Exemplo n.º 1
  * NModelError constructor.
  * @param mixed      NModel error code, or string with error message.
  * @param integer    what "error mode" to operate in
  * @param integer    what error level to use for $mode & PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER
  * @param mixed      additional debug info, such as the last query
  * @access public
  * @see PEAR_Error
 function Model_Error($code = N_DAO_ERROR, $mode = PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, $level = E_USER_NOTICE, $debuginfo = null)
     if (is_int($code)) {
         $this->PEAR_Error('N_DAO Error: ' . NModel::errorMessage($code), $code, $mode, $level, $debuginfo);
     } else {
         $this->PEAR_Error("N_DAO Error: {$code}", N_DAO_ERROR, $mode, $level, $debuginfo);