public function post($request) { $res = new Response($request); try { $oauth = new OAuth2(new Oauth2StorageUserCredential()); $oauth->grantAccessToken($_POST); } catch (OAuth2ServerException $oauthError) { $oauthError->sendHttpResponse(); } return $res; }
/** * Tests OAuth2->grantAccessToken() with successful Auth code grant, but without redreict_uri in the input */ public function testGrantAccessTokenWithGrantAuthCodeSuccessWithoutRedirect() { $inputData = array('grant_type' => OAuth2::GRANT_TYPE_AUTH_CODE, 'client_id' => 'my_little_app', 'client_secret' => 'b', 'code' => 'foo'); $storedToken = array('redirect_uri' => '', 'client_id' => 'my_little_app', 'expires' => time() + 60); $mockStorage = $this->createBaseMock('IOAuth2GrantCode'); $mockStorage->expects($this->any())->method('getAuthCode')->will($this->returnValue($storedToken)); // Successful token grant will return a JSON encoded token: $this->expectOutputRegex('/{"access_token":".*","expires_in":\\d+,"token_type":"bearer"/'); $this->fixture = new OAuth2($mockStorage); $this->fixture->setVariable(OAuth2::CONFIG_ENFORCE_INPUT_REDIRECT, false); $this->fixture->grantAccessToken($inputData, array()); }
public function api($method, $url, $params = array(), $headers = array(), $auth = false) { if (!isset($params["access_token"])) { $params["access_token"] = $this->accessToken(); } return parent::api($method, $url, $params, $headers, $auth); }
/** * * @param Application $app * @return API_OAuth2_Adapter */ public function __construct(Application $app) { parent::__construct(); $this->params = []; $this->app = $app; return $this; }
public function api($method, $url, $params = array(), $headers = array(), $auth = false) { if (is_array($headers) && !isset($headers["Authorization"]) && is_string($this->accessToken())) { $headers["Authorization"] = "token " . $this->accessToken(); } // Everything here is done by the OAuthRequest class. return parent::api($method, $url, $params, $headers, $auth); }
public function __construct($client_id, $client_secret, $options = array()) { parent::__construct($client_id, $client_secret, $options); if (is_numeric($this->options(["api", "version"]))) { $this->setVersion((double) $this->options(["api", "version"])); unset($this->options->api->version); } }
/** * Overrides OAuth2::__construct(). */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); try { $this->db = new PDO(PDO_DSN, PDO_USER, PDO_PASS); } catch (PDOException $e) { die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * 构造 */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this -> db = Db::getInstance(C('OAUTH2_DB_DSN')); $this -> table = array( 'auth_codes'=>C('OAUTH2_CODES_TABLE'), 'clients'=>C('OAUTH2_CLIENTS_TABLE'), 'tokens'=>C('OAUTH2_TOKEN_TABLE') ); }
public function _remap($method, $args) { if ($method == 'linked') { $this->linked(); return; } // Invalid method or no provider = BOOM if (!in_array($method, array('session', 'callback')) or empty($args)) { show_404(); } // Get the provider (facebook, twitter, etc) list($provider) = $args; // This provider is not supported by the module if (!isset($this->providers[$provider])) { show_404(); } // Look to see if we have this provider in the db? if (!($credentials = $this->credential_m->get_active_provider($provider))) { $this->ion_auth->is_admin() ? show_error('Social Integration: ' . $provider . ' is not supported, or not enabled.') : show_404(); } // oauth or oauth 2? $strategy = $this->providers[$provider]; switch ($strategy) { case 'oauth': include $this->module_details['path'] . '/oauth/libraries/OAuth.php'; $oauth = new OAuth(); // Create an consumer from the config $consumer = $oauth->consumer(array('key' => $credentials->client_key, 'secret' => $credentials->client_secret)); // Load the provider $provider = $oauth->provider($provider); break; case 'oauth2': include $this->module_details['path'] . '/oauth2/libraries/OAuth2.php'; $oauth2 = new OAuth2(); // OAuth2 is the honey badger when it comes to consumers - it just dont give a shit $consumer = null; $provider = $oauth2->provider($provider, array('id' => $credentials->client_key, 'secret' => $credentials->client_secret, 'scope' => $credentials->scope)); break; default: exit('Something went properly wrong!'); } // Call session or callback, with lots of handy details call_user_func(array($this, '_' . $method), $strategy, $provider, $consumer); }
public function __construct(IOAuth2Storage $storage, $config = array()) { $config = is_array($config) ? $config : array(); $config[self::CONFIG_SUPPORTED_SCOPES] = 'all'; $config[self::DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME] = 7200; // 2 hours $config[self::DEFAULT_REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME] = 31536000; // 365 days parent::__construct($storage, $config); }
public function api($method, $url, $params = array(), $headers = array(), $auth = false) { if (!isset($params["api_key"])) { $params["api_key"] = $this->client()->id; } if (!isset($params["api_secret"])) { $params["api_secret"] = $this->client()->secret; } return parent::api($method, $url, $params, $headers, $auth); }
public function apiCall($path, $method = 'GET', $params = null, $json = false) { //Prepare request URL $url = $this->oauth_endpoint . $path; //Obtain access token for authentication $token = $this->oauth2->getAccessToken(); //Prepare cURL options $options[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER] = true; $options[CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT] = 10; $options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = 30; $options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $this->user_agent; $options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $method; $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = "Authorization: " . $token['token_type'] . " " . $token['access_token']; if ($json) { $options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = "Content-Type: application/json"; } //Execution is placed in a loop in case CAPTCHA is required. do { //Prepare URL or POST parameters if (isset($params)) { if ($method == 'GET') { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($params); } else { $options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $params; } } //Build cURL object $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); //Wait on rate limiter if necessary $this->ratelimiter->wait(); //Print request URL for debug if ($this->debug) { echo $url . "\n"; } //Send request and close connection $response_raw = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //Parse response $response = json_decode($response_raw); if ($json_error = json_last_error()) { $response = $response_raw; } if (isset($response->json->captcha)) { $params['iden'] = $response->json->captcha; $params['captcha'] = $this->getCaptchaResponse($response->json->captcha); $needs_captcha = $params['captcha'] === 'skip' ? false : true; } else { $needs_captcha = false; } } while ($needs_captcha); return $response; }
public function getAccessToken($client_id = '', $secret = '', $redirect_url = '', $code = '') { $result = parent::getAccessToken($client_id, $secret, $redirect_url, $code); $result = json_decode($result, true); if (isset($result['error'])) { $this->error = $result['error'] . ' ' . $result['error_description']; return false; } else { $this->access_token = $result['access_token']; return $result; } }
public function api($method, $url, $params = array(), $headers = array(), $auth = false) { if (!isset($params["oauth_token"])) { $params["oauth_token"] = $this->accessToken(); } if (!isset($params["v"])) { $params["v"] = "20140806"; } if (!isset($params["m"])) { $params["m"] = "foursquare"; } return parent::api($method, $url, $params, $headers, $auth); }
public function connectProvider($provider) { if ($provider == 'stripe') { $user = Auth::user(); if (Input::has('code')) { // get the token with the code $response = OAuth2::getRefreshToken(Input::get('code')); if (isset($response['refresh_token'])) { $user->stripeRefreshToken = $response['refresh_token']; $user->stripeUserId = $response['stripe_user_id']; Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($_ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY']); $account = Stripe\Account::retrieve($user->stripeUserId); // success $returned_object = json_decode(strstr($account, '{'), true); // save user $user->ready = 'connecting'; // setting name if is null if (strlen($user->name) == 0) { $user->name = $returned_object['display_name']; } if (strlen($user->zoneinfo) == 0) { $user->zoneinfo = $returned_object['country']; } // saving user $user->save(); IntercomHelper::connected($user, 'stripe'); Queue::push('CalculateFirstTime', array('userID' => $user->id)); } else { if (isset($response['error'])) { Log::error($response['error_description']); return Redirect::route('connect.connect')->with('error', 'Something went wrong, try again later'); } else { Log::error("Something went wrong with stripe connect, don't know what"); return Redirect::route('connect.connect')->with('error', 'Something went wrong, try again later'); } } } else { if (Input::has('error')) { // there was an error in the request Log::error(Input::get('error_description')); return Redirect::route('connect.connect')->with('error', Input::get('error_description')); } else { // we don't know what happened Log: error('Unknown error with user: '******'connect.connect')->with('error', 'Something went wrong, try again'); } } } return Redirect::route('auth.dashboard')->with('success', ucfirst($provider) . ' connected.'); }
$OAuth->logout(); $returnstring = base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION)); header("Location: {$_SESSION['returnto']}"); unset($_SESSION['returnto'], $_SESSION['callto']); session_write_close(); die; } if ($_GET['action'] == "getsession") { $returnstring = base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION)); header("Location: {$_GET['returnto']}"); } } //If we have a callback, it probably means the user executed the authorize function, so let's finish authorization by getting the access token. if (isset($_GET['oauth_verifier']) && $_GET['oauth_verifier']) { start_session(); $OAuth = new OAuth2($_SESSION['callto']); $returnstring = base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION)); if ($OAuth->isAuthorized()) { header("Location: {$_SESSION['returnto']}"); unset($_SESSION['returnto'], $_SESSION['callto']); session_write_close(); die; } else { session_write_close(); die("Failed to complete Authorization!<br>Returned error:<br>" . $OAuth->getError()); } } die("This is a redirector OAuth handling script. It is not meant to be called directly."); function start_session() { session_save_path(XTOOLS_BASE_SYS_DIR_SESSION . '/tmp/session');
<?php /** * @file * Sample protected resource. * * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point. * * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you. */ require "lib/OAuth2StoragePdo.php"; try { $oauth = new OAuth2(new OAuth2StoragePDO()); $token = $oauth->getBearerToken(); $oauth->verifyAccessToken($token); } catch (OAuth2ServerException $oauthError) { $oauthError->sendHttpResponse(); } // With a particular scope, you'd do: // $oauth->verifyAccessToken("scope_name"); ?> <html> <head> <title>Hello!</title> </head> <body> <p>This is a secret.</p> </body> </html>
<meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo TRUSTED_LOGIN_PLUGIN_PATH; ?> css/tlogin-2.0.2.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"> </head> <body> <div class="page"> <h1>Тестовая страница Trusted.Login </h1> <?php // session_unset(); $token = OAuth2::getFromSession(); //Получаем токен if ($token) { $user = $token->getUser(); $suser = $user->getServiceUser(); echo "<div class='view-contaier'>"; echo "<div class='profile'>"; echo "<div style='width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 100%; background: url(" . $suser->getAvatarUrl($token->getAccessToken()) . ") no-repeat; background-size: contain; display: inline-block'></div>"; echo "<span class='user-name'>" . $suser->getDisplayName() . "</span>"; echo "<a class='view-login' href='logout.php'>Выход</a>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } else { // Вставка виджета Trusted.Login include './tlogin.tpl'; }
<?php /** * @file * Sample token endpoint. * * Obviously not production-ready code, just simple and to the point. * * In reality, you'd probably use a nifty framework to handle most of the crud for you. */ require "lib/OAuth2StoragePDO.php"; $oauth = new OAuth2(new OAuth2StoragePDO()); try { $oauth->grantAccessToken(); } catch (OAuth2ServerException $oauthError) { $oauthError->sendHttpResponse(); }
*/ // Clickjacking prevention (supported by IE8+, FF3.6.9+, Opera10.5+, Safari4+, Chrome header('X-Frame-Options: DENY'); require "lib/OAuth2StoragePDO.php"; /* * You would need to authenticate the user before authorization. * * Below is some psudeo-code to show what you might do: * session_start(); if (!isLoggedIn()) { redirectToLoginPage(); exit(); } */ $oauth = new OAuth2(new OAuth2StoragePDO()); if ($_POST) { $userId = $_SESSION['user_id']; // Use whatever method you have for identifying users. $oauth->finishClientAuthorization($_POST["accept"] == "Yep", $userId, $_POST); } try { $auth_params = $oauth->getAuthorizeParams(); } catch (OAuth2ServerException $oauthError) { $oauthError->sendHttpResponse(); } ?> <html> <head> <title>Authorize</title> <script>
public function getCodeUri() { return parent::getCodeUri() . '&v=' . $this->versionApi; }
/** * Get url where adapter should return on when doing cancel. * * @return string */ public function getCancelUrl() { $root_url = OAuth2::getBaseUrl(); // ensure https connect urls if ($this->https) { $root_url = str_replace('http:', 'https:', $root_url); } $params = array('oa2_action' => 'cancel', 'oa2_adapter' => $this->adapter_id, 'oa2_state' => $this->state); return OAuth2_CURL::urljoin($root_url, $params); }
/** * Tests OAuth2->finishClientAuthorization() */ public function testFinishClientAuthorization() { // TODO Auto-generated OAuth2Test->testFinishClientAuthorization() $this->markTestIncomplete("finishClientAuthorization test not implemented"); $this->fixture->finishClientAuthorization(); }
<?php /* Подключаем модуль Trusted.Login */ require_once './trusted/config.php'; //указать путь до настроек модуля require_once TRUSTED_MODULE_AUTH; //подключить сам модуль Trusted.Login OAuth2::remove(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ru"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/tlogin-2.0.1.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"> </head> <body> <div class="page"> <h1>Вы успешно вышли из системы</h1> <div class='view-contaier'> <a href="index.php" class='view-login'>На главную</a> </div> </div> </body> </html>
static function token($params) { $res = array("success" => true, "message" => ""); try { $token = OAuth2::getFromSession(); //$refreshToken = $token->getRefreshToken(); //$token->refresh(); $accessToken = $token->getAccessToken(); $res["message"] = $accessToken; } catch (OAuth2Exception $ex) { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); $res["message"] = $ex->message; echo json_encode($res); die; } return $res; }
<?php /** * Front end hook for OAuth2 Provider for WordPress * * @author Justin Greer */ global $wp_query; /** * Require OAuth Storage */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin/IOAuth2Storage.php'; /** * @var Set the object */ $oauth = new OAuth2(new IOAuth2StorageWP()); /** * @var Clean the method from the query up a bit if needed */ $method = $wp_query->get('oauth'); $allowed = array('authorize', 'request_token', 'request_access', 'refresh_token', 'login'); /** * Check to make sure only parameters defined are used and nothing else */ if (!in_array($method, $allowed)) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); header("Cache-Control: no-store"); $error = json_encode(array('error' => 'Paramter method', 'error_description' => 'The method parameter is required and seems to be missing')); echo $error; exit; }
/** * Возвращает данные о пользователе полученные с сервиса. * @return \ServiceUser * @throws OAuth2Exception */ function getServiceUser() { $res = $this->serviceUser; if (!$res && $this->id) { $token = OAuth2::getFromSession(); if ($token) { $arUser = TAuthCommand::getUserProfileByToken($token->getAccessToken()); //Проверка идентификаторов пользователей //debug($arUser); if ($arUser['id'] == $this->id) { $res = ServiceUser::fromArray($arUser); } else { throw new OAuth2Exception(TRUSTEDNET_ERROR_MSG_DIFFERENT_USER_ID, TRUSTEDNET_ERROR_CODE_DIFFERENT_USER_ID, null); } } else { throw new OAuth2Exception(TRUSTEDNET_ERROR_MSG_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND, TRUSTEDNET_ERROR_CODE_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND, null); } } return $res; }
/** * Overrides OAuth2::__construct(). */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $mongo = new Mongo(MONGO_CONNECTION); $this->db = $mongo->selectDB(MONGO_DB); }
public function grantAccessToken($scope = NULL) { $this->scope = $scope; parent::grantAccessToken(); }
/** * Overrides OAuth2::__construct(). */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $mongo = new Mongo(); $this->db = $mongo->selectDB("innet"); }