Exemplo n.º 1
require "../config/preferences.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "MyZendTo.Smartyconf.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "NSSDropbox.php";
if ($theDropbox = new NSSDropbox($NSSDROPBOX_PREFS, TRUE)) {
    // This page handles several actions.  By default, it simply
    // presents whatever "main menu" is appropriate.  This page also
    // handles the presentation of the login "dialog" and subsequently
    // the logout facility.
    switch ($_GET['action'] ? $_GET['action'] : $_POST['action']) {
        case 'logout':
            $smarty->assign('autoHome', TRUE);
            $aU = $theDropbox->authorizedUser();
            if ($aU) {
                // Show their list of dropoffs
                Header("HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily");
                Header("Location: " . $NSSDROPBOX_URL . "pickup_list.php");
            } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
 // JKF
 // Look up the "auth" parameter from the GET data, and retrieve the
 // Email, FullName, Organization from the SQL table record pointed
 // to by the "auth" key.
 $authEmail = '';
 $authFullName = '';
 $authOrganization = '';
 $authExpiry = 0;
 $auth = $_GET['auth'];
 // Set default values for library. Only gets over-ridden in 1 case.
 $smarty->assign('usingLibrary', FALSE);
 $smarty->assign('library', '[]');
 $smarty->assign('addressbook', '[]');
 if (!$theDropbox->authorizedUser()) {
     $result = $theDropbox->ReadAuthData($auth, $authFullName, $authEmail, $authOrganization, $authExpiry);
     if (!$result) {
         NSSError("Sender address verification subsystem failure.", "Authentication Failure");
     if ($authExpiry < time()) {
         NSSError($smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorSessionExpired'), "Session Expired");
Exemplo n.º 3
 // If it's a real one, then just redirect straight out to the pre-
 // populated New Dropoff page by simulating them clicking the link
 // in the email they will receive.
 if ($_POST['req'] != '') {
     $reqKey = $_POST['req'];
     $reqKey = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $reqKey);
     $reqKey = strtolower(substr($reqKey, 0, 12));
     // Get 1st 3 words
     $recordlist = $theDropbox->database->DBReadReqData($reqKey);
     if ($recordlist && count($recordlist)) {
         // Key exists in database, so use it.
         Header("HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily");
         Header('Location: ' . $NSSDROPBOX_URL . 'req.php?req=' . $reqKey);
     } else {
         if (!$theDropbox->authorizedUser()) {
             NSSError($smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorRequestUsed'), "Verify error");
         } else {
             NSSError($smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorRequestUsedLogin'), "Request Code error");
 // If posted form data is around, creating a new dropoff instance
 // creates a new dropoff using said form data.
 if (!$theDropbox->authorizedUser()) {
     $captcha = $theDropbox->captcha();
     $resp = FALSE;
     if ($captcha === 'areyouahuman') {
         $resp = $ayah->scoreResult();
Exemplo n.º 4
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// Include the dropbox preferences -- we need this to have the
// dropbox filepaths setup for us, beyond simply needing our
// configuration!
require "../config/preferences.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "MyZendTo.Smartyconf.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "NSSDropbox.php";
if ($theDropbox = new NSSDropbox($NSSDROPBOX_PREFS)) {
    if ($theDropbox->authorizedUser() && $theDropbox->authorizedUserData('grantAdminPriv')) {
        if ($_POST['action'] == 'unlock') {
            // Unlock the ticked users
            $output = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $_POST['unlockMax']; $i++) {
                $user = $_POST['unlocktick_' . $i];
                if ($user) {
                    // Unlock the user
                    $output[] = $user;
            if ($output) {
                NSSError("Unlocked " . implode(', ', $output) . ".");
Exemplo n.º 5
// Include the dropbox preferences -- we need this to have the
// dropbox filepaths setup for us, beyond simply needing our
// configuration!
require "../config/preferences.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "Smartyconf.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "NSSDropoff.php";
if ($theDropbox = new NSSDropbox($NSSDROPBOX_PREFS)) {
    // This page displays usage graphs for the system.
    if ($theDropbox->authorizedUser() && $theDropbox->authorizedUserData('grantStatsPriv')) {
        switch (isset($_GET['period']) ? $_GET['period'] : NULL) {
            case 'month':
                $period = 30;
            case '90days':
                $period = 90;
            case 'year':
                $period = 365;
            case 'decade':
                $period = 3650;
            case 'week':
Exemplo n.º 6
//       form data (claimID and claimPasscode) will provide the
//       authorization.
// Also, once the pickup instance has been created, check for an AuthData
// record that matches the posted form data and IP it's being posted from.
// Unless they are an authenticated user, in which case don't check AuthData.
if ($theDropbox = new NSSDropbox($NSSDROPBOX_PREFS)) {
    $thePickup = new NSSDropoff($theDropbox);
    // If not an authenticated user, go and get their AuthData record from
    // the posted hash. Even if they are presetnt, check the name matches
    // their IP address.
    // If anything fails, use NSSError to post an error message saying they
    // have failed checks and should click again on the link they were sent.
    if ($theDropbox->humanDownloads() && !$theDropbox->authorizedUser() && $theDropbox->captcha() !== 'disabled') {
        // AYAH $theDropbox->recaptchaPrivateKey() !== 'disabled') {
        $authIP = '';
        $authEmail = '';
        $authOrganization = '';
        $authExpiry = 0;
        $auth = $_POST['auth'] ? $_POST['auth'] : $_GET['auth'];
        $result = $theDropbox->ReadAuthData($auth, $authIP, $authEmail, $authOrganization, $authExpiry);
        if (!$result) {
            NSSError($smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorDownloadAuth'), "Authentication Failure");
        if ($authExpiry < time()) {
Exemplo n.º 7
require "../config/preferences.php";
require_once "ayah.php";
require "recaptchalib.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "Smartyconf.php";
require_once NSSDROPBOX_LIB_DIR . "NSSDropoff.php";
// This is pretty straightforward; depending upon the form data coming
// into this PHP session, creating a new dropoff object will either
// display the claimID-and-claimPasscode "dialog" (no form data or
// missing/invalid passcode); display the selected dropoff if the
// claimID and claimPasscode are valid OR the recipient matches the
// authenticate user -- it's all built-into the NSSDropoff class.
if ($theDropbox = new NSSDropbox($NSSDROPBOX_PREFS)) {
    // If they are an authorised user, just display the normal pickup page.
    if ($theDropbox->authorizedUser() || !$theDropbox->humanDownloads() || ($theDropbox->captcha() == 'google' || $theDropbox->captcha() == '') && $theDropbox->recaptchaPrivateKey() == 'disabled' || $theDropbox->captcha() == 'disabled') {
        // 2-line addition by Francois Conil to fix problems with no CAPTCHA
        // and anonymous users who don't have a link to click on.
        $auth = $theDropbox->WriteAuthData($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '', '');
        $smarty->assign('auth', $auth);
        if ($thePickup = new NSSDropoff($theDropbox)) {
            // Start the page and add some Javascript for automatically
            // filling-in the download form and submitting it when the
            // user clicks on a file in the displayed dropoff.
            $output = $thePickup->HTMLWrite();
        $smarty->display($output ? $output : 'error.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 8
     $smarty->assign('senderName', $destname);
     $smarty->assign('senderEmail', strtolower($destemail));
     $smarty->assign('recipName_1', $srcname);
     $smarty->assign('recipEmail_1', strtolower($srcemail));
     $smarty->assign('note', $note);
     $smarty->assign('maxBytesForFileInt', $theDropbox->maxBytesForFile());
     $smarty->assign('maxBytesForDropoffInt', $theDropbox->maxBytesForDropoff());
     $smarty->assign('recipEmailNum', 1);
     $smarty->assign('reqKey', $authkey);
     $smarty->assign('addressbook', $theDropbox->getAddressbook());
     // Generate unique ID required for progress bars status
     $smarty->assign('progress_id', uniqid(""));
     $smarty->assign('useRealProgressBar', $theDropbox->useRealProgressBar());
     // And setup the library of files appropriately
     if ($theDropbox->authorizedUser() && $theDropbox->usingLibrary()) {
         $library = $theDropbox->getLibraryDescs();
         $smarty->assign('library', $library);
         $smarty->assign('usingLibrary', $library === '[]' ? FALSE : TRUE);
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('usingLibrary', FALSE);
         $smarty->assign('library', '[]');
         $smarty->assign('addressbook', '[]');
 // They are either trying to submit or display the "New Request" form,
 // so they must be logged in.
 if (!$theDropbox->authorizedUser()) {