private function _search($base, $filter, $attributes, $sizelimit)
     error_log("looking for {$base} {$filter}");
     $filter_ = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($filter);
     if ($filter_ instanceof PEAR_Error) {
         error_log("filter {$filter} invalid (?)");
     $r = array("count" => 0);
     foreach ($this->_entries as $branch => $entries) {
         if ($base && !preg_match("/{$base}\$/", $branch)) {
         foreach ($entries as $entry) {
             if ($filter_->matches($entry)) {
                 $r[] = MyTestLdap::get_one_entry($entry, $attributes);
                 $r["count"] = $r["count"] + 1;
                 if ($r["count"] == $sizelimit) {
                     return $r;
     return $r;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param $username string
  * @param $configFilter string
  * @return void
 private function PopulateUser($username, $configFilter)
     $uidAttribute = $this->options->GetUserIdAttribute();
     Log::Debug('LDAP - uid attribute: %s', $uidAttribute);
     $RequiredGroup = $this->options->GetRequiredGroup();
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create($uidAttribute, 'equals', $username);
     if ($configFilter) {
         $configFilter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($configFilter);
         if (Net_LDAP2::isError($configFilter)) {
             $message = 'Could not parse search filter %s: ' . $configFilter->getMessage();
             Log::Error($message, $username);
         $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('and', array($filter, $configFilter));
     $attributes = $this->options->Attributes();
     Log::Debug('LDAP - Loading user attributes: %s', implode(', ', $attributes));
     $options = array('attributes' => $attributes);
     Log::Debug('Searching ldap for user %s', $username);
     $searchResult = $this->ldap->search(null, $filter, $options);
     if (Net_LDAP2::isError($searchResult)) {
         $message = 'Could not search ldap for user %s: ' . $searchResult->getMessage();
         Log::Error($message, $username);
     $currentResult = $searchResult->current();
     if ($searchResult->count() == 1 && $currentResult !== false) {
         Log::Debug('Found user %s', $username);
         if (!empty($RequiredGroup)) {
             Log::Debug('LDAP - Required Group: %s', $RequiredGroup);
             $group_filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('uniquemember', 'equals', $currentResult->dn());
             $group_searchResult = $this->ldap->search($RequiredGroup, $group_filter, null);
             if (Net_LDAP2::isError($group_searchResult) && !empty($RequiredGroup)) {
                 $message = 'Could not match Required Group %s: ' . $group_searchResult->getMessage();
                 Log::Error($message, $username);
             if ($group_searchResult->count() == 1 && $group_searchResult !== false) {
                 Log::Debug('Matched Required Group %s', $RequiredGroup);
                 /** @var Net_LDAP2_Entry $entry  */
                 $this->user = new LdapUser($currentResult, $this->options->AttributeMapping());
         } else {
             /** @var Net_LDAP2_Entry $entry  */
             $this->user = new LdapUser($currentResult, $this->options->AttributeMapping());
     } else {
         Log::Debug('Could not find user %s', $username);
  * Retrieve information from LDAP
  * @param string $uid login or email
  * @return array
 public function getRemoteUserInfo($uid)
     if (strpos($uid, '@') === false) {
         $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('uid', 'equals', $uid);
     } else {
         $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('mail', 'equals', $uid);
     if (!empty($this->user_filter_string)) {
         $user_filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($this->user_filter_string);
         $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('and', array($filter, $user_filter));
     $search = $this->connect()->search($this->basedn, $filter, array('sizelimit' => 1));
     $entry = $search->shiftEntry();
     if (!$entry || Misc::isError($entry)) {
         return null;
     $details = array('uid' => $entry->get_value('uid'), 'full_name' => Misc::trim($entry->get_value('cn')), 'emails' => Misc::trim(Misc::lowercase($entry->get_value('mail', 'all'))), 'customer_id' => Misc::trim($entry->get_value($this->customer_id_attribute)) ?: null, 'contact_id' => Misc::trim($entry->get_value($this->contact_id_attribute)) ?: null);
     return $details;
Exemplo n.º 4
    if ($r === NULL) {
        fail("searchUser {$token}", "invalid response\n{$js}");
    $got = map_obj_attr($r, 'uid');
    expectToBe(json_encode($got), $expected, "searchUser {$token}");
searchUser('Fooo Bar', '["fbar"]');
searchUser('o Bar', '["fbar","zbar"]');
searchUser('Fooo B', '["fbar"]');
searchUser('Fooo ', '["fbar"]');
searchUser('Fooo', '["fbar"]');
searchUser('Foo', '[]');
// no sub search if short token
searchUser('Bar Fooo', '["fbar"]');
searchUser('Bar Foo', '["fbar"]');
searchUser('Bar', '["fbar","zbar"]');
// exact search on sn
searchUser('99007', '["fbar"]');
// exact search on sn
Xexpect('getSuperGroups structures', '{"diploma-L2T101":{"key":"diploma-L2T101","description":"L2T101 - Licence 1\\u00e8re ann\\u00e9e Droit (FC)","rawKey":"L2T101","name":"L2T101 - Licence 1\\u00e8re ann\\u00e9e Droit (FC)","category":"diploma","superGroups":[]}}', 'getSuperGroups', ['key' => 'structures-DGH']);
$allGroups = <<<'EOS'
[{"key":"groups-employees.administration.DGH","name":"employees.administration.DGH"},{"key":"groups-employees.administration.DGHA","name":"DSIUN-SAS : Service des applications et services num\u00e9riques","description":"employees.administration.DGH"},{"key":"groups-matiB1010514","name":"UFR 02 - Mati\u00e8re (Semestre 1) : Comptabilit\u00e9 d'entreprise","description":"<br>\n<br>\n<br>\n"},{"key":"affiliation-faculty","name":"Tous les enseignants","description":"Tous les enseignants"},{"key":"affiliation-teacher","name":"Tous les enseignants et charg\u00e9s d'enseignement","description":"Tous les enseignants et charg\u00e9s d'enseignement"},{"key":"affiliation-student","name":"Tous les \u00e9tudiants","description":"Tous les \u00e9tudiants"},{"key":"affiliation-staff","name":"Tous les Biatss","description":"Tous les Biatss"},{"key":"affiliation-researcher","name":"Tous les chercheurs","description":"Tous les chercheurs"},{"key":"affiliation-emeritus","name":"Tous les professeurs \u00e9m\u00e9rites","description":"Tous les professeurs \u00e9m\u00e9rites"},{"key":"affiliation-affiliate","name":"Tous les invit\u00e9s","description":"Tous les invit\u00e9s"},{"key":"businessCategory-research","name":"Laboratoires de recherche","description":"Laboratoires de recherche"},{"key":"businessCategory-library","name":"Biblioth\u00e8ques","description":"Biblioth\u00e8ques"},{"key":"businessCategory-doctoralSchool","name":"\u00c9coles doctorales","description":"\u00c9coles doctorales"},{"key":"businessCategory-administration","name":"Services","description":"Services"},{"key":"businessCategory-pedagogy","name":"Composantes personnels","description":"Composantes personnels"}]
Xexpect('allGroups', $allGroups, 'allGroups', []);
if (0) {
    $dn = 'uid=foo,dc=fr';
    $entry = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createFresh($dn);
    $entry->add(array('entryDN' => $entry->dn()));
    $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse("(entryDN={$dn})");
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Test match()
 public function testMatch()
     // make up some local test entry
     $entry1 = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createFresh('cn=Simpson Homer,l=springfield,c=usa', array('cn' => 'Simpson Homer', 'sn' => 'Simpson', 'givenName' => 'Homer', 'fingers' => 5, 'hairColor' => 'black', 'donutsConsumed' => 4521875663232, 'height' => '175', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'objectClass' => array('top', 'person', 'inetOrgPerson', 'myFancyTestClass')));
     $entry2 = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createFresh('cn=Simpson Bart,l=springfield,c=usa', array('cn' => 'Simpson Bart', 'sn' => 'Simpson', 'givenName' => 'Bart', 'fingers' => 5, 'hairColor' => 'yellow', 'height' => '120', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'objectClass' => array('top', 'person', 'inetOrgPerson', 'myFancyTestClass')));
     $entry3 = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createFresh('cn=Brockman Kent,l=springfield,c=usa', array('cn' => 'Brockman Kent', 'sn' => 'Brockman', 'givenName' => 'Kent', 'fingers' => 5, 'hairColor' => 'white', 'height' => '185', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'objectClass' => array('top', 'person', 'inetOrgPerson', 'myFancyTestClass')));
     $allEntries = array($entry1, $entry2, $entry3);
     // Simple matching on single entry
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('cn', 'equals', 'Simpson Homer');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter->matches($entry1));
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('cn', 'equals', 'son');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $filter->matches($entry1));
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('mail', 'begins', 'Hom');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter->matches($entry1));
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('objectClass', 'contains', 'org');
     // note the lowercase of 'org', as DirSTR is usually syntax CaseIgnore
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter->matches($entry1));
     // Simple negative tests on single entry
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('givenName', 'equals', 'Lisa-is-nonexistent');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $filter->matches($entry1));
     // Simple tests with multiple entries
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('cn', 'begins', 'Nomatch');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $filter->matches($allEntries));
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('cn', 'begins', 'Simpson Ho');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter->matches($allEntries));
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('cn', 'begins', 'Simpson');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $filter->matches($allEntries));
     // test with retrieving the resulting entries
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('cn', 'begins', 'Simpson Ho');
     $filterresult = array();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult));
     $this->assertEquals(count($filterresult), $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult), "returned result and result counter differ!");
     $this->assertEquals($entry1->dn(), array_shift($filterresult)->dn(), "Filtered entry does not equal expected entry! filter='" . $filter->asString() . "'");
     // make sure return values are consistent with input and that all entries are found
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse('(objectClass=*)');
     $filterresult = array();
     $this->assertEquals(count($allEntries), $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult), "returned result does not match input data count");
     $this->assertEquals(count($filterresult), $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult), "returned result and result counter differ!");
     // Test for compliant "any" filtering:
     // Only entries should be returned, that have the attribute
     // Negation: Only Entries that don't have the attribute set at all
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('donutsConsumed', 'any');
     // only homer consume donuts
     $filterresult = array();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult));
     $this->assertEquals($entry1->dn(), array_shift($filterresult)->dn(), "Filtered entry does not equal expected entry! filter='" . $filter->asString() . "'");
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('not', $filter);
     // all but homer consume donuts
     $this->assertEquals(count($allEntries) - 1, $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult), "Filtered entry does not equal expected entry! filter='" . $filter->asString() . "'");
     // NOT combination test
     $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('givenName', 'not equals', 'Homer');
     $filterresult = array();
     $this->assertEquals(2, $filter->matches($allEntries, $filterresult));
     $this->assertEquals($entry2->dn(), array_shift($filterresult)->dn(), "Filtered entry does not equal expected entry! filter='" . $filter->asString() . "'");
     $this->assertEquals($entry3->dn(), array_shift($filterresult)->dn(), "Filtered entry does not equal expected entry! filter='" . $filter->asString() . "'");
     // OR combination test
     $filter1 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('sn', 'equals', 'Simpson');
     $filter2 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('givenName', 'equals', 'Kent');
     $filter_or = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or', array($filter1, $filter2));
     $filterresult = array();
     $this->assertEquals(3, $filter_or->matches($allEntries, $filterresult));
     // AND combination test
     $filter1 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('sn', 'equals', 'Simpson');
     $filter2 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('givenName', 'equals', 'Bart');
     $filter_and = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('and', array($filter1, $filter2));
     $filterresult = array();
     $filter_and->matches($allEntries, $filterresult);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter_and->matches($allEntries, $filterresult), "AND Filter failed '" . $filter_and->asString() . "'");
     // AND, NOT and OR combined test
     $filter1 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or', array(Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('hairColor', 'equals', 'white'), Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('hairColor', 'equals', 'black')));
     $filter2 = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create('givenName', 'not equals', 'Homer');
     // all except homer
     $filter_final = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('and', array($filter1, $filter2));
     $this->assertEquals(2, $filter1->matches($allEntries));
     // kent and homer
     $this->assertEquals(2, $filter2->matches($allEntries));
     // kent and bart
     $filterresult = array();
     $this->assertEquals(1, $filter_final->matches($allEntries, $filterresult));
     // should leave only kent
     $this->assertEquals($entry3->dn(), array_shift($filterresult)->dn(), "Filtered entry does not equal expected entry! filter='" . $filter_final->asString() . "'");
     // [TODO]: Further tests for >, <, >=, <= and ~=, when they are implemented.
     // ...until then: negative testing for those cases
     foreach (array('>', '<', '>=', '<=', '~=') as $to) {
         $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse("(fingers{$to}5)");
         $this->assertInstanceOf('PEAR_Error', $filter->matches($allEntries), "Valid operator succeeded: WRITE THE TESTCASE FOR IT!");
Exemplo n.º 6
 function authenticate($login, $password)
     if ($login && $password) {
         if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
             trigger_error('auth_ldap requires PHP\'s PECL LDAP package installed.');
             return FALSE;
         if (!(require_once 'Net/LDAP2.php')) {
             trigger_error('auth_ldap requires the PEAR package Net::LDAP2');
             return FALSE;
         $debugMode = defined('LDAP_AUTH_DEBUG') ? LDAP_AUTH_DEBUG : FALSE;
         $parsedURI = parse_url(LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI);
         if ($parsedURI === FALSE) {
             $this->_log('Could not parse LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI in config.php');
             return FALSE;
         $ldapConnParams = array('host' => $parsedURI['scheme'] . '://' . $parsedURI['host'], 'basedn' => LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN, 'options' => array('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS' => 0));
         if (!$anonymousBeforeBind) {
             $ldapConnParams['binddn'] = LDAP_AUTH_BINDDN;
             $ldapConnParams['bindpw'] = LDAP_AUTH_BINDPW;
         $ldapConnParams['starttls'] = defined('LDAP_AUTH_USETLS') ? LDAP_AUTH_USETLS : FALSE;
         if (is_int($parsedURI['port'])) {
             $ldapConnParams['port'] = $parsedURI['port'];
         $ldapSchemaCacheEnable = defined('LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_ENABLE') ? LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_ENABLE : TRUE;
         $ldapSchemaCacheTimeout = defined('LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_TIMEOUT') ? LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_TIMEOUT : 86400;
         $logAttempts = defined('LDAP_AUTH_LOG_ATTEMPTS') ? LDAP_AUTH_LOG_ATTEMPTS : FALSE;
         // Making connection to LDAP server
         $ldapConn = Net_LDAP2::connect($ldapConnParams);
         if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ldapConn)) {
             $this->_log('Could not connect to LDAP Server: ' . $ldapConn->getMessage());
             return FALSE;
         // Bind with service account if orignal connexion was anonymous
         if ($anonymousBeforeBind) {
             $binding = $ldapConn->bind(LDAP_AUTH_BINDDN, LDAP_AUTH_BINDPW);
             if (Net_LDAP2::isError($binding)) {
                 $this->_log('Cound not bind service account: ' . $binding->getMessage());
                 return FALSE;
         //Cache LDAP Schema
         if ($ldapSchemaCacheEnable) {
             if (!sys_get_temp_dir()) {
                 $tmpFile = tmp;
                 $tmpDir = dirname($tmpFile);
             } else {
                 $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
             if (empty($parsedURI['port'])) {
                 $ldapPort = $parsedURI['scheme'] == 'ldaps' ? 636 : 389;
             } else {
                 $ldapPort = $parsedURI['port'];
             $cacheFileLoc = $tmpDir . '/ttrss-ldapCache-' . $parsedURI['host'] . ':' . $ldapPort . '.cache';
             if ($debugMode) {
                 $this->_log('Schema Cache File: ' . $cacheFileLoc, E_USER_NOTICE);
             $schemaCacheConf = array('path' => $cacheFileLoc, 'max_age' => $ldapSchemaCacheTimeout);
             $schemaCacheObj = new Net_LDAP2_SimpleFileSchemaCache($schemaCacheConf);
         //Searching for user
         $completedSearchFiler = str_replace('???', $login, LDAP_AUTH_SEARCHFILTER);
         $filterObj = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($completedSearchFiler);
         $searchResults = $ldapConn->search(LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN, $filterObj);
         if (Net_LDAP2::isError($searchResults)) {
             $this->_log('LDAP Search Failed: ' . $searchResults->getMessage());
             return FALSE;
         } elseif ($searchResults->count() === 0) {
             if ($logAttempts) {
                 $this->_logAttempt((string) $login, 'Unknown User');
             return FALSE;
         } elseif ($searchResults->count() > 1) {
             $this->_log('Multiple DNs found for username ' . $login);
             return FALSE;
         //Getting user's DN from search
         $userEntry = $searchResults->shiftEntry();
         $userDN = $userEntry->dn();
         //Binding with user's DN.
         $loginAttempt = $ldapConn->bind($userDN, $password);
         if ($loginAttempt === TRUE) {
             if ($logAttempts) {
                 $this->_logAttempt((string) $login, 'successful');
             return $this->base->auto_create_user($login);
         } elseif ($loginAttempt->getCode() == 49) {
             if ($logAttempts) {
                 $this->_logAttempt((string) $login, 'bad password');
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             $this->_log('Unknown Error: Code: ' . $loginAttempt->getCode() . ' Message: ' . $loginAttempt->getMessage() . ' user(' . (string) $login . ')');
             return FALSE;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Main Authentication method
  * Required for plugin interface 
  * @param unknown $login  User's username
  * @param unknown $password User's password
  * @return boolean
 function authenticate($login, $password)
     if ($login && $password) {
         if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
             trigger_error('auth_ldap requires PHP\'s PECL LDAP package installed.');
             return FALSE;
         if (!(require_once 'Net/LDAP2.php')) {
             trigger_error('auth_ldap requires the PEAR package Net::LDAP2');
             return FALSE;
               Loading configuration 
         $this->_debugMode = defined('LDAP_AUTH_DEBUG') ? LDAP_AUTH_DEBUG : FALSE;
         $this->_serviceBindDN = defined('LDAP_AUTH_BINDDN') ? LDAP_AUTH_BINDDN : null;
         $this->_serviceBindPass = defined('LDAP_AUTH_BINDPW') ? LDAP_AUTH_BINDPW : null;
         $this->_baseDN = defined('LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN') ? LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN : null;
         if (!defined('LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN')) {
             $this->_log('LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN is required and not defined.', E_USER_ERROR);
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             $this->_baseDN = LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN;
         $parsedURI = parse_url(LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI);
         if ($parsedURI === FALSE) {
             $this->_log('Could not parse LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI in config.php', E_USER_ERROR);
             return FALSE;
         $this->_host = $parsedURI['host'];
         $this->_scheme = $parsedURI['scheme'];
         if (is_int($parsedURI['port'])) {
             $this->_port = $parsedURI['port'];
         } else {
             $this->_port = $this->_scheme === 'ldaps' ? 636 : 389;
         $this->_useTLS = defined('LDAP_AUTH_USETLS') ? LDAP_AUTH_USETLS : FALSE;
         $this->_allowUntrustedCerts = defined('LDAP_AUTH_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CERT') ? LDAP_AUTH_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CERT : FALSE;
         $this->_schemaCacheEnable = defined('LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_ENABLE') ? LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_ENABLE : TRUE;
         $this->_schemaCacheTimeout = defined('LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_TIMEOUT') ? LDAP_AUTH_SCHEMA_CACHE_TIMEOUT : 86400;
         $this->_logAttempts = defined('LDAP_AUTH_LOG_ATTEMPTS') ? LDAP_AUTH_LOG_ATTEMPTS : FALSE;
         $this->_ldapLoginAttrib = defined('LDAP_AUTH_LOGIN_ATTRIB') ? LDAP_AUTH_LOGIN_ATTRIB : null;
               Building LDAP connection
         $ldapConnParams = array('host' => $this->_scheme . '://' . $this->_host, 'options' => array('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS' => 0), 'basedn' => $this->_baseDN, 'port' => $this->_port, 'starttls' => $this->_useTLS);
         if (!$this->_anonBeforeBind) {
             $ldapConnParams['binddn'] = $this->_serviceBindDN;
             $ldapConnParams['bindpw'] = $this->_serviceBindPass;
         if ($this->_allowUntrustedCerts) {
         if ($this->_debugMode) {
             $this->_log(print_r($ldapConnParams, TRUE), E_USER_NOTICE);
         $ldapConn = Net_LDAP2::connect($ldapConnParams);
         if (get_class($ldapConn) !== 'Net_LDAP2') {
             $this->_log('Could not connect to LDAP Server: ' . $ldapConn->getMessage() . ' with ' . $this->_getBindDNWord(), E_USER_ERROR);
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             $this->ldapObj = $ldapConn;
             $this->_log('Connected to LDAP Server: ' . LDAP_AUTH_SERVER_URI . ' with ' . $this->_getBindDNWord());
         // Bind with service account if orignal connexion was anonymous
         if ($this->_anonBeforeBind && strlen($this->_bindDN > 0)) {
             $binding = $this->ldapObj->bind($this->_serviceBindDN, $this->_serviceBindPass);
             if (get_class($binding) !== 'Net_LDAP2') {
                 $this->_log('Cound not bind service account: ' . $binding->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
                 return FALSE;
             } else {
                 $this->_log('Bind with ' . $this->_serviceBindDN . ' successful.', E_USER_NOTICE);
         //Cache LDAP Schema
         if ($ldapSchemaCacheEnable) {
         //Validate BaseDN
         $baseDNObj = $this->ldapObj->getEntry($this->_baseDN);
         if (get_class($baseDNObj) !== 'Net_LDAP2_Entry') {
             $this->_log('Cound not get LDAP_AUTH_BASEDN.  Please check config.php', E_USER_ERROR);
             //return FALSE;
         //Searching for user
         $escapedUserName = Net_LDAP2_Util::escape_filter_value(array($login));
         $completedSearchFilter = str_replace('???', $escapedUserName[0], LDAP_AUTH_SEARCHFILTER);
         $filterObj = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($completedSearchFilter);
         if (get_class($filterObj) !== 'Net_LDAP2_Filter') {
             $this->_log('Could not parse LDAP Search filter', E_USER_ERROR);
             return FALSE;
         if ($this->_debugMode) {
             $this->_log("Seaching for user {$login} with this query " . $filterObj->asString() . ' within ' . $this->_baseDN);
         $searchResults = $this->ldapObj->search($this->_baseDN, $filterObj);
         if (get_class($searchResults) !== 'Net_LDAP2_Search') {
             $this->_log('LDAP Search Failed: ' . $searchResults->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
             return FALSE;
         } elseif ($searchResults->count() === 0) {
             $this->_log((string) $login, 'Unknown User', E_USER_NOTICE);
             return FALSE;
         } elseif ($searchResults->count() > 1) {
             $this->_log('Multiple DNs found for username ' . (string) $login, E_USER_WARNING);
             return FALSE;
         //Getting user's DN from search
         $userEntry = $searchResults->shiftEntry();
         $userDN = $userEntry->dn();
         //Binding with user's DN.
         if ($this->_debugMode) {
             $this->_log('Try to bind with user\'s DN: ' . $userDN);
         $loginAttempt = $this->ldapObj->bind($userDN, $password);
         if ($loginAttempt === TRUE) {
             $this->_log('User: '******' authentication successful');
             if (strlen($this->_ldapLoginAttrib) > 0) {
                 if ($this->_debugMode) {
                     $this->_log('Looking up TT-RSS username attribute in ' . $this->_ldapLoginAttrib);
                 $ttrssUsername = $userEntry->getValue($this->_ldapLoginAttrib, 'single');
                 if (!is_string($ttrssUsername)) {
                     $this->_log('Could not find user name attribute ' . $this->_ldapLoginAttrib . ' in LDAP entry', E_USER_WARNING);
                     return FALSE;
                 return $this->base->auto_create_user($ttrssUsername);
             } else {
                 return $this->base->auto_create_user($login);
         } elseif ($loginAttempt->getCode() == 49) {
             $this->_log('User: '******' authentication failed');
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             $this->_log('Unknown Error: Code: ' . $loginAttempt->getCode() . ' Message: ' . $loginAttempt->getMessage() . ' user(' . (string) $login . ')', E_USER_WARNING);
             return FALSE;
     return false;