Exemplo n.º 1
 function list_actions(Contact $user, $qreq, PaperList $pl, &$actions)
     if (!$user->isPC || Navigation::page() === "reviewprefs") {
     // tagtype cell
     $tagopt = array("a" => "Add", "d" => "Remove", "s" => "Define", "xxxa" => null, "ao" => "Add to order", "aos" => "Add to gapless order", "so" => "Define order", "sos" => "Define gapless order", "sor" => "Define random order");
     $tagextra = array("id" => "placttagtype");
     if ($user->privChair) {
         $tagopt["xxxb"] = null;
         $tagopt["da"] = "Clear twiddle";
         $tagopt["cr"] = "Calculate rank";
         $tagextra["onchange"] = "plactions_dofold()";
         Ht::stash_script("plactions_dofold()", "plactions_dofold");
     // tag name cell
     $t = "";
     if ($user->privChair) {
         $t .= '<span class="fx99"><a class="q" href="#" onclick="return fold(\'placttags\')">' . expander(null, 0) . "</a></span>";
     $t .= 'tag<span class="fn99">(s)</span> &nbsp;' . Ht::entry("tag", $qreq->tag, ["size" => 15, "onfocus" => "autosub('tag',this)", "class" => "wantcrpfocus"]) . ' &nbsp;' . Ht::submit("fn", "Go", ["value" => "tag", "onclick" => "return plist_submit.call(this)"]);
     if ($user->privChair) {
         $t .= "<div class='fx'><div style='margin:2px 0'>" . Ht::checkbox("tagcr_gapless", 1, $qreq->tagcr_gapless, array("style" => "margin-left:0")) . "&nbsp;" . Ht::label("Gapless order") . "</div>" . "<div style='margin:2px 0'>Using: &nbsp;" . Ht::select("tagcr_method", PaperRank::methods(), $qreq->tagcr_method) . "</div>" . "<div style='margin:2px 0'>Source tag: &nbsp;~" . Ht::entry("tagcr_source", $qreq->tagcr_source, array("size" => 15)) . "</div></div>";
     $actions[] = [500, "tag", "Tag", "<b>:</b> &nbsp;" . Ht::select("tagfn", $tagopt, $qreq->tagfn, $tagextra) . " &nbsp;", ["id" => "foldplacttags", "class" => "foldc fold99c", "content" => $t]];
Exemplo n.º 2
function initialize_user()
    global $Conf, $Me;
    // load current user
    $Me = null;
    $trueuser = get($_SESSION, "trueuser");
    if ($trueuser && $trueuser->email) {
        $Me = $Conf->user_by_email($trueuser->email);
    if (!$Me) {
        $Me = new Contact($trueuser);
    $Me = $Me->activate();
    // redirect if disabled
    if ($Me->disabled) {
        if (Navigation::page() === "api") {
            json_exit(["ok" => false, "error" => "Your account is disabled."]);
        } else {
            if (Navigation::page() !== "index") {
    // if bounced through login, add post data
    if (isset($_SESSION["login_bounce"]) && !$Me->is_empty()) {
        $lb = $_SESSION["login_bounce"];
        if ($lb[0] == $Conf->dsn && $lb[2] !== "index" && $lb[2] == Navigation::page()) {
            foreach ($lb[3] as $k => $v) {
                if (!isset($_REQUEST[$k])) {
                    $_REQUEST[$k] = $_GET[$k] = $v;
            $_REQUEST["after_login"] = 1;
    // set $_SESSION["addrs"]
    if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && (!is_array(get($_SESSION, "addrs")) || get($_SESSION["addrs"], 0) !== $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) {
        $as = array($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
        if (is_array(get($_SESSION, "addrs"))) {
            foreach ($_SESSION["addrs"] as $a) {
                if ($a !== $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && count($as) < 5) {
                    $as[] = $a;
        $_SESSION["addrs"] = $as;
Exemplo n.º 3
function initialize_user()
    global $Conf, $Opt, $Me;
    // backwards compat: set $_SESSION["user"] from $_SESSION["Me"]
    if (!isset($_SESSION["user"]) && isset($_SESSION["Me"])) {
        $x = $_SESSION["Me"];
        $_SESSION["user"] = "******";
        unset($_SESSION["Me"], $_SESSION["pcmembers"]);
    if (!isset($_SESSION["trueuser"]) && isset($_SESSION["user"])) {
        $_SESSION["trueuser"] = $_SESSION["user"];
    if (is_string(@$_SESSION["trueuser"])) {
        $userwords = explode(" ", $_SESSION["trueuser"]);
        $_SESSION["trueuser"] = (object) array("contactId" => $userwords[0], "dsn" => $userwords[1], "email" => @$userwords[2]);
    // load current user
    $Me = null;
    $trueuser = @$_SESSION["trueuser"];
    if ($trueuser && $trueuser->dsn == $Conf->dsn) {
        $Me = Contact::find_by_id($trueuser->contactId);
    if (!$Me && $trueuser && $trueuser->email) {
        $Me = Contact::find_by_email($trueuser->email);
    if (!$Me) {
        $Me = new Contact($trueuser);
    $Me = $Me->activate();
    // if bounced through login, add post data
    if (isset($_SESSION["login_bounce"]) && !$Me->is_empty()) {
        $lb = $_SESSION["login_bounce"];
        if ($lb[0] == $Conf->dsn && $lb[2] !== "index" && $lb[2] == Navigation::page()) {
            foreach ($lb[3] as $k => $v) {
                if (!isset($_REQUEST[$k])) {
                    $_REQUEST[$k] = $_GET[$k] = $v;
            $_REQUEST["after_login"] = 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
function initialize_user()
    global $Conf, $Me;
    // load current user
    $Me = null;
    $trueuser = get($_SESSION, "trueuser");
    if ($trueuser && $trueuser->email) {
        $Me = Contact::find_by_email($trueuser->email);
    if (!$Me) {
        $Me = new Contact($trueuser);
    $Me = $Me->activate();
    // if bounced through login, add post data
    if (isset($_SESSION["login_bounce"]) && !$Me->is_empty()) {
        $lb = $_SESSION["login_bounce"];
        if ($lb[0] == $Conf->dsn && $lb[2] !== "index" && $lb[2] == Navigation::page()) {
            foreach ($lb[3] as $k => $v) {
                if (!isset($_REQUEST[$k])) {
                    $_REQUEST[$k] = $_GET[$k] = $v;
            $_REQUEST["after_login"] = 1;
    // set $_SESSION["addrs"]
    if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && (!is_array(@$_SESSION["addrs"]) || @$_SESSION["ips"][0] !== $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) {
        $as = array($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
        if (is_array(@$_SESSION["addrs"])) {
            foreach ($_SESSION["addrs"] as $a) {
                if ($a !== $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && count($as) < 5) {
                    $as[] = $a;
        $_SESSION["addrs"] = $as;
Exemplo n.º 5
 function allow(Contact $user)
     return $user->privChair && Navigation::page() !== "reviewprefs";
Exemplo n.º 6
require_once "lib/navigation.php";
function choose_page($page)
    if ($page !== "" && $page[0] === "~") {
        $xpage = Navigation::path_component(0, true);
        Navigation::set_path("/" . $page . Navigation::path_suffix(1));
        $page = Navigation::set_page($xpage ?: "index");
    $i = strlen($page) - 4;
    if ($i > 0 && substr($page, $i) === ".php") {
        $page = substr($page, 0, $i);
    if ($page === "index") {
        return null;
    if (is_readable($page . ".php") && strpos($page, "/") === false) {
        return $page . ".php";
    } else {
        if (preg_match(',\\A(?:images|scripts|stylesheets)\\z,', $page)) {
            $_REQUEST["file"] = $page . Navigation::path();
            return "cacheable.php";
        } else {
if ($page = choose_page(Navigation::page())) {
    include $page;
} else {
    require_once "pages/home.php";
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function requested()
     global $Me;
     if (self::$requested_list === false) {
         // look up list ID
         $listdesc = req("ls");
         if (isset($_COOKIE["hotcrp_ls"])) {
             $listdesc = $listdesc ?: $_COOKIE["hotcrp_ls"];
         $list = null;
         if (($listno = cvtint($listdesc, null)) && ($xlist = self::lookup($listno)) && (!get($xlist, "cid") || $xlist->cid == ($Me ? $Me->contactId : 0))) {
             $list = $xlist;
         // look up list description
         if (!$list && $listdesc) {
             $listtype = "p";
             if (Navigation::page() === "profile" || Navigation::page() === "users") {
                 $listtype = "u";
             if (preg_match('_\\Ap/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?(.*)\\z_', $listdesc, $m)) {
                 $list = self::try_list(["t" => $m[1], "q" => urldecode($m[2])], "p", $m[3]);
             if (!$list && preg_match('/\\A(all|s):(.*)\\z/s', $listdesc, $m)) {
                 $list = self::try_list(["t" => $m[1], "q" => $m[2]], "p");
             if (!$list && preg_match('/\\A[a-z]+\\z/', $listdesc)) {
                 $list = self::try_list(["t" => $listdesc], $listtype);
             if (!$list) {
                 $list = self::try_list(["q" => $listdesc], $listtype);
         self::$requested_list = $list;
     return self::$requested_list;
Exemplo n.º 8
 function escape()
     global $Conf;
     if (get($_REQUEST, "ajax")) {
         if ($this->is_empty()) {
             $Conf->ajaxExit(array("ok" => 0, "loggedout" => 1));
         } else {
             $Conf->ajaxExit(array("ok" => 0, "error" => "You don’t have permission to access that page."));
     if ($this->is_empty()) {
         // Preserve post values across session expiration.
         $x = array();
         if (Navigation::path()) {
             $x["__PATH__"] = preg_replace(",^/+,", "", Navigation::path());
         if (get($_REQUEST, "anchor")) {
             $x["anchor"] = $_REQUEST["anchor"];
         $url = selfHref($x, array("raw" => true, "site_relative" => true));
         $_SESSION["login_bounce"] = array($Conf->dsn, $url, Navigation::page(), $_POST);
         if (check_post()) {
             error_go(false, "You’ve been logged out due to inactivity, so your changes have not been saved. After logging in, you may submit them again.");
         } else {
             error_go(false, "You must sign in to access that page.");
     } else {
         error_go(false, "You don’t have permission to access that page.");
Exemplo n.º 9

// index.php -- HotCRP home page
// HotCRP is Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Eddie Kohler and Regents of the UC
// Distributed under an MIT-like license; see LICENSE
require_once "lib/navigation.php";
if (Navigation::page() !== "index") {
    $page = Navigation::page();
    if (is_readable("{$page}.php") && strpos($page, "/") === false) {
        include "{$page}.php";
    } else {
        if ($page == "images" || $page == "scripts" || $page == "stylesheets") {
            $_REQUEST["file"] = $page . Navigation::path();
            include "cacheable.php";
        } else {
require_once "pages/home.php";
Exemplo n.º 10
 function allow(Contact $user)
     return $user->is_manager() && Navigation::page() !== "reviewprefs";
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function set_page($page)
     return self::$page = $page;
Exemplo n.º 12
function self_href($extra = array(), $options = null)
    global $CurrentList;
    // clean parameters from pathinfo URLs
    foreach (array("paperId" => "p", "pap" => "p", "reviewId" => "r", "commentId" => "c") as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST[$k]) && !isset($_REQUEST[$v])) {
            $_REQUEST[$v] = $_REQUEST[$k];
    $param = "";
    foreach (array("p", "r", "c", "m", "pset", "u", "commit", "mode", "forceShow", "validator", "ls", "list", "t", "q", "qa", "qo", "qx", "qt", "tab", "atab", "group", "sort", "monreq", "noedit", "contact", "reviewer") as $what) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST[$what]) && !array_key_exists($what, $extra)) {
            $param .= "&{$what}=" . urlencode($_REQUEST[$what]);
    foreach ($extra as $key => $value) {
        if ($key != "anchor" && $value !== null) {
            $param .= "&{$key}=" . urlencode($value);
    if (isset($CurrentList) && $CurrentList > 0 && !isset($_REQUEST["ls"]) && !array_key_exists("ls", $extra)) {
        $param .= "&ls=" . $CurrentList;
    $param = $param ? substr($param, 1) : "";
    if (!$options || !@$options["site_relative"]) {
        $uri = hoturl(Navigation::page(), $param);
    } else {
        $uri = hoturl_site_relative(Navigation::page(), $param);
    if (isset($extra["anchor"])) {
        $uri .= "#" . $extra["anchor"];
    $uri = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $uri);
    if (!$options || @$options["raw"]) {
        return $uri;
    } else {
        return htmlspecialchars($uri);
Exemplo n.º 13
function reviewTable($prow, $rrows, $crows, $rrow, $mode, $proposals = null)
    global $Conf, $Me;
    $subrev = array();
    $nonsubrev = array();
    $foundRrow = $foundMyReview = $notShown = 0;
    $conflictType = $Me->view_conflict_type($prow);
    $allow_admin = $Me->allow_administer($prow);
    $admin = $Me->can_administer($prow);
    $hideUnviewable = $conflictType > 0 && !$admin || !$Me->act_pc($prow) && !$Conf->setting("extrev_view");
    $show_colors = $Me->can_view_reviewer_tags($prow);
    $tagger = $show_colors ? new Tagger($Me) : null;
    $xsep = ' <span class="barsep">·</span> ';
    $want_scores = $mode !== "assign" && $mode !== "edit" && $mode !== "re";
    $want_requested_by = false;
    $want_retract = false;
    $pcm = pcMembers();
    $score_header = array();
    // actual rows
    foreach ($rrows as $rr) {
        $highlight = $rrow && $rr->reviewId == $rrow->reviewId;
        $foundRrow += $highlight;
        if ($Me->is_my_review($rr)) {
        $canView = $Me->can_view_review($prow, $rr, null);
        // skip unsubmitted reviews
        if (!$canView && $hideUnviewable) {
            if ($rr->reviewNeedsSubmit == 1 && $rr->reviewModified) {
        $t = "";
        $tclass = $rrow && $highlight ? "hilite" : "";
        // review ID
        $id = "Review";
        if ($rr->reviewSubmitted) {
            $id .= "&nbsp;#" . $prow->paperId . unparseReviewOrdinal($rr->reviewOrdinal);
        } else {
            if ($rr->reviewType == REVIEW_SECONDARY && $rr->reviewNeedsSubmit <= 0) {
                $id .= "&nbsp;(delegated)";
            } else {
                if ($rr->reviewModified > 0) {
                    $id .= "&nbsp;(in&nbsp;progress)";
                } else {
                    $id .= "&nbsp;(not&nbsp;started)";
        $rlink = unparseReviewOrdinal($rr);
        if ($rrow && $rrow->reviewId == $rr->reviewId) {
            if ($Me->contactId == $rr->contactId && !$rr->reviewSubmitted) {
                $id = "Your {$id}";
            $t .= '<td><a href="' . hoturl("review", "p={$prow->paperId}&r={$rlink}") . '" class="q"><b>' . $id . '</b></a></td>';
        } else {
            if (!$canView) {
                $t .= "<td>{$id}</td>";
            } else {
                if ($rrow || $rr->reviewModified <= 0 || ($mode === "re" || $mode === "assign") && $Me->can_review($prow, $rr)) {
                    $t .= '<td><a href="' . hoturl("review", "p={$prow->paperId}&r={$rlink}") . '">' . $id . '</a></td>';
                } else {
                    if (Navigation::page() !== "paper") {
                        $t .= '<td><a href="' . hoturl("paper", "p={$prow->paperId}#r{$rlink}") . '">' . $id . '</a></td>';
                    } else {
                        $t .= '<td><a href="#r' . $rlink . '">' . $id . '</a></td>';
        // primary/secondary glyph
        if ($conflictType > 0 && !$admin) {
            $rtype = "";
        } else {
            if ($rr->reviewType > 0) {
                $rtype = review_type_icon($rr->reviewType);
                if ($admin && $mode === "assign") {
                    $rtype .= _review_table_round_selector($prow, $rr);
                } else {
                    if ($rr->reviewRound > 0 && $Me->can_view_review_round($prow, $rr)) {
                        $rtype .= '&nbsp;<span class="revround" title="Review round">' . htmlspecialchars($Conf->round_name($rr->reviewRound, true)) . "</span>";
            } else {
                $rtype = "";
        // reviewer identity
        $showtoken = $rr->reviewToken && $Me->can_review($prow, $rr);
        if (!$Me->can_view_review_identity($prow, $rr, null)) {
            $t .= $rtype ? "<td>{$rtype}</td>" : '<td class="empty"></td>';
        } else {
            if (!$showtoken || !Contact::is_anonymous_email($rr->email)) {
                $n = $Me->name_html_for($rr);
            } else {
                $n = "[Token " . encode_token((int) $rr->reviewToken) . "]";
            if ($allow_admin) {
                $n .= _review_table_actas($rr);
            $t .= '<td class="rl"><span class="taghl">' . $n . '</span>' . ($rtype ? " {$rtype}" : "") . "</td>";
            if ($show_colors && (get($rr, "contactRoles") || get($rr, "contactTags"))) {
                $tags = Contact::roles_all_contact_tags(get($rr, "contactRoles"), get($rr, "contactTags"));
                $tags = Tagger::strip_nonviewable($tags, $Me);
                if ($tags && ($color = TagInfo::color_classes($tags))) {
                    $tclass = $color;
        // requester
        if ($mode === "assign") {
            if (($conflictType <= 0 || $admin) && $rr->reviewType == REVIEW_EXTERNAL && !$showtoken) {
                $t .= '<td style="font-size:smaller">';
                if ($rr->requestedBy == $Me->contactId) {
                    $t .= "you";
                } else {
                    if ($u = get($pcm, $rr->requestedBy)) {
                        $t .= $Me->reviewer_html_for($rr->requestedBy);
                    } else {
                        $t .= Text::user_html([$rr->reqFirstName, $rr->reqLastName, $rr->reqEmail]);
                $t .= '</td>';
                $want_requested_by = true;
            } else {
                $t .= '<td class="empty"></td>';
        // actions
        if ($mode === "assign" && ($conflictType <= 0 || $admin) && $rr->reviewType == REVIEW_EXTERNAL && $rr->reviewModified <= 0 && ($rr->requestedBy == $Me->contactId || $admin)) {
            $t .= '<td>' . _retract_review_request_form($prow, $rr) . '</td>';
        // scores
        $scores = array();
        if ($want_scores && $canView) {
            $view_score = $Me->view_score_bound($prow, $rr);
            $rf = ReviewForm::get();
            foreach ($rf->forder as $fid => $f) {
                if (!$f->has_options || $f->view_score <= $view_score || $f->round_mask && !$f->is_round_visible($rr)) {
                    /* do nothing */
                } else {
                    if ($rr->{$fid}) {
                        if (!get($score_header, $fid)) {
                            $score_header[$fid] = "<th>" . $f->web_abbreviation() . "</th>";
                        $scores[$fid] = '<td class="revscore" data-rf="' . $f->uid . '">' . $f->unparse_value($rr->{$fid}, ReviewField::VALUE_SC) . '</td>';
                    } else {
                        if (get($score_header, $fid) === null) {
                            $score_header[$fid] = "";
        // affix
        if (!$rr->reviewSubmitted) {
            $nonsubrev[] = array($tclass, $t, $scores);
        } else {
            $subrev[] = array($tclass, $t, $scores);
    // proposed review rows
    if ($proposals) {
        foreach ($proposals as $rr) {
            $t = "";
            // review ID
            $t = "<td>Proposed review</td>";
            // reviewer identity
            $t .= "<td>" . Text::user_html($rr);
            if ($allow_admin) {
                $t .= _review_table_actas($rr);
            $t .= "</td>";
            // requester
            if ($conflictType <= 0 || $admin) {
                $t .= '<td style="font-size:smaller">';
                if ($rr->requestedBy == $Me->contactId) {
                    $t .= "you";
                } else {
                    if ($u = get($pcm, $rr->requestedBy)) {
                        $t .= $Me->reviewer_html_for($rr->requestedBy);
                    } else {
                        $t .= Text::user_html([$rr->reqFirstName, $rr->reqLastName, $rr->reqEmail]);
                $t .= '</td>';
                $want_requested_by = true;
            $t .= '<td>';
            if ($admin) {
                $t .= '<small>' . Ht::form(hoturl_post("assign", "p={$prow->paperId}")) . '<div class="inline">' . Ht::hidden("name", $rr->name) . Ht::hidden("email", $rr->email) . Ht::hidden("reason", $rr->reason);
                if ($rr->reviewRound !== null) {
                    if ($rr->reviewRound == 0) {
                        $rname = "unnamed";
                    } else {
                        $rname = $Conf->round_name($rr->reviewRound);
                    if ($rname) {
                        $t .= Ht::hidden("round", $rname);
                $t .= Ht::submit("add", "Approve review", array("style" => "font-size:smaller")) . ' ' . Ht::submit("deny", "Deny request", array("style" => "font-size:smaller")) . '</div></form>';
            } else {
                if ($rr->reqEmail === $Me->email) {
                    $t .= _retract_review_request_form($prow, $rr);
            $t .= '</td>';
            // affix
            $nonsubrev[] = array("", $t);
    // unfinished review notification
    $notetxt = "";
    if ($conflictType >= CONFLICT_AUTHOR && !$admin && $notShown && $Me->can_view_review($prow, null, null)) {
        if ($notShown == 1) {
            $t = "1 review remains outstanding.";
        } else {
            $t = "{$notShown} reviews remain outstanding.";
        $t .= '<br /><span class="hint">You will be emailed if new reviews are submitted or existing reviews are changed.</span>';
        $notetxt = '<div class="revnotes">' . $t . "</div>";
    // completion
    if (count($nonsubrev) + count($subrev)) {
        if ($want_requested_by) {
            array_unshift($score_header, '<th class="revsl">Requester</th>');
        $score_header_text = join("", $score_header);
        $t = "<table class=\"reviewers";
        if ($score_header_text) {
            $t .= " reviewers_scores";
        if ($list = SessionList::active()) {
            $t .= " has_hotcrp_list\" data-hotcrp-list=\"" . $list->listno;
        $t .= "\">\n";
        if ($score_header_text) {
            $t .= '<tr><td class="empty" colspan="2"></td>' . $score_header_text . "</tr>\n";
        foreach (array_merge($subrev, $nonsubrev) as $r) {
            $t .= '<tr class="rl' . ($r[0] ? " {$r['0']}" : "") . '">' . $r[1];
            if (get($r, 2)) {
                foreach ($score_header as $fid => $header_needed) {
                    if ($header_needed) {
                        $x = get($r[2], $fid);
                        $t .= $x ?: "<td class=\"revscore rs_{$fid}\"></td>";
            } else {
                if (count($score_header)) {
                    $t .= '<td colspan="' . count($score_header) . '"></td>';
            $t .= "</tr>\n";
        if ($score_header_text) {
            $Conf->footerScript("review_form.score_tooltips(\$(\"table.reviewers_scores\"))", "score_tooltips");
        return $t . "</table>\n" . $notetxt;
    } else {
        return $notetxt;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function allow(Contact $user)
     return $user->can_set_some_decision(true) && Navigation::page() !== "reviewprefs";
 function list_actions(Contact $user, $qreq, PaperList $pl, &$actions)
     if (Navigation::page() === "reviewprefs") {
         $actions[] = [$this->extended ? -99 : -100, $this->subname, null, $this->extended ? "Preference file with abstracts" : "Preference file"];