function liveServerDeploy_automate($settings) { extract($settings); if (strpos($site_url, 'http://') === false) { $site_url = 'http://' . $site_url; } if (substr($site_url, -1) == '/') { $site_url = substr($site_url, 0, -1); } if ($ftp_server && $ftp_username && $ftp_pass && $db_name && $db_username) { liveServerDeploy_update_status(null, 'success', '1'); } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Please provide your Live Server Settings", 'error', '1'); return; } liveServerDeploy_update_status(null, 'warning', '2'); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Start Deploying ..."); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Connecting to ftp server ..."); $root = $ftp_root; // connect to server $ftph = @ftp_connect($ftp_server, $ftp_port ? "{$ftp_port}" : 21); if ($ftph === FALSE) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to connected to the ftp server", 'error', 2); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to Deploy", 'error', 2); return; } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Succesfully connected to the ftp server!", 'success'); } // login to server if (!ftp_login($ftph, $ftp_username, $ftp_pass)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to login to ftp server ...", 'error'); ftp_close($ftph); return; } if (!@ftp_put($ftph, $root . "/capability.php", dirname(__FILE__) . '/remote-capabilities.php', FTP_BINARY)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to determine remote capabilities ...", 'error', 2); ftp_close($ftph); return; } $capabilities = @liveServerDeploy_get_contents($site_url . '/capability.php'); if (!$capabilities) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to determine remote capabilities!", 'error', 2); ftp_close($ftph); return; } // clean up @ftp_delete($ftph, $root . "/capability.php"); // get capabilities $capabilities = unserialize($capabilities); $archive = $capabilities['archiving'] && LSD_ARCHIVING_ENABLED; $mysql_exec = LSD_MYSQL_DUMP_USE_EXEC; // || $capabilities['mysql_exec']; // if we can dump using exec then thats all we need $mysql_dump = true; if ($archive) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Archiving enabled", 'success', 2); } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Archiving disabled", 'warning', 2); } if ($mysql_exec && $capabilities['mysql_exec']) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("System mysql dump and import enabled", 'success', 2); } else { if ($mysql_exec) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("System mysql dump enabled", 'success', 2); } else { if (LSD_MYSQL_DUMP_USE_EXEC && !LSD_MYSQL_DUMP_FALLBACKS) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Live server does not support executing system mysql import - you must manually install the MySQL export on your server. See \"Manual Export\" section.", 'error', 2); $mysql_dump = false; } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Live Server Deploy mysql dump/import enabled", 'warning', 2); } } } liveServerDeploy_update_status("Preparing Export ...", 'notice', 3); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Checking file permissions ..."); $permissions_ok = @liveServerDeploy_check_permissions(ABSPATH); if (!$permissions_ok) { ftp_close($ftph); return; } liveServerDeploy_update_status("File permissions OK", 'success'); $ignore_list = liveServerDeploy_parse_ignore_list($ignore_list); if ($archive) { $archivedump = new ArchiveTransfer(); $count = $archivedump->dump($ignore_list); if ($count < 0) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to archive files!", 'error'); $archive = false; } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Archived {$count} Files ..."); } unset($archivedump); } if ($mysql_dump) { $mysqldump = new MySQLTransfer(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); if ($ret = $mysqldump->dump(get_option('siteurl'), $site_url, $mysql_exec)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to export MySQL database - you must manually install the MySQL export on your server. See \"Manual Export\" section.", 'error', 2); } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Export MySQL database ..."); } unset($mysqldump); } liveServerDeploy_update_status(null, 'success', 3); if ($archive) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Uploading compressed archive to server - this might take a while ..."); ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"); if (!@ftp_put($ftph, $root . "/", LSD_DIR . '/', FTP_BINARY)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to upload compressed archive ...", 'error', 4); ftp_close($ftph); $archive = false; } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Successfully Uploaded Archive to Server!", 'success', 4); } } if (!$archive) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Opening additional ftp connections ...", 'notice', 4); $ftp_bulk = new FTPBulkTransfer($ftp_server, $ftp_port, $ftp_username, $ftp_pass); if ($ftp_bulk->is_open()) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Opened " . $ftp_bulk->connection_count() . " ftp connections to server ...", 'notice', 4); } global $liveServerDeploy_file_count; $liveServerDeploy_file_count = $count = liveServerDeploy_upload_dir($ftph, $ftp_bulk, ABSPATH, '', $root, $counting = true, 0, $ignore_list); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Uploading {$count} files to server - this might take a while ...", null, 4); ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"); if ($ftp_bulk->is_open()) { while ($ret = $ftp_bulk->poll()) { ftp_pwd($ftph); } } else { $count = liveServerDeploy_upload_dir($ftph, null, ABSPATH, '', $root, $count, $count, $ignore_list); } liveServerDeploy_update_status($count . " files uploaded ...", 'success'); // free up ftp connections $ftp_bulk->close(); } if ($mysql_dump) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Uploading mysql dump .."); if (!@ftp_put($ftph, $root . "/lsd_dump.sql", LSD_DIR . '/lsd_dump.sql', FTP_BINARY)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to upload mysql dump ...", 'error', 4); ftp_close($ftph); $archive = false; } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Successfully uploaded MySQL dump to server!", 'success'); } } else { liveServerDeploy_update_status("No mysql dump .."); } liveServerDeploy_update_status(null, 'success', 4); // send scripts that will take care of extracting the archive (TODO: and importing the mysql) liveServerDeploy_update_status("Prepare importing ...", 'notice', 5); if ($archive) { if (!@ftp_put($ftph, $root . "/decompress.php", dirname(__FILE__) . '/remote-decompress.php', FTP_BINARY)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to decompress archive on remote!", 'error', 5); ftp_close($ftph); return; } $decompress = @liveServerDeploy_get_contents($site_url . '/decompress.php'); if (!$decompress) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to decompress archive on remote!", 'error', 5); ftp_close($ftph); return; } // clean up @ftp_delete($ftph, $root . "/decompress.php"); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Successfully decompressed archive, your files are ready!", 'success'); } if ($mysql_dump) { if (!@ftp_put($ftph, $root . "/import_mysql.php", dirname(__FILE__) . '/remote-mysql.php', FTP_BINARY)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to import mysql database on remote - you must manually install the MySQL export on your server. See \"Manual Export\" section.", 'error', 5); ftp_close($ftph); return; } $get = 'mysql_exec=' . $mysql_exec; $get .= '&db_host=' . urlencode($db_host ? $db_host : 'localhost'); $get .= '&db_name=' . urlencode($db_name); $get .= '&db_username='******'&db_password='******'/import_mysql.php?' . $get); if ($import_mysql) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Failed to import mysql dump on remote - you must manually install the MySQL export on your server. See \"Manual Export\" section.", 'error', 5); ftp_close($ftph); return; } // clean up @ftp_delete($ftph, $root . "/import_mysql.php"); @ftp_delete($ftph, $root . "/lsd_dump.sql"); liveServerDeploy_update_status("Successfully imported database!", 'success'); } liveServerDeploy_update_status(null, 'success', 5); liveServerDeploy_update_status(null, 'notice', 6); // finalize by editing the wp-config.php @ftp_rename($ftph, $root . "/wp-config.php", $root . "/wp-config.development.php"); file_put_contents(ABSPATH . "/wp-config.lsd-live.php", liveServerDeploy_new_config($db_name, $db_username, $db_password, $db_host)); if (!@ftp_put($ftph, $root . "/wp-config.php", ABSPATH . "/wp-config.lsd-live.php", FTP_BINARY)) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Unable to upload edit wp-config.php file, please update manually", 'notice', 5); ftp_close($ftph); unlink(ABSPATH . "/wp-config.lsd-live.php"); return; } unlink(ABSPATH . "/wp-config.lsd-live.php"); $finalize = @liveServerDeploy_get_contents($site_url . '/?liveServerDeployComplete=1'); ftp_close($ftph); ?> <script> jQuery('.liveServerDeploy_status').remove(); </script> <?php if (!$finalize) { liveServerDeploy_update_status("Permalinks still need to be resaved manually", 'notice'); } liveServerDeploy_update_status("Successfully Deployed", 'success', 6); }
function lsd_download_mysql_dump() { $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); $memory_limit_size = (int) $memory_limit; $memory_limit_size_type = trim(str_replace($memory_limit_size, '', $memory_limit)); $memory_limit_size *= 2; $new_memory_limit = $memory_limit_size . $memory_limit_size_type; ini_set('memory_limit', $new_memory_limit); if (!$_POST['site_url']) { wp_die("ERROR: Please supply a URL"); } if (strpos($_POST['site_url'], 'http://') === false) { $_POST['site_url'] = 'http://' . $_POST['site_url']; } $mysql_dump = new MySQLTransfer(); $ret = $mysql_dump->dump(get_option('siteurl'), $_POST['site_url']); if ($ret) { wp_die($mysql_dump->last_result); } // Set headers header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . DB_NAME . ".sql"); header("Content-Type: application/sql"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); @readfile(LSD_DIR . "/lsd_dump.sql"); @unlink(LSD_DIR . "/lsd_dump.sql"); exit; }