Exemplo n.º 1
 public function save(Nette\Application\UI\Form $form)
     $flag = $this->context->createServiceFlags();
     try {
         $vars = $form->getValues();
         if ($vars['www'] !== '') {
             $form->addError('Are you a spam robot, right?');
             throw new AuthorizationException('Are you a spam robot, right?');
         $flag->flag = $vars;
         $cache = new Nette\Caching\Cache($this->context->cacheStorage);
         $cache->clean(array('flags', 'flag'));
         $this->flashMessage('Děkujeme! Váš podnět k aktualizaci zpracujeme. Peknyden.cz.', 'success');
         $this->hide = true;
     } catch (AuthorizationException $e) {
         $this->flashMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->flashMessage('There is error during saving flag! We know about this. Try it later, please.', 'error');
     if ($this->parent->isAjax()) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function near($lat, $lon, $distance = 100000)
     $key = 'events' . $lat . $lon . $distance;
     $cache = new Nette\Caching\Cache($this->context->cacheStorage);
     $ids = $cache->load($key);
     $ids = NULL;
     if ($ids === NULL) {
         /* Vytáhnu si všechny koordináty */
         $res = dibi::select('id, lat, lon')->from('subject')->where('deleted = 0')->and('map_coords !=""')->fetchAll();
         /* Zjistím vzdálenost jednotlivých ID od středu */
         $locs = array();
         foreach ($res as $r => $n) {
             $dist = Geolocation::getDistance($lat, $lon, $n['lat'], $n['lon']);
             if ($dist <= $distance && $dist > 1) {
                 $locs[] = array('id' => $n['id'], 'dist' => $dist);
         /* Nestliže nic nenajdu, tak vyhodím chybu. */
         if (count($locs) == 0) {
             throw new DibiException('There is no places', 1);
         foreach ($locs as $key => $row) {
             $ids[$key] = $row['id'];
             $distances[$key] = $row['dist'];
         foreach ($locs as $key => $row) {
             $aa[$row['id']] = $row['dist'];
         array_multisort($distances, SORT_ASC, $ids, SORT_ASC, $locs);
         $cache->save($key, $ids, array(Nette\Caching\Cache::TAGS => array("events", "event", "distance"), Nette\Caching\Cache::EXPIRATION => '4 hours'));
     $this->where('subject_id', $ids);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @return void
 protected function shutdown($exception)
     if ($this->cacheKey) {
         $content = ob_get_flush();
         if ($content) {
             // byl vůbec nějaký výstup? To je nutné zkontrolovat, co když byl
             // presenter ukončen třeba metodou lastModified()
             $cache = new \Nette\Caching\Cache($this->context->cacheStorage, 'htmlFront');
             $cache->save($this->cacheKey, $content, array('expire' => 3600, 'tags' => $this->cacheTags));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function fileUploadSuccess(AppForm $form)
     try {
         foreach ($form->values->image as $image) {
             $file = new \File();
             $d = $image->getImageSize();
             if ($d[0] < 300 && $d[1] < 300) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Obrázek je příliš malý. Musí mít minimálně jeden rozměr vyšší než 300px. Nahrajte prosím větší obrázek.');
             if ($d[0] > 3000 || $d[1] > 3000) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Obrázek je až zbytečně veliký. Žádný rozměr by neměl být vyšší než 3000px. Nahrajte prosím menší obrázek.');
             $file->file_prefix = "";
             $file->file_sufix = "_u" . $this->context->user->id . "_" . substr(sha1(time()), 0, 4);
             $file->user_id = $this->context->user->id;
             $file->insertUploaded($image, FILESTORAGE_DIR);
             $file->visible = 1;
             // automaticka publikace
             if ($form->values->type == "event") {
                 dibi::query('INSERT INTO event_x_file', array('event_id' => $form->values->id, 'file_id' => $file->id));
                 $res = dibi::select('*')->from('event_x_file')->where('first', '=', 1)->where('event_id', '=', $form->values->id);
                 if (count($res) == 0) {
                     $res = dibi::select('*')->from('event_x_file')->where('event_id', '=', $form->values->id)->fetch();
                     dibi::query('UPDATE event_x_file SET ', array('first' => 1), 'WHERE event_id = ', $res->event_id, 'AND file_id =', $res->file_id);
             } elseif ($form->values->type == "place") {
                 dibi::query('INSERT INTO subject_x_file', array('subject_id' => $form->values->id, 'file_id' => $file->id));
                 $res = dibi::select('*')->from('subject_x_file')->where('first', '=', 1)->where('subject_id', '=', $form->values->id);
                 if (count($res) == 0) {
                     $res = dibi::select('*')->from('subject_x_file')->where('subject_id', '=', $form->values->id)->fetch();
                     dibi::query('UPDATE subject_x_file SET ', array('first' => 1), 'WHERE subject_id = ', $res->subject_id, 'AND file_id =', $res->file_id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($form->isSuccess()) {
         $cache = new \Nette\Caching\Cache($this->context->cacheStorage);
         $cache->clean(array('files', 'images', 'file', 'image', $form->values->type, $form->values->type . 's'));
         $this->presenter->flashMessage('Dobrá zpráva, fotografie se podařilo vložit!', 'success');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Returns "generated" data.
  * NOTE: This location is only for demo!
  * @return array
 private function getData($cacheKey = 'data')
     $storage = new \Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage($this->context->parameters['tempDir']);
     $cache = new \Nette\Caching\Cache($storage, 'example_data');
     $data = $cache->load($cacheKey);
     if (empty($data)) {
         $data = array(array('id' => 1, 'firstname' => 'Eva', 'surname' => 'Malá'), array('id' => 2, 'firstname' => 'Adéla', 'surname' => 'Střední'), array('id' => 3, 'firstname' => 'Jana', 'surname' => 'Absolonová'), array('id' => 4, 'firstname' => 'Lucie', 'surname' => 'Šikovná'), array('id' => 5, 'firstname' => 'Andrea', 'surname' => 'Potřebná'), array('id' => 6, 'firstname' => 'Michala', 'surname' => 'Zadní'), array('id' => 7, 'firstname' => 'Markéta', 'surname' => 'Mladá'), array('id' => 8, 'firstname' => 'Lenka', 'surname' => 'Přední'), array('id' => 9, 'firstname' => 'Marie', 'surname' => 'Dolní'), array('id' => 10, 'firstname' => 'Hanka', 'surname' => 'Horní'), array('id' => 11, 'firstname' => 'Petra', 'surname' => 'Vysoká'));
         $limit = array(1, 9);
         foreach ($data as &$item) {
             $d = rand($limit[0], $limit[1]);
             $h = rand($limit[0], $limit[1]);
             $m = rand($limit[0], $limit[1]);
             $s = rand($limit[0], $limit[1]);
             $item['last_login'] = $item['id'] == 4 ? NULL : new \Nette\DateTime("NOW - {$d}day {$h}hour {$m}minute {$s}second");
             $item['allowance'] = rand(10000, 100000) / 10;
             $item['ok'] = (bool) rand(0, 1);
         $cache->save($cacheKey, $data, array(\Nette\Caching\Cache::EXPIRE => '+ 60 minutes'));
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Returns annotations.
  * @param  \ReflectionClass|\ReflectionMethod|\ReflectionProperty
  * @return array
 public static function getAll(\Reflector $r)
     if ($r instanceof ReflectionClass) {
         $type = $r->getName();
         $member = 'class';
     } elseif ($r instanceof ReflectionMethod) {
         $type = $r->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
         $member = $r->getName();
     } else {
         $type = $r->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
         $member = '$' . $r->getName();
     if (!self::$useReflection) {
         // auto-expire cache
         $file = $r instanceof ReflectionClass ? $r->getFileName() : $r->getDeclaringClass()->getFileName();
         // will be used later
         if ($file && isset(self::$timestamps[$file]) && self::$timestamps[$file] !== filemtime($file)) {
     if (isset(self::$cache[$type][$member])) {
         // is value cached?
         return self::$cache[$type][$member];
     if (self::$useReflection === NULL) {
         // detects whether is reflection available
         self::$useReflection = (bool) XApp_Reflection_ClassType::from(__CLASS__)->getDocComment();
     if (self::$useReflection) {
         $annotations = self::parseComment($r->getDocComment());
     } else {
         if (!self::$cacheStorage) {
             // trigger_error('Set a cache storage for annotations parser via Nette\Reflection\AnnotationParser::setCacheStorage().', E_USER_WARNING);
             self::$cacheStorage = new Nette\Caching\Storages\DevNullStorage();
         $outerCache = new Nette\Caching\Cache(self::$cacheStorage, 'Nette.Reflection.Annotations');
         if (self::$cache === NULL) {
             self::$cache = (array) $outerCache->load('list');
             self::$timestamps = isset(self::$cache['*']) ? self::$cache['*'] : array();
         if (!isset(self::$cache[$type]) && $file) {
             self::$cache['*'][$file] = filemtime($file);
             foreach (self::parsePhp(file_get_contents($file)) as $class => $info) {
                 foreach ($info as $prop => $comment) {
                     if ($prop !== 'use') {
                         self::$cache[$class][$prop] = self::parseComment($comment);
             $outerCache->save('list', self::$cache);
         if (isset(self::$cache[$type][$member])) {
             $annotations = self::$cache[$type][$member];
         } else {
             $annotations = array();
     if ($r instanceof \ReflectionMethod && !$r->isPrivate() && (!$r->isConstructor() || !empty($annotations['inheritdoc'][0]))) {
         try {
             $inherited = self::getAll(new \ReflectionMethod(get_parent_class($type), $member));
         } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
             try {
                 $inherited = self::getAll($r->getPrototype());
             } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                 $inherited = array();
         $annotations += array_intersect_key($inherited, array_flip(self::$inherited));
     return self::$cache[$type][$member] = $annotations;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function renderDefault()
     $httpRequest = $this->context->getService('httpRequest');
     $this->template->hash = $hash = $httpRequest->getUrl()->path;
     $cache = new \Nette\Caching\Cache($this->context->getService('cacheStorage'));
     $key = $hash . "count";
     $count = $cache->load($key);
     if ($count === NULL) {
         $count = $this->context->createServiceTimes()->fetchPublic()->group('event_time.event_id')->count();
         $cache->save($key, $count, array(\Nette\Caching\Cache::EXPIRE => '2 hours', \Nette\Caching\Cache::TAGS => array('events', 'event'), \Nette\Caching\Cache::SLIDING => TRUE));
     $this->template->eventsCount = $count;
     $this->template->events = $this->items;
     $this->template->page = $this->page;
     // omezeni na lokalitu
     $this->template->locality = false;
     if ($this->locality) {
         $this->items->where('event_time.event.subject.locality.code', $this->locality);
         $this->template->locality = true;
     // omezeni na kraje
     if ($this->shire) {
         $this->items->where('(event_time.event.shire.code = "' . $this->shire . '") OR (event_time.event.shire_id = 99)');
     // omezeni na kategorie
     if ($this->category || count($this->categories) > 0) {
         $this->items->where('event_time.event:event_x_category.category_id', array_keys($this->categories));
         if (count($this->categories) == 1) {
             $this->template->category = $this->context->createServiceCategories()->get(key($this->categories));
         } else {
             $this->template->categories = $this->context->createServiceCategories();
     } else {
     // nastavi casovy ramec
     if ($this->timeframe) {
         $this->template->timeframe = $this->timeframe;
     $this->template->dates = array();
     for ($i = 2; $i < 13; $i++) {
         $ts = time() + $i * 86400;
         if (strftime("%u", $ts) == 6 || strftime("%u", $ts) == 7) {
             $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['time'] = strftime("%a %e. %m.", $ts);
             $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['day'] = 'weekend';
             //$this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)] = strftime("%A", $ts);
         } else {
             $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['time'] = strftime("%a %e. %m.", $ts);
             $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['day'] = 'weekday';
     // pocet polozek s omezenimi
     $key = $hash . $this->timeframe . "/page-" . $this->pagerPlaces->getPage() . "/" . serialize($this->categories);
     $this->template->pagingHash = $key;
     $count = $cache->load($key);
     if ($count === NULL) {
         $count = $this->items->count();
         $cache->save($key, $count, array(\Nette\Caching\Cache::EXPIRE => '2 hours', \Nette\Caching\Cache::TAGS => array('events', 'event'), \Nette\Caching\Cache::SLIDING => TRUE));
     $this->template->count = $count;
     if ($this->page * $this->limit > $count - $this->limit) {
         //zkontroluje, zda se jedna o posledni stranku vypisu
         $this->limit = 9999;
         // nastavi limi na hodne velky cislo, aby se vypsalo vse zbyvajici
         $this->template->limit = $this->limit;
     } elseif (($this->page + 1) * $this->limit > $count - $this->limit) {
         // zkontroluje, zda se jedna o predposledni stranku vypisu
         $this->template->limit = 9998;
     } else {
         $this->template->limit = $this->limit;
     //nastavi razeni
     if ($this->order == "created DESC") {
     } else {
         // ostatni razeni se resi v modelu dle timeframe
     // strankovani
     $this->pagerPlaces->itemsPerPage = $this->limit;
     $this->pagerPlaces->itemCount = $count;
     if ($this->pagerPlaces->getOffset() == 9999 && $this->pagerPlaces->getPage() > 1) {
         $this->redirect('this', array('pagingPlaces-page' => 1));
     if ($this->isAjax()) {
         $this->template->newEntry = $this->items->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset());
     } else {
         $this->template->events = $this->items->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset());
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @param \Nette\DI\Container $dic
  * @throws \Kdyby\Autowired\MemberAccessException
  * @internal
 public function injectComponentFactories(\Nette\DI\Container $dic)
     if (!$this instanceof \Nette\Application\UI\PresenterComponent) {
         throw new \Kdyby\Autowired\MemberAccessException('Trait ' . __TRAIT__ . ' can be used only in descendants of PresenterComponent.');
     $this->autowireComponentFactoriesLocator = $dic;
     $cache = new \Nette\Caching\Cache($dic->getByType('Nette\\Caching\\IStorage'), 'Kdyby.Autowired.AutowireComponentFactories');
     if ($cache->load($presenterClass = get_class($this)) !== NULL) {
     $rc = $this->getReflection();
     $ignore = class_parents('Nette\\Application\\UI\\Presenter') + array('ui' => 'Nette\\Application\\UI\\Presenter');
     foreach ($rc->getMethods() as $method) {
         /** @var Property $prop */
         if (in_array($method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $ignore) || !Strings::startsWith($method->getName(), 'createComponent')) {
         foreach ($method->getParameters() as $parameter) {
             if (!($class = $parameter->getClassName())) {
                 // has object type hint
             if (!$this->findByTypeForFactory($class) && !$parameter->allowsNull()) {
                 throw new \Kdyby\Autowired\MissingServiceException("No service of type {$class} found. Make sure the type hint in {$method} is written correctly and service of this type is registered.");
     $files = array_map(function ($class) {
         return \Nette\Reflection\ClassType::from($class)->getFileName();
     }, array_diff(array_values(class_parents($presenterClass) + array('me' => $presenterClass)), $ignore));
     $files[] = \Nette\Reflection\ClassType::from($this->autowireComponentFactoriesLocator)->getFileName();
     $cache->save($presenterClass, TRUE, array($cache::FILES => $files));