     $result = OC_Helper::getStringMimeType("/data/data.tar.gz");
     $expected = 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii';
     $this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function testDetectString()
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] Strings have mimetype application/octet-stream on Windows');
     $result = $this->detection->detectString("/data/data.tar.gz");
     $expected = 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Load storage backends provided by this app
 protected function loadBackends()
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     $service = $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Service\\BackendService');
     $service->registerBackends([$container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Local'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\FTP'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\DAV'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\OwnCloud'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SFTP'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\AmazonS3'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Dropbox'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Google'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Swift'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SFTP_Key')]);
     if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $service->registerBackends([$container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SMB'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SMB_OC')]);
 public function dataFileNameProvider()
     $path = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $filePaths = array(array($path . 'lorem.txt', 446));
     if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $filePaths[] = array($path . 'strängé filename (duplicate #2).txt', 446);
     return $filePaths;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @{inheritdoc}
 public function getBackends()
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     $backends = [$container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Local'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\FTP'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\DAV'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\OwnCloud'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SFTP'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\AmazonS3'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Dropbox'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Google'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\Swift'), $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SFTP_Key')];
     if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $backends[] = $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SMB');
         $backends[] = $container->query('OCA\\Files_External\\Lib\\Backend\\SMB_OC');
     return $backends;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function tearDown()
     foreach ($this->storages as $storage) {
         $cache = $storage->getCache();
         $ids = $cache->getAll();
     if ($this->tempStorage && !\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         system('rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg($this->tempStorage->getDataDir()));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function testEtagChange()
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('On Windows platform we have no stable etag generation - yet');
     $this->instance->file_put_contents('test.txt', 'foo');
     $this->instance->touch('test.txt', time() - 2);
     $etag1 = $this->instance->getETag('test.txt');
     $this->instance->file_put_contents('test.txt', 'bar');
     $etag2 = $this->instance->getETag('test.txt');
     $this->assertNotEquals($etag1, $etag2);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function testMimeType()
     $img = new \OC_Image(OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/testimage.png');
     $this->assertEquals('image/png', $img->mimeType());
     $img = new \OC_Image(null);
     $this->assertEquals('', $img->mimeType());
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] Images created with imagecreate() are pngs on windows');
     $img = new \OC_Image(file_get_contents(OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/testimage.jpg'));
     $this->assertEquals('image/jpeg', $img->mimeType());
     $img = new \OC_Image(base64_encode(file_get_contents(OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/testimage.gif')));
     $this->assertEquals('image/gif', $img->mimeType());
Exemplo n.º 14
$template->assign('suggestedOverwriteCliUrl', $suggestedOverwriteCliUrl);
$template->assign('allowLinks', $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_links', 'yes'));
$template->assign('enforceLinkPassword', \OCP\Util::isPublicLinkPasswordRequired());
$template->assign('allowPublicUpload', $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_public_upload', 'yes'));
$template->assign('allowResharing', $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_resharing', 'yes'));
$template->assign('allowPublicMailNotification', $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_public_notification', 'no'));
$template->assign('allowMailNotification', $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_mail_notification', 'no'));
$template->assign('onlyShareWithGroupMembers', \OC\Share\Share::shareWithGroupMembersOnly());
$databaseOverload = strpos(\OCP\Config::getSystemValue('dbtype'), 'sqlite') !== false;
$template->assign('databaseOverload', $databaseOverload);
$template->assign('cronErrors', $appConfig->getValue('core', 'cronErrors'));
// warn if php is not setup properly to get system variables with getenv
$path = getenv('PATH');
$template->assign('getenvServerNotWorking', empty($path));
// warn if Windows is used
$template->assign('WindowsWarning', OC_Util::runningOnWindows());
// warn if outdated version of a memcache module is used
$caches = ['apcu' => ['name' => $l->t('APCu'), 'version' => '4.0.6'], 'redis' => ['name' => $l->t('Redis'), 'version' => '2.2.5']];
$outdatedCaches = [];
foreach ($caches as $php_module => $data) {
    $isOutdated = extension_loaded($php_module) && version_compare(phpversion($php_module), $data['version'], '<');
    if ($isOutdated) {
        $outdatedCaches[$php_module] = $data;
$template->assign('OutdatedCacheWarning', $outdatedCaches);
// add hardcoded forms from the template
$forms = OC_App::getForms('admin');
$formsAndMore = array();
if ($request->getServerProtocol() !== 'https' || !OC_Util::isAnnotationsWorking() || $suggestedOverwriteCliUrl || !OC_Util::isSetLocaleWorking() || !OC_Util::fileInfoLoaded() || $databaseOverload) {
    $formsAndMore[] = array('anchor' => 'security-warning', 'section-name' => $l->t('Security & setup warnings'));
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Register the default providers (if enabled)
 protected function registerCoreProviders()
     if ($this->registeredCoreProviders) {
     $this->registeredCoreProviders = true;
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\TXT', '/text\\/plain/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\MarkDown', '/text\\/(x-)?markdown/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\PNG', '/image\\/png/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\JPEG', '/image\\/jpeg/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\GIF', '/image\\/gif/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\BMP', '/image\\/bmp/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\XBitmap', '/image\\/x-xbitmap/');
     $this->registerCoreProvider('OC\\Preview\\MP3', '/audio\\/mpeg/');
     // SVG, Office and Bitmap require imagick
     if (extension_loaded('imagick')) {
         $checkImagick = new \Imagick();
         $imagickProviders = ['SVG' => ['mimetype' => '/image\\/svg\\+xml/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\SVG'], 'TIFF' => ['mimetype' => '/image\\/tiff/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\TIFF'], 'PDF' => ['mimetype' => '/application\\/pdf/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\PDF'], 'AI' => ['mimetype' => '/application\\/illustrator/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\Illustrator'], 'PSD' => ['mimetype' => '/application\\/x-photoshop/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\Photoshop'], 'EPS' => ['mimetype' => '/application\\/postscript/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\Postscript'], 'TTF' => ['mimetype' => '/application\\/(?:font-sfnt|x-font$)/', 'class' => '\\OC\\Preview\\Font']];
         foreach ($imagickProviders as $queryFormat => $provider) {
             $class = $provider['class'];
             if (!in_array(trim($class, '\\'), $this->getEnabledDefaultProvider())) {
             if (count($checkImagick->queryFormats($queryFormat)) === 1) {
                 $this->registerCoreProvider($class, $provider['mimetype']);
         if (count($checkImagick->queryFormats('PDF')) === 1) {
             // Office previews are currently not supported on Windows
             if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows() && \OC_Helper::is_function_enabled('shell_exec')) {
                 $officeFound = is_string($this->config->getSystemValue('preview_libreoffice_path', null));
                 if (!$officeFound) {
                     //let's see if there is libreoffice or openoffice on this machine
                     $whichLibreOffice = shell_exec('command -v libreoffice');
                     $officeFound = !empty($whichLibreOffice);
                     if (!$officeFound) {
                         $whichOpenOffice = shell_exec('command -v openoffice');
                         $officeFound = !empty($whichOpenOffice);
                 if ($officeFound) {
                     $this->registerCoreProvider('\\OC\\Preview\\MSOfficeDoc', '/application\\/msword/');
                     $this->registerCoreProvider('\\OC\\Preview\\MSOffice2003', '/application\\/vnd.ms-.*/');
                     $this->registerCoreProvider('\\OC\\Preview\\MSOffice2007', '/application\\/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.*/');
                     $this->registerCoreProvider('\\OC\\Preview\\OpenDocument', '/application\\/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*/');
                     $this->registerCoreProvider('\\OC\\Preview\\StarOffice', '/application\\/vnd.sun.xml.*/');
     // Video requires avconv or ffmpeg and is therefor
     // currently not supported on Windows.
     if (in_array('OC\\Preview\\Movie', $this->getEnabledDefaultProvider()) && !\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $avconvBinary = \OC_Helper::findBinaryPath('avconv');
         $ffmpegBinary = $avconvBinary ? null : \OC_Helper::findBinaryPath('ffmpeg');
         if ($avconvBinary || $ffmpegBinary) {
             // FIXME // a bit hacky but didn't want to use subclasses
             \OC\Preview\Movie::$avconvBinary = $avconvBinary;
             \OC\Preview\Movie::$ffmpegBinary = $ffmpegBinary;
             $this->registerCoreProvider('\\OC\\Preview\\Movie', '/video\\/.*/');
Exemplo n.º 16
  * @param $options
  * @return array
 public static function install($options)
     $l = self::getTrans();
     $error = array();
     $dbType = $options['dbtype'];
     if (empty($options['adminlogin'])) {
         $error[] = $l->t('Set an admin username.');
     if (empty($options['adminpass'])) {
         $error[] = $l->t('Set an admin password.');
     if (empty($options['directory'])) {
         $options['directory'] = OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data";
     if (!isset(self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbType])) {
         $dbType = 'sqlite';
     $username = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['adminlogin']);
     $password = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['adminpass']);
     $dataDir = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['directory']);
     $class = self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbType];
     /** @var \OC\Setup\AbstractDatabase $dbSetup */
     $dbSetup = new $class(self::getTrans(), 'db_structure.xml');
     $error = array_merge($error, $dbSetup->validate($options));
     // validate the data directory
     if (!is_dir($dataDir) and !mkdir($dataDir) or !is_writable($dataDir)) {
         $error[] = $l->t("Can't create or write into the data directory %s", array($dataDir));
     if (count($error) != 0) {
         return $error;
     //no errors, good
     if (isset($options['trusted_domains']) && is_array($options['trusted_domains'])) {
         $trustedDomains = $options['trusted_domains'];
     } else {
         $trustedDomains = array(OC_Request::serverHost());
     if (OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $dataDir = rtrim(realpath($dataDir), '\\');
     //use sqlite3 when available, otherwise sqlite2 will be used.
     if ($dbType == 'sqlite' and class_exists('SQLite3')) {
         $dbType = 'sqlite3';
     //generate a random salt that is used to salt the local user passwords
     $salt = \OC::$server->getSecureRandom()->getLowStrengthGenerator()->generate(30);
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('passwordsalt', $salt);
     // generate a secret
     $secret = \OC::$server->getSecureRandom()->getMediumStrengthGenerator()->generate(48);
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('secret', $secret);
     //write the config file
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('trusted_domains', $trustedDomains);
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('datadirectory', $dataDir);
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('overwrite.cli.url', \OC_Request::serverProtocol() . '://' . \OC_Request::serverHost() . OC::$WEBROOT);
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('dbtype', $dbType);
     \OC::$server->getConfig()->setSystemValue('version', implode('.', OC_Util::getVersion()));
     try {
     } catch (DatabaseSetupException $e) {
         $error[] = array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'hint' => $e->getHint());
         return $error;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error[] = array('error' => 'Error while trying to create admin user: '******'hint' => '');
         return $error;
     //create the user and group
     try {
         OC_User::createUser($username, $password);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $error[] = $exception->getMessage();
     if (count($error) == 0) {
         $appConfig = \OC::$server->getAppConfig();
         $appConfig->setValue('core', 'installedat', microtime(true));
         $appConfig->setValue('core', 'lastupdatedat', microtime(true));
         OC_Group::addToGroup($username, 'admin');
         OC_User::login($username, $password);
         //guess what this does
         // create empty file in data dir, so we can later find
         // out that this is indeed an ownCloud data directory
         file_put_contents(OC_Config::getValue('datadirectory', OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/.ocdata', '');
         // Update htaccess files for apache hosts
         if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache')) {
         //and we are done
         OC_Config::setValue('installed', true);
     return $error;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @inheritdoc
 public function verifyPath($path, $fileName)
     if (isset($fileName[255])) {
         throw new FileNameTooLongException();
     // NOTE: $path will remain unverified for now
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static function install($options)
     $l = self::getTrans();
     $error = array();
     $dbtype = $options['dbtype'];
     if (empty($options['adminlogin'])) {
         $error[] = $l->t('Set an admin username.');
     if (empty($options['adminpass'])) {
         $error[] = $l->t('Set an admin password.');
     if (empty($options['directory'])) {
         $options['directory'] = OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data";
     if (!isset(self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbtype])) {
         $dbtype = 'sqlite';
     $class = self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbtype];
     $dbSetup = new $class(self::getTrans(), 'db_structure.xml');
     $error = array_merge($error, $dbSetup->validate($options));
     if (count($error) != 0) {
         return $error;
     //no errors, good
     $username = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['adminlogin']);
     $password = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['adminpass']);
     $datadir = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['directory']);
     if (isset($options['trusted_domains']) && is_array($options['trusted_domains'])) {
         $trustedDomains = $options['trusted_domains'];
     } else {
         $trustedDomains = array(OC_Request::serverHost());
     if (OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $datadir = rtrim(realpath($datadir), '\\');
     //use sqlite3 when available, otherise sqlite2 will be used.
     if ($dbtype == 'sqlite' and class_exists('SQLite3')) {
         $dbtype = 'sqlite3';
     //generate a random salt that is used to salt the local user passwords
     $salt = OC_Util::generateRandomBytes(30);
     OC_Config::setValue('passwordsalt', $salt);
     //write the config file
     OC_Config::setValue('trusted_domains', $trustedDomains);
     OC_Config::setValue('datadirectory', $datadir);
     OC_Config::setValue('dbtype', $dbtype);
     OC_Config::setValue('version', implode('.', OC_Util::getVersion()));
     try {
     } catch (DatabaseSetupException $e) {
         $error[] = array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'hint' => $e->getHint());
         return $error;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error[] = array('error' => 'Error while trying to create admin user: '******'hint' => '');
         return $error;
     //create the user and group
     try {
         OC_User::createUser($username, $password);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $error[] = $exception->getMessage();
     if (count($error) == 0) {
         OC_Appconfig::setValue('core', 'installedat', microtime(true));
         OC_Appconfig::setValue('core', 'lastupdatedat', microtime(true));
         OC_AppConfig::setValue('core', 'remote_core.css', '/core/minimizer.php');
         OC_AppConfig::setValue('core', 'remote_core.js', '/core/minimizer.php');
         OC_Group::addToGroup($username, 'admin');
         OC_User::login($username, $password);
         //guess what this does
         // create empty file in data dir, so we can later find
         // out that this is indeed an ownCloud data directory
         file_put_contents(OC_Config::getValue('datadirectory', OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/.ocdata', '');
         //create htaccess files for apache hosts
         if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache')) {
         //and we are done
         OC_Config::setValue('installed', true);
     return $error;
Exemplo n.º 19
 function testStreamSetBlocking()
     $filename = '/tmp-' . $this->getUniqueID();
     $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
     // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
     $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
     // Test that data was successfully written
     $handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] stream_set_blocking() does not work as expected on Windows.');
     // set stream options
     $this->assertTrue(stream_set_blocking($handle, 1));
     // tear down
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Try to find a program
  * Note: currently windows is not supported
  * @param string $program
  * @return null|string
 public static function findBinaryPath($program)
     $memcache = \OC::$server->getMemCacheFactory()->create('findBinaryPath');
     if ($memcache->hasKey($program)) {
         return $memcache->get($program);
     $result = null;
     if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows() && self::is_function_enabled('exec')) {
         $exeSniffer = new ExecutableFinder();
         // Returns null if nothing is found
         $result = $exeSniffer->find($program);
         if (empty($result)) {
             $paths = getenv('PATH');
             if (empty($paths)) {
                 $paths = '/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /opt/bin /bin';
             } else {
                 $paths = str_replace(':', ' ', getenv('PATH'));
             $command = 'find ' . $paths . ' -name ' . escapeshellarg($program) . ' 2> /dev/null';
             exec($command, $output, $returnCode);
             if (count($output) > 0) {
                 $result = escapeshellcmd($output[0]);
     $memcache->set($program, $result, 3600);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: setup.php Projeto: kenwi/core
  * @param $options
  * @return array
 public function install($options)
     $l = $this->l10n;
     $error = array();
     $dbType = $options['dbtype'];
     if (empty($options['adminlogin'])) {
         $error[] = $l->t('Set an admin username.');
     if (empty($options['adminpass'])) {
         $error[] = $l->t('Set an admin password.');
     if (empty($options['directory'])) {
         $options['directory'] = \OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data";
     if (!isset(self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbType])) {
         $dbType = 'sqlite';
     $username = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['adminlogin']);
     $password = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['adminpass']);
     $dataDir = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['directory']);
     $class = self::$dbSetupClasses[$dbType];
     /** @var \OC\Setup\AbstractDatabase $dbSetup */
     $dbSetup = new $class($l, 'db_structure.xml', $this->config, $this->logger, $this->random);
     $error = array_merge($error, $dbSetup->validate($options));
     // validate the data directory
     if (!is_dir($dataDir) and !mkdir($dataDir) or !is_writable($dataDir)) {
         $error[] = $l->t("Can't create or write into the data directory %s", array($dataDir));
     if (count($error) != 0) {
         return $error;
     $request = \OC::$server->getRequest();
     //no errors, good
     if (isset($options['trusted_domains']) && is_array($options['trusted_domains'])) {
         $trustedDomains = $options['trusted_domains'];
     } else {
         $trustedDomains = [$request->getInsecureServerHost()];
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $dataDir = rtrim(realpath($dataDir), '\\');
     //use sqlite3 when available, otherwise sqlite2 will be used.
     if ($dbType == 'sqlite' and class_exists('SQLite3')) {
         $dbType = 'sqlite3';
     //generate a random salt that is used to salt the local user passwords
     $salt = $this->random->generate(30);
     // generate a secret
     $secret = $this->random->generate(48);
     //write the config file
     $this->config->setSystemValues(['passwordsalt' => $salt, 'secret' => $secret, 'trusted_domains' => $trustedDomains, 'datadirectory' => $dataDir, 'overwrite.cli.url' => $request->getServerProtocol() . '://' . $request->getInsecureServerHost() . \OC::$WEBROOT, 'dbtype' => $dbType, 'version' => implode('.', \OCP\Util::getVersion())]);
     try {
     } catch (\OC\DatabaseSetupException $e) {
         $error[] = array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'hint' => $e->getHint());
         return $error;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error[] = array('error' => 'Error while trying to create admin user: '******'hint' => '');
         return $error;
     //create the user and group
     $user = null;
     try {
         $user = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->createUser($username, $password);
         if (!$user) {
             $error[] = "User <{$username}> could not be created.";
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $error[] = $exception->getMessage();
     if (count($error) == 0) {
         $config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
         $config->setAppValue('core', 'installedat', microtime(true));
         $config->setAppValue('core', 'lastupdatedat', microtime(true));
         $group = \OC::$server->getGroupManager()->createGroup('admin');
         \OC_User::login($username, $password);
         //guess what this does
         // create empty file in data dir, so we can later find
         // out that this is indeed an ownCloud data directory
         file_put_contents($config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . '/.ocdata', '');
         // Update .htaccess files
         //try to write logtimezone
         if (date_default_timezone_get()) {
             $config->setSystemValue('logtimezone', date_default_timezone_get());
         //and we are done
         $config->setSystemValue('installed', true);
     return $error;
Exemplo n.º 22
	 * Try to find a program
	 * Note: currently windows is not supported
	 * @param string $program
	 * @return null|string
	public static function findBinaryPath($program) {
		$memcache = \OC::$server->getMemCacheFactory()->create('findBinaryPath');
		if ($memcache->hasKey($program)) {
			return $memcache->get($program);
		$result = null;
		if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows() && self::is_function_enabled('exec')) {
			exec('command -v ' . escapeshellarg($program) . ' 2> /dev/null', $output, $returnCode);
			if ($returnCode === 0 && count($output) > 0) {
				$result = escapeshellcmd($output[0]);
		$memcache->set($program, $result, 3600);
		return $result;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * @dataProvider normalizePathWindowsAbsolutePathData
 public function testNormalizePathWindowsAbsolutePath($expected, $path, $stripTrailingSlash = true)
     if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test is Windows only');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($path, $stripTrailingSlash, true));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function testLogCantCreateFolder()
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] chmod() does not work as intended on Windows.');
     $logger = $this->getMock('\\Test\\NullLogger');
     $manager = $this->getManager($logger);
     chmod($this->baseDir, 0500);
     $logger->expects($this->once())->method('warning')->with($this->stringContains('Can not create a temporary folder in directory'));
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Check if the setlocal call does not work. This can happen if the right
  * local packages are not available on the server.
  * @return bool
 public static function isSetLocaleWorking()
     // setlocale test is pointless on Windows
     if (OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         return true;
     if ('' === basename('§')) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected static function registerCoreProviders()
     // SVG, Office and Bitmap require imagick
     if (extension_loaded('imagick')) {
         $checkImagick = new \Imagick();
         $imagickProviders = array('SVG' => 'OC\\Preview\\SVG', 'TIFF' => 'OC\\Preview\\TIFF', 'PDF' => 'OC\\Preview\\PDF', 'AI' => 'OC\\Preview\\Illustrator', 'PSD' => 'OC\\Preview\\Photoshop', 'EPS' => 'OC\\Preview\\Postscript');
         foreach ($imagickProviders as $queryFormat => $provider) {
             if (count($checkImagick->queryFormats($queryFormat)) === 1) {
         if (count($checkImagick->queryFormats('PDF')) === 1) {
             // Office previews are currently not supported on Windows
             if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows() && \OC_Helper::is_function_enabled('shell_exec')) {
                 $officeFound = is_string(\OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('preview_libreoffice_path', null));
                 if (!$officeFound) {
                     //let's see if there is libreoffice or openoffice on this machine
                     $whichLibreOffice = shell_exec('command -v libreoffice');
                     $officeFound = !empty($whichLibreOffice);
                     if (!$officeFound) {
                         $whichOpenOffice = shell_exec('command -v openoffice');
                         $officeFound = !empty($whichOpenOffice);
                 if ($officeFound) {
     // Video requires avconv or ffmpeg and is therefor
     // currently not supported on Windows.
     if (!\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $avconvBinary = \OC_Helper::findBinaryPath('avconv');
         $ffmpegBinary = $avconvBinary ? null : \OC_Helper::findBinaryPath('ffmpeg');
         if ($avconvBinary || $ffmpegBinary) {
             // FIXME // a bit hacky but didn't want to use subclasses
             \OC\Preview\Movie::$avconvBinary = $avconvBinary;
             \OC\Preview\Movie::$ffmpegBinary = $ffmpegBinary;
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
$defaultDir = '/home';
if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
    $defaultDir = 'C:\\';
$localroot = OCP\Config::getAppValue('files_external_listing', 'starting_dir', $defaultDir);
if (isset($_POST['path'])) {
    $path = realpath($_POST['path']);
    if (strpos($path, $localroot) === 0 or empty($_POST['path'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['path'])) {
            $path = $localroot;
        if (!is_dir($path)) {
            //path is incorrect or is a file. Nothing to do, we work only with dirs
            OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => 'Incorrect path: ' . $_POST['path'])));
        } elseif (isset($_POST['isnotempty']) && $_POST['isnotempty']) {
            //we only check if the dir has subdirs
            $dirs = glob($path . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Fix common problems with a file path
  * @param string $path
  * @param bool $stripTrailingSlash
  * @param bool $isAbsolutePath
  * @return string
 public static function normalizePath($path, $stripTrailingSlash = true, $isAbsolutePath = false)
      * FIXME: This is a workaround for existing classes and files which call
      *        this function with another type than a valid string. This
      *        conversion should get removed as soon as all existing
      *        function calls have been fixed.
     $path = (string) $path;
     $cacheKey = json_encode([$path, $stripTrailingSlash, $isAbsolutePath]);
     if (isset(self::$normalizedPathCache[$cacheKey])) {
         return self::$normalizedPathCache[$cacheKey];
     if ($path == '') {
         return '/';
     //normalize unicode if possible
     $path = \OC_Util::normalizeUnicode($path);
     //no windows style slashes
     $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
     // When normalizing an absolute path, we need to ensure that the drive-letter
     // is still at the beginning on windows
     $windows_drive_letter = '';
     if ($isAbsolutePath && \OC_Util::runningOnWindows() && preg_match('#^([a-zA-Z])$#', $path[0]) && $path[1] == ':' && $path[2] == '/') {
         $windows_drive_letter = substr($path, 0, 2);
         $path = substr($path, 2);
     //add leading slash
     if ($path[0] !== '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
     // remove '/./'
     // ugly, but str_replace() can't replace them all in one go
     // as the replacement itself is part of the search string
     // which will only be found during the next iteration
     while (strpos($path, '/./') !== false) {
         $path = str_replace('/./', '/', $path);
     // remove sequences of slashes
     $path = preg_replace('#/{2,}#', '/', $path);
     //remove trailing slash
     if ($stripTrailingSlash and strlen($path) > 1 and substr($path, -1, 1) === '/') {
         $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
     // remove trailing '/.'
     if (substr($path, -2) == '/.') {
         $path = substr($path, 0, -2);
     $normalizedPath = $windows_drive_letter . $path;
     self::$normalizedPathCache[$cacheKey] = $normalizedPath;
     return $normalizedPath;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public function xtestLongPath()
     $storage = new \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary(array());
     \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/');
     $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
     $longPath = '';
      * 4096 is the maximum path length in file_cache.path in *nix
      * 1024 is the max path length in mac
      * 228 is the max path length in windows
     $folderName = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678901234567890123456789';
     $tmpdirLength = strlen(\OC_Helper::tmpFolder());
     if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] ');
         $depth = (260 - $tmpdirLength) / 57;
     } elseif (\OC_Util::runningOnMac()) {
         $depth = (1024 - $tmpdirLength) / 57;
     } else {
         $depth = (4000 - $tmpdirLength) / 57;
     foreach (range(0, $depth - 1) as $i) {
         $longPath .= $ds . $folderName;
         $result = $rootView->mkdir($longPath);
         $this->assertTrue($result, "mkdir failed on {$i} - path length: " . strlen($longPath));
         $result = $rootView->file_put_contents($longPath . "{$ds}test.txt", 'lorem');
         $this->assertEquals(5, $result, "file_put_contents failed on {$i}");
         $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists($longPath . "{$ds}test.txt"));
     $cache = $storage->getCache();
     $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
     $longPath = $folderName;
     foreach (range(0, $depth - 1) as $i) {
         $cachedFolder = $cache->get($longPath);
         $this->assertTrue(is_array($cachedFolder), "No cache entry for folder at {$i}");
         $this->assertEquals($folderName, $cachedFolder['name'], "Wrong cache entry for folder at {$i}");
         $cachedFile = $cache->get($longPath . '/test.txt');
         $this->assertTrue(is_array($cachedFile), "No cache entry for file at {$i}");
         $this->assertEquals('test.txt', $cachedFile['name'], "Wrong cache entry for file at {$i}");
         $longPath .= $ds . $folderName;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * check dependencies
 public static function checkDependencies()
     $l = new OC_L10N('files_external');
     $txt = '';
     if (!OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
         if (!OC_Mount_Config::checksmbclient()) {
             $txt .= $l->t('<b>Warning:</b> "smbclient" is not installed. Mounting of CIFS/SMB shares is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.') . '<br />';
     if (!OC_Mount_Config::checkphpftp()) {
         $txt .= $l->t('<b>Warning:</b> The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of FTP shares is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.') . '<br />';
     if (!OC_Mount_Config::checkcurl()) {
         $txt .= $l->t('<b>Warning:</b> The Curl support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of ownCloud / WebDAV or GoogleDrive is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it.') . '<br />';
     return $txt;