Exemplo n.º 1
  * A method to determine the day/hour that a placement first became active,
  * based on the first record of its children ads delivering.
  * @param integer $placementId The placement ID.
  * @return mixed PEAR:Error on database error, null on no result, or a
  *               PEAR::Date object representing the time the placement started
  *               delivery, or, if not yet active, the current date/time.
 function getPlacementFirstStatsDate($placementId)
     // Test the input values
     if (!is_numeric($placementId)) {
         return null;
     // Get the required data
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $adTable = $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($conf['table']['prefix'] . $conf['table']['banners'], true);
     $dsahTable = $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($conf['table']['prefix'] . $conf['table']['data_summary_ad_hourly'], true);
     $query = "\n            SELECT\n                DATE_FORMAT(dsah.date_time, '%Y-%m-%d') AS day,\n                HOUR(dsah.date_time) AS hour\n            FROM\n                {$adTable} AS a,\n                {$dsahTable} AS dsah\n            WHERE\n                a.campaignid = " . $this->oDbh->quote($placementId, 'integer') . "\n                AND\n                a.bannerid = dsah.ad_id\n            ORDER BY\n                day ASC, hour ASC\n            LIMIT 1";
     $message = "Finding start date of placement ID {$placementId} based on delivery statistics.";
     OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $rc = $this->oDbh->query($query);
     if (PEAR::isError($rc)) {
         return $rc;
     // Was a result found?
     if ($rc->numRows() == 0) {
         // Return the current time
         $oDate = new Date();
     } else {
         // Store the results
         $aRow = $rc->fetchRow();
         $oDate = new Date($aRow['day'] . ' ' . $aRow['hour'] . ':00:00');
     return $oDate;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function run()
     // Make sure that the output is sent to the browser before
     // loading libraries and connecting to the db
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     // Set longer time out, and ignore user abort
     if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
     if (!defined('OA_VERSION')) {
         // If the code is executed inside delivery, the constants
         // need to be initialized
         require_once MAX_PATH . '/constants.php';
     $oLock =& OA_DB_AdvisoryLock::factory();
         OA::debug('Running Automatic Maintenance Task', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         require_once LIB_PATH . '/Maintenance.php';
         $oMaint = new OX_Maintenance();
         OA::debug('Automatic Maintenance Task Completed', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     } else {
         OA::debug('Automatic Maintenance Task not run: could not acquire lock', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
 function defaultData()
     $oManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
     if (!array_key_exists('testPlugin', $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'])) {
     $oTestPluginTable = OA_Dal::factoryDO('testplugin_table');
     if (!$oTestPluginTable) {
         OA::debug('Failed to instantiate DataObject for testplugin_table');
         return false;
     $oTestPluginTable->myplugin_desc = 'Hello World';
     $aSettings[0]['data'] = $oTestPluginTable->insert();
     $aSettings[0]['section'] = 'myPlugin';
     $aSettings[0]['key'] = 'english';
     $oTestPluginTable->myplugin_desc = 'Hola Mundo';
     $aSettings[1]['data'] = $oTestPluginTable->insert();
     $aSettings[1]['section'] = 'myPlugin';
     $aSettings[1]['key'] = 'spanish';
     $oTestPluginTable->myplugin_desc = 'Look Simon, you\'re just making it up now';
     $aSettings[2]['data'] = $oTestPluginTable->insert();
     $aSettings[2]['section'] = 'myPlugin';
     $aSettings[2]['key'] = 'russian';
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * A private method for summarising data into the final tables when
  * at least one hour is complete.
  * @access private
  * @param PEAR::Date $oStartDate The start date of the complete hour(s).
  * @param PEAR::Date $oEndDate The end date of the complete hour(s).
 function _saveSummary($oStartDate, $oEndDate)
     $message = '- Updating the data_summary_ad_hourly table for data after ' . $oStartDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oStartDate->tz->getShortName();
     $this->oController->report .= $message . ".\n";
     OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oDal =& $oServiceLocator->get('OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics');
     $aTypes = array('types' => array(0 => 'request', 1 => 'impression', 2 => 'click'), 'connections' => array(1 => MAX_CONNECTION_AD_IMPRESSION, 2 => MAX_CONNECTION_AD_CLICK));
     $oDal->saveSummary($oStartDate, $oEndDate, $aTypes, 'data_intermediate_ad', 'data_summary_ad_hourly');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * A method to run the run() method of each task in the collection,
  * in the registered order.
  * @todo We should really make OA_Task::run return a boolean we can check.
 function runTasks()
     // Remove tasks from the queue and unset them when done to prevent
     // useless memory consumption
     while ($oTask = array_shift($this->aTasks)) {
         OA::debug('Task begin: ' . get_class($oTask), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         OA::debug('Task complete: ' . get_class($oTask), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * The implementation of the OA_Task::run() method that performs
  * the required task of activating/deactivating campaigns.
 function run()
     if ($this->oController->updateIntermediate) {
         $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
         $oDate =& $oServiceLocator->get('now');
         $oDal =& $oServiceLocator->get('OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics');
         $message = '- Managing (activating/deactivating) campaigns';
         $this->oController->report .= "{$message}.\n";
         $this->report .= $oDal->manageCampaigns($oDate);
  * A method to prune a bucket of all records up to and
  * including the timestamp given.
  * @param Date $oEnd   Prune until this interval_start (inclusive).
  * @param Date $oStart Only prune before this interval_start date (inclusive)
  *                     as well. Optional.
  * @return mixed Either the number of rows pruned, or an MDB2_Error objet.
 public function pruneBucket($oBucket, $oEnd, $oStart = null)
     $sTableName = $oBucket->getBucketTableName();
     if (!is_null($oStart)) {
         OA::debug('  - Pruning the ' . $sTableName . ' table for data with operation interval start between ' . $oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oStart->tz->getShortName() . ' and ' . $oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oEnd->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     } else {
         OA::debug('  - Pruning the ' . $sTableName . ' table for all data with operation interval start equal to or before ' . $oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oEnd->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM\n                {$sTableName}\n            WHERE\n                interval_start <= " . DBC::makeLiteral($oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));
     if (!is_null($oStart)) {
         $query .= "\n                AND\n                interval_start >= " . DBC::makeLiteral($oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));
     $oDbh = OA_DB::singleton();
     return $oDbh->exec($query);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * A method to invoke errors.
  * @static
  * @param mixed $message A string error message, or a {@link PEAR_Error} object.
  * @param integer $type A custom message code - see the {@link setupConstants()} function.
  * @param integer $behaviour Optional behaviour (i.e. PEAR_ERROR_DIE to halt on this error).
  * @return PEAR_Error $error A (@link PEAR_Error} object.
 function raiseError($message, $type = null, $behaviour = null)
     // If fatal
     if ($behaviour == PEAR_ERROR_DIE) {
         // Log fatal message here as execution will stop
         $errorType = MAX::errorConstantToString($type);
         if (!is_string($message)) {
             $message = print_r($message, true);
         OA::debug($type . ' :: ' . $message, PEAR_LOG_EMERG);
     $error = PEAR::raiseError($message, $type, $behaviour);
     return $error;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * A method to derive the class name to instantiate.
  * @return string The name of the class object to create.
 function deriveClassName()
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $filename = ucfirst(strtolower($aConf['database']['type']));
     $classname = 'OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics_' . $filename;
     $includeFile = LIB_PATH . "/Dal/Maintenance/Statistics/{$filename}.php";
     require_once $includeFile;
     if (!class_exists($classname)) {
         // Unable to include the specified class file - raise error and halt
         OA::debug('Unable to find the "' . $classname . '" class in the "' . $includeFile . '" file.', PEAR_LOG_ERR);
         OA::debug('Aborting script execution', PEAR_LOG_ERR);
     return $classname;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * A method to run distributed maintenance.
 function run()
     if (empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['lb']['enabled'])) {
         OA::debug('Distributed stats disabled, not running Maintenance Distributed Engine', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['rawDatabase'])) {
         $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['database'] = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['rawDatabase'] + $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['database'];
         OA::debug('rawDatabase functionality is being used, switching settings', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     $oLock =& OA_DB_AdvisoryLock::factory();
     if (!$oLock->get(OA_DB_ADVISORYLOCK_DISTRIBUTED)) {
         OA::debug('Maintenance Distributed Engine Already Running', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     OA::debug('Running Maintenance Distributed Engine', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     // Attempt to increase PHP memory
     // Ensure the current time is registered with the OA_ServiceLocator
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oNow =& $oServiceLocator->get('now');
     if (!$oNow) {
         // Record the current time, and register with the OA_ServiceLocator
         $oNow = new Date();
         $oServiceLocator->register('now', $oNow);
     OA::debug(' - Current time is ' . $oNow->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oNow->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     // Get the components of the deliveryLog extension
     $aBuckets = OX_Component::getComponents('deliveryLog');
     // Copy buckets' records with "interval_start" up to and including previous OI start,
     // and then prune the data processed
     $aPreviousOperationIntervalDates = OX_OperationInterval::convertDateToPreviousOperationIntervalStartAndEndDates($oNow);
     OA::debug(' - Will process data for all operation intervals before and up to start', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     OA::debug('   time of ' . $aPreviousOperationIntervalDates['start']->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $aPreviousOperationIntervalDates['start']->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     foreach ($aBuckets as $sBucketName => $oBucketClass) {
         if ($oBucketClass->testStatisticsMigration($oBucketClass->getStatisticsMigration())) {
         } else {
             OA::debug('  - Skipping ' . $sBucketName, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     OA::debug('Maintenance Distributed Engine Completed', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Returns authentication plugin
  * @static
  * @param string $authType
  * @return Plugins_Authentication
 static function staticGetAuthPlugin()
     static $authPlugin;
     static $authPluginType;
     if (!isset($authPlugin) || $authPluginType != $authType) {
         $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
         if (!empty($aConf['authentication']['type'])) {
             $authType = $aConf['authentication']['type'];
             $authPlugin = OX_Component::factoryByComponentIdentifier($authType);
         if (!$authPlugin) {
             // Fall back to internal
             $authType = 'none';
             $authPlugin = new Plugins_Authentication();
         if (!$authPlugin) {
             OA::debug('Error while including authentication plugin and unable to fallback', PEAR_LOG_ERR);
         $authPluginType = $authType;
     return $authPlugin;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * A method to read and parse the configuration file for a plugin.
  * @static
  * @param string $module The plugin module name (i.e. /plugins/module directory).
  * @param string $package An optional plugin package name (i.e. /plugins/module/package
  *                        directory). If not given, the module level configuration file
  *                        will be read.
  * @param string $name An optional plugin name (i.e. /plugins/module/package/plugin.plugin.php).
  *                     If not given, the package level configuration file will be read, or
  *                     the module level configuration file will be read, depending on the
  *                     $package parameter.
  * @param boolean $processSections Process section names in the configuration file, and return
  *                                 as a multidimenstional array.
  *                                 {@see http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php}.
  * @param boolean $copyDefaultIfNotExists If true, copy the default configuration file for the
  *                                        plugin to the real configuration file location, if the
  *                                        real configuration file does not (yet) exist.
  * @return mixed An array containing the parsed configuration file, or false on error.
 function getConfig($module, $package = null, $name = null, $processSections = false, $copyDefaultIfNotExists = true)
     // First lets see if the config is saved in our global config file
     $conf = isset($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'][$module]) ? $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'][$module] : false;
     if (!empty($package)) {
         $conf = isset($conf[$package]) ? $conf[$package] : false;
     // Try plugin config
     if ($conf === false) {
         $configFileName = MAX_Plugin::getConfigFileName($module, $package, $name);
         $conf = MAX_Plugin::getConfigByFileName($configFileName, $processSections, false);
     if ($conf !== false) {
         return $conf;
     if ($copyDefaultIfNotExists) {
         MAX_Plugin::copyDefaultConfig($module, $package, $name);
         $defaultConfigFileName = MAX_Plugin::getConfigFileName($module, $package, $name, true);
         return MAX_Plugin::getConfigByFileName($defaultConfigFileName, $processSections, false);
     OA::debug("Config for {$package}/{$module}/{$name} does not exist.", MAX_ERROR_NOFILE);
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * A method to reject conversions which variables which are required to be
  * non-empty, but which are in reality, empty, between the supplied operation
  * interval start and end dates.
  * @param PEAR::Date $oStart The start date/time of the operation interval.
  * @param PEAR::Date $oEnd   The end date/time of the operation interval.
 function rejectEmptyVarConversions($oStart, $oEnd)
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $query = "\n            UPDATE\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad_connection']} AS diac\n            JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['variables']} AS v\n            ON\n                (\n                    diac.tracker_id = v.trackerid\n                )\n            LEFT JOIN\n                {$aConf['table']['prefix']}{$aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad_variable_value']} AS diavv\n            ON\n                (\n                    diac.data_intermediate_ad_connection_id = diavv.data_intermediate_ad_connection_id\n                    AND\n                    v.variableid = diavv.tracker_variable_id\n                )\n            SET\n                diac.connection_status = " . MAX_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISAPPROVED . ",\n                diac.updated = '" . OA::getNow() . "',\n                diac.comments = CONCAT('Rejected because ', COALESCE(NULLIF(v.description, ''), v.name), ' is empty')\n            WHERE\n                diac.tracker_date_time >= " . $this->oDbh->quote($oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp') . "\n                AND\n                diac.tracker_date_time <= " . $this->oDbh->quote($oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'timestamp') . "\n                AND\n                diac.inside_window = 1\n                AND\n                v.reject_if_empty = 1\n                AND\n                (diavv.value IS NULL OR diavv.value = '')\n            ";
     $message = '- Rejecting conversions with empty required variables between ' . $oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oStart->tz->getShortName() . ' and ' . $oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oEnd->tz->getShortName();
     OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $rows = $this->oDbh->exec($query);
     if (PEAR::isError($rows)) {
         return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * A method to activate/deactivate campaigns, based on the date and/or the inventory
  * requirements (impressions, clicks and/or conversions). Also sends email reports
  * for any campaigns that are activated/deactivated, as well as sending email reports
  * for any campaigns that are likely to expire in the near future.
  * @param Date $oDate The current date/time.
  * @return string Report on the campaigns activated/deactivated.
 function manageCampaigns($oDate)
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oEmail =& $oServiceLocator->get('OA_Email');
     if ($oEmail === false) {
         $oEmail = new OA_Email();
         $oServiceLocator->register('OA_Email', $oEmail);
     $report = "\n";
     // Select all campaigns in the system, where:
     //    The campaign is ACTIVE and:
     //    - The end date stored for the campaign is not null; or
     //    - The campaign has a lifetime impression, click or conversion
     //      target set.
     //    That is:
     //    - It is possible for the active campaign to be automatically
     //      stopped, as it has a valid end date. (No limitations are
     //      applied to those campaigns tested, as the ME may not have
     //      run for a while, and if so, even campaigns with an end date
     //      of many, many weeks ago should be tested to ensure they are
     //      [belatedly] halted.)
     //    - It is possible for the active campaign to be automatically
     //      stopped, as it has at leaast one lifetime target that could
     //      have been reached.
     //    The campaign is INACTIVE and:
     //    - The start date stored for the campaign is not null; and
     //    - The weight is greater than zero; and
     //    - The end date stored for the campaign is either null, or is
     //      greater than "today" less one day.
     //    That is:
     //    - It is possible for the inactive campaign to be automatically
     //      started, as it has a valid start date. (No limitations are
     //      applied to those campaigns tested, as the ME may not have run
     //      for a while, and if so, even campaigns with an activation date
     //      of many, many weeks ago should be tested to ensure they are
     //      [belatedy] enabled.)
     //    - The campaign is not in a permanently inactive state, as a
     //      result of the weight being less then one, which means that
     //      it cannot be activated.
     //    - The test to start the campaign is unlikely to fail on account
     //      of the end date. (Inactive campaigns with start dates may have
     //      passed the start date, but they may also have passed the end
     //      date - unfortunately, because the dates are not stored in UTC,
     //      it's not possible to know exactly which campaigns have passed
     //      the end date or not, until the values are converted to UTC based
     //      on the Advertiser Account timezone preference - so it's necessary
     //      to get some campaigns that might be passed the end date, and do
     //      the converstion to UTC and test to check.)
     $prefix = $this->getTablePrefix();
     $oYesterdayDate = new Date();
     $query = "\n            SELECT\n                cl.clientid AS advertiser_id,\n                cl.account_id AS advertiser_account_id,\n                cl.agencyid AS agency_id,\n                cl.contact AS contact,\n                cl.email AS email,\n                cl.reportdeactivate AS send_activate_deactivate_email,\n                ca.campaignid AS campaign_id,\n                ca.campaignname AS campaign_name,\n                ca.views AS targetimpressions,\n                ca.clicks AS targetclicks,\n                ca.conversions AS targetconversions,\n                ca.status AS status,\n                ca.activate AS start,\n                ca.expire AS end\n            FROM\n                {$prefix}campaigns AS ca,\n                {$prefix}clients AS cl\n            WHERE\n                ca.clientid = cl.clientid\n                AND\n                ca.status = " . $this->oDbh->quote(OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING, 'integer') . "\n                AND\n                (\n                    ca.expire " . OA_Dal::notEqualNoDateString() . "\n                    OR\n                    (\n                        ca.views > 0\n                        OR\n                        ca.clicks > 0\n                        OR\n                        ca.conversions > 0\n                    )\n                )\n            UNION ALL\n            SELECT\n                cl.clientid AS advertiser_id,\n                cl.account_id AS advertiser_account_id,\n                cl.agencyid AS agency_id,\n                cl.contact AS contact,\n                cl.email AS email,\n                cl.reportdeactivate AS send_activate_deactivate_email,\n                ca.campaignid AS campaign_id,\n                ca.campaignname AS campaign_name,\n                ca.views AS targetimpressions,\n                ca.clicks AS targetclicks,\n                ca.conversions AS targetconversions,\n                ca.status AS status,\n                ca.activate AS start,\n                ca.expire AS end\n            FROM\n                {$prefix}campaigns AS ca,\n                {$prefix}clients AS cl\n            WHERE\n                ca.clientid = cl.clientid\n                AND\n                ca.status != " . $this->oDbh->quote(OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING, 'integer') . "\n                AND\n                ca.activate " . OA_Dal::notEqualNoDateString() . "\n                AND\n                (\n                    ca.weight > 0\n                    OR\n                    ca.priority > 0\n                )\n                AND\n                (\n                    ca.expire >= " . $this->oDbh->quote($oYesterdayDate->format('%Y-%m-%d'), 'timestamp') . "\n                    OR\n                    ca.expire " . OA_Dal::equalNoDateString() . "\n                )\n            ORDER BY\n                advertiser_id";
     $rsResult = $this->oDbh->query($query);
     if (PEAR::isError($rsResult)) {
         return MAX::raiseError($rsResult, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
     OA::debug('- Found ' . $rsResult->numRows() . ' campaigns to test for activation/deactivation', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     while ($aCampaign = $rsResult->fetchRow()) {
         if ($aCampaign['status'] == OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING) {
             // The campaign is currently running, look at the campaign
             $disableReason = 0;
             $canExpireSoon = false;
             if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0) {
                 // The campaign has an impression, click and/or conversion target,
                 // so get the sum total statistics for the campaign
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT\n                            SUM(dia.impressions) AS impressions,\n                            SUM(dia.clicks) AS clicks,\n                            SUM(dia.conversions) AS conversions\n                        FROM\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad'], true) . " AS dia,\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . " AS b\n                        WHERE\n                            dia.ad_id = b.bannerid\n                            AND b.campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                 $rsResultInner = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                 $valuesRow = $rsResultInner->fetchRow();
                 if (!is_null($valuesRow['impressions']) || !is_null($valuesRow['clicks']) || !is_null($valuesRow['conversions'])) {
                     // There were impressions, clicks and/or conversions for this
                     // campaign, so find out if campaign targets have been passed
                     if (is_null($valuesRow['impressions'])) {
                         // No impressions
                         $valuesRow['impressions'] = 0;
                     if (is_null($valuesRow['clicks'])) {
                         // No clicks
                         $valuesRow['clicks'] = 0;
                     if (is_null($valuesRow['conversions'])) {
                         // No conversions
                         $valuesRow['conversions'] = 0;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0) {
                         if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] <= $valuesRow['impressions']) {
                             // The campaign has an impressions target, and this has been
                             // passed, so update and disable the campaign
                             $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_IMPRESSIONS;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0) {
                         if ($aCampaign['targetclicks'] <= $valuesRow['clicks']) {
                             // The campaign has a click target, and this has been
                             // passed, so update and disable the campaign
                             $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_CLICKS;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0) {
                         if ($aCampaign['targetconversions'] <= $valuesRow['conversions']) {
                             // The campaign has a target limitation, and this has been
                             // passed, so update and disable the campaign
                             $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_CONVERSIONS;
                     if ($disableReason) {
                         // One of the campaign targets was exceeded, so disable
                         $message = '- Exceeded a campaign quota: Deactivating campaign ID ' . "{$aCampaign['campaign_id']}: {$aCampaign['campaign_name']}";
                         OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                         $report .= $message . "\n";
                         $doCampaigns = OA_Dal::factoryDO('campaigns');
                         $doCampaigns->campaignid = $aCampaign['campaign_id'];
                         $doCampaigns->status = OA_ENTITY_STATUS_EXPIRED;
                         $result = $doCampaigns->update();
                         if ($result == false) {
                             return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                         phpAds_userlogAdd(phpAds_actionDeactiveCampaign, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
                     } else {
                         // The campaign didn't have a diable reason,
                         // it *might* possibly be diabled "soon"...
                         $canExpireSoon = true;
             // Does the campaign need to be disabled due to the date?
             if ($aCampaign['end'] != OA_Dal::noDateValue()) {
                 // The campaign has a valid end date, stored in the timezone of the advertiser;
                 // create an end date in the advertiser's timezone, set the time, and then
                 // convert to UTC so that it can be compared with the MSE run time, which is
                 // in UTC
                 $aAdvertiserPrefs = OA_Preferences::loadAccountPreferences($aCampaign['advertiser_account_id'], true);
                 $oTimezone = new Date_Timezone($aAdvertiserPrefs['timezone']);
                 $oEndDate = new Date();
                 $oEndDate->setDate($aCampaign['end'] . ' 23:59:59');
                 // Campaigns end at the end of the day
                 if ($oDate->after($oEndDate)) {
                     // The end date has been passed; disable the campaign
                     $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_DATE;
                     $message = "- Passed campaign end time of '{$aCampaign['end']} 23:59:59 {$aAdvertiserPrefs['timezone']} (" . $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oEndDate->tz->getShortName() . ")': Deactivating campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}: {$aCampaign['campaign_name']}";
                     OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                     $report .= $message . "\n";
                     $doCampaigns = OA_Dal::factoryDO('campaigns');
                     $doCampaigns->campaignid = $aCampaign['campaign_id'];
                     $doCampaigns->status = OA_ENTITY_STATUS_EXPIRED;
                     $result = $doCampaigns->update();
                     if ($result == false) {
                         return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                     phpAds_userlogAdd(phpAds_actionDeactiveCampaign, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
                 } else {
                     // The campaign wasn't disabled based on the end
                     // date, to it *might* possibly be disabled "soon"...
                     $canExpireSoon = true;
             if ($disableReason) {
                 // The campaign was disabled, so send the appropriate
                 // message to the campaign's contact
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT\n                            bannerid AS advertisement_id,\n                            description AS description,\n                            alt AS alt,\n                            url AS url\n                        FROM\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . "\n                        WHERE\n                            campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                 OA::debug("- Getting the advertisements for campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                 $rsResultAdvertisement = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                 if (PEAR::isError($rsResultAdvertisement)) {
                     return MAX::raiseError($rsResultAdvertisement, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                 while ($advertisementRow = $rsResultAdvertisement->fetchRow()) {
                     $advertisements[$advertisementRow['advertisement_id']] = array($advertisementRow['description'], $advertisementRow['alt'], $advertisementRow['url']);
                 if ($aCampaign['send_activate_deactivate_email'] == 't') {
                     $oEmail->sendCampaignActivatedDeactivatedEmail($aCampaign['campaign_id'], $disableReason);
             } else {
                 if ($canExpireSoon) {
                     // The campaign has NOT been deactivated - test to see if it will
                     // be deactivated "soon", and send email(s) warning of this as required
                     $oEmail->sendCampaignImpendingExpiryEmail($oDate, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
         } else {
             // The campaign is not active - does it need to be enabled,
             // based on the campaign starting date?
             if ($aCampaign['start'] != OA_Dal::noDateValue()) {
                 // The campaign has a valid start date, stored in the timezone of the advertiser;
                 // create an end date in the advertiser's timezone, set the time, and then
                 // convert to UTC so that it can be compared with the MSE run time, which is
                 // in UTC
                 $aAdvertiserPrefs = OA_Preferences::loadAccountPreferences($aCampaign['advertiser_account_id'], true);
                 $oTimezone = new Date_Timezone($aAdvertiserPrefs['timezone']);
                 $oStartDate = new Date();
                 $oStartDate->setDate($aCampaign['start'] . ' 00:00:00');
                 // Campaigns start at the start of the day
                 if ($aCampaign['end'] != OA_Dal::noDateValue()) {
                     // The campaign has a valid end date, stored in the timezone of the advertiser;
                     // create an end date in the advertiser's timezone, set the time, and then
                     // convert to UTC so that it can be compared with the MSE run time, which is
                     // in UTC
                     $oEndDate = new Date();
                     $oEndDate->setDate($aCampaign['end'] . ' 23:59:59');
                     // Campaign end at the end of the day
                 } else {
                     $oEndDate = null;
                 if ($oDate->after($oStartDate)) {
                     // The start date has been passed; find out if there are any impression, click
                     // or conversion targets for the campaign (i.e. if the target values are > 0)
                     $remainingImpressions = 0;
                     $remainingClicks = 0;
                     $remainingConversions = 0;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0) {
                         // The campaign has an impression, click and/or conversion target,
                         // so get the sum total statistics for the campaign so far
                         $query = "\n                                SELECT\n                                    SUM(dia.impressions) AS impressions,\n                                    SUM(dia.clicks) AS clicks,\n                                    SUM(dia.conversions) AS conversions\n                                FROM\n                                    " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad'], true) . " AS dia,\n                                    " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . " AS b\n                                WHERE\n                                    dia.ad_id = b.bannerid\n                                    AND b.campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                         $rsResultInner = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                         $valuesRow = $rsResultInner->fetchRow();
                         // Set the remaining impressions, clicks and conversions for the campaign
                         $remainingImpressions = $aCampaign['targetimpressions'] - $valuesRow['impressions'];
                         $remainingClicks = $aCampaign['targetclicks'] - $valuesRow['clicks'];
                         $remainingConversions = $aCampaign['targetconversions'] - $valuesRow['conversions'];
                     // In order for the campaign to be activated, need to test:
                     // 1) That there is no impression target (<= 0), or, if there is an impression target (> 0),
                     //    then there must be remaining impressions to deliver (> 0); and
                     // 2) That there is no click target (<= 0), or, if there is a click target (> 0),
                     //    then there must be remaining clicks to deliver (> 0); and
                     // 3) That there is no conversion target (<= 0), or, if there is a conversion target (> 0),
                     //    then there must be remaining conversions to deliver (> 0); and
                     // 4) Either there is no end date, or the end date has not been passed
                     if (($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] <= 0 || $aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0 && $remainingImpressions > 0) && ($aCampaign['targetclicks'] <= 0 || $aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0 && $remainingClicks > 0) && ($aCampaign['targetconversions'] <= 0 || $aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0 && $remainingConversions > 0) && (is_null($oEndDate) || $oEndDate->format('%Y-%m-%d') != OA_Dal::noDateValue() && Date::compare($oDate, $oEndDate) < 0)) {
                         $message = "- Passed campaign start time of '{$aCampaign['start']} 00:00:00 {$aAdvertiserPrefs['timezone']} (" . $oStartDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oStartDate->tz->getShortName() . ")': Activating campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}: {$aCampaign['campaign_name']}";
                         OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                         $report .= $message . "\n";
                         $doCampaigns = OA_Dal::factoryDO('campaigns');
                         $doCampaigns->campaignid = $aCampaign['campaign_id'];
                         $doCampaigns->status = OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING;
                         $result = $doCampaigns->update();
                         if ($result == false) {
                             return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                         phpAds_userlogAdd(phpAds_actionActiveCampaign, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
                         // Get the advertisements associated with the campaign
                         $query = "\n                                SELECT\n                                    bannerid AS advertisement_id,\n                                    description AS description,\n                                    alt AS alt,\n                                    url AS url\n                                FROM\n                                    " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . "\n                                WHERE\n                                    campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                         OA::debug("- Getting the advertisements for campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                         $rsResultAdvertisement = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                         if (PEAR::isError($rsResultAdvertisement)) {
                             return MAX::raiseError($rsResultAdvertisement, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                         while ($advertisementRow = $rsResultAdvertisement->fetchRow()) {
                             $advertisements[$advertisementRow['advertisement_id']] = array($advertisementRow['description'], $advertisementRow['alt'], $advertisementRow['url']);
                         if ($aCampaign['send_activate_deactivate_email'] == 't') {
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Returns a child with a given id. If user have no access to this section
  * or if the child does not exists null is returned
  * @param string $sectionId
  * @return OA_Admin_Menu_Section
 function &get($sectionId, $checkAccess = true)
     if (!isset($this->aSectionsMap[$sectionId])) {
         $errMsg = "MenuSection::get() Cannot get section. No such section with id '" . $sectionId . "'";
         OA::debug($errMsg, PEAR_LOG_WARNING);
         return null;
     $oChildSection =& $this->aSectionsMap[$sectionId];
     if ($checkAccess) {
         if (!$oChildSection->check()) {
             $oChildSection = null;
     return $oChildSection;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Add the fields which require calculations
  * @param array Row of stats
 function summarizeStats(&$row)
     OA::debug('Cannot run abstract method');
Exemplo n.º 17
  * A method to activate/deactivate campaigns, based on the date and/or the inventory
  * requirements (impressions, clicks and/or conversions). Also sends email reports
  * for any campaigns that are activated/deactivated, as well as sending email reports
  * for any campaigns that are likely to expire in the near future.
  * @param Date $oDate The current date/time.
  * @return string Report on the campaigns activated/deactivated.
 function manageCampaigns($oDate)
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oEmail =& $oServiceLocator->get('OA_Email');
     if ($oEmail === false) {
         $oEmail = new OA_Email();
         $oServiceLocator->register('OA_Email', $oEmail);
     $report = "\n";
     // Select all campaigns in the system, where:
     //    The campaign is ACTIVE and:
     //    - The end date stored for the campaign is not null; or
     //    - The campaign has a lifetime impression, click or conversion
     //      target set.
     //    That is:
     //    - It is possible for the active campaign to be automatically
     //      stopped, as it has a valid end date. (No limitations are
     //      applied to those campaigns tested, as the ME may not have
     //      run for a while, and if so, even campaigns with an end date
     //      of many, many weeks ago should be tested to ensure they are
     //      [belatedly] halted.)
     //    - It is possible for the active campaign to be automatically
     //      stopped, as it has at leaast one lifetime target that could
     //      have been reached.
     //    The campaign is INACTIVE and:
     //    - The start date stored for the campaign is not null; and
     //    - The weight is greater than zero; and
     //    - The end date stored for the campaign is either null, or is
     //      greater than "today" less one day.
     //    That is:
     //    - It is possible for the inactive campaign to be automatically
     //      started, as it has a valid start date. (No limitations are
     //      applied to those campaigns tested, as the ME may not have run
     //      for a while, and if so, even campaigns with an activation date
     //      of many, many weeks ago should be tested to ensure they are
     //      [belatedy] enabled.)
     //    - The campaign is not in a permanently inactive state, as a
     //      result of the weight being less then one, which means that
     //      it cannot be activated.
     //    - The test to start the campaign is unlikely to fail on account
     //      of the end date.
     $prefix = $this->getTablePrefix();
     $oNowDate = new Date($oDate);
     $query = "\n            SELECT\n                cl.clientid AS advertiser_id,\n                cl.account_id AS advertiser_account_id,\n                cl.agencyid AS agency_id,\n                cl.contact AS contact,\n                cl.email AS email,\n                cl.reportdeactivate AS send_activate_deactivate_email,\n                ca.campaignid AS campaign_id,\n                ca.campaignname AS campaign_name,\n                ca.views AS targetimpressions,\n                ca.clicks AS targetclicks,\n                ca.conversions AS targetconversions,\n                ca.status AS status,\n                ca.activate_time AS start,\n                ca.expire_time AS end\n            FROM\n                {$prefix}campaigns AS ca,\n                {$prefix}clients AS cl\n            WHERE\n                ca.clientid = cl.clientid\n                AND\n                ((\n                    ca.status = " . $this->oDbh->quote(OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING, 'integer') . " AND\n                    (\n                        ca.expire_time IS NOT NULL\n                        OR\n                        (\n                            ca.views > 0\n                            OR\n                            ca.clicks > 0\n                            OR\n                            ca.conversions > 0\n                        )\n                    )\n                ) OR (\n                    ca.status = " . $this->oDbh->quote(OA_ENTITY_STATUS_AWAITING, 'integer') . " AND\n                    (\n                        ca.activate_time <= " . $this->oDbh->quote($oNowDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO), 'timestamp') . "\n                        AND\n                        (\n                            ca.weight > 0\n                            OR\n                            ca.priority > 0\n                        )\n                        AND\n                        (\n                            ca.expire_time >= " . $this->oDbh->quote($oNowDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO), 'timestamp') . "\n                            OR\n                            ca.expire_time IS NULL\n                        )\n                    )\n                ))\n            ORDER BY\n                advertiser_id";
     OA::debug('- Requesting campaigns to test for activation/deactivation', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $rsResult = $this->oDbh->query($query);
     if (PEAR::isError($rsResult)) {
         return MAX::raiseError($rsResult, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
     OA::debug('- Found ' . $rsResult->numRows() . ' campaigns to test for activation/deactivation', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     while ($aCampaign = $rsResult->fetchRow()) {
         if ($aCampaign['status'] == OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING) {
             // The campaign is currently running, look at the campaign
             $disableReason = 0;
             $canExpireSoon = false;
             if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0) {
                 OA::debug('  - Selecting impressions, clicks and conversions for this running campaign ID = ' . $aCampaign['campaign_id'], PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                 // The campaign has an impression, click and/or conversion target,
                 // so get the sum total statistics for the campaign
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT\n                            SUM(dia.impressions) AS impressions,\n                            SUM(dia.clicks) AS clicks,\n                            SUM(dia.conversions) AS conversions\n                        FROM\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad'], true) . " AS dia,\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . " AS b\n                        WHERE\n                            dia.ad_id = b.bannerid\n                            AND b.campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                 $rsResultInner = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                 $valuesRow = $rsResultInner->fetchRow();
                 if (isset($valuesRow['impressions']) || !is_null($valuesRow['clicks']) || !is_null($valuesRow['conversions'])) {
                     // There were impressions, clicks and/or conversions for this
                     // campaign, so find out if campaign targets have been passed
                     if (!isset($valuesRow['impressions'])) {
                         // No impressions
                         $valuesRow['impressions'] = 0;
                     if (!isset($valuesRow['clicks'])) {
                         // No clicks
                         $valuesRow['clicks'] = 0;
                     if (!isset($valuesRow['conversions'])) {
                         // No conversions
                         $valuesRow['conversions'] = 0;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0) {
                         if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] <= $valuesRow['impressions']) {
                             // The campaign has an impressions target, and this has been
                             // passed, so update and disable the campaign
                             $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_IMPRESSIONS;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0) {
                         if ($aCampaign['targetclicks'] <= $valuesRow['clicks']) {
                             // The campaign has a click target, and this has been
                             // passed, so update and disable the campaign
                             $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_CLICKS;
                     if ($aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0) {
                         if ($aCampaign['targetconversions'] <= $valuesRow['conversions']) {
                             // The campaign has a target limitation, and this has been
                             // passed, so update and disable the campaign
                             $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_CONVERSIONS;
                     if ($disableReason) {
                         // One of the campaign targets was exceeded, so disable
                         $message = '  - Exceeded a campaign quota: Deactivating campaign ID ' . "{$aCampaign['campaign_id']}: {$aCampaign['campaign_name']}";
                         OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                         $report .= $message . "\n";
                         $doCampaigns = OA_Dal::factoryDO('campaigns');
                         $doCampaigns->campaignid = $aCampaign['campaign_id'];
                         $doCampaigns->status = OA_ENTITY_STATUS_EXPIRED;
                         $result = $doCampaigns->update();
                         if ($result == false) {
                             return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                         phpAds_userlogAdd(phpAds_actionDeactiveCampaign, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
                     } else {
                         // The campaign didn't have a diable reason,
                         // it *might* possibly be diabled "soon"...
                         $canExpireSoon = true;
             // Does the campaign need to be disabled due to the date?
             if (!empty($aCampaign['end'])) {
                 // The campaign has a valid end date, stored in in UTC
                 $oEndDate = new Date($aCampaign['end']);
                 if ($oDate->after($oEndDate)) {
                     // The end date has been passed; disable the campaign
                     $disableReason |= OX_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED_DATE;
                     $message = "  - Passed campaign end time of '" . $oEndDate->getDate() . " UTC" . "': Deactivating campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}: {$aCampaign['campaign_name']}";
                     OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                     $report .= $message . "\n";
                     $doCampaigns = OA_Dal::factoryDO('campaigns');
                     $doCampaigns->campaignid = $aCampaign['campaign_id'];
                     $doCampaigns->status = OA_ENTITY_STATUS_EXPIRED;
                     $result = $doCampaigns->update();
                     if ($result == false) {
                         return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                     phpAds_userlogAdd(phpAds_actionDeactiveCampaign, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
                 } else {
                     // The campaign wasn't disabled based on the end
                     // date, to it *might* possibly be disabled "soon"...
                     $canExpireSoon = true;
             if ($disableReason) {
                 // The campaign was disabled, so send the appropriate
                 // message to the campaign's contact
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT\n                            bannerid AS advertisement_id,\n                            description AS description,\n                            alt AS alt,\n                            url AS url\n                        FROM\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . "\n                        WHERE\n                            campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                 OA::debug("  - Getting the advertisements for campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                 $rsResultAdvertisement = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                 if (PEAR::isError($rsResultAdvertisement)) {
                     return MAX::raiseError($rsResultAdvertisement, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                 while ($advertisementRow = $rsResultAdvertisement->fetchRow()) {
                     $advertisements[$advertisementRow['advertisement_id']] = array($advertisementRow['description'], $advertisementRow['alt'], $advertisementRow['url']);
                 if ($aCampaign['send_activate_deactivate_email'] == 't') {
                     OA::debug("  - Sending campaign deactivated email ", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                     $oEmail->sendCampaignActivatedDeactivatedEmail($aCampaign['campaign_id'], $disableReason);
                     // Also send campaignDeliveryEmail for the campaign we just deactivated.
                     $doClients = OA_Dal::staticGetDO('clients', $aCampaign['advertiser_id']);
                     $aAdvertiser = $doClients->toArray();
                     OA::debug("  - Sending campaign delivery email ", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                     $oStart = new Date($aAdvertiser['reportlastdate']);
                     $oEnd = new Date($oDate);
                     // Set end date to tomorrow so we get stats for today.
                     $oEnd->addSpan(new Date_Span('1-0-0-0'));
                     $oEmail->sendCampaignDeliveryEmail($aAdvertiser, $oStart, $oEnd, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
             } else {
                 if ($canExpireSoon) {
                     // The campaign has NOT been deactivated - test to see if it will
                     // be deactivated "soon", and send email(s) warning of this as required
                     OA::debug("  - Sending campaign 'soon deactivated' email ", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                     $oEmail->sendCampaignImpendingExpiryEmail($oDate, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
         } elseif (!empty($aCampaign['start'])) {
             // The campaign is awaiting activation and has a valid start date, stored in UTC
             $oStartDate = new Date($aCampaign['start']);
             // Find out if there are any impression, click or conversion targets for
             // the campaign (i.e. if the target values are > 0)
             $remainingImpressions = 0;
             $remainingClicks = 0;
             $remainingConversions = 0;
             if ($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0 || $aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0) {
                 OA::debug("  - The campaign ID " . $aCampaign['campaign_id'] . " has an impression, click and/or conversion target, requesting impressions so far", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT\n                            SUM(dia.impressions) AS impressions,\n                            SUM(dia.clicks) AS clicks,\n                            SUM(dia.conversions) AS conversions\n                        FROM\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['data_intermediate_ad'], true) . " AS dia,\n                            " . $this->oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $aConf['table']['banners'], true) . " AS b\n                        WHERE\n                            dia.ad_id = b.bannerid\n                            AND b.campaignid = {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}";
                 $rsResultInner = $this->oDbh->query($query);
                 $valuesRow = $rsResultInner->fetchRow();
                 // Set the remaining impressions, clicks and conversions for the campaign
                 $remainingImpressions = $aCampaign['targetimpressions'] - $valuesRow['impressions'];
                 $remainingClicks = $aCampaign['targetclicks'] - $valuesRow['clicks'];
                 $remainingConversions = $aCampaign['targetconversions'] - $valuesRow['conversions'];
             // In order for the campaign to be activated, need to test:
             // 1) That there is no impression target (<= 0), or, if there is an impression target (> 0),
             //    then there must be remaining impressions to deliver (> 0); and
             // 2) That there is no click target (<= 0), or, if there is a click target (> 0),
             //    then there must be remaining clicks to deliver (> 0); and
             // 3) That there is no conversion target (<= 0), or, if there is a conversion target (> 0),
             //    then there must be remaining conversions to deliver (> 0)
             if (($aCampaign['targetimpressions'] <= 0 || $aCampaign['targetimpressions'] > 0 && $remainingImpressions > 0) && ($aCampaign['targetclicks'] <= 0 || $aCampaign['targetclicks'] > 0 && $remainingClicks > 0) && ($aCampaign['targetconversions'] <= 0 || $aCampaign['targetconversions'] > 0 && $remainingConversions > 0)) {
                 $message = "- Passed campaign start time of '" . $oStartDate->getDate() . " UTC" . "': Activating campaign ID {$aCampaign['campaign_id']}: {$aCampaign['campaign_name']}";
                 OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_INFO);
                 $report .= $message . "\n";
                 $doCampaigns = OA_Dal::factoryDO('campaigns');
                 $doCampaigns->campaignid = $aCampaign['campaign_id'];
                 $doCampaigns->status = OA_ENTITY_STATUS_RUNNING;
                 $result = $doCampaigns->update();
                 if ($result == false) {
                     return MAX::raiseError($rows, MAX_ERROR_DBFAILURE, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
                 phpAds_userlogAdd(phpAds_actionActiveCampaign, $aCampaign['campaign_id']);
                 if ($aCampaign['send_activate_deactivate_email'] == 't') {
                     OA::debug("  - Sending activation email for campaign ID " . $aCampaign['campaign_id'], PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
  * The underlying private method to getOwningAccountIdsreturn an array of account IDs of the account(s) that
  * should "own" any audit trail entries for this entity type; these
  * are NOT related to the account ID of the currently active account
  * (which is performing some kind of action on the entity), but is
  * instead related to the type of entity, and where in the account
  * heirrachy the entity is located.
  * Works by locating the "account_id" column in this DB_DataObject,
  * and converting this into the array of owning account IDs.
  * @param string $parentTable The name of another table to look in
  *                            for the "account_id" column, if this
  *                            DB_DataObject does not have such a column.
  * @param string $parentKey Name of the key that relates this
  *                          DB_DataObject and the parent entity in
  *                          $parentTable.
  * @param boolean $resetCache When true, reset the internal cache and
  *                            return null.
  * @see DB_DataObjectCommon::getOwningAccountIds()
 protected function _getOwningAccountIds($parentTable = null, $parentKeyName = null, $resetCache = false)
     // Use a static cache to store previously calculated owning
     // account IDs
     static $aCache = array();
     // Reset the cache?
     if ($resetCache) {
         $aCache = array();
     // Get this DB_DataObject's table name and primary key name
     $tableName = $this->getTableWithoutPrefix();
     $primaryKeyName = $this->getFirstPrimaryKey();
     // Is this a call to get the owning account IDs directly from
     // this DB_DataObject, or do we need to look at a parent?
     if (is_null($parentTable) && is_null($parentKeyName)) {
         // Get the directly owning account ID from this DB_DataObject
         // If the owning account IDs have already been calculated,
         // return them directly
         if (!empty($aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}])) {
             return $aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}];
         // Test to ensure that the account ID column exists in this
         // DB_DataObject
         $aColumns = $this->table();
         if (!isset($aColumns['account_id'])) {
             $message = "Cannot locate owning account IDs for entity in table '{$tableName}', " . "as the table is not directly linked to an account.";
             OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
             return false;
         // Set the directly owning account ID based on the account_id
         // column value
         if (empty($this->account_id)) {
             $doThis = OA_Dal::staticGetDO($tableName, $this->{$primaryKeyName});
             if ($doThis != false) {
                 $directOwnerAccountId = $doThis->account_id;
         } else {
             $directOwnerAccountId = $this->account_id;
         // Do we have the directly owning account ID?
         if (empty($directOwnerAccountId)) {
             $message = "Cannot locate owning account IDs for entity in table '{$tableName}', " . "as the 'account_id' column was empty where column '{$primaryKeyName}' was " . " equal to '{$this->{$primaryKeyName}}'.";
             OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
             return false;
         // Convert the directly onwing account ID into an array of owning
         // account IDs
         $aResult = $this->_getOwningAccountIdsByAccountId($directOwnerAccountId);
         // Store the result in the cache array
         $aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}] = $aResult;
         // Return the result
         return $aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}];
     } else {
         // Get the directly owning account ID from a parent table
         // If the owning account IDs have already been calculated,
         // return them directly
         if (!empty($aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}][$parentTable])) {
             return $aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}][$parentTable];
         // Test to ensure that the parent key column passed into the
         // method exists in this DB_DataObject
         if (empty($this->{$parentKeyName})) {
             $doThis = OA_Dal::staticGetDO($tableName, $this->{$primaryKeyName});
             if ($doThis) {
                 $parentKeyValue = $doThis->{$parentKeyName};
         } else {
             $parentKeyValue = $this->{$parentKeyName};
         // Do we have the parent table key value?
         if (empty($parentKeyValue)) {
             $message = "Cannot locate owning account IDs for entity in table '{$tableName}', " . "as the parent key value could not be located where column " . "'{$primaryKeyName}' was  equal to '{$this->{$primaryKeyName}}'.";
             OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
             return false;
         // Get the DB_DataObject for the parnet table
         $doParent = OA_Dal::staticGetDO($parentTable, $parentKeyValue);
         if ($doParent == false) {
             $message = "Cannot locate owning account IDs for entity in table '{$tableName}', " . "as the parent data object could not be created where column " . "'{$primaryKeyName}' was  equal to '{$this->{$primaryKeyName}}'.";
             OA::debug($message, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
             return false;
         // Get the result of calling the getOwningAccountIds() method on the
         // parent DB_DataObject
         $aResult = $doParent->getOwningAccountIds();
         // Store the result in the cache array
         $aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}][$parentTable] = $aResult;
         // Return the result
         return $aCache[$tableName][$this->{$primaryKeyName}][$parentTable];
Exemplo n.º 19
  * A private method to release a previously acquired lock.
  * @return bool True if the lock was correctly released.
 function _releaseLock()
     OA::debug('Base class cannot be used directly, use the factory method instead', PEAR_LOG_ERR);
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Performs a batch insert using either LOAD DATA INFILE or COPY FROM, eventually
  * falling back to batchInsertPlain (plain INSERTs) on failure. On MySQL LOAD DATA
  * INFILE is 20x faster than plain single inserts
  * @param string $tableName The unquoted table name
  * @param array  $aFields   The array of unquoted field names
  * @param array  $aValues   The array of data to be inserted
  * @param bool $replace Should the data be UPDATEd when the primary key or unique key is already present in the table?
  * @return int   The number of rows inserted or PEAR_Error on failure
 function batchInsert($tableName, $aFields, $aValues, $replace = false, $primaryKey = array())
     if (!is_array($aFields) || !is_array($aValues)) {
         return MAX::raiseError('$aFields and $aValues must be arrays', PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
     $oDbh = OA_DB::singleton();
     // Quote table name
     $qTableName = $oDbh->quoteIdentifier($tableName);
     // Quote fields list
     $fieldList = '(' . join(',', array_map(array($oDbh, 'quoteIdentifier'), $aFields)) . ')';
     // Database custom stuff
     if ($oDbh->dbsyntax == 'mysql') {
         $result = self::_batchInsertMySQL($qTableName, $fieldList, $aValues, $replace);
     } else {
         $result = self::_batchInsertPgSQL($qTableName, $fieldList, $aValues, $replace, $primaryKey);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
         OA::debug('LOAD DATA INFILE / COPY failed or not supported, falling back to INSERTing data by looping over each record...', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         $result = self::batchInsertPlain($tableName, $aFields, $aValues);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Resets a (postgresql) sequence to 1
  * similar to OA_DB_Table::resetSequence()
  * @param string $sequence the name of the sequence to reset
  * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise
 function resetSequence($tableName)
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     $oDbh = OA_DB::singleton();
     if ($aConf['database']['type'] == 'pgsql') {
         $aSequences = $oDbh->manager->listSequences();
         if (is_array($aSequences)) {
             OA::debug('Resetting sequence ' . $sequence, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
             $tableName = substr($aConf['table']['prefix'] . $tableName, 0, 29) . '_';
             foreach ($aSequences as $k => $sequence) {
                 if (strpos($sequence, $tableName) === 0) {
                     $sequence = $oDbh->quoteIdentifier($sequence . '_seq', true);
                     $result = $oDbh->exec("SELECT setval('{$sequence}', 1, false)");
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 OA::debug('Unable to reset sequence on table ' . $tableName, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
                 return false;
     } else {
         if ($aConf['database']['type'] == 'mysql') {
             $tableName = $aConf['table']['prefix'] . $tableName;
             $result = $oDbh->exec("ALTER TABLE {$tableName} AUTO_INCREMENT = 1");
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 OA::debug('Unable to reset sequence on table ' . $tableName, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
                 return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * A method to set the client charset
  * @abstract
  * @param string $charset
  * @return mixed True on success, PEAR_Error otherwise
 function setClientCharset($charset)
     OA::debug('Cannot run abstract method');
Exemplo n.º 23
  * A private metod to obtain a zone's average number of impressions per
  * operation interval, for a given range of operation interval IDs.
  * The average is calculated from the values in the same operation interval
  * IDs from previous weeks to the operation interval range supplied,
  * If the zone does not have sufficient data to calculate the average over
  * the required number of past weeks, then no average value will be returned.
  * @access private
  * @param integer $zoneId The zone ID to obtain the averages for.
  * @param PEAR::Date $oStartDate The start date/time of the operation interval
  *                               of the lower range of the operation interval
  *                               IDs to calculate the past average impressions
  *                               delivered for.
  * @param PEAR::Date $oEndDate The start date/time of the operation interval
  *                             of the upper range of the operation interval
  *                             IDs to calculate the past average impressions
  *                             delivered for.
  * @return array An array, indexed by operation interval IDs, containing the
  *               the average numer of impressions that the zone with ID
  *               $zoneId actually delivered in the past
  *               ZONE_FORECAST_BASELINE_WEEKS weeks in the same operatation
  *               interval IDs.
 function _getZoneImpressionAverages($zoneId, $oStartDate, $oEndDate)
     // Get average impressions for the zone
     $aZoneImpressionAverages = $this->oDal->getZonePastImpressionAverageByOI($zoneId, $oStartDate, $oEndDate, ZONE_FORECAST_BASELINE_WEEKS);
     if (PEAR::isError($aZoneImpressionAverages)) {
         OA::debug("- Error retrieving zone ID {$zoneId}'s average past impressions, exiting", PEAR_LOG_CRIT);
     return $aZoneImpressionAverages;
Exemplo n.º 24
  * logs the overhead of a table
  * @param string $table : name of table without prefix
 function _logTableOverhead($table)
     $table = $this->_getTablenameUnquoted($table);
     $aResult = $this->oDbh->manager->getTableStatus($table);
     if (isset($aResult[0]['data_free']) && is_numeric($aResult[0]['data_free'])) {
         $overhead = $aResult[0]['data_free'];
         OA::debug('Table ' . $table . ' overhead (number of allocated but unused bytes) = ' . $overhead);
         if ($overhead > 0) {
             OA::debug('To reclaim diskspace, consider optimising this table');
     } else {
         OA::debug('Table ' . $table . ' overhead (number of allocated but unused bytes) = unkown');
Exemplo n.º 25
 function checkFilePermission($file, $recurse)
     if (!file_exists($file) || !$this->isWritable($file)) {
         return false;
     $recurseWritable = true;
     if ($recurse) {
         $dh = @opendir($file);
         if ($dh) {
             while (false !== ($f = readdir($dh))) {
                 if ($f == '.' || $f == '..' || $f == '.svn') {
                 $thisFile = $file . '/' . $f;
                 if (!$this->checkFilePermission($thisFile, $recurse)) {
                     OA::debug('Unwritable ' . (is_dir($thisFile) ? 'folder ' : 'file ') . $thisFile);
                     $recurseWritable = false;
     return $recurseWritable;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * The method to run the Maintenance Statistics Engine process.
  * @static
 function run()
     // Get the configuration
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     // Log the start of the process
     OA::debug('Running Maintenance Statistics Engine', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     // Set longer time out, and ignore user abort
     if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
     // Run the following code as the "Maintenance" user
     // Ensure the the current time is registered with the OA_ServiceLocator
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oDate =& $oServiceLocator->get('now');
     if (!$oDate) {
         // Record the current time, and register with the OA_ServiceLocator
         $oDate = new Date();
         $oServiceLocator->register('now', $oDate);
     $this->aComponents = OX_Component::getListOfRegisteredComponentsForHook('addMaintenanceStatisticsTask');
     // addMaintenanceStatisticsTask hook
     if (!empty($this->aComponents) && is_array($this->aComponents)) {
         foreach ($this->aComponents as $componentId) {
             if ($obj = OX_Component::factoryByComponentIdentifier($componentId)) {
     // Initialise the task runner object, for storing/running the tasks
     $this->oTaskRunner = new OA_Task_Runner();
     // Register this object as the controlling class for the process,
     // so that tasks run by the task runner can locate this class to
     // update the report, etc.
     $oServiceLocator =& OA_ServiceLocator::instance();
     $oServiceLocator->register('Maintenance_Statistics_Controller', $this);
     // Create and register an instance of the OA_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics DAL
     // class for the following tasks to use
     if (!$oServiceLocator->get('OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics')) {
         $oFactory = new OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics_Factory();
         $oDal = $oFactory->factory();
         $oServiceLocator->register('OX_Dal_Maintenance_Statistics', $oDal);
     // Add the task to set the update requirements
     $oSetUpdateRequirements = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SetUpdateRequirements();
     // Add the task to migrate the bucket data into the statistics tables
     $oSummariseIntermediate = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_MigrateBucketData();
     // Add the task to handle the de-duplication and rejection of empty conversions
     $oDeDuplicateConversions = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_DeDuplicateConversions();
     // Add the task to handle the updating of "intermediate" statistics with
     // conversion information, as a legacy issue until all code obtains
     // conversion data from the standard conversion statistics tables
     $oManageConversions = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageConversions();
     // Add the task to summarise the intermediate statistics into final form
     $oSummariseFinal = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_SummariseFinal();
     // Add the task to log the completion of the task
     $oLogCompletion = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_LogCompletion();
     // Add the task to manage (enable/disable) campaigns
     $oManageCampaigns = new OX_Maintenance_Statistics_Task_ManageCampaigns();
     // addMaintenanceStatisticsTask hook
     if (!empty($this->aComponents) && is_array($this->aComponents)) {
         foreach ($this->aComponents as $componentId) {
             if ($obj = OX_Component::factoryByComponentIdentifier($componentId)) {
                 $this->oTaskRunner->addTask($obj->addMaintenanceStatisticsTask(), $obj->getExistingClassName(), $obj->getOrder());
     // Run the MSE process tasks
     // addMaintenanceStatisticsTask hook
     if (!empty($this->aComponents) && is_array($this->aComponents)) {
         foreach ($this->aComponents as $componentId) {
             if ($obj = OX_Component::factoryByComponentIdentifier($componentId)) {
     // Return to the "normal" user
     // Log the end of the process
     OA::debug('Maintenance Statistics Engine Completed (Started at ' . $oDate->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oDate->tz->getShortName() . ')', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
Exemplo n.º 27
 * This function check if the click logging for an add is blocked
 * when the block logging is active
 * @param integer $adId              The add's id of the add that the function checks
 *                                   if is blocked for click logging
 * @param array $aBlockLoggingClick  And array with the timestamps of the last click logged
 *                                   for every add that has been clicked
 * @return boolean                   Returns true when the click block logging window for
 *                                   and add hasn't expired yet
function MAX_Delivery_log_isClickBlocked($adId, $aBlockLoggingClick)
    if (isset($GLOBALS['conf']['logging']['blockAdClicksWindow']) && $GLOBALS['conf']['logging']['blockAdClicksWindow'] != 0) {
        if (isset($aBlockLoggingClick[$adId])) {
            $endBlock = MAX_commonUnCompressInt($aBlockLoggingClick[$adId]) + $GLOBALS['conf']['logging']['blockAdClicksWindow'];
            if ($endBlock >= MAX_commonGetTimeNow()) {
                OA::debug('adID ' . $adId . ' click is still blocked by block logging window ');
                return true;
    return false;
  * A method to prune a bucket of all records up to and
  * including the time given.
  * @param Date $oEnd   Prune until this interval_start (inclusive).
  * @param Date $oStart Only prune before this interval_start date (inclusive)
  *                     as well. Optional.
  * @return mixed Either the number of rows pruned, or an MDB2_Error objet.
 public function pruneBucket($oBucket, $oEnd, $oStart = null)
     $sTableName = $oBucket->getBucketTableName();
     if (!is_null($oStart)) {
         OA::debug('  - Pruning the ' . $sTableName . ' table for data with operation interval start between ' . $oStart->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oStart->tz->getShortName() . ' and ' . $oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oEnd->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     } else {
         OA::debug('  - Pruning the ' . $sTableName . ' table for all data with operation interval start equal to or before ' . $oEnd->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $oEnd->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     // As this is raw data being processed, data will not be logged based on the operation interval,
     // but based on the time the raw data was collected. Adjust the $oEnd value accordingly...
     if (!is_null($oStart)) {
         $aStartDates = OX_OperationInterval::convertDateToOperationIntervalStartAndEndDates($oStart);
     $aEndDates = OX_OperationInterval::convertDateToOperationIntervalStartAndEndDates($oEnd);
     OA::debug('    - The ' . $sTableName . ' table is a raw data table. Data logged in real-time, not operation intervals.', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     if (!is_null($oStart)) {
         OA::debug('    - Accordingly, pruning of the ' . $sTableName . ' table will be performed based on data that has a logged date between ', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         OA::debug('      ' . $aStartDates['start']->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $aStartDates['start']->tz->getShortName() . ' and ' . $aEndDates['end']->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $aEndDates['end']->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     } else {
         OA::debug('    - Accordingly, pruning of the ' . $sTableName . ' table will be performed based on data that has a logged date equal to', PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         OA::debug('      or before ' . $aEndDates['end']->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . ' ' . $aEndDates['end']->tz->getShortName(), PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     $query = "\n            DELETE FROM\n                {$sTableName}\n            WHERE\n                date_time <= " . DBC::makeLiteral($aEndDates['end']->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));
     if (!is_null($oStart)) {
         $query .= "\n                AND\n                date_time >= " . DBC::makeLiteral($aStartDates['start']->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'));
     $oDbh = OA_DB::singleton();
     return $oDbh->exec($query);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Connect to OpenX Sync to check for updates
  * @param float $already_seen Only check for updates newer than this value.
  * @return array An array of two items:
  *               Item 0 is the XML-RPC error code. Meanings:
  *                      -2  => The admin user has disabled update checking
  *                      -1  => No response from the server
  *                  0 - 799 => XML-RPC library error codes
  *                       0  => No error
  *                     800  => No updates
  *                     801+ => Error codes from the remote XML-RPC server
  *               Item 1 is either the error message (item 1 != 0), or an array containing update info
 function checkForUpdates($already_seen = 0)
     global $XML_RPC_erruser;
     if (!$this->aConf['sync']['checkForUpdates']) {
         // Checking for updates has been disabled by the admin user,
         // so do not communicate with the server that provides the
         // details of what upgrades are available - just return an
         // 800 "error"
         $aReturn = array(-2, 'Check for updates has been disabled by the administrator.');
         return $aReturn;
     // Create the XML-RPC client object
     $client = OA_Central::getXmlRpcClient($this->_conf);
     // Prepare the installation's platform hash
     $platform_hash = OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::get('platform_hash');
     if (!$platform_hash) {
         // The installation does not have a platform hash; generate one,
         // and save it to the database for later use
         OA::debug("Generating a new platform_hash for the installation", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         $platform_hash = OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::generatePlatformHash();
         if (!OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::set('platform_hash', $platform_hash)) {
             OA::debug("Could not save the new platform_hash to the database", PEAR_LOG_ERR);
             OA::debug("Sync process proceeding without a platform_hash", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
     // Prepare the parameters required for the XML-RPC call to
     // obtain if an update is available for this installation
     $params = array(new XML_RPC_Value(PRODUCT_NAME, 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($this->getConfigVersion(OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::get('oa_version')), 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($already_seen, 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($platform_hash, 'string'));
     // Has the Revive Adserver admin user kindly agreed to share the
     // technology stack that it is running on, to help the community?
     $aTechStack = array('data' => false);
     if ($this->aConf['sync']['shareStack']) {
         // Thanks, admin user! You're a star! Prepare the technology stack
         // data and add it to the XML-RPC call
         if ($this->oDbh->dbsyntax == 'mysql') {
             $dbms = 'MySQL';
         } else {
             if ($this->oDbh->dbsyntax == 'pgsql') {
                 $dbms = 'PostgreSQL';
             } else {
                 $dbms = 'UnknownSQL';
         $aTechStack = array('os_type' => php_uname('s'), 'os_version' => php_uname('r'), 'webserver_type' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? preg_replace('#^(.*?)/.*$#', '$1', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) : '', 'webserver_version' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? preg_replace('#^.*?/(.*?)(?: .*)?$#', '$1', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) : '', 'db_type' => $dbms, 'db_version' => $this->oDbh->queryOne("SELECT VERSION()"), 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'php_sapi' => ucfirst(php_sapi_name()), 'php_extensions' => get_loaded_extensions(), 'php_register_globals' => (bool) ini_get('register_globals'), 'php_magic_quotes_gpc' => (bool) ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc'), 'php_safe_mode' => (bool) ini_get('safe_mode'), 'php_open_basedir' => (bool) strlen(ini_get('open_basedir')), 'php_upload_tmp_readable' => (bool) is_readable(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
     $params[] = XML_RPC_Encode($aTechStack);
     // Add the registered email address
     $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value(OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::get('sync_registered_email'), 'string');
     // Create the XML-RPC request message
     $msg = new XML_RPC_Message("Revive.Sync", $params);
     // Send the XML-RPC request message
     if ($response = $client->send($msg, 10)) {
         // XML-RPC server found, now checking for errors
         if (!$response->faultCode()) {
             // No fault! Woo! Get the response and return it!
             $aReturn = array(0, XML_RPC_Decode($response->value()));
             // Prepare cache
             $cache = $aReturn[1];
             // Update last run
             OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::set('sync_last_run', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
             // Also write to the debug log
             OA::debug("Sync: updates found!", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
         } else {
             // Boo! An error! (Well, maybe - if it's 800, yay!)
             $aReturn = array($response->faultCode(), $response->faultString());
             // Prepare cache
             $cache = false;
             // Update last run
             if ($response->faultCode() == 800) {
                 // Update last run
                 OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::set('sync_last_run', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                 // Also write to the debug log
                 OA::debug("Sync: {$aReturn[1]}", PEAR_LOG_INFO);
             } else {
                 // Write to the debug log
                 OA::debug("Sync: {$aReturn[1]} (code: {$aReturn[0]}", PEAR_LOG_ERR);
                 // Return immediately without writing to cache
                 return $aReturn;
         OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::set('sync_cache', serialize($cache));
         OA_Dal_ApplicationVariables::set('sync_timestamp', time());
         return $aReturn;
     $aReturn = array(-1, 'No response from the remote XML-RPC server.');
     // Also write to the debug log
     OA::debug("Sync: {$aReturn[1]}", PEAR_LOG_ERR);
     return $aReturn;
Exemplo n.º 30
 function _debugIfError($processName, $error)
     if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
         OA::debug("OpenX {$processName} error (" . $error->getCode() . "): " . $error->getMessage(), PEAR_LOG_INFO);