static function setNotification($bookingId, $oneWeek, $threeDays, $oneDay) { $mysql = new MySQL(); if (self::getNotification($bookingId) === null) { $results = $mysql->query('INSERT INTO notification(booking_id, one_week, three_days, one_day) VALUES (:booking_id, :one_week, :three_days, :one_day)', [':booking_id' => $bookingId, ':one_week' => $oneWeek, ':three_days' => $threeDays, ':one_day' => $oneDay]); } else { $results = $mysql->query('UPDATE notification SET one_week = :one_week, three_days = :three_days, one_day = :one_day WHERE booking_id = :booking_id', [':booking_id' => $bookingId, ':one_week' => $oneWeek, ':three_days' => $threeDays, ':one_day' => $oneDay]); } return $results['success']; }
/** * Добавить ключ если он не сущетсует или изменить его значение * * @param mixed $key * @param string $value */ public static function setKey($key, $value) { $value = serialize($value); self::dbConnector(); try { self::$_sql->query("INSERT INTO `REGISTRY` VALUES ('{$key}','{$value}')"); } catch (Exception $ex) { self::$_sql->query("UPDATE `REGISTRY` SET `value_serealized`='{$value}' WHERE `key`='{$key}'"); } }
/** * Query database. Retrun all values from a table * * @param $table String Table name * * @returns Object Database records. MySQL object */ public function checkNeededDataGoogleSearchAnalytics($website) { $core = new Core(); //Load core $mysql = new MySQL(); //Load MySQL $now = $core->now(); /* Identify date range */ $dateStartOffset = self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_MAX_DATE_OFFSET + self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_MAX_DAYS; $dateStart = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $dateStartOffset . ' days', $now)); $dateEnd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . self::GOOGLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS_MAX_DATE_OFFSET . ' days', $now)); /* Query database for dates with data */ $query = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT date ) AS record, date FROM " . MySQL::DB_TABLE_SEARCH_ANALYTICS . " WHERE domain LIKE '" . $website . "' AND date >= '" . $dateStart . "' AND date <= '" . $dateEnd . "' GROUP BY date"; $result = $mysql->query($query); /* Create array from database response */ $datesWithData = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { array_push($datesWithData, $row['date']); } /* Get date rante */ $dates = $core->getDateRangeArray($dateStart, $dateEnd); /* Loop through dates, removing those with data */ foreach ($dates as $index => $date) { if (in_array($date, $datesWithData)) { unset($dates[$index]); } } /* Reindex dates array */ $dates = array_values($dates); $returnArray = array('dateStart' => $dateStart, 'dateEnd' => $dateEnd, 'datesWithNoData' => $dates); return $returnArray; }
private static function testTemplateType() { if (self::$clanData['premiumBis'] < time()) { if (!empty(self::$clanData['useStandartDesign'])) { echo "Eigenes Standart Design "; } else { Template::init("templates/standart_stylecheet.css"); Template::replace("{header_height}", self::$clanData['designset_headerheight']); Template::set("Content-Type: text/css"); echo Template::out(); } } else { MySQL::query("SELECT * FROM `inhalte` WHERE `template`='1' AND `templateType`='5'"); if (MySQL::count()) { MySQL::query("SELECT * FROM `inhalte` WHERE `template`='1' AND `templateType`='6'"); if (MySQL::count()) { $row = MySQL::fetchArray(); Template::init(NULL, true, $row['inhalt']); Template::replace("{header_height}", self::$clanData['designset_headerheight']); Template::set("Content-Type: text/css"); echo Template::out(); } } else { echo "Premium Standart"; } } }
private static function testTemplateType() { if (self::$clanData['data']['premiumBis'] < time()) { if (!empty(self::$clanData['data']['useStandartDesign'])) { echo "Eigenes Standart Design "; } else { Template::init("templates/standart.html"); Template::replace("</head>", "\n" . Template::leerzeichen("<title>") . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . self::$routerData['clanid'] . '/stylecheet.css" />' . "\n" . Template::leerzeichen("<head>") . '</head>'); Template::replaceContent("{seiteninhalt}", "pages/site/" . self::$routerData['site'] . ".php"); Template::replace("{title}", self::$clanData['data']['pageTitle']); echo Template::out(); } } else { MySQL::query("SELECT * FROM `inhalte` WHERE `clanid`='" . self::$routerData['clanid'] . "' AND `template`='1' AND `templateType`='5'"); if (MySQL::count() == 1) { $row = MySQL::fetchArray(); Template::init(NULL, true, $row['inhalt']); MySQL::query("SELECT * FROM `inhalte` WHERE `template`='1' AND `templateType`='6'"); if (MySQL::count()) { Template::replace("</head>", "\n" . Template::leerzeichen("<title>") . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . self::$routerData['clanid'] . '/stylecheet.css" />' . "\n" . Template::leerzeichen("<head>") . '</head>'); } Template::replaceContent("{seiteninhalt}", "pages/site/" . self::$routerData['site'] . ".php"); Template::replace("{title}", self::$clanData['data']['pageTitle']); echo Template::out(); } else { echo "Premium Standart"; } } }
public static function createEntity($identifier, $friendlyname, $lat, $lon) { $db = new MySQL(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO entities '; $sql .= '(`ID`, `IDENTIFIER`, `FRIENDLYNAME`, `LATITUDE`, `LONGITUDE`, `DATETIME`, `DETACHED`) '; $sql .= 'VALUES (\'\', %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), 0);'; return $db->query($sql, $identifier, $friendlyname, $lat, $lon); }
/** * Get a specific rating * * @param $offerId * @param $userId * @return null */ static function getRating($offerId, $userId) { $mysql = new MySQL(); $results = $mysql->query('SELECT * FROM rating WHERE offer = :offer AND createdby = :createdby', [':offer' => $offerId, ':createdby' => $userId]); if ($results['success'] == true && !empty($results['results']) && $results['results'] != null) { return $results['results']; } return null; }
/** * Creates a non attendance record for a booking id * * @param $bookingId * @param $workshopId * @return bool */ public static function createNonAttendance($bookingId, $workshopId) { if (self::getAttendance($bookingId) != null) { return false; } $mysql = new MySQL(); $results = $mysql->query('INSERT INTO attendance(booking_id, workshop_id, student_id, attendance, learnt, taught, datecompleted) VALUES (:booking_id, :workshop_id, :student_id, :attendance, :learnt, :taught, :datecompleted)', [':booking_id' => $bookingId, ':workshop_id' => $workshopId, ':student_id' => User::getId(), ':attendance' => 0, ':learnt' => 'DID NOT ATTEND', ':taught' => 'DID NOT ATTEND', ':datecompleted' => time()]); if ($results['success']) { return true; } return false; }
public static function getSiteData($siteId = NULL) { if ($siteId == NULL) { throw new Exeption("siteData::getSiteData() haven't become an Siteid."); } else { MySQL::query("SELECT * FROM `webseiten` WHERE `clanid`='" . $siteId . "'"); if (MySQL::count() != 1) { return array("success" => false, "error" => "Die Webseite mit der ID " . $siteId . " existiert nicht."); } else { return array("success" => true, "data" => MySQL::fetchArray()); } } }
/** * Получает список дочерних разделов с учётом поля show_sub таблицы URL * * @return Array */ public function getSubSection() { $r = $this->_sql->query("SELECT `link`,`title` FROM `URL` WHERE `pid`={$this->_currentID} AND `module`!=0"); $t = $this->_sql->GetRows($r); $bitOfString = $this->url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); $resArr = NULL; if ($t != NULL) { foreach ($t as $value) { $resArr[] = array("link" => $value["link"] = "/" . $bitOfString . $value["link"] . "/", "title" => $value["title"]); } } return $resArr; }
function del($src, $dst) { $mysql = new MySQL(); $mysql->opendb("dns_http_ref", "utf8"); #$sql = "update `http_ref` set `status` = 'false' where `dst`='$dst' and `src`='$src'"; $sql = "delete from `http_ref` where `dst`='{$dst}' and `src`='{$src}'"; $result = $mysql->query($sql); if ($result) { $ret = 0; } else { $ret = 1; } print_r(json_encode(result_init($ret, '', ''))); }
public function update($record_id) { if (empty($db)) { $dbConnection = new dbConnection(); $db = new MySQL($dbConnection->host, $dbConnection->userdb, $dbConnection->pass, $dbConnection->dbname); } $column_value_array = array_combine($this->my_columns_array, $this->my_values_array); $update_string = ''; foreach ($column_value_array as $column => $value) { $value = strip_tags(mysqli_real_escape_string($db->dbConn, $value)); $update_string .= $column . "='" . $value . "',"; } $update_string = trim($update_string, ","); $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->my_table . " SET {$update_string} WHERE " . $this->my_table . "_id = {$record_id}"; $results = $db->query($sql); return TRUE; }
function t($str) { global $CONF; //if in maintainance mode, record this string in the translation db if ($CONF['maintainer_mode']) { require_once 'pastebin/mysql.class.php'; $db = new MySQL(); $db->query("select * from original_phrase where original=?", $str); if ($db->next_record()) { //update timestamp $original_phrase_id = $db->f('original_phrase_id'); $db->query("update original_phrase set used=now() where original_phrase_id={$original_phrase_id}"); } else { //create new record $db->query("insert into original_phrase(original,used) values (?, now())", $str); } } //if using english ui, just return the string //if a translation is available, use that //otherwise, use english return $str; }
public static function initCheck($domain = "", $did = 1) { $subdomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $subdomain = preg_replace("/\\." . $domain . "/Usi", "", $subdomain); $subdomain = preg_replace("/www\\./Usi", "", $subdomain); $subdomain = strtolower($subdomain); if ($subdomain != $domain) { MySQL::query("SELECT * FROM `subdomains` WHERE `domainID`='" . $did . "' AND `host`='" . $subdomain . "'"); if (MySQL::count() == 0) { echo "null mysql"; die; } else { $row = MySQL::fetchArray(); if ($row['status']) { header("Location:" . $row['clanid'] . "/site/intro/"); die; } else { echo "pff"; die; } } } }
// Includo le classi principali include_once "../core/class.Ocarina.php"; include_once "../core/class.MySQL.php"; include_once "../core/class.Functions.php"; include_once "../rendering/config.php"; // Istanzio le classi $cms = new Ocarina(); $db = new MySQL(); $func = new Functions(); if (!isset($_GET['nickname']) and !isset($_POST['nickname'])) { $text = '<form action="" method="post"> Utente:<br /><select name="nickname">'; // Mi connetto al database $db->connettidb(); // Creo una select con tutte le categorie $query = $db->query("SELECT nickname FROM utenti"); while ($riga = $db->estrai($query)) { $text .= '<option value="' . $func->rescape($riga->nickname) . '">' . $func->rescape($riga->nickname) . '</option>'; } // Mi disconnetto dal database $db->disconnettidb(); $text .= '</select><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Accedi"> </form>'; $nickname = 'Profilo'; // Per il titolo della pagina } elseif (isset($_GET['nickname']) or isset($_POST['nickname'])) { // Prelevo il nickname if ($_GET['nickname']) { $nickname = $func->escape($_GET['nickname']); } elseif ($_POST['nickname']) { $nickname = $func->escape($_POST['nickname']);
include_once "core/class.Ocarina.php"; include_once "core/class.MySQL.php"; include_once "core/class.Functions.php"; include_once "rendering/config.php"; // Istanzio le classi $cms = new Ocarina(); $db = new MySQL(); $func = new Functions(); // Se si richiede la ricerca esegue if (isset($_POST['keyword']) && $_POST['keyword'] !== '') { // Prelevo la keyword $keyword = $func->escape($_POST['keyword']); // Mi connetto al database $db->connettidb(); // Effetto le query $query = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT titolo,minititolo FROM pagine WHERE titolo LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR contenuto LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%';"); $query2 = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT titolo,minititolo FROM news WHERE titolo LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR news LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%';"); $conta = $db->conta($query); $conta2 = $db->conta($query2); // Se non ci sono risultati if ($conta <= 0 and $conta2 <= 0) { $errore = 'Nessun risultato per la keyword immessa.'; // Visualizzo la pagina di errore $smarty->assign("titolo", "Nessun risultato per la keyword immessa » " . $cms->nomesito()); // Titolo della pagina $smarty->assign("errore", $errore); // Il contenuto della pagina $smarty->assign("description", $cms->description()); // La descrizione $smarty->assign("keywords", $cms->keywords()); // Le keywords
/** * Decline an offer * * @param $id * @return mixed */ static function declineOffer($id) { $mysql = new MySQL(); $results = $mysql->query('UPDATE offer SET status = 2 WHERE id = :id', [':id' => $id]); return $results['success']; }
<?php if (!$_GET['ID']) { error('导入配置编号不能为空!'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('导入配置编号只能是数字!'); } $sql = 'SELECT * '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DB2DB . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $rs = $db->query($sql); $rs->next_record(); if (!$rs) { error('没有找到需要的导入配置'); } if (!$_GET['action']) { $tp->set_templatefile('templates/db_cfg_copy.html'); $tp->assign('id', $rs->get('id')); $tp->assign('cfgname', $rs->get('name')); $moduleTemplate = $tp->result(); $moduleTitle = '复制导入配置'; $db->disconnect(); } else { $configName = trim($_POST['configname']); if (!$_POST['configname']) { error('请输入配置名称'); } $sourceArray = $rs->getarray(); foreach ($sourceArray as $key => $val) {
/** * Open an advertisement * * @param $id * @return mixed */ static function open($id) { $mysql = new MySQL(); $results = $mysql->query('UPDATE advertisement SET status = 1 WHERE id = :id', [':id' => $id]); return $results['success']; }
<?php session_start(); /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ require_once "../config/"; $challenge = new Challenge(); if (isset($_POST['m'])) { $mail = util::getPost('m'); $db = new MySQL(HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $sql = "SELECT mfrom,mto,msubject,mbody,mdate FROM mailbox m,players u WHERE AND'" . $challenge->getUser() . "' AND m.mailid={$mail}"; // echo $sql; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch(); extract($row); $text = <<<EOT <div id="message"> <!-- mail starts here --> <table id="mailheader" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="3"> <tr><td align="right">To:</td><td> </td><td>{$mto}</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">From:</td><td> </td><td>{$mfrom}</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">Date:</td><td> </td><td>{$mdate}</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">Subject:</td><td> </td><td>{$msubject}</td></tr> </table> <hr/> <div id="mailbody">{$mbody}</div> <!-- mail ends here --> </div> EOT;
<?php /** Author: SpringHack - Last modified: 2015-12-29 12:21:13 Filename: expert.common.php Description: Created by SpringHack using vim automatically. **/ require_once 'MySQL.class.php'; $db = new MySQL(); if ($db->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'Expert'")->num_rows() != 1) { $db->struct(array('school' => 'text', 'user_id' => 'text', 'user_pw' => 'text', 'name' => 'text', 'birthday' => 'text', 'nation' => 'text', 'sex' => 'text', 'what' => 'text', 'job' => 'text', 'job_name' => 'text', 'job_level' => 'text', 'job_what' => 'text', 'tele' => 'text', 'cell' => 'text', 'last_a' => 'text', 'last_b' => 'text', 'last_c' => 'text', 'for' => 'text', 'addr' => 'text', 'code' => 'text', 'email' => 'text', 'sub' => 'text', 'work' => 'text', 'rise' => 'text', 'area' => 'text', 'service' => 'text', 'time' => 'text'))->create("Expert"); }
<?php /** Author: SpringHack - Last modified: 2015-12-20 12:59:18 Filename: user.common.php Description: Created by SpringHack using vim automatically. **/ require_once 'MySQL.class.php'; $db = new MySQL(); if ($db->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'User'")->num_rows() != 1) { $db->struct(array('id' => 'text', 'user' => 'text', 'pass' => 'text', 'nick' => 'text', 'power' => 'text', 'birthday' => 'text', 'school' => 'text', 'use' => 'text'))->create("User"); $db->value(array('id' => '0', 'user' => 'admin', 'pass' => 'admin', 'nick' => '管理员', 'power' => '0', 'birthday' => '0', 'school' => 'none', 'use' => 'yes'))->insert("User"); } @session_start();
$page = isset($_GET["page"]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 0; $user_file = "/etc/mysql-user/user5000.ini"; if ($fp_user = fopen($user_file, "r")) { $userName = rtrim(fgets($fp_user)); $password = rtrim(fgets($fp_user)); $database = rtrim(fgets($fp_user)); } else { die("接続設定の読み込みに失敗しました"); } $mysql = new MySQL($userName, $password, $database); if ($mysql->connect_error) { die("データベースの接続に失敗しました"); } // 掲示板情報を取得 $sql = "UPDATE `board` SET `access_cnt`=`access_cnt`+1 WHERE `name`='{$id}'"; $mysql->query($sql); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `board` WHERE `name`='{$id}'"; $result = $mysql->query($sql); if (!$result->num_rows) { die("ERROR03:存在しないIDです"); } $board = new Board($result->fetch_array()); $title = $board->title; // スレッド数を取得 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(1) AS `count` FROM `thread` WHERE `bid`='{$board->bid}'"; $result = $mysql->query($sql); if ($mysql->error) { die("ERROR04:存在しないIDです"); } $array = $result->fetch_array(); $rows = $array["count"];
<?php $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); if (!trim($_GET['action'])) { $sql = 'SELECT id, name '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_RULES . ' '; $sql .= 'ORDER BY id DESC'; $rs = $db->query($sql); $i = 0; while ($rs->next_record()) { $list['option'][$i]['rulesID'] = $rs->get('id'); $list['option'][$i]['rulesName'] = $rs->get('name'); $rs->get('id') == $_GET['rules'] ? $list['option'][$i]['rulesSelected'] = ' selected' : ($list['option'][$i]['rulesSelected'] = ''); ++$i; } $tp->set_templatefile('templates/body_img_collection_form.html'); $tp->assign($list); $tp->assign('display_markall', 'none'); $tp->assign('display_mark_text', 'block'); $tp->assign('display_mark_image', 'none'); $tp->assign('rulesID', $_GET['rules']); $moduleTemplate = $tp->result(); $moduleTitle = '文章图片采集'; } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'getReady') { if (!$_POST['eachTimes']) { error('请您输入每次采集的条数'); } if (!is_numeric($_POST['eachTimes'])) { error('每次采集条数只能是数字'); }
$smarty->assign("url_cms", $cms->url_cms()); $smarty->assign("url_smartytpl", $cms->url_smartytpl()); $smarty->assign("cmsversion", $cms->cmsversion()); $smarty->display("admin/index/index2.tpl"); exit; } /* START */ // Prelevo il nickname $nickname = $db->nickname($_COOKIE[$func->cookie()]); if (isset($_POST['modificaprofilo'])) { $email = $func->escape($_POST['email']); $avatar = $func->escape($_POST['avatar']); // Modifico il profilo $db->connettidb(); // Mi connetto al database $query = $db->query("UPDATE utenti SET email='{$email}', avatar='{$avatar}' WHERE nickname='{$nickname}'"); $db->disconnettidb(); // Mi disconnetto dal database // Visualizzo la pagina $text = 'Il tuo profilo è stato modificato.'; $smarty->assign("titolo", "Modifica profilo"); $smarty->assign("contents", $text); $smarty->assign("url_cms", $cms->url_cms()); $smarty->assign("url_smartytpl", $cms->url_smartytpl()); $smarty->assign("cmsversion", $cms->cmsversion()); $smarty->display("admin/index/index2.tpl"); exit; } // Stampo i dati attuali if (!isset($_POST['modificaprofilo'])) { $db->connettidb();
fclose($confFileHandler); /* Include resources */ include_once 'inc/code/core.php'; //Core functions include_once 'inc/code/mysql.php'; //Database Connection $core = new Core(); //Load core $mysql = new MySQL(); //Load MySQL require_once $GLOBALS['basedir'] . 'config/config.php'; //Credentials & Configuration $GLOBALS['db'] = $core->mysql_connect_db(); // Connect to DB $query = "ALTER TABLE `search_analytics` CHANGE `ctr` `ctr` FLOAT NOT NULL"; $result = $mysql->query($query); $alert = array("type" => "success", "message" => "Upgrade performed succesfully."); break; } } ?> <?php include_once 'inc/html/_alert.php'; ?> <h1>Organic Search Analytics | Upgrade</h1> <div>Certain versions require special consideration when upgrading. This page will take care of technical changes that need to be made.</div> <ul> <li> <h2>Version 1.x to 2.0.0</h2>
<?php // Подключение настроек; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/config.php'; // Подключение библиотеки MySQL; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/mysql.php'; // Создание объекта MySQL; $db = new MySQL(); $db->connect($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password); $db->query("SET NAMES `UTF8`"); // Подключение дополнительных функций; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/functions.php';
<? /* * Sintaxe: table nome da tabela onde procurar a imagem id id da imagem * typeField nome do campo tipo da imagem imgField nome do campo onde está a * imagem - blob */ error_reporting ( E_ALL ); include_once (""); $db = new MySQL (); $db->open (); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $_REQUEST ['table'] . " WHERE id_" . $_REQUEST ['table'] . "='" . $_REQUEST ['id'] . "'"; $db->query ( $sql ); $varTabela = $db->result ( 0, $_REQUEST ['typeField'] ); header ( "Content-type: $varTabela" ); echo $db->result ( 0, $_REQUEST ['imgField'] ); $db->close (); ?>
$XMLContent .= str_repeat(' ', $depth - 1) . '</' . $CNTag[$endMark] . '> '; } } $CNTag = array('nc_dbexport_config' => '易采_采集器数据库配置', 'information' => '配置信息', 'version' => '软件版本', 'config_name' => '配置名称', 'author' => '作者名字', 'contact' => '联系方式', 'readme' => '导出说明', 'date' => '导出时间', 'access' => '数据库设置', 'access_type' => '数据库类型', 'access_host' => '数据库地址', 'access_user' => '数据库用户', 'access_pass' => '数据库密码', 'access_dbname' => '数据库名称', 'otherdb' => '导出数据库设置', 'otherdb_table' => '导出数据库对应表', 'otherdb_fields' => '导出数据库对应字段', 'otherdb_rules' => '导出数据库对应关系'); if (!$_GET['ID']) { error('导出的配置编号不能为空!'); } if (!is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) { error('导出的配置编号只能是数字!'); } $sql = 'SELECT * '; $sql .= 'FROM ' . TB_DB2DB . ' '; $sql .= 'WHERE id = ' . $_GET['ID']; $db = new MySQL(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $rs = $db->query($sql); $rs->next_record(); if (!$rs) { error('找不到编号为' . $_GET['ID'] . '的数据库导出配置'); } if (!$_GET['action']) { $tp->set_templatefile('templates/db_cfg_export.html'); $tp->assign('id', $rs->get('id')); $tp->assign('config_name', $rs->get('name')); $moduleTemplate = $tp->result(); $moduleTitle = '数据库导出配置'; $db->disconnect(); } else { $configName = trim($_POST['configname']); if (!$_POST['config_name']) { error('请输入配置名称');
// Istanzio le classi $cms = new Ocarina(); $db = new MySQL(); $func = new Functions(); // Prima di procedere controllo se l' utente è già loggato if ($func->logged() == 0) { $text = 'Non risulti loggato, non hai bisogno di effettuare il logout.'; // Visualizzo la pagina $smarty->assign("titolo", "Logout"); $smarty->assign("cookie", $db->auth($_COOKIE[$func->cookie()])); $smarty->assign("grado", $db->grado($_COOKIE[$func->cookie()])); $smarty->assign("contents", $text); $smarty->assign("url_cms", $cms->url_cms()); $smarty->assign("url_smartytpl", $cms->url_smartytpl()); $smarty->assign("cmsversion", $cms->cmsversion()); $smarty->display("admin/index/index2.tpl"); exit; } // Prelevo il codice dal cookie $codice = $_COOKIE[$func->cookie()]; // Mi connetto al database $db->connettidb(); // Elimino il codice dal database $query = $db->query("UPDATE utenti SET codice='' WHERE codice='{$codice}'"); // Mi disconnetto dal database $db->disconnettidb(); // Effettuo il logout distruggendo il cookie setcookie($func->cookie(), '', time() - 1, "/"); // Dirigo l' utente verso la index header("Location: index.php"); exit;